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On the First of August, with the next succeeding Number of this Magazine (being the SIXTH), will be published, a



IN order to render this Work as perfect as possible, it has been suggested to the Proprietors, that a REVIEW and CRITICAL ACCOUNT of the Literature of the day was necessary, as well from the want of a Work of this kind upon a principle of selection and elegance, as from the necessity of supplying the Subscribers of this Magazine with an Account of NEW BOOKS, which they would otherwise have to seek in the common Reviews - The Proprietors, therefore, have been induced to offer to the Public a SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER, to be published Half Yearly, which will be delivered with every Six Numbers of the Magazine, and conclude the Volume to which it is attached. This SUPPLEMENT will contain a Review of Literature for the previous six months, and will proceed upon the plan which has been so deservedly popular in the Edinburgh Reviews. Its general principle will be the selection of such Books as, from their pretensions, the novelty of their subjects, and the reputation of their Authors, are most likely to interest the Public. As the Works selected will be most conspicuous for Literature, so the method of the Review, it is trusted, will be equally conspicuous for its candour and impartiality. The extracts from Books will be very sparing indeed, never more than will be sufficient to give a general sample of their character and style, as the object of the Editors is to confine their Criticisms chiefly to ORIGINAL DISCUSSION, and to trespass as little as possible upon the ordinary functions of a Review.

As the SUPPLEMENT will always conclude the Volume to which it is appended, it will, of consequence contain a PREFACE and general INDEX to the previous Numbers; and the Decorative Parts will be of a character and quality far superior to what has hitherto appeared in any periodical Works, and which, when considered with a reference to the Ornaments of the other Numbers, will uniformly render the SUPPLEMENT more estimable than any of the preceding.

In the SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER, to be published with the Sixth Number, on the first of August next, will be given a FRONTISPIECE, characteristic of the Work, and a suitable appendage to the Volume. The most EMINENT ARTIST of the modern age, the man to whom the British School is chiefly indebted for the present renown and lustre of its character, has presented the Proprietors of this Work with a DESIGN for the FRONTISPIECE, which will be engraven in a stile of excellence correspondent with its merits. The Subscribers are therefore requested to give early orders for this Number, as they will thus be enabled to ensure the best impressions. A greater quantity of the Supplemental Number will be published than of any of the preceding, in order that the Public in general may be supplied, as well as the Subscribers.

N. B. The Subscribers will give orders for the SUPPLEMENT to be sent with their regular Number for August next, in order that they may complete their Volume immediately.


AN influx of matter which we were obliged to admit, has laid us under the unpleasant necessity of postponing many favours which were destined for insertion in the present Number. Our Correspondents are requested to receive this apology, and not to imagine, because their communications are delayed, that they are therefore slighted and rejected.It is one of the difficulties of our situation frequently to be compelled to promise (upon good grounds indeed, and the fairest intentions,) what subsequent circumstances render it almost impossible to perform. We shall hasten, however, to redeem every pledge we given, and, after this confession, deprecate all asperity, and construction of neglect, upon the part of those FRIENDS whom our duty, inclination, and interest, equally lead us to oblige.



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Engraved July 17305 for Sohn Bell Fouthampton Street Strand

as the Art Erreich expresley for La Belle Assemblie





For JUNE 1806.




The Fifth Pumber.


SOPHIA AUGUSTA, the second daughter of our most gracious Sovereign, George the Third, and Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain, was born November 8, 1768.

Our readers are already aware of the narrow limits to which our biographical sketches are confined; and they become yet more restricted when the subject is placed upon that elevation which precludes a near and familiar survey. The privacy of domestic life affords very little incident for biography; nor are the materials much augmented when the mention is even that of a princess. Notwithstanding the amiable and useful virtues are always most successfully cultivated at home, in that sphere which comprehends, if not the most splendid, yet certainly the most beneficial portion of life.

It is the just pride of the female branch of the Royal Family of England to court this privacy and seclusion, which affords full scope for the practice of the amiable No. V. Vol. I.

and benevolent qualities of their nature, and, at the same time, does not confine their examples to themselves; they cultivate the virtues, and practise the duties of retirement, but, nevertheless, do not withhold their influence from society.

