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Pure Linen Sheets, a very scarce commodity anywhere these days, are here in abundance, in every required size. We cannot guarantee present prices after the end of this month.

Of both Sheets and Pillow Cases we have literally thousands of pairs, and the greater part of these came from Belgium nearly two years ago; little or nothing has come out of Belgium since that time.

Linen Pillow Cases-$2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.50 to 6.00 per pair.
Linen Bolster Cases-$2.25, 4.50, 5.00 each.

Hemstitched Linen Sheets

Single Bed, $10.50, 12.50, 13.75 to 32.50 per pair.

Double Bed, $14.50, 17.50, 20.00, 22.50 to 36.00 per pair.

10,000 Dozen

Pure Linen Towels

Hemstitched, $3.50, 4.00, 4.50 to 42.00 doz.

Hemmed, $2.75, 5.00, 5.50 to 9.00 doz.

Bath Towels (Turkish), 25c, 30, 40, 50 to $3.00 each.

Now is the time to lay in a stock of Household Linens before prices go higher. They are bound to advance in the very near future owing to increasing scarcity of goods.

Orders by mail given special attention

James McCutcheon & Co. Fifth Ave., 34th & 33d Sts., N. Y.

Magazines for U.S. Soldiers and Sailors Should be Current and Clean

Postmaster Patten, of New York City, invites attention to the fact that many of the unwrapped, unaddressed magazines mailed by the public at the one-cent postage rate for soldiers and sailors are useless for the purpose intended, some being so old as no longer to be of any interest, some are torn and soiled and unfit for further use, while others are of such character as to be wholly unsuited for reading matter for soldiers and sailors.

Publications mailed under the arrangement referred to should consist of clean copies of current or comparatively recent issues of magazines devoted to literature or containing matter of general interest. It should be borne in mind that the magazines are distributed merely in a very general manner and that it is not practicable to place those devoted to special subjects or which are merely of local or restricted interest in the hands of particular soldiers or sailors.

Many of the magazines are not suitable for the use intended, and the public is therefore requested to exercise discretion in this connection and mail only such magazines as will be appropriate and likely to be of interest to the men in the camps.


What is described as "the world's largest apartment-house" is just completed. It is situated on Madison Avenue, New York City, and covers two entire city blocks. There are 1,536 living-rooms, comprising 108 apartment suites. These suites rent at from $7,000 to $17,000 each. The cost of this great structure was about $8,000,000, exclusive of the land.

The standardized war truck designed by members of the Society of Automotive Engineers has been approved by the Government, so the "Automobile Trade Journal" reports, and orders for 10,000 parts have been placed. This means eventually ten thousand completed five-ton motor trucks for army use probably the most gigantic fleet of standardized war machines that has ever been constructed.

A photograph of a family including members of five generations is published in a New York paper. The oldest in the group is Mrs. Margaret Varron, aged ninety-two; the youngest is Mrs. Varron's great-greatgranddaughter, Arline Pokorny, aged one.

Little Miss Pokorny," the newspaper comments, "is considered by the neighbors to be the luckiest little girl in all the city, for if mother is too busy to comfort her childish sorrows there is grandmother to act. Or if grandmother is engaged else where, great-grandma stands by. And of course if a poor little girl can't be cuddled and comforted by any one of these doting relatives, there remains great-great-grandmother as the court of last resort."

Apropos of " ordinary " and "identical" twins, mentioned recently in this department, a soldier in the One Hundred and Seventh Infantry (formerly the Seventh of New York) writes: "Arthur and Albert —, twins, lived in my tent, and their corporal never learned to distinguish them. I have seen Artie 'repeat' on the mess line when Albert was absent. When twentysix of us were drawn by lot to go to France, Arthur was picked and is overseas, while Albert is with us. I know his name is Albert but I do not know which one he is."

The queen hen of Minnesota, a subscriber writes, is called "Northwest Queen No. 117," and has a record of 235 eggs in twelve months. Another Western hen, "Mollie Wellington," coming from the milder clime of southern California, appeared in the New York City poultry show this winter with a record of 325 eggs in twelve months and 695 in two years and a half.

The unexampled gales and snowdrifts of last winter induced the Union Pacific Railroad to begin the construction of concrete snowsheds at exposed places on its line. The largest section has been erected at Rock River, Wyoming, near which place not only were there serious troubles on account of snowdrifts last winter, but the peculiar phenomenon of the blowing of sand was experienced. At one time during last February six inches of sand, containing much alfalfa hay, roots and all, was deposited on the top of the snowdrifts near Rock River.

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By the Way (Continued)

the amenities of old-time American frontier journalism: "Yesterday a correspondent of a City contemporary suggested a Municipal Museum. The Corporation could easily spare a few fossils to give it a start."

