TO THE PUBLIC, OUR READERS, AND CORRESPONDENTS. IN introducing the first Number of our Miscellany to the world, we flatter ourselves that we are laying the foundation of a Work, which, in the comprehensiveness of its instruction, the variety of its amusements, and the elegance of its embellishment, has had no parallel in the history of periodical publications. By referring to our Prospectus, our readers will be enabled to compare our promise with our performance, and, though in every first work numerous imperfections must occur, and unavoidable deviations from the original plan, we trust that a careful revi w of our preliminary Advertisement will satisfy them, that the difference between the proposed design and execution has sprung from a desire to consolidate and improve the separate parts of the work, to heighten its general effect, and comprehend greater varieties of pleasure and instruction. It will naturally suggest itself to our Readers, that a Periodical Work derives an additional interest by being made the channel of those Public Communications, Correspondences, Queries, Answers, &c. which such as honour it with their Patronage may choose to engage in, or put to each other. In proposing this Work, therefore, as a vehicle for these Miscellaneous Communications, we are doing no more than what our Cotemporaries do; but, in providing a classification and order for whatever correspondence, suitable to the nature of the Work, our Readers may honour us with, we flatter ourselves that we have introduced a material improvement, so far as method, arrangement, and elegance of display, may be considered as enticements to Writers in Periodical Publications. Communications and Correspondence, therefore, are ardently invited. The plan and the different heads under which they may choose to contribute, are before our Readers. In the present Number we have to return our thanks to many of the early patrons of our plan. To the Author of "Letters to a Young Lady;" to MODESTUS upon the Dress of Ladies; and to the several contributors in our Poetical Department, &c. &c. Many favours have been deferred; but will appear in a future number. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN CHARLOTTE. gravedly permission Athe proprietors of sydeli's Shakespeare from the whole large plates ind that of tendent u portract ukikse Length orkes the ongenal painting by lama Benky. Spareringpased: y shreven for Bells wurt & fachomable Magaur e London March 1.180 t, colaby Bell Gattery of Arts, Southamptar Street. Bell's COURT AND FASHIONABLE MAGAZINE, For FEBRUARY, 1806. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ILLUSTRIOUS LADIES. The First Number. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN CHARLOTTE. THE laws of this kingdom, which have || Again, should the Prince resort to a con forbidden the marriage of any of the Princes of the blood royal with subjects, have frequently been censured as severe and unnatural. A prohibition of this kind, it was thought, could scarcely be founded in good policy, which interfered with the natural right of Princes, and in respect to their exercise on the material point of domestic happiness, reduced them below the standard of their fellow-subjects, and made their exaltation a matter of compassion. To this it may be replied, that the most difficult, but necessary task of Princes, is that of a devotion to the state; they are the creatures of its interest and safety. The mar-monly every branch of his family, is in the nexion in the more inferior ranks of the state, the jealousy of the rest of his subjects, from natural causes, would be more inflamed and unappeasable. If these inferences be true, as they respect the marriage of the Sovereign, they are equally so as they regard the marriages of his issue, or any of his family. It is the wisdom of laws to be occupied in long and comprehensive views, and not only to suit their remedies to cases immediately before them, but to all that are contingent and in the scope of possibility. Since, therefore, the issue of a Monarch, and com riage of a Prince with a subject, in the reign line of succession, and it would be difficult of Edward IV. was the cause of much pub- to say which of them might not eventually lic calamity. If such marriages were allowed, it would be reasonable to conclude that the selection would be made from some of the daughters of the nobles of the kingdom. The consequence would be that of a natural preference in the Sovereign of the family and connexions of his wife; and hence a fruitful source of jealousy and discord among the rest of the nobility. No. I. Vol. I. be called to the crown, the law has provided that the restriction