Her Royal Highness Sophia Augusta is universally allowed by all who have had the honour to approach her, to be one of the most accomplished women of the age; her manners are courtly and polished, without affectation and insincerity; and her demeanour is that of a princess, with all the condescension of the most humble subject; her mind is highly cultivated, and she is mistress of several languages, but the art in which she is most accomplished is music; her preference of this delightful study has been prosecuted to that degree of excellence which entitles her to rank as a complete mistress of the science. It is unnecessary to say more.

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UNDER the reign of one of the Monarchs of || Persia, a merchant of Balsora, by some unfortunate speculations, was nearly ruined. He gathered the wreck of his fortune, and retired to the province of Kousistan. There he purchased an humble cottage, and a small tract of land, which he but ill cultivated, because he still regretted the time when all his wishes were amply gratified, without the aid of labour. Grief shortened the tide of life, he felt the last ebb fast approaching, and calling his four sons around him, he said to them, "My children, I have nothing to bestow on you but this cottage, and the knowledge of a secret which, till the present moment, I would not reveal. In the time of my prosperity the genius Abzim was my friend; he gave me his promise that when I was no more he would be your protector, and share amongst you a treasure. This genius inhabits the great forest of Kom. Go seek him; remind him of his promise, but be far from believing-." Death would not allow him to conclude.

The merchant's four sons, after having wept and buried their father, journeyed towards the forest of Kom. When arrived, they enquired for Abzim's residence, and were soon directed to it, as he was generally known; all those that went to him met with a kind reception, he listened to their complaints, consoled them, and lent them money when they needed it. But his kindness was bestowed only on one condition-what he advised must be blindly followed. This was his command, and no one was admitted into his palace before having vowed implicit obedience.

This oath did not intimidate the three elder brothers; but the fourth, who was named Selim, conceived this ceremony very ridiculous. Still he must enter to receive the treasure, he swore as his brothers did; but reflecting on the dangerous consequences which might attend this indiscreet vow, and remembering that his father, whose life had been a series of follies, often visited Abzim's palace, he wished, without violating his oath, to guard against all danger; and to effect this, while he was conducted to the genius, he stopped both his ears with odoriferous wax; armed with this precaution he knelt before the throne of Abzim.

Abzim raised the four sons of his late friend, embraced them, spoke to them of their father, and while shedding tears to his memory, ordered a large coffer to be brought to him, which, upon being opened, was discovered to be filled with

dariques. "This," said he, "is the treasure which I have destined for you; I am going to divide it into four equal parts, and then I will tell each of you the road he must pursue to attain the summit of happiness.

Selim heard nothing; but he observed the genius with attention, and thought he discovered in his eyes and countenance an expression of cunning and malignity that gave him much suspicion. However he received with gratitude his share of the treasure. Abzim, after having thus enriched them, assuming an affectionate air, said, "My dear children, your happiness or misery depend on your meeting, sooner or later, a certain being named Bathmendi, of whom every one speaks, but very few are acquainted with." All unhappy mortals slowly seek him; I am your sincere friend, and will whisper in the ear of each of you where he will be able to find Bathmendi." At these words Abzim took Bekir, the eldest of the brothers, apart; "My son," said he, "nature has endowed you with courage, and great warlike talents; the King of Persia is sending an army against the Turks; join this army. It is in the Persian camp where you may find Bathmendi." Bekir thanked the genius, and was impatient to depart.

Abzim beckoned the second son to approach; it was Mesrou: "You have wit," said he, "dexterity, and a great disposition to tell lies; take the road to Ispahan, it is at Court you should seek Bathmendi."

He called the third brother, who was named Omir: "You," said he, "are endowed with a teeming and lively imagination, you regard objects, not as they really are, but as you wish them to be; you have often genius, but seldom common sense; you will become a poet; take the road to Agra; it is among the wits and beauties of that town that you may find Bathmendi."

Selim advanced in his turn, and thanks to the wax in his ears, heard not a word of what Abzim said. It has been since known that he advised him to become a Dervise.

The four brothers, after thanking the beneficent genius, returned to their habitation. The three eldest dreamed but of Bathmendi; Selim took the wax from his ears, and heard them arrange their departure, and propose selling their little house to the first bidder, that they might share the profit arising from it. Selim asked to become the purchaser; this they readily agreed

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