
Water everywhere nor any drop to drink, 855

imperceptible, washing his hands in, 724.
in the rough rude sea, not all the, 722.
little thing to give a cup of, 770.
nectar and rocks pure gold, 215

smooth runs the, where the brook is
deep, 724-

the conscious, saw its God and blushed, 362.

trod the, 672.

Water-drops, women's weapons, 346.
Waters, constant as gliding, roll, 796.

enrobe the roaring, with my silks, 632.
fades o'er the, blue, 238.

glad, of the dark blue sea, 626.
gurgle longingly, 631.

once more upon the, 631.

rising world of, 407.

the hell of, 720.

the roar of, 720.

the whelming, passed, 632.

unpathed, undreamed shores, 802.

vale in whose bosom the bright, meet,


wild went o'er his child, 339.

Wave, a winning, deserving note, 713.
and whirlwind wrestle, with, 631.
fountain's murmuring, 493

glassy cool translucent, 869.
Tong may it, 593-

ocean, a life on the, 630.

o' the sea, I wish you a, 134

still tells its bubbling tales, 720.

sweetest, of most living crystal, 720.
translucent, 869.

Waved her lily hand, 235

Waves bound beneath me as a steed, 637.

breaking, dashed high, 587.

Britannia rule the, 576.
come as the, come, 518.

mountain, her march is o'er the, 639.

the wild, whist, 869.

with white crests dancing, 631.

Way, adorns and cheers the, 800. all the, to heaven, 546.

dances such a, 211.

dim and perilous, 808.

God moves in a mysterious, 632.

he went at parting, 248.

heaven's wide pathless, 787.
into clear sunshine, 807.

life's common, 907..

long is the, out of hell to light, 395.
milky, solar walk or, 399.
plods his weary, 305.

pretty Fanny's, call it only, 134
resignation gently slopes the, 687.
solitary, through Eden took their, 321.
steep and thorny, to heaven, 809.
tenor of his, guileless held the, 794-
tenor of their, noiseless, 306.

that I was going, marshal'st me the, 882.
that, madness lies, 348.

to dusty death, lighted fools the, 792.
to heaven, saints who taught the, 910.

to parish church, plain as, 803,

which, I fly is hell, 396.

which, shall I fly, 396.

winding, I see them on their, 491. wisdom finds a, be there a will, 798. Ways, appear in other, than words, 121.

best of all, to lengthen our days, 205.
cheerful, of men, 407.

newest kind of, oldest sins the, 395.
of glory, once trod the, 322.
of God to man, vindicate the, 807.

of God to men, justify the, 395

of men, gay cities and the, 489.

she dwelt among the untrodden, 104.

that are dark and tricks that are vain, 987.

Weak, delicately, fine by defect and, 723
have remedies, the wise have joys, 798.
Weakness, another's, moulds, 812.
let my, have an end, 797.

of our apprehension, 899.
stronger by, 755-

Weal, make or mar the common, 603.
Wealth accumulates and men decay, 687.
boundless his, as wish can claim, 563.
by any means get, 803
ignorance of, his best riches, 687.
loss of, is loss of dirt, 347.

of Ormus and of Ind, 722.

partake but never waste thy, 231.
rich from very want of, 559-

that sinews bought have earned, 594

Wealthy curled darlings of our nation, 722. Weapon, satire 's my, 806

still as snow-flakes fall, 604Weapons, women's, water-drops, 346. Wear a golden sorrow, 347

him in my heart's core, 112.
motley 's the only, 810.

worse for, a hat not much the, 961.

Weariness can snore upon the flint, 816. may toss him to my breast, 395Wears so, she to him, 215.

yet a precious jewel in his head, 348. Weary and old with service, 321.

are at rest, 330.

art thou, art thou languid, 364.
of breath, 335-

of conjectures, 759-
reckoning, 248.

stale flat and unprofitable, 346.
woe, 816.

Weather, through pleasant and through cloudy, 304

Weathered the storm, pilot that, 632.
Web from their own entrails spin, 203.
like the stained, that whitens, 120.
of our life is of a mingled yarn, 792.
Wed, December when they, 214.

itself with speech, ere thought could,

with thought, thought leapt out to, 113. Wedded pair, harmony to behold in, 209. Wedding, never, ever wooing, 144

Wedlock oft compared to public feasts, 231. Wee Willie Winkie, 83.

Weed flung from the rock, 631.

palmer's, sad votarist in, 830.
pernicious, 558.

