jesty. In respect to her union with our || on the marriage and coronation of her Maaugust Sovereign, it will be deemed suffi-jesty. cient to add, that it was not a matter of mere state policy, but of preference and election. His Majesty had not long filled the throne, before he acquainted his council, in a meeting convened for the express || which has little dignity, and occupies much purpose, "that having nothing so much at heart as the welfare and happiness of his people, and that to render the same stable and permanent to posterity, being the first object of his reign, he had, ever since his accession to the throne, turned his thoughts to the choice of a Princess, with whom he might find the solace of matrimony and the comforts of domestic life: he had to announce to them, therefore, with great satisfaction, that, after the most mature reflection and fullest information, he had come to a resolution to demand in marriage the Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, a Princess distinguished by every amiable virtue and elegant endowment, whose illustrious line had constantly shewn the firmest zeal in the Protestant religion, and a particular attachment to his Majesty's family." Such as are curious upon these points, will find them by a reference to the periodical works of those times; but we are not fond of the labour of transcription, space. The usual congratulatory addresses were presented to their Majesties froni both Houses of Parliament, the two universities, and all the counties, cities, and corporations in the kingdom. The grand assembly of the nation prepared likewise a testimony of their duty and munificence. On being formally acquainted with the marriage of the King, they provided for the support of her Majesty, agreeably to the Sovereign's wishes, a jointure of 100,000/. per annum, which was settled upon her by an act of the legislature, together with the palaces of Richmond Old Park and Somerset House. But if the joy of the nation was thus universal upon the connection which his Majesty had graciously formed, how much was it increased in the following year by the birth of an heir to his throne. The hope of continuing the Protestant succession in his Majesty's family was now changed to a kind of certainty, and the birth of an heir was of itself sufficient to have esta Such were nearly the precise words in which his Majesty announced his royal intention to his council, on the 8th of July, 1761. The negotiation commenced at Strelitz, and the Earl of Har-blished the popularity of a Queen of Eng court, his Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, concluded the treaty of marriage on the 15th of August following. Preparations were immediately made for the reception of the Royal Bride in England. She left Mecklenburgh on the 22d of August, and arrived, after a tedious voyage of ten days, at Harwich, on the 6th of the following month. Her Majesty rested one night, that of her | arrival, upon her journey, at the house of the Earl of Abercorn, at Witham, in Esser, from whence she set out early the next morning, and arrived at the palace of St. James's, where she was received by his Majesty and the rest of the Royal Family. At nine upon the same evening, the marriage was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Royal Chapel. It would occupy too much room, and conduce little to the pleasure and improvement of our readers, were we to detail the ceremonies which took place up land, even had she wanted those many virtues and qualities which her Majesty is so well known to possess. It has been the pride of her Majesty's life to conduct herself with a mild but dignified impartiality with respect to those political differences with which the kingdom has so frequently been agitated. Her name has never been brought up in the most acrimonious controversies of party; she has never been suspected of being open to any intrigue or influence, in order to sway the royal mind, either to the admission of one or the rejection of another. At the time of the regency, the duties of watching over the bed of our beloved Sovereign were performed by her Majesty, in a manner which exalted her character for domestic tenderness and conjugal love in the eyes of all Europe. This æra was indeed a period of great domestic sorrow to the Queen, and no less of public strife and furious party contention. But in this try ing moment, the conduct of the Queen was at once amiable and dignified. The care of the King's health occupied every thought and wish; she scarcely absented herself from the sick chamber of her husband, and was deaf to every overture that was made || her, as well from one party as the other. She left to the ministers who then directed the government, to pursue that line of conduct which gratitude, humanity, and the law of the land, pointed out to them, and expressing that her chief concern was the care of the King's person and health, it was provided that she should have been entrusted exclusively with that important charge, had the regency taken place. In both houses of parliament, at that period, the name of the Queen was always and splendid accomplishments of life, her Majesty yields to none: she is a most thorough mistress of music, and has a chaste execution in that delightful science. Her dancing was a theme of admiration upon her first arrival in England; and, indeed, her knowledge of the fine arts collectively, is much superior to what we expect to find in a female of her exalted rank. But she is celebrated for far different and less common merits. Her Majesty is a pattern to her subjects for those sublime virtues which are not to be mentioned in the same sentence with the accomplishments we have alluded to above. Her character for piety, and a strict performance of religious duties, is well known. This, which forms the brightest gem of mentioned with affection and reverence; | female virtue, is most conspicuous in the and whilst the public largely participated in her domestic afflictions, they did the most ample justice to her prudence and resignation. Queen. It distinguished her early years; it fortified her mind in those days in which she was courted by all the seductive splendour and dissipation of a court; and, as her youth passed off, it has settled into a To be known only by the rare excellence of her domestic virtues, to be conspicuous || regular and noble fervour. If her Majesty among the matrons of a kingdom by a su- has ever taken any part in the questions perior conjugal fidelity, and a more amia-which have often divided this kingdom ble tenderness; to