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EIGHTEEN monthly numbers of this little periodical having now
appeared, they will form our first volume.

In reviewing our progress thus far, we may be permitted to
make a few observations.

When the first number of this little Magazine appeared, we
considerately asked for a circulation of twenty-five thousand. Some
might have asked for ten times as many. But we consider.
ately regarded all the circumstances, and modestly proposed a
reasonable and attainable number. We were aware that the ground
was to some extent already occupied, and that the views of scrip-
tural truth which we must advocate would be such as would
probably form an objection in certain quarters, and limit our
circulation. All these, and other things, we duly considered. Could
we have persuaded ourselves that we might be at liberty to
suppress a portion of scriptural truth, we should in all probability
have found more favour in the eyes of many, and, as a conse-
quence, a wider circulation. But this we could not do. We would
not willingly offend any, but we must be faithful to the truth.
We regard it as one of the evils of the present day, that the
Word of God is made of none effect by the traditions of men,
or, by the pretensions of a spurious charity.

Setting out, then, on the ground of scriptural truth as regards
both doctrine and discipline, we have not turned aside either to
the right hand or to the left, and we design, by the guidance
and help of God, to continue in the same course. It may not be
so easy, or prosperous, but it is more straightforward and safe.
Well how have we sped with our project? Pretty well upon
the whole. We are
more than half way to the 25,000, and it
would now be quite easy to accomplish the remainder. Quite easy:
how ? Just let each present subscriber secure another, and the
thing is done. And in persuading a neighbour to spend one
halfpenny monthly, no man, or woman either, will require much
eloquence or power of persuasion. The thing, we say, may be

easily done, and we hope it will, not merely that we may be
remunerated, which we scarcely are with our present circulation,
but that more extensive good may be effected.

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