Biographical Sketch. FRANCES ELIZABETH WILLARD. FRANCES E. WILLARD, { Born at Churchville, N. Y., September 28, 1839. FEW Not by the page, word painted, Deeper than written scroll The colors of the soul. — Whittier. EW persons have lived in any age whose power for good has been as remarkable and as widely extended as that of Miss Willard. Both by intellect and by education she was fitted to be a leader. The radicalness of her views was tempered by her logic, and her logic, in turn, was tempered by her heart,—a magnificent trinity of tools for a reformer. "Were I a woman, I would rather have been Frances Willard than the Queen of England," said a New York clergyman on hearing of her death. Miss Willard was next to the youngest in a family of five children. When she was but two years old her parents removed to Oberlin, Ohio, and the next five years of her life were spent in the shadow of the great college. Then came another move, this time in three emigrant wagons, to Wisconsin, where the twelve most important years of her life, the formative years, were passed. In 1858 the final move was made, and the Willards settled down permanently in Evanston, Ill. Through all the changes of home, Miss Willard's education had not been neglected. Madame Willard was quite competent to direct the youthful mind, and for five years she was "In Temperanceville they have so few saloons that the young men are rapidly getting out from under thy sway, and I humbly suggest the imperative necessity of a special order on the Stygian Manufactory for six well-instructed and experienced imps, who shall put it into the heads of six men, now engaged in other business, to open six saloons, as business is so lively at Cincinnati and Peoria that we can spare none of our already enlisted forces." "Tut! tut!" roared the devil. "I can beat that device with only half trying. Send a beer-drinking pastor to Temperanceville and let him preach in favor of the Business Men's Moderation Society, and show up the idiotic theories of those stiff-necked teetotalers." Number Three now ventured to suggest that in Tippleton the women had opened a Sunday afternoon meeting and had given out that they should offer a free lunch at the polls at the approaching election day. He therefore asked for a detailed escort of friends who should be commanded to set fire to the temperance reading-room and drive the president of the W. C. T. U. raving distracted. "You are a callow young limb of perdition to go so clumsily about your business," roared the devil. "I won't send a special squad, for they are all employed in the saloons working up the voting lists against the next election, in the interests of the whiskey governor; but do you go and put it into the head of Deacon Setbones to prove to that W. C. T. U. president that the Scriptures do plainly teach that it is a sin and shame for a woman to speak in any public place, and that the whole spirit of Christianity is set against the insane notion of a woman's undertaking to preside at an electioneering lunch down at the polls." And now comes the last and most lugubrious-looking messenger, with his doleful story to relate: "I ask that pestilence and famine be let loose, for I am terribly alarmed for the stability of thy kingdom in the province of which Chicago (otherwise Beeropolis) is the chief city. For be it known unto Your Majesty, there is a serious revolt among those whom thou hast kept in strict subordination, lo, these centuries! The women are rousing themselves to the cry of 'home protection,' studying into the structure of the government, tracing back to their source the temptations that have so admirably succeeded in capturing boys and men for thy great armies. These frightful women, neglecting their proper sphere and the submission that has been so long their convenient characteristic, have actually dared to publish figures showing that the majority of voters is on thy side and that thus thou dost hold thyself in power by keeping thine ambassador, King Alcohol, intrenched among the people." Here the fiendish messenger turned a sickly yellow and gasped with rage, as he concluded his awful revelations in these words: They even ask—and many ministers, church editors, and other strong allies of Him whom thou didst tempt and crucify are asking for them-the power to vote upon all questions relating to the sale of alcoholic drinks!" Oh, what a scene was that! The devil quaked in every limb, his sharp knees smote together, and a howl of hellish hate and rage rang through the sulphurous air of the dark council chamber, as he cried: "Away with you, fools that you are! Talk of letting loose famine and pestilence! If things have reached this pass, if the women have discovered that the side always wins which has the most votes, let me make haste. I'll send no stupid, clumsy-footed subaltern in an emergency like this! I'll steal in among those timid and silly rebels who have always hated me and sought the triumph of Him who wore the thorn-crown, and from a thousand pulpits I'll declare that woman leaves her home on this vile errand at the peril of society; that you can not carry temperance, much less the Gospel into politics; and that on the day when woman votes, the home will fall in everlasting ruin, and woman herself turn into a Jezebel!" Exeunt omnes. PROHIBITION'S BUGLE CALL. MRS. LIDE MERIWETHER. MEN of purpose, sound the tocsin For the fray; Men of courage, raise the war-cry, Through the darksome forest streaming, Into day; Men of purpose, truth and courage, Lo! the waiting ground is ready Men of purpose, firin and steady. Break the soil! Thickly sow the good seed over, Straight and true the furrows cover, Woman's friend and children's lover, Foeman strong, with roar and rattie, Flock around; Soldiers in the coming battle, Stand your ground! No time now to halt or blunder- Cleave their gleaming ranks asunder, While the nations watch and wonder, Through the cannon's smoke and thunder, Men of purpose, sound the tocsin For the fray; Men of courage, shout the war-cry, Hand in hand, in strength outgoing, Men of purpose, strength and courage, WHY I OBJECT TO HIGH LICENSE. REV. J. B. TURNER. OBJECT to high license, first, because the scheme is acceptable to the liquor interest. It meets the views of honest (?) saloon-keepers, for it would, in reality, be their best protection, and not inimical to their interests. Exactly so. Especially so, since the rumble of coming prohibition fills their ears. The Brewers' and Distillers' Association of Illinois have decided to make no objection to the existing law before the present Legislature and let things take their course. They are satisfied with it. Their experience with license laws in general has taught them that behind the law they have nothing to fear. Protection is just what they want; the withdrawal of protection is just what they fear. Second, high license corrupts the source of authority—the people. It may not be true that it is advocated principally for purposes of revenue. It is only claimed that this is no slight consideration. It is true, nevertheless, that every such law, sooner or later, comes to be valued chiefly as a means of revenue, to a degree that haunts the public conscience and sadly influences public opinion as to glaring evils. As long as a large portion of the nation's revenue comes from the |