Weeds of glorious feature, 489

sable, no friends appear in, 312. Week, divide Sunday from the, 559. Weep away the life of care, 317.

calm for those who, there is a, 794-
death a thing that makes men, 310.
make the angels, plays such tricks as,

night is the time to, 416.

no more lady, 138.

no more nor sigh nor groan, 346.

smile while all around thee, 78.

to record, blush to give it in, 395,

who would not, if Atticus were he, 910. words that, and tears that speak, 804. Weeping hermit, 563.

when all around thee smiled, 78. Weight of all this unintelligible world, 404. Welcome, deep-mouthed, 166.

ever smiles, 792.

peaceful evening in, 810.
pure-eyed Faith, 830.

shade, fairer spirit or more, 910.
the coming guest, 121.

to our house, you are very, 121.
warmest, at an inn, 121.

when it comes say, friend, 193 Welkin dome, thy stars have lit the, 592. Well done, servant of God, 395

last drop in the, 920.

loved not wisely but too, 724.
mar what 's, striving to better, 802.
of English undefyled, 938.

old oaken bucket which hung in the,


paid that's well satisfied, 802.

Well-bred man will not insult me, 780.
Well-spring of pleasure, a babe in a house,


Well-trod stage, then to the, 786.
Weltering in his blood, 771.
Wench's, white, black eye, 721.
Wept o'er his wounds, 688.
Western flower, a little, 836:
sea, wind of the, 81.

skies, behold him setting in his, 490. star, lovers love the, 491. Westminster, thrive at, on fools, 810. Westward the course of empire takes its way, 587.

West-wind, baskin', purr contented, 493.
West-wind's summer sighs, 719.
Wet damnation, 558.-

sheet and a flowing sea, 626. with unseen tears. 416. Wether, tainted, of the flock, 348. Whale, bobbed for, 672.

What a fall was there my countrymen, 876. can an old man do but die, 322. can ennoble sots or cowards, 781. care I how fair she be, 193. constitutes a state, 599

has been has been, 792.

has posterity done for me, 793.

is done is done, 792.

's hallowed ground, 788.

's mine is yours, yours is mine, 205.

is more iniserable than discontent, 799.

's one man's poison, 815.

is what, he knew, 808.

is worth in anything, 803.

makes all doctrines plain and clear, 809. to follow is a task, 808.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


I will ne'er consent, consented, 205.
lovers, talking age and, 686.
tongues can poison truth, 116.
wind, bayed the, 688.

with white lips the foe, 512.

Whispers of shades and wanton winds, 494.

the o'er-fraught heart, 312.

Whist, the wild waves, 869.

Whistle and I'll come to you, 156.
Whistles in his sound, pipes and, 711.
Whistling of a name, ravished with the, 939.

to keep his courage up. 107.

White a moment, then melts forever, 848. nor white so very, black is not black, 806.

pure celestial, 592.

wench's black eye, 721.

White-handed Hope, 830
Whiteness, in angel, 723.
Whiter than the driven snow, 708.
White-washed wall, 689.

Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel, 909. builds a church to God, 797

dares do more is none, 800.

dares greatly does greatly, 671.

love too much hate in like extreme, 207 shall decide when doctors disagree, 803.

steals my purse steals trash, 811.

would not weep if Atticus were he, gro. Whoe'er she be that not impossible she, 192. Whole, harmonious, 417.

of life to live, not the, 311.
one stupendous, parts of, 489.
perfect, 406.

world kin, makes the, 811. Whom the gods love die young, 107. Why don't the men propose, 214.

should the spirit of mortal be proud, 302. so pale and wan fond lover, 263 the, is plain as way to church, 803. Wick within the very flame of love, 271. Wicked cease from troubling. 330. Wickedness, method in man's, 395Wickliffe's dust shall spread abroad, 939 Widd, wife is a, what's the world when his

[blocks in formation]

Will, if she, do 't she will, 795.

puzzles the, 297.

serveth not another's, 736.

state's collected, sovereign law that, 599. the temperate, 128.

the unconquerable, 540.

to do the soul to dare, 670.
unconquered, star of the, 802.

woman, or won't, depend on 't, 795.
Willing to wound yet afraid to strike, 910.
Willowed shore, along thy wild and, 494
to do or say, what she, 209.
Wills, mention it within their, dying, 876.
Win a woman with his tongue, 133.
us to our harm, 396.

us with honest trifles, 396.

