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When the poor timid hare may be traced to the wood,

By her footsteps indented in snow;

When the lips and the fingers are starting with blood,

And the woodlands resound "Tally-ho!"

When the poor robin red breast approaches the cot,

And the icicles hang at the door;

When your board smoaks with viands reviving and hot,

'Tis the time to remember the Poor!

When a thaw shall ensue, and the waters increase, And in danger the travellers go;

When the fish from their prison obtain a release, And the rivers their banks overflow;

When the meadows are hid with the proud swelling flood,

And the bridges are useful no more; When in health you enjoy every thing that is good,

Forget not to think of the Poor.



The annual exhibition of the production of arts took place this year at Zurich, in the month of May. A marble bust of Lavater drew the admiration of all the connoisseurs, and was acknowledged the best piece in the exhibition That bust, larger than common size, represents Lavater in his customary dress, with a modern coat or mantle, which suits his figure admirably; it will be placed on the monument which his countrymen intend to erect to his honour. They have not yet fixed upon any particular spot, but to save it from the fate the bust of Gessner met with, they will probably chuse the library of the city, where it will long remain secure and respected.

The other pieces of that exhibition, consisted mostly of landscapes. A great number of portraits were seen with pleasure: and portraits after landscape painting, afforded more delight than any other style.


The Institute of the Deaf and Dumb at Leipsic, directed by Mrs. Henicke, encreases every day in utility. More than twenty of those unfortunate people have learned to speak distinctly, and to understand the meaning of others by the motion of their lips. They are instructed in religion, and taught to read, to write, and cast accounts, &c. &c. Mrs. Henicke is beloved by her scholars as a mother; she has two masters under her direction, Messrs. Petschke and Tunghans, whose zeal and talents equal their reputa


A learned Physician of Gorletz, Doctor Struve, Member of the Humane Society of London, has lately invented a machine, the end of which is, through the means of Galvinism, to distinguish real death from that which is apparent. It is long since that the irritating faculty of Galvinism, and

its astonishing powers in restoring suspended animation, were known; but from this machine, which the inventor terms the trial of life (Lebensprufer) and the use of which he has explained in a small pamphlet, consequences the most beneficial to humanity are expected to flow.

The Germans have admitted melo dramas on their stage. The Enchanted Vale of Swetard, lately represented at Vienna, obtained the most brilliant success; in the richness of its scenery and dresses, the pomp of its marches, and evolutions, in fact in every thing that constitutes a melo-drama, that piece has no rival on the stage.

The authors of Germany have for some time practised the honourable and lucrative custom of dedicating their productions to the Emperor Alexander, who rewards them with handsome snuff-boxes and other presents. Last year, a learned divine conceived, on the contrary, the republican idea of dedicating his History of the Germans to a titular court-counsellor, who led a very retired life among his vineyards in the Rheingau. Though a man of no very generous disposition, the counsellor was, however, unwilling to lose the opportunity of deserving the title of Mæcenas. He bequeathed in his will to the historian, a pipe of wine of his own growth, of the vintage of the year in which he should die.Death soon took him at his word, and the lega. tee received a pipe of the best wine of last year's vintage. The German journalists have not omitted this opportunity of exercising their wit; they pretend that the works of the legatee is of no better quality than the wine of 1805, and they consider the circumstance as an example of the severe, but impartial retribution of the goddess Nemesis.

A plant of the Musa or Poma Paridisi, Adam's fig-tree, in the hot-house of Mr Hartmann, of Thumstatten, about twenty miles from Berne in


profit by that salutary discovery. In the report given by the Board of Medicine, we find that in the space of eighteen months, one hundred and forty-five thousand eight hundred and six persons were vaccinated, and recovered. The Rajah of Tanjore, and the Dewan of Travancore, were among the number.