"Cornell University has the largest armory in New York State," Dr. Schurman, the University's President, is quoted as saying. "We have 2,100 rifles and there are 2,000 men constantly under military training. . . . There are 1,000 students of aviation at this school."

A cheering indication of a "good time coming," or already here, is that the Bowery "bread line" has disappeared for want of patronage. The unemployed of former years who waited in line on that thoroughfare of the proletariat for a loaf of bread to ward off starvation are seemingly all in possession of "jobs."

To the ordinary risks of sea travel the perils of steaming at night with lights out are now added. "Shipping" notes the increasing number of collisions due to this cause, and says that several cases have recently come before the courts involving novel points as to accidents caused in this


It is pleasant to read, in times when we fear all activities abroad are militaristic, this note from a "Paris letter" in the "American Art News:" "An exhibition of French art will be held at Madrid in the spring, at the same time as one of Spanish art in Paris. . . . Great encouragement and satisfaction have come to French artists and the French public from the success of recent exhibitions abroad. The one at Zurich in the autumn exceeded all expectations. Every nuance of modern French art seems to have been represented in it.”

Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy's home, has, it is reported, been destroyed by a mob of peasants. Such news would seem incredible were it not for the fact that most revolutions witness outbreaks of insane destructiveness, the running amuck of groups of zealots who do not distinguish between friend and foe. That the memory of Tolstoy, the peasants' friend, should thus be assailed is a sad comment on the depths to which some of his countrymen have fallen.

The capture of Jerusalem by the British under General Allenby has revived an ancient Moslem prophecy, according to a correspondent of the New York "Sun," which declared that the conqueror of Jerusalem would enter the city on foot and that his name would be the combined names of God and the Prophet. General Allenby, the story goes, fits the prophecy; his name is considered to be a combination of Allah, meaning God, and nehbi, meaning the Prophet.

If a boy's ambition is to be a successful man of affairs, it would seem that he would do well to begin by selecting parents in very moderate circumstances. "Forbes' Magazine" shows that among fifty notably successful Americans only nine had "rich parents, seventeen had parents in "moderate" circumstances, while the parents of twenty-four are classed as "poor.", Among those whose parents were "rich are J. Ogden Armour, Cyrus H. McCormick, J. P. Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt. Those whose forebears were "poor" include Andrew Carnegie, Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, and F. W. Woolworth.

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Are Prepared

To report upon the intrinsic value (as far as may be ascertained) of present or prospective investments for individuals, corporations or estates, and give counsel to those who may be seeking investments.

To negotiate special loans or find new capital for legitimate enterprises.

To undertake the sale, reorganization, merger or combination of growing industrial or commercial concerns.

To act as intermediary between bankers and business men when, as in many cases, the services of an intermediary are desirable. To advise in regard to questions of financial or commercial policy.

With Mr. J. S. Raphael, who has been for a long time associated with him, Mr. Theo. H. Price has organized the above firm that the many requests for his counsel and services in financial and commercial matters that are constantly reaching him may be more intelligently dealt with. A reasonable charge (to be agreed upon in advance) will be made for services rendered.



This year YOU must pay an Income Tax

Don't feel that the new income tax does not apply to you-you may be pretty sure it does.

Single persons with incomes of $83.33 or more a month ($1,000 or more a year) and married persons with incomes of $166.66 or more a month ($2,000 or more a year) must file a statement of this income with the Government. It is only the income above $1,000 and $2,000 which is taxed.

This statement must be filed on a form which the Internal Revenue Representative in your community has. To locate him, ask your employer, the Postmaster, or any Banker.

Get the necessary form at once. Your statement must be filed before March first and you must not neglect it-for two reasons: First: it is your patriotic duty in helping to win the war. Second: there are severe penalties to be visited upon you if do neglect it.


This announcement is published by The Outlook at the request of the Treasury Department to help the Government collect these taxesand thus aid in winning the war.


Advertising rates are: Hotels and Resorts, Apartments, Camps, Tours and Travel, Real Estate, Live Stock and Poultry, fifty cents per agate line, four columns to the page. Not less than four lines accepted. In calculating space required for an advertisement, count an average of six words to the line unless display type is desired.