Wind, as large a charter as the, 602.
and the rain, hey ho the, 494-
bayed the whispering, 688.

betwixt the, and his nobility, 506.
blow, come wrack, 541.

blow thou winter, 316.

breathing of the common, 922.

but whispers of thy name, not a, 248.

constancy in, hope, 806.

hollow murmuring, 816.

idle, pass by me as the, 797

ill, turns none to good, 802.

invisible and creeping, 631.

melted as breath into the, 968.

of the western sea, 81.

of vanity or malice, 808.

or weather, naught cared this body for, 108.

sorrow's keenest, 398

stands as never it stood, 802.

streaming to the, shone like a meteor,


that follows fast, 626.

that grand old harper, 493 Winding bout, many a, 786.

way, I see them on their, 491. Winding-sheet, the snow shall be their, 513. Window, unfinished, in Aladdin's tower, 940. Windowed raggedness, looped and, 494Windows, storied, richly dight, 787. Winds and clouds and changing skies, 492. ask of the, 614.

blow, and crack your cheeks, 494.
come as the, come, 518.

courted by all the, 631.
happy, upon her played, 721.
lord of the, I feel thee nigh, 686.
of heaven, beteem the, 206.
posting, breath rides on the, 811.
rough with black, seas, 632.
scolding, have rived the oaks, 631.
stood four-square to all the, 940.
take the, of March with beauty, 495-
wailing, and naked woods, 466.
wanton, whispers of shades and, 494.
when the stormy, do blow, 629.
Wine, I'll not look for, 125.

of life is drawn, 346.

old, to drink, 118.

swallow down intoxicating, 558. sweet poison of misused, 558.

to the tremulous debauchee, 545

walnuts and the, 814.

Wing, noiseless, to waft me from distraction, 685.

Winged hours of bliss, 347

the shaft, his own feather, 800.

Wings, claps her, at heaven's gate she, 495. girt with golden, angel, 830. hope flies with swallow's, 800.

lend your, I mount I fly, 365.

of night, darkness falls from the, 490.
of silence, float upon the, 726.
philosophy will clip an angel's, 808.
sailing on obscene, 395.

scandals fly on eagles, 811.

spreads his light, 215.

the soul and points her to the skies, 725.

whets and claps its silver, 719.

wide waving, on, 802.

Winkie, wee Willie, 81.

Winking Mary-buds, 474,

Winsome wee thing, she is a, 216.

Winter cloathed all in frize, 492.

in thy year, no, 472.

of our discontent, now is the, 541.
ruler of the inverted year, 492.
when the dismal rain, in, 493.
wind, blow thou, 316.

Winter's chill, one rent adınits the, 310.
crown old, head with flowers, 193.

Wisdom at one entrance quite shut out, 407. finds a way, be there a will, 798. man of, is the man of years, 794. married to immortal verse, 806. mounts her zenith with the stars, 431. nearer when we stoop ofttimes, 798. never so frail in her, 723. of a thousand years, 602.

pay his, for his joys, 800.

Wisdom, superior, is superior bliss, 798. the prime, 798

vain, all and false philosophy, 808. with, fraught, 798 Wisdom's aid, Music, 774

Wise, arts in which the, excel, 806.

be, to-day 't is madness to defer, 748.
be, with speed, 793-

defer not till to-morrow to be, 793.
enough to play the fool, 798.
every, man's son doth know, 122.
fair-spoken and persuading, 723.

folly to be, where ignorance is bliss, 108.
for cure on exercise depend, the, 671.
little, the best fools be, 798.
lowly, unto me made, 797.
passiveness, 397.

saws and modern instances, 711.
the only wretched are the, 730.
type of the, who soar, 474-
worldly, be not, 798.

Wisely loved not, but too well, 724.

worldly, be, 798.

Wiser, sadder and a, man, 860.

still daily to grow, 796.

than a daw, I am no, 810.

Wisest brightest meanest of mankind, 938. censure, mouths of, 811.

virtuousest discreetest best, 209. Wish, father to that thought, 800.

fled from her, and said Now I may, 723. Wishes, in idle, fools supinely stay, 798.

sober, never learned to stray, 306. Wishing worst of all employments, 801. Wit, a man in, simplicity a child, 724.

able enough to justify the town, 939.
and mirth and spleen, 724-
brevity is the soul of, 803.
brightens, how the, 812.
craves a kind of, 798.

in combat as gentle as bright, 940.
into a jest, put his whole, 939.
invites you by his looks to come, 803.
's a feather, 780.

men of, and social eloquence, 940.
men of, now and then your, 810.
metaphysic, 808.
mortify a, 804.
shallow, 806.

that can creep, 910.

there ye 'll find nae otherwhere, 348.
true, is nature, 807.
turbulent of, 908.

Wit's deep quintessence, 938.
false minor, 911.

Witch hath power to charm, nor, 397.

the world with noble horsemanship, 671. Witchcraft, hell of, 204.

this only is the, I have used, 145. Witchery of the soft blue sky, 490. Witching time of night, 'tis now the very,


Within that awful volume lies, 397.

that, which passeth show, 295. Wits, great, to madness near allied, 909. keen encounter of our, 804.