be at once the most exalted in rank, and no less exalted in goodness, is the greatest pride of her present Majesty. Virtues of this class are seldom expected from high rank and birth; and when found in a Queen, our admirationed an attachment for the Clergy of this and reverences are equally excited. upon matters of religion (though we know not that she ever took any), we should not hesitate to pronounce that her inclination was strongly in favour of the Established Church. Her Majesty has always express kingdom, and many, by the means of her patronage, always exercised moderately and with great discrimination, have ascended to the highest dignities. Several works of a religious nature have likewise been patronised by the Queen, and a work upon the Christian Religion has been recently translated from the German at her No one has ever placed a more bright, unostentatious example before the eyes of a people. Here, where all eyes are naturally attracted by the power and splendour of royalty, an example is presented of all those amiable and useful virtues, which the gay look down upon with indifference, and the proud with contempt. We there be-express command. hold the partner of our beloved Sovereign bestowing grace, whilst she improves the happiness of his exalted station: we there behold him in his domestic retreat, and in the bosom of his family; and in the universal wish for the happiness of the Father of his People, we feel no envy, however pure and refined it is, above that of our common lot. Her Majesty's time has been chiefly occupied in the performance of that first of domestic duties, the superintendance of the education of her children. In the graceful It would be unnecessary to pursue this article further. We shall close, therefore, with expressing a wish, that as this example, both for the high and low of these kingdoms, has been bestowed by the special favour of Providence, so it is to be hoped, that the bounty which gave, will not speedily take away; and that her Majesty may live long, in the enjoyment of health and prosperity, we believe to be one of the most sincere and universal prayers of all her subjects, ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. THE BEAU MONDE; OR, A HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD. CHAPTER FIRST. WHEN a reader is introduced to a new || tend by this expression? Not the brick or subject, he is most frequently honoured with a preface: he has more reason to expect one when he is introduced into a new world. As we are about to do him this last favour, we will not detract from the benefit, by conferring it in an imperfect manner. He shall have, therefore, a description of the New World. A the stone houses in which these families reside, but the families themselves: it is in the same manner with our term, the Fine World; we do not mean the world itself, but the inhabitants of this world. Having now settled the name, we might proceed to the situation of the Beau Monde, but locality is a thing that does not belong to it. The Beau Monde, like Swift's Island of Laputa, is for ever changing its place. It is now at London, now at Bath, now at Bristol, now at Brighton: wherever the Emperor is, say the Civilians, there is Rome: wherever fashion resides, there is the Beau Monde. we In the first place, as to the name of this world, it is called the Beau Monde, or Fine World, in contradistinction, and by way of marking its superior excellence above this common and vulgar world which God has made; and, to confess the truth, the distinction is not without reason. certain witty, but rather blasphemous It may be a question whether this Fine (we mean to say fashionable) king, used World was known to the ancients. It has to wish that he had been consulted in the been the boast of modern times to have creation, adding that he would have given discovered one new world, that of Amethe Maker some hints, which might have rica, and it might inflame our vanity to improved his plan. The framers of the flatter ourselves that we have discovered Beau Monde seem to have profited by the two. But we are afraid this honour is not hints of this monarch; and the constitu- exclusively with the moderns. There are tion of THEIR world, the fine one we are strong arguments against our exclusive acnow describing, has many considerable im- quaintance with this Beau Monde: provements upon the old. But before would fain get over them, but we must we proceed, we think it necessary to correct confess the passages are choaking. Let us an idea of our readers. In the term we examine them, and, with as much imparnow make use of, the Fine World, they are tiality as we can, discuss their separate not to understand what is intended by that claims to the honour of a first discovery. word in its general signification: it is But we must premise that, as the people not to be understood as according to the of Scotland are called Britons, so those of strict definition of their geography; it is the Beau Monde are called people of not a certain portion of dust and water, of fashion; no matter, in either case, where light and darkness, of fire and air, blended fore. Let us now then proceed to the anand kneaded together into a round heavy cients. If we should chance to find any ball, that constitutes this Fine World: by no people of fashion amongst them, it is plain means, for this is the composition of the they must have been members of the Beau vulgar world we have just now been arraign- Monde. Let us first turn over our Grecian ing. The term and difference are more history. Here is a strong passage in almost easily explained by an example: When our first page. The temples and statues of we speak of a very puissant or Royal Fa-the gods, in the city of Athens, were, durmily, we say the House of Brunswick, or ing one night, all defaced; the streets were the House of Stuart, Now what do we in- | covered with the broken noses of the in wishes. sulted deities, and there was no one god in || stance, let us see how the Romans amused Athens that had not suffered some cruel themselves. Here is the answer to our bruise. This outrageous act was generally attributed to Alcibiades, a young nobleman, a confirmed infidel, and a contemner of all religion. It was said that, with a large party of other young noblemen, he had sallied from a tavern, and had committed in a drunken frolic this impious sacrilege. What shall we say to this? Here is infidelity, insult on religion, tavern sallies, and a drunken frolic. Strong, very strong presumptions indeed, that this young nobleman was a man of fashion? But