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circular shape, shallow in the crown and very neat. A great concourse of people soon collected; and when the captains arrived they immediately came hands, some of them instantly asking for forward, and saluted us by shaking snuff. The children, though they had seen White people before, were shy, and some shewed much timidity, but a little attention soon made them familiar. The chief presented us with two pots full of thick milk, which, from its cool. ing effects, was very agreeable, the weather being sultry. He tasted both that they contained nothing poisonous.” before he presented them, to shew Vol. I. pp. 122, 123.

with lions. The waggons forded the Orange River, where it was a quarter of a mile broad, and soon brought them to Griqua Town. Here are a small missionary settlement, and a school, conducted according to the British system, of more than one hundred children, who appear to make good progress in their education. On arriving at New Lattakoo, our author was received in a friendly manner by the King Mateebe, and by the Chief of Mashow, an adjoining territory. A missionary station had been formed at Lattakoo, since the former visit of Mr. Campbell, and From Old Lattakoo Mr. Campa commodious place of worship bell proceeded to Meribohwhey, in erected, capable of containing four the Tammaha country. It may hundred persons. Mr. Campbell here be observed, once for all, that was encouraged to proceed farther the natives of this part of Africa, north, notwithstanding the fate of as in most other districts of savage Dr. Cowan and his party, who life, are divided into an infinite were murdered by the natives, number of small tribes, passing some years ago. The reply of under different names, but appearMateebe to Mr. Campbell when he ing to have no regular acknowproposed to visit the King of Ma. ledged boundaries, and being much show is remarkable: "I will never confounded together by a similarity hinder the progress of the word of of features, language, manners, and God." Old Lattakoo is a place customs. Excepting that all of fifty miles to the north of the New them own independent chieftains, Town, and each contains a popu- and make predatory incursions lation of about four thousand. upon their neighbours, they have The people of this country are perhaps little more right to be conmost persevering dancers. The sidered separate races of men, than dance which was given in honour the different inhabitants of our Engof Mr. Campbell's arrival, con- lish counties. Mr. Campbell's work tinued six hours, without interrup- abounds with hard, unpronouncetion, and without weariness. They able names of countries which no are also wonderfully fond of European probably ever heard of snuff, and emptied his boxes with- before. But many of these crabout mercy. The following pas- bed appellations are in reality the sage presents a not unpleasing distinctions of a people amongst picture of this uncultivated race of whom little real difference of nabeings. tional character is to be found. It must be admitted, at the same time, that these tribes exhibit some considerable varieties. Perhaps, the most palpable feature of improvement which can be mentioned, as distinguishing civilized from savage life, consists in the possession of a written language. The tribes of Southern Africa are totally destitute of this. But the degrees of barbarism are as numerous as the

"On entering Old Lattakoo," says Mr. Campbell," the inhabitants of all descriptions, old and young, rushed out from every quarter towards the waggons. We found Mahoomoo Peloo (or Richheart) the chief, in the square, in the middle of the town,sitting with some of his principal captains on each side of him, ready to receive us. He was employed in sewing a leather cap. Two women who stood near him, were ccupied in making rush bonnets of a

degrees of civilization; and the progress of the natives, in some of the most common and useful arts, seems to advance, as we proceed farther northward into the interior. The following description of African scenery is not uninteresting. Mr. Campbell is chiefly describing the country between Old Lattakoo and Meribohwhey.

"During the whole of my journey, from the Cape to Lattakoo, the surface of the ground was bare, except on the banks of rivers; but here, as far as could be seen in every direction, it was covered with wood. The trees were not close to each other, but scattered, and sometimes in clumps, having the appearance of a nobleman's park. The only part of Africa I had observed in the former journey at all resembling it was in the neighbourhood of the Malalareen River, about a hundred miles to the eastward of New Lattakoo. Long grass grew every where among the trees; and, though on the verge of winter, the heat and the scenery around had the feeling and appearance of an English summer. Therm. 80. It differs from Zureveld (or Albany), that part of the colony bordering on Caffraria to which the emigrants have gone. There, the woods are very extensive; but they are almost impenetrable, except to Caffres. In this part of Africa, the traveller thinks himself surrounded by a wood which he never reaches, the trees seeming to separate as he advances." Vol. I. pp. 133, 134.