Switzerland, last year produced flowers and fruit. || bitants of the Presidency of Fort St. George, to This tree, or rather herbaceous plant, which re sembles trees only in its appearance and magnitude, and the leaves of which are longer and broader than those of any other known vegetable, being from six to nine feet in length, very rarely flowers in Europe. In the last edition of Valmont de Bomare's dictionary, it is mentioned as a very remarkable circumstance, that in 1774, this plant was seen to flower and bear fruit in the hot-house of the French King's garden. The fruit grows at the centre of the tree; it consists of two rows of figs, with about five or six in front. From the end of each fig issues a small flower of a dirty white. It has been observed that, in dull weather these flowers grow two inches, or two inches and a half in a day, and in clear weather five or six inches.


An Optician, called Molin, pretends to have

The following is given, in a recent periodical publication, as an original anecdote of Shakes


It is well known that Queen Elizabeth was a great admirer of our immortal Shakespeare, and used frequently, (as was the custom with people of great rank in those days) to appear upon the stage before the audience, and to sit delig! ted behind the scenes while the plays of our bard were performed. One evening Shakespeare per

found the long lost secret of painting in an inde-formed the part of a King: the audience knew

lible way upon glass. The celebrated chemist, Klaproth declared, that nothing but entire destruction could efface the work of Mr Molin.This artist made a trial upon window glasses, which not only adds to the beauty of an apartment but gives a softer and more pleasing light.


Captain Krusenstern of La Nadesta, arrived at Japan without having lost any man on his passage. Mr. De Resanof, who was on board, landed in good health; they were both well received by the Japanese.

A little comedy, entitled the Passionate Woman, set to music by Mr. Boyeldieu, was played with general approbation at the theatre of the Hermitage, and met with the same success at Petersburgh. The music is considered as very good.


Vaccination in India seems to equal the progresses it made in Europe. On the 19th of January 1803, the Governor invited, in a Proclamation, all the European and native inha

of her Majesty being in the house. She crossed
the stage while Shakespeare was performing, and,
on receiving the accustomed greeting from the
audience, moved politely to the poet, but he
did not notice it! When behind the scenes, she
caught his eye, and moved again, but still he
would not throw off his character to notice her:
this made her Majesty to think of some means
to know whether he would or not depart from
the dignity of his character while on the stage.-
Accordingly, as he was about to make his exit,
she stepped before him, dropped her glove, and
re-crossed the stage, which Shakespeare noticing,
took up with these words, so immediately after
finishing his speech, that they seemed as belong-
ing to it:

"And tho' now bent on this high embassy,
"Yet stoop we to take up our cousin's glove!"

He then walked off the stage, and presented the glove to the Queen, who was highly pleased with his behaviour, and complimented him on its propriety.




EUROPE resound, with lamentations from the one end to the other, upon the melancholy results of a war, from the conduct and issue of which she anxiously expected her emancipation and her safety. The war is at an end-the armies disbanded a disastrous peace concluded.

struggle against great and public calamities, we should begin by thoroughly knowing and thoroughly feeling them. But in times, such as those in which we live, every moment is so precious, that we are not allowed the pause of an instant for the contemplation of our misfortunes. Most unquestionably, in order to a succesful | We must forthwith examine what resources they

have left us: we must bound over the present moment, and its sad train of gloomy reflections, that we may dive into futurity, and grasp with a vigour of courageous hope, the last combinations that still present themselves to the mind, for upholding and avenging the sacred cause of the expiring liberty of Europe. It is our intention in this place to prove, upon a fair comparison and just balance of the real losses which that cause has sustained from the result of a disastrous campaign, with the advantages it has just acquired by the changes wrought in the general system of politics, and the greater part of which advantages may be secured to it, that our present situation is, without question, preferable to that in which we were placed from the Peace of Luneville, till the month of September.

Let us first examine the extent and the nature of our losses. We shall not at present dwell upon those extraordinary and momentary losses in men and money, the recollection of which is transient, which time soon repairs, and which are scarce taken into account in the progress of a strife, upon which the fate of the human race directly and immediately depends. The losses we have now to consider, are those that powerfully bear upon the great problem of the day, which diminish our means of resistance, while they increase those of the common enemy. In considering things in this point of view, we first behold Russia, that vast basis, that body of reserve of all our combined operations, and we find that she stands now exactly in the same posture of strength in which she stood before the war; that her frontiers, that her power, that her resources remain the same, and that the reverses she may have experienced, far from having tended to enfeeble her, will rather contribute, by giving her a truer insight into her real interests, and by leading her to a correction of whatever may be defective in her military system, to enable her to come down again into the field with much greater energy, with more preponderating effect.