let us examine further. For this act Alcibiades was banished; and, retiring to Sparta, was received at the court of Agis with every hospitality which the place could afford. His easy manner, his gay wit, and a character so versatile as to take any colour, recommended him to the highest esteem and friendship of the King, and he repaid him by debauching his wife. There is no longer any doubt; Alcibiades was certainly a man of fashion, an infidel, an adulterer, and one betraying the confidence of his friend, and repaying the greatest benefits by the basest ingratitude. We have done with the Greeks; let us now turn to the Romans. One day, in the presence of Julius Cæsar, a courtier was speaking with some severity against another; but was checked by the Dictator, who desired him to spare him, for he did not deserve such reproaches. "Not de My Lord disdains to throw with meaner vice, all. Such of our readers as are anywise learned, will find the original of this in the following lines of Juvenal: Non loculis comitantibus itur What shall we say now? Is not this an example of the true Beau Monde? Can the Clubs of Bond-street, or St. James's, boast spirits of a higher soul, or a more lofty and all-contemning enterprize? Can my Lord F-, or Sir W- himself, or my Lord C-, play with a more fashionable spirit, a more heroic fortitude and contempt? One more instance, and we have done. Let us see their economy and matrimonial policy. Some giddy profligate, half fool, half wit, And angle with his wife to catch the heir; My spark is handed over to a jury. That our readers may not think we are romancing, we shall give them chapter and serve them," exclaimed the angry courtier; "why, what think you of the man who was caught with his neighbour's wife?" "What do I think of him?" replied Cæsar, calmly-" why I think him a very careless fellow." A very fashionable answer, and an argument of a very fashion- be seen is liberal, but the sense remains. able opinion! Cæsar, beyond all doubt, was the perfect man of fashion. If we want any further proof of their acquaintance with the Beau Monde, and their frequent exercise of its most valuable privileges, of their modish manners, their modish morals, and the whole system of their fashionable life, let us search the writers of their own time for information. Scarcely a page but presents us with what we seek. Let us take up their Juvenal, and we shall find as many men of fashion as in our own Court Calendar itself; for in verse for this in the Juvenal we have referred to above. Our translation, it will Cum Leno accipiat mechi bona, si capiendi A very fashionable bargain, a very fashionable sleep, and every person concerned of the very highest ton! What do my Lord and Lady - say to this? and a certain distinguished personage, what says he? They will certainly acknowledge these ancients to be people of the very first circle in the mode. We might enlarge this subject, from the ancient authors, very much. Cicero, who | and we hope new; it is intended to lead was an orator of great antiquity, a parliament man, impeached Mark Anthony, before the Senate, of certain mal-practices and abuses against the commonwealth of Rome. Speaking of his contempt of all forms and decencies, of his excesses, debaucheries, gluttonies, &c. he charges him with having come one day into the senate drunk, from the last night's supper, to the the reader through the world we have been describing, to point out his road, and assist him in his progress through the Beau Monde. We shall furnish him with a chart that will govern his voyage in all the varieties of the course. We shall begin from the very point of embarkation. He will see a young country girl, with decent manners, good morals, and a careful education, annoyance of the reverend bench of grey-enter upon a fashionable course. He will beards there assembled. see her carried through the different scenes of the Beau Monde, and guided by a gay, seducing, artful woman of fashion. He will perceive, that the patroness understands her work, and is competent to the We might, if we were inclined to any scandalous tales, inquire if, in a neighbouring chapel, some things of this sort were not occasionally witnessed. But we shall be satisfied with our present inqui-undertaking. She will point out examples ries. It appears then, from this our impartial examination, that the Beau Monde is not the fair boast of later discoveries, but was equally known to the ancients as to the moderns. We are sorry that justice has wrung from us this confession; we should have wished, indeed, that the credit of the discovery might have turned out to have been our own; but truth and history are unfortunately against us. But to the subject of the following history: Its object is somewhat extensive, instead of giving precepts; and presenting scenes and characters, leave her young pupil to draw her own inferences. In one word, and what includes the whole art of instruction, she does not teach her pupil, but leaves her more wisely to instruct herself. He sees likewise, in what this career of the country girl terminates; and such of my young readers who are desirous of imitation, have only to follow the same track, to arrive at the same goal. [To be continued in our next.] A TREATISE ON HATS; A VISIT TO POLASLIA: A FRAGMENT. We embarked, Lord K- and myself, in a vessel bound to India, where, as we were told, we should find frequent opportunities of obtaining a passage to Philadelphia. Meeting with contrary winds, we were driven out of our course, and after being buffetted by the tempests, we were at length wrecked on an unknown coast. The inhabitants flocked around us; not one of our company understood their language: we could only collect from their gestures and preparations that they intended to send us to Polaslos, the capital of that immense country. We were the first foreigners that had ever landed in that part of the empire; we were therefore examined with great curiosity. Among our floating and shipwrecked company was a Speculator. Before we left Leghorn, calculating on the vanity that prevails in every country, he had taken on board, as a venture, a quantity of articles, which he hoped to dispose of in the Indies. They consisted of robes, hats, clothing for both sexes, and trinkets of different kinds. The chief of the district in which we were, ordered the chests to be conveyed into a kind of hall, for the purpose of being inspected. Their contents were absolutely useless to a people inhabiting a country favoured by Heaven, and having scarcely any other clothing than |