His account of a sermon, preached to the natives of these parts, who now heard a Christian missionary for the first time, is a piece of moral scenery which is still more interest ing.

"24th. At nine A. M. the tent was filled with the principal men, and a numerous congregation opposite the tent-door;-when I addressed them on the manifestations of God's power, wisdom, &c. in his works, by which they were surrounded; of his intimate knowledge of their thoughts, words, and actions; the need which they and all nations have of a Saviour; and that God had provided the very Saviour they needed. I concluded by stating that our chief business at Meribohwhey was to declare the good news unto

them. The interpreter sat at the tentdoor, and repeated in their language what was said, with an audible voice. It was very gratifying to observe the silence and attention that prevailed during the whole time." Vol. 1. pp.

167, 168.

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Mr. Campbell proceeded to Mashow. "Walking on the outside of the town," he says, we counted seven or eight villages around, or rather divisions of the place. Ascending two eminences to see the extent of their cultivated land, we had a view of several hundred acres of Caffre corn: many of the stalks were eight and nine feet high, and had a fine appearance."-The agriculture of these tribes is confined to patches in the immediate vicinity of their towns; all the rest of the country being either forest, wilderness, or pasture-land. Their riches consist chiefly in cattle, particularly oxen, which seem to thrive greatly in these parts. Inoculation for the small-pox prevails among the natives of Mashow, and is said to have been derived from White men to the north-east, doubtless the Portuguese of Mozambique, who might have been the means of propagating the distemper itself among the natives of the interior, as well as its alleviation. population, in and about Mashow, amounts to ten or twelve thousand; and the circuit of the cornfields, belonging to this population, is not less than twenty miles. The buffalo and rhinoceros, as well as lions, abound here, and are very large and ferocious. In these countries, it appears that the king is executioner, as well as judge.


"A message came from the king to the people in the square near the waggons, requiring some men to come and assist him in punishing a criminal. Several instantly ran to assist, and we followed them to a neighbouring inclosure. The young man was laid flat on the ground, and four men held his arms and legs: the king stood at his head and a servant at his feet, both having large whips of the rhinoceros skin, resembling a lady's whip in Eng

land, but nearly twice the length. With these they scourged his back with great force. When he had received a good beating, the king was requested to be satisfied. He immediately desisted, and ordered his servaut to cease beating also. The young man, on rising, began to say something, no doubt on his own behalf; but he was instantly and severely struck by one of those who had assisted to punish him : on attempting to speak a second time, he received the same

treatment as before, on which he went quietly and put on his cloak." "The king retained his ordinary placid countenance the whole time: he appeared to be performing merely an act of justice. The crime was stealing a goat. It must have been a summary business, for the king was at the waggons only a short time before it happened. He had heard the case, passed judgment, and put it in execution with his own hands, all in the course of a few minutes.

"These people consider it so unmanly to cry out when receiving punishment, that had this person done so, it was thought they would have thrust their spears into his body." Vol. I. pp. 182


By the custom of these tribes, it is unlawful for the husband to leave the wife during child-bed; a singular trait of humanity, which seems very inconsistent with the general complexion of their manners. Domestic slavery appears to exist among them; though Mr. Campbell informs us, that " they

knew of no nation who sold men.'

This must relate to their ignorance of the European traffic in human beings; an abomination, compared with which all other forms of slavery, or the slave-trade, seem light and venial; for we find from Mr. Campbell himself, that parents will sometimes, in cases of extreme bunger, sell their children in exchange for food, and "the child of a servant they will part with for a trifle." It does not appear, however, that they ever make prisoners. "When the Bootshuana tribes attack a Bushman kraal, to revenge robberies of cattle, they kill men, women, and children;-women, say they, to prevent their breeding

more thieves; and children, to prevent them from becoming, thieves like their parents." Though there is horrible cruelty in their practice, there is some ingenuity in their reasoning. The Bushmen are no less wanting in humanity. They even abandon the aged among themselves to starvation, and sometimes expose them to be torn in pieces by wild beasts. A shocking story to this effect is related in Vol. II. p. 235.