We find that the real position of Prussia has suffered nothing from the late events; that she has sustained no sort of loss; and that if she succeeds, through the medium of negotiation, in rescuing the North of Germany from the scourge of a French army, by which it has hitherto been oppressed and devoured; Prussia will even have absolutely gained by a war, in which no doubt she might, and ought, to have taken an infinitely more active part.

We see, in fine, that England in no respect whatever, is less competent for the struggle, nor is she now more perilously situated than she was previous to this continental campaign: should even her implacable foe resume that menacing attitude, by which, without being able seriously

to affect, he had, perhaps, for two year, frested and fatigued her, the interval of repose she has enjoyed, must, in some measure, have proved of advantage; we find, that called upon again to watch the armaments of France, such has been her good fortune, that without even taking into account the fruits of a most splendid victory, gained amidst the disasters of the Continen', she has not to regret the loss of a single ship of the line, of a single battalion of troops, no, not any one instrument of defence, while her chief means, her incomparable public spirit, will only kindle and glow more keenly from the very necessity of standing forth alone, to stem the torrent of the tyrant's fury.

It is then only Austria that has suffered any material losses. She is indeed deprived of those advanced posts which she before possessed towards the Rhine and Switzerland: she is deprived of two of her best provinces, one of which stood like a great citadel, covering all the western part of her territory: she has been compelled to bend to the conqueror, and to consent to the aggrandisement of those very neighbours, whom she has more than ever reason to consider as blind instruments determined on her destruction. These certainly are very real calamities both for Austria and for the common cause. But that their extent may not be exaggerated, that they may be estimated at their just amount, it is proper we should compare them with the condition in which that power was left after the truce, called the peace of Presburg, with that in which she was placed since 1801.

The Treaty of Luneville had dug a grave for the Austrian Monarchy, which continually threatened to devour her. This Treaty, by placing Italy, Switzerland, and the whole of the Southern part of Germany at the disposal of BONAPARTE, drew round the Austrian possessions a formidable circle which began at Verona and ended at Egra; beyond that circle every thing was France. The events which followed the Treaty of Luneville, only served to extract the mortal poison which constituted its essencethe same causes which led to that execrable Treaty, viz. a general want of decision and of union among the Great Powers, and the extinction of all public spirit in Europe, prevented the Court of Vienna from resisting the new usurpations to which it continually gave birth. She was, therefore, condemned to behold the German Empire parcelled out as suited the caprice of France; Switzerland ravaged by the troops, and finally subjugated by the decrees of the successors of REWBELL; Piedmont incorporated with France; Parma and Placentia invaded; the kingdom of Naples again occupied by the French soldiery; the German territory most daringly violated, but

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In respect to our Domestic Politics, the chief object of interest is the new Ministry. As yet, however, scarcely warm in their seats, what they have done affords no room for comment; and what they have resolved to do can only be matter of conjecture. Mr. Windham is very busily employed in the new modelling our army, and, we hope, in our next number, to give our readers the result of his labours. Mr. Secretary Fox is recalling our Ambassadors from the foreign courts, in order to replace them with men, in his opinion, of more diplomatic talent and experience. The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Henry Petty, is occupied in the yearly budget, and Mr. Grey, in his office as First Lord of the Admiralty, is proceeding with the spirit and wisdom of Lord St. Vincent.

The chief objects of domestic action are the. means of raising money, and the methods of organizing and improving our military force.

[To be continued.]