should extend to all, and that none, who had a probability of inheriting, should, under any circumstances, or at any time of life, form a connexion incompatible with the safety and honour of the kingdom, as declared by the laws of the realm. These observations, we flatter ourselves, B will not be deemed superfluous, when the || and preserved its title and dignity till 1168, conclusion we mean to draw, that of the preference of a foreign connexion, is confirmed by the tranquillity, happiness, and gratitude which the nation has ever felt and expressed from the marriage of his gracious Majesty George the Third with the Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburgh || Strelitz. when the Monarch, Pribislaus the Second, was compelled to embrace the Christian religion by Henry Lyon, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria. At this period the title of King of the Vandals was extinguished, and that of the Princes of Mecklenburgh substituted, who became a vassal to the Duke of Bavaria. In 1349, the Prince of MeckHer Majesty, Sophia Charlotte, or Caro- lenburgh was created a Duke, and made a line of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, was born Prince of the Empire. The remnant of the May 16, 1744. She was the youngest Vandals united with the Mecklenburghers daughter of Charles Lewis, brother to Fre- about the year 1749, and from that period derick the Third, Duke of Mecklenburgh. they have been divided into three branches, Her father, however, though in the imme- that of Gustrow, Swerin, and Strelitz; but diate line of inheritance, as his brother the the extinction of the branch of Gustrow Yeigning Duke had no issue, and was un- in 1688, excited some differences with remarried, did not succeed to the principa- spect to the succession, which continued lity: he died before his brother, and thus, till 1701, when a treaty of partition was upon the death of Frederick, the succession made at Hamburgh, and ratified by the Emdevolved upon his nephew, Adolphus Frede-peror in the following manner: That the rick the Fourth, brother to her present Ma- duchy of Gustrow should be given to the jesty, and son of the above-mentioned | Duke of Swerin; and that the Duke of Charles Lewis. Strelitz should have the bishopric of Ratzelburgh secularized, and a voice in the The issue of Charles Lewis were: 1. Christina Sophia Albertina, born De-Diet of the Empire. The Duke of Swerin's cember 6, 1735. 2. Adolphus Frederick the Fourth, born May 5, 1788. Deceased. 3. Charles Lewis Frederick (the present Duke of Mecklenburgh), born Oct. 10, 1741. 4. Ernest Gottlob Albert, born August 27, 1742. annual revenue amounts to 55,000l. and that of the Duke of Strelitz to 22,000/. besides his domain. The country is fruitful, but unhealthy, and intensely cold in winter. It has often been the scene of war, particularly between Sweden and the Empire. To be thus visited with the effects of a 5. Sophia Charlotte, or Caroline (her pre-quarrel which they have not provoked, is the sent Majesty the Queen of Great Britain), born May 16, 1744. 6. George Augustus, born Aug. 3, 1748. The mother of this illustrious family, who died so far back as the year 1761, was the Princess Albertina Elizabeth, born August 13, 1713, the daughter of Ernest Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen. The obligations which we owe to the native country of her gracious Majesty, require us to give a brief account of the duchy and family of Mecklenburgh. This country, which is about 120 miles in length, and 30 in breadth, is bounded on the north by the Black Sea; by Brandenburgh on the east; by Luneburgh and Brandenburgh on the south; and by Holstein on the west. Its ancient inhabitants were the Vandals, who had settled in this country many centuries before the birth of Christ. They formed it into a powerful kingdom, lot of many of the smaller principalities of Germany. The country is able to raise a considerable body of troops, but they have never been strong enough to resist an invader. The established religion of the country is Lutheran; but there is toleration for sectaries. Imhoff, in his Notitia Princeps Germania, gives a laboured account of the genealogy of the family of Strelitz, which he says is lineally descended from the kings or leaders of the Vandals. Hubner, in his Genealogy of the German Princes, says, this family, if not the most ancient in Europe, is one of the most noble in Germany. The branch of Strelitz is the second branch of the House of Mecklenburgh; but its Duke is one of the secular Princes of the Empire, and takes his seat in the Diet. Thus much we have judged necessary to state of the country and family of her Ma |