"Kars, the Griqua, said that the Bushman sitting yonder (pointing to a man in the tent) had an aged mother-inlaw. During the absence of the son-inlaw from home, her own daughter, who is his wife, dragged the old woman into the field, and left her alive among the bushes, where she was torn to pieces by the wolves that same night. On asking the man if he did not think it cruel to drag the poor woman to the field to perish; with the utmost indifference he answered, that it was not he but his wife who did it."

From Mashow, Mr. Campbell travelled to Kurreechane, the farthest point of his journey northwards. On his road, he observed vast quantities of game. In some parts,

"the whole country appeared to be a boundless forest." He passed "many old cattle inclosures, built of stone, some parts as neatly done as if they had been erected by European workmen." Mr. Campbell gives the following description of his caravan.

"Travelling in the plain without trees we had the first full view of our whole caravan. Waggons, men, women, children, oxen, and sheep, in different companies, extended about a mile. Fortyfive loaded pack-oxen behind each other, occupied a considerable space. All the men carried assagais, and the women either children, or something else, on their backs, shoulders, or heads. On viewing them, I could not help wishing that all the Missionary Society had been present to witness so singular a scene; Hottentots, Matchappees, Tam. mahas, Mashows, and Marootzees, all exhibiting something different in their Vol. I. pp. 209, 210. persons, dress, or implements, &c."

It appears, from the following extract, that something like the cairn of our forefathers, is to be found in the interior of Africa.

"At the summit of the ascent we found a large heap of small stones, which had been raised by each passenger adding a stone to the heap: it was intended as a monument of respect to the memory of a king from a remote nation who was killed in the vicinity, and whose head and hands were interred in that spot." Vol. I. pp. 217, 218.

Kurreechane is the chief town of the Marootzee nation. It is situated, if Mr. Campbell's map be correct, nearly in the 24th degree of S. lat. ten degrees lower than the Cape of Good Hope, and about 900 miles distant, in an E. N. E. direction from that settlement. Its distance from Lattakoo, the farthest point of his first journey, may be about 250 miles. Mr. Campbell supposes the population of this place to amount to no fewer than 16,000 souls. From his drawing, it appears to consist of a number of districts, composed of neat huts, of a circular form; some of them are plastered on the outside, and painted red or yellow. The interior of one house, which our author has sketched, exhibits a uniform circle of pillars supporting the roof, and has an air of neatness, regularity, and rude embellishment, which we should hardly have expected to meet with in these countries. A circular yard,bounded by a stone fence, encompasses every two or three of these respectable hovels. The inhabitants cover the ground of their

Mr. Campbell's drawings are not ill executed, with the exception of the frontispiece, which is somewhat confused. Here, amidst a crowd of wag. gons and oxen, we just manage to distinguish the figure of Mr. Campbell, with his well-known umbrella over his head. We should almost as soon expect to meet him without his head, as without his umbrella. He appears, however, under far more moderate dimensions, than in the frontispiece to his first book of travels.

yards with soft wrought clay, which they smooth by rolling hard vessels over it. Every family has a storehouse for corn, which is preserved ed, and holding each ten or twelve in clay vessels, neatly manufacturbushels. It appears that the sugar cane of the West Indies though the natives are ignorant of grows here, the art of extracting sugar from it, The specimens which our author gives of their pottery are highly respectable; the vessels being of good forms, and regularly ornamented.