It has been stated, that the English prisoners at Verdun, sent a Memorial some time since to the Electress of WIRTEMBERG (Princess Royal of England), requesting her interference with BONAPARTE, for their release. The answer of her Royal Highness, which has appeared, is not only imperfect, but so worded, as to convey a very unfair representation to the reader. Being in possession of an authentic copy of this answer, we now lay it before our readers. It is as fol



"You only do justice to my feeling, in being convinced, that I take a very sincere part in the misfortunes of my countrymen; and should be very desirous to assist them, did my power equal my good will. But I am sorry that you have deceived yourselves with fallacious hopes, that I could take any steps towards obtaining you leave to return to England. Any polite attentions shewn to me by the Emperor of the FRENCH, during his stay at Louisbourg, do not authorise

me to interfere in a business which must be settled between the two Governments. Though I cannot come forward as I could wish to do on this

occasion, I beg you will be convinced of the regard with which I am,

"Gentlemen, your Friend,

"Electress of Wirtemberg."

The Rev. Claudius Buchannan, vice-president of the College at Fort-William in Bengal, has proposed a prize of 5001. to all graduates, who, on the 1st of March 1807, shall be bachelors of law or physic, insceptors of masters of arts, or persons of superior degrees in the University of Cambridge, for the best work in English Prose, embracing the following subjects:

1. The probable design of Divine Providence, in subjecting so large a portion of Asia to the British Dominion.

2. The duty, the means, and the consequences of translating the Scriptures into the Oriental tongues; and of promoting Christian knowledge in Asia.

3. A brief historic view of the progress of the Gospel in the different nations, since its first promulgation, illustrated by maps, shewing its luminous track throughout the world, with chronological notices of its duration in particular places. The regions of Mahomedanism to be. marked with red, and those of Paganism with a dark colour.


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Without any new debt, or other sinking funds attached to thein, the present Eight Millions would be doubled in fourteen years; and in twenty-eight it would amount to Thirty-two Millions a year; but, without going into minute calculation, it is certain, that, in less than fifteen years, the debt would be reduced as far as it would be prudent to reduce it: for we shall prove, on another occasion, from the history of this country, that debt, to a certain extent, is beneficial to a commercial nation.

At the Clerkenwell Sessions, the Court was occupied with the trial of the ci-devant Marquis de Chamboynas, for obtaining goods by false pretences of Monsieur Bertrand de Molleville, formerly Minister of Marine in France. It was stated by the prosecutor, that soon after his arrival in this country, he was introduced to the Marquis, who he understood to have been a person at the head of a trading club, carried on at No. 77, Pall-mall. The Marquis presented himself to him in that character, and informed him he could dispose of a quantity of Port Wine to the club. The prosecutor having some wine by him, sent the defendant as much as came to about 701. The de. fendant afterwards said, the proût amounted to 191. and that they would share it between them. The defendant again represented, that he was about to purchase a considerable quantity of linen, and he wished the prosecutor to engage in the speculation; the latter agreed, and sent him 5001.; but it turned out that the whole was a fabrication, and that the defendant had neither disposed of the wine or linen in the way of trade, but had lost the whole of what the prosecutor had entrusted to him at a gaming house.

It appeared that the defendant had absconded for a time, and that this prosecution had been delayed at the pressing instance of several French emigrants of distinction, who were apprehensive that the disclosure of the facts would throw a stigina on that body. It was clear that the Marquis had obtained various sums of the prosecutor, amounting together to upwards of 20001. by false pretences. Counsel in his defence, merely inferred the improbability of Mr. De Molleville being so imposed on. - The Jury found the defen

We are informed, that in January, 1806, the stock of Cotton in Great Britain exceeded that of the same period in 1785, by from twenty to thirty thousand bags. Our informant adds, that the import will not be less from Orleans this year than from fifty to sixty thousand bales, and the increase from Carolina and Georgia at least one-third more than in 1805. These circumstances, with the evident diminution there is in the consumption, must reduce the price of the article, especially if no support is given to im-dant guilty, and he was sentenced to be impriproper speculation.

soned in Newgate six months.


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large whale escaped with three harpoons fast in her, and carrying away also one of the boats. She was a very large fish, about sixty feet long, and at one time came almost into the harbour's mouth, rising perpendicularly out of the water, to the height of above forty feet.

On Wednesday se'nnight, about two o'clock in the afternoon, the earth from the roof of a coal-pit, at Horsforth, near Leeds, about twenty yards deep, fell in; two men and a boy were at work in the pit; the boy was killed by the earth falling upon him; the men lived sometime after,

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