"Want" advertisements, under the various headings, "Board and Rooms," "Help Wanted," etc., ten cents for each word or initial, including the address for each insertion. The first word of each "Want" advertisement is set in capital letters without additional charge. Other words may be set in capitals, if desired, at double rates. If answers are to be addressed in care of The Outlook, twenty-five cents is charged for the box number named in the advertisement. Replies will be forwarded by us to the advertiser and bill for postage rendered. Special headings appropriate to the department may be arranged for on application. Orders and copy for Classified Advertisements must be received with remittance ten days before the Wednesday on which it is intended the advertisement shall first appear. Address: ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, THE OUTLOOK, 381 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY

Tours and Travel


Hotels and Resorts


HOTEL JUDSON 53 Washing-
ton Square
adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms
with and without bath. Rates $2.50 per day,
including meals. Special rates for two weeks
or more. Location very central. Convenient

VIA PANAMA CANAL to all elevated and street car lines.

Direct, without change, on new American steamships. NEW YORK-VALPARAISO Stopping at principal ports of Peru and Chile. Illustrated folder and in

formation on request.



Passenger Department

Telephone Broad 5570.

Hotels and Resorts


If You Are Tired or Not Feeling Well


Write for
Booklet "0."




Albemarle Park
Asheville, N.C.

One of those
"wholly satisfying "
places found once in
a while and never
forgotten; simple,
perfect service, in-


trated comfort.

Perfect Golf

in a

Perfect Climate

All other sports
in perfection.

In America -- An English Inn


Excellent Place

you cannot find a more comfortable place in To Winter Your Horses.

New England than


GREENFIELD, MASS. It affords all the comforts of home without extravagance. Outdoor sports if desired. Good sleighing and skating is now being enjoyed.




Fine Track-No Mud,

Best Stables in the South

Weekly events throughout season.

Also the Mecca for
Golf, Tennis, Trap Shooting, Rifle
Range, Riding and Driving, etc.
Now Open

Montague, Hicks, and Remsen Streets THE CAROLINA


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

3 excellent Hotels
Booklet on request
Pinehurst Office, Pinehurst, N.C.
or Leonard Tufts, Boston, Mass.

[blocks in formation]

A BEAUTIFUL WINTER HOME AT PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA In the Land of Golf, Balmy Air and Brilliant Sunshine-An Ideal Place for Your Children BOXWOOD COURT, one of the most complete estates in Pinehurst, will be leased for the winter season at a reasonable rental. The main part of the bungalow is two stories in height; the two wings are one story each. House contains seven master's bedrooms and five bathrooms, with two showers. Fireplaces in every bedroom. The living-room is a large, beautifully proportioned room, with beamed ceiling and ample stone fireplaces at each end. This room has been called "one of the most beautiful rooms in America." In addition, there is a den, with fireplace; handsome, summy dining room; ample servants' quarters; and two garages. The house is completely and tastefully furnished, including silver, linen and blankets. Firewood is abundant and reasonable in price. The grounds, some 3% acres in extent, are laid out in lawns, attractive shrub planting and beautiful gardens. Vio lets in bloom all winter. Pinehurst has good schools for children. For additional information and details address BOXWOOD COURT, Room 705, 18 East 41st Street, New York City.

Health Resorts

LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick
Doylestown, Pa. An institution devoted to
People to Get Well
the personal study and specialized treat-
ment of the invalid. Massage, Electricity,
Hydrotherapy. Apply for circular to
(late of The Walter Sanitarium)

[blocks in formation]

HE BETHESDA, White Plains, N. Y. A sanitarium for convalescence, treatment and rest. Large, sunny rooms. Graduate nurses. Address for terms, Alice Gates Bugbee, M.D.

Dr. Reeves' Sanitarium

A Private Home for chronic, nervous, and mental patients. Also elderly people requiring care. Harriet E. Reeves, M.D., Melrose, Masa.


Business Situations RAILROAD traffic inspectors wanted. $125 a month and expenses to start; short hours; travel; three months' home study under guarantee; we arrange for position. No age limit. Ask for booklet L 16. Frontier Prep. School, Buffalo, N. Y.

WANTED-A bright, active, and well educated young woman, who is likewise a firstclass stenographer and typewriter. Answer in own handwriting, stating age, where edu cated, and business experience, though business experience not absolutely necessary. 5,580, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers

CAFETERIA managers, dietitians, ma trons, housekeepers, secretaries, governesses, mothers' helpers. Miss Richards, 49 Westminster St., Providence. Boston, Thursdays, 11 to 1-16 Jackson Hall, Trinity Court.

YOUNG or middle-aged Protestant woman to assist mother in care of two children. 5,576, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools and colleges. Send for bulletin. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.

WANTED-Young man with experience as companion and tutor for boy fifteen years old. Will want the right kind of man for some time to come. Reference exchanged. Charles H. Wilson, Pittsfield, Mass.

DIETITIANS, $70. Family housekeeper, $100. Governesses, $50-75. Visiting resident teachers. School secretary, $50. Hopkins' Educational Agency, 507 Fifth Avenue.

SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers POSITION as seamstress with family or institution. 5,573, Outlook.

WANTED, by practical nurse, in private home, two small children to care for. Good home training. 5,574, Outlook.

HOUSEKEEPER.-Woman of education and refinement, thoroughly competent, desires position in family where servants are kept. Mrs. Bell, 124 West 82d St., New York. WOMAN of refinement and experience desires position as companion or managing housekeeper. Capable of entire supervision of

ROSE VALLEY SANITARIUM children. Best references. 5,577, Outlook.


Box D, Media, Pa. For treatment
of disease by Osteopathy and allied physi-
ological methods, including Fruit, Milk,
and other Scientific Diets: Hydrother-
apy Massage; Corrective Exercise:
Sun, Light, and Air baths, etc. Ideal for
rest and recreation. Booklet on request.


Newfoundland, New Jersey

A quiet, restful health resort among the hills
of northern New Jersey. Large sunny porch;
dry, exhilarating air. All forms of hydrother-
apy and massage under medical supervision.
Believing that there is a curable physical basis
for most chronic ailments, we seek the under-
lying cause through a scientific study of each
individual case. Booklet sent on application.

Woodlawn Sanitarium

YOUNG lady desires position as companion. 5,578, Outlook.

COMPANION.-Widow, accustomed refined home, age 35, willing to direct servants, excellent buyer, assist in every way. Good health, cheerful disposition. Write details. 5,581, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses ART curator or superintendent, by middleaged woman of long experience. 5,569, Outlook. EDUCATED Englishwoman desires few hours' governessing daily, New York, vicinity. English, French, German, etc. 5,584, Outlook. WOMAN teacher, visiting or resident. English subjects, French, German, art, piano. 5,582, Outlook.

GRADUATE teacher of backward children wants position as resident tutor for backward child. New York University, Vineland Train ing School; speech-correction, stuttering. stammering. Experience nursing. Massage, corrective gymnastics, manual training, kin dergarten. Entire training. Highly recom mended by leading nerve specialists. 5,583, Outlook. Epileptics

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The Outlook and Public Questions

THERE is widespread discussion of the phrase "Business as Usual."

Two months ago, in the issue of November 7, to be exact, The Outlook published an editorial in which these words were used:

We should prefer to use, instead of the slogan "Business as usual," the slogan "Quality first." We must have quality in our men in the trenches, quality in their equipment, quality in the intelligence and spirit of the officers who direct them, and quality in the business at home which is going to supply them with the food, clothing, and munitions that they must have in order to fight our battles.

In the course of this editorial The Outlook endeavored to define economy. Its definition so interested the editor of the "house organ" of one of the foremost automobile concerns in America that he reprinted the definition on his editorial pages in the typographical form

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does not necessarily mean buying a
cheap thing. In fact, the purchase of a
cheap article is often the worst kind of
extravagance, and the right kind of ex-
penditure is always thrift. In times of
peace a consumer can get on even when
he buys cheap things, employing the
word cheap in its obnoxious sense. He
can buy a cheap suit of clothes, and if in
the first rain-storm it shrinks or fades or
the dye runs, he has plenty of money
to buy another suit the next day. But
in time of war he cannot and must not
do this. He must insist on getting
quality and durability for his money,
for whatever he buys must be bought
to last."

November 7, 1917

which we here reproduce, adding that it was expressed with The Outlook's "usual sanity."

In these days of anxiety and exasperation and criticism we can think of no compliment more desirable for a newspaper than to call it a sane interpreter of public questions.

Two letters from the morning mail, which have just been handed to the writer of this page, are offered as confirmatory evidence for the complimentary verdict of our friendly automobile contemporary.

The other letter comes from a clergyman in Mississippi :

I should have to be "hard up" indeed before I parted with a paper which I have subscribed to for fifteen years and have read with sustained interest and profit.

You say something about appreciating a personal letter. Very well. Now here is what I can say quite truthfully: It takes a certain amount of moral courage to be an Outlook reader and to pass on to others what The Outlook says. Why? Because The Outlook is apt to be about a neck ahead in the editorial race for the right understanding of the times, and to ride The Outlook is to have a feeling of pioneer lonesomeness (I hope you admire these marvelously consistent metaphors). But I have observed that the country usually follows, and comes to occupy The Outlook's ground sooner or later. Not always, but usually. The Outlook, therefore, has a quasiprophetic quality, and I am strong on prophets.

Sane and prophetic on public questionsa high standard to attain! But that shall be one of our chief aims during 1918.


381 Fourth Avenue, New York City

"Never partisan, never neutral, but always independent'

Yearly Subscription, $4.00. At News-stands, 10 Cents a Copy

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