"In some houses," Mr. Campbelltells us, "there were figures, pillars, &c. carved or moulded in hard clay, and painted with different colours, that would not have disgraced European workmen. They are indeed an ingeni. ous people. We saw among them varidifferent colours, and glazed, for holdous vessels, formed of clay, painted of ing water, milk, food, and a kind of beer, made from corn. They had also pots of clay, of all sizes, and very strong. Every part of their houses and yards is kept very clean. They smelt maker took us to see one furnace, in both iron and copper. The rainbuilt of clay, almost equal in hardness which they smelted the iron. It was to stone. A round opening was left at excavation underneath for holding the the top for receiving the ore, and an fire, which was open behind and before, not only for admitting the fuel, but also

the wind from the bellows." Vol. I.

p. 228.

king dies without issue by his eldest It is a custom here, when the queen, for the brother of the deceased to marry her; and the son of such a marriage is legally viewed as a child of the deceased. This is a curious circumstance, bearing a striking resemblance to the ancient custom which prevailed among the Jews.-The traditionary knowledge of the Marootzee people, only reached through a line of eleven monarchs.

"It is remarkable," says Mr. Campbell," how little information can be obtained from the natives of South Africa, even of countries which they have

visited. They take notice of nothing but beads and cattle.

"The Marootzee is the seventh nation beyond the colony I had visited, and I was never once asked a single question respecting the people or country whence I came. Beads and cattle are the only subjects which engross their attention. Selfishness is the predominant vice of savage life in every country." Vol. I. pp. 242, 243.

There is sometimes a little inconsistency in Mr. Campbell's representations of these African tribes. They appear to have taken considerable notice of the missionaries, whom, on more than one occasion, they regarded as gods. The curiosity of the people to see us," Mr. Campbell observes, " was great they rushed forth from their houses when we passed."

Again ;


"On returning to the waggons we found them surrounded by more people than we had yet seen. A great concourse also encircled the fire, to observe the Hottentots cooking the victuals. For

the accommodation of those who were behind, the ten or twelve nearest rows sat on the ground, and some were holding up young people that they might see over the heads of others. When dinner was put down, we extended the tent-door as wide as possible, to allow as many as we could to have a view of our manner of eating, which we knew was what they wanted. The different things before us, and our method of using them, afforded topics for animated discussion among the spectators." Vol. I. p. 229.

"A greater number of natives attended worship in the evening than on any former occasion. The singing of the Hottentots attracted much notice from them." Vol. I. p. 239.

We cannot resist the temptation of presenting our readers with an amusing account of the peetso, or general meeting of chiefs at Kurreechane, though the extract is rather long.

"In the course of my walk during the morning, I met a party of armed men marching to the outer districts of the town to summon the captains to the peetso, and in one of the streets I pass

ed Moeelway with ten or twelve men, painting each other's bodies with wet pipe-clay of a French grey colour.

"About eleven A. M. companies of twenty or thirty men began to arrive in the public inclosure where the waggons stood, marching two and two as regularly as any trained regiment. Most of them were armed with four assagais, or spears, and had also battle-axes, and shields made of the hide of an ox. On entering the gate they immediately began to exhibit their war manœuvres in a terrific manner, now advancing, then retreating, and suddenly returning to the attack; sometimes also imitating the stabbing of an enemy. The height of Each company, after performing these their leaps into the air was surprising. evolutions, retired from the square and paraded through the town.

"At length the Regent entered at the head of a large party, who, after going through their evolutions, sat down towards the eastern corner of the square, after which the other companies soon entered, and took their stations in regular rows with their faces towards the Regent, who presided on the occasion, himself, facing the meeting. Between The party that came with him sat, like three and four hundred persons might compose the peetso.

"The meeting commenced by the whole company joining in singing a song; after which a chief captain rose and commanded silence. He then gave three howls, and, resting upon his assagais, asked if they would hear him? This was followed by a hum expressive of their assent. He then asked if they would give attention to what he said? The sign was repeated.

"He began by expressing his suspi. cions that it was the Boquain nation who had lately stolen some of their cattle, and insisted that a commando should he pointed his assagai to the north, the be sent against them: on saying this, direction in which the Boquains lived, as if in the act of throwing it towards them. The meeting testified its approbation, according to the custom of the people, by whistling. He spoke favourably of the visit from the strangers.

"Moeelway (the young King of the Marootzee), was then called upon to dance before them, that they might have an opportunity of cheering him. He is a fine-looking young man, about six feet high. He wore the red nightcap I had given him, tied round with gilt tinsel

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