Witty to talk with, 134.
Wizard hand lies cold, 940.
Woe amid severest, 899.

another's, teach me to feel, 370.
bewrays more, silence in love, 204-
day of, 309.

deepest notes of, 204.

every, a tear can claim, 267.

heritage of, lord of himself that, 346. mockery of, 312.

new scenes of, 539.

one, doth tread upon another's heel, 345. ponderous, 312.

proper, careful pilot of my, 223.

rearward of a conquered, 271.

sabler tints of, 346.

[blocks in formation]

Woman, believe a, or an epitaph, 806.
dark eye in, light of a, 686.
destructive deceitful damnable, 795-
die because a, 's fair, 193.
frailty thy name is, 207.
how divine a thing a, 723.

I will take some savage, 257.

in our hours of ease, 509.

in this humor won, was ever, 796.
in this humor wooed, was ever, 796.
lovely woman. 133.

loves her lover in her first passion, 796.
man is but half without, 232.
man sighed till, smiled, 204

mist is dispelled when a, appears, 795
moved is like a fountain troubled, 725.
one that was a, 309.

perfected, earth's noblest thing, 723.
play the, forced me to, 321.
play the, with mine eyes, 346.
Scorned, no fury like a, 207.
she 's a, therefore to be won, 795-
still be a, for you, 185.
stoops to folly, when lovely, 336.
take an elder, let the, 215.
that deliberates is lost, 796.
trusts himself to, or waves, 271.
what mighty ills done by, 795-
will or won't, depend on 't, 795-
win a, with his tongue, 133.

Woman's chiefest charm, low and gentle voice, 795

eye, teaches such beauty as a, 795.
eyes, light that lies in, 203.

gentle brain, 795.

Tooks, my only books were, 204.

love, brief as, 207.

love is false, 207.

love, paths to, 204.

mood, fantastic as a, 813.

reason, no other but a, 723

whole existence, 't is, 796.

Womanhood and childhood fleet, 104.

Womb of uncreated night, lost in, 794.

Women are frail too, aye as the glasses,


fair, and brave men, 511.

find few real friends, like princes, 795framed to make, false, 207.

love of, alas! the, 203.

must weep, men must work and, 621. other, cloy the appetites they feed, 712.

sweet is revenge, especially to, 167. wars or, more pangs and fears than, 321. Women's eyes, from, this doctrine, 133 weapons, water-drops, 346. Won, baffled oft is ever, 582.

how fields were, showed how, 688. if haply, perhaps a hapless gain, 204. not unsought be, be wooed and, 209. she is a woman therefore to be, 795woman in this humor, was ever, 796. Wonder, all mankind's, 134

grew, still the, 688.

how the devil they got there, 815
of an hour, a school-boy's tale, 792.
of our stage, 905.

Wonderful is death, how, 714.
Wonders, his, to perform, 632.

Wondrous kind, fellow-feeling makes one.


strange, 808.

Wonted fires, in our ashes live their, 306.
Woo, April when they, 214

tell my story and that would, her, 145.
were not made to, 795-

Wood, deep and gloomy, 404.

impulse from a vernal, 494.
old, to burn, 118.

Woodbine, over-canopied with luscious, 495well-attired, 494

Woodman spare that tree, 101.

Wood-notes wild, warble his native, 786.
Woods against a stormy sky, 587.

green-robed senators of mighty, 494.

naked, 466.

pathless, there is a pleasure in the, 607. whispered it to the, 209.

Wooed and not unsought be won, be, 200. beautiful and therefore to be, she's


we should be, 795

woman in this humor, was ever, 796.

Wooer, was a thriving, 204.

Wooing in my boys, I'll go, 215. never wedding ever, 144.

the caress, 814Woolen, odious in, 779. Word, alone, that worn-out, 813.

at random spoken, many a, 803. choice, and measured phrase, 807. every ship brings a, 746.

every whispered, vows sweet in, 491.
fairer than that, 133-

He was the, that spake it, 398.
laughed his, to scorn, 396.


Word, life from the dead is in that, 389.
no man relies on, whose, 940.
no such, as fail, 802.

of Cæsar might have stood, 876.

of promise to our ear, keep the, 345.
reputation dies at every, 811.

tale whose lightest, would harrow up,

teaching me that, I thank thee for, 804.
that must be, Farewell a, 241.

too large, tempted her with, 204
unkind or wrongly taken, 264.

upon the, accoutred as I was, 670.

Wordes fearen babes, 540.

Words, appear in other ways than, 121. apt and gracious, 723

are like leaves, 803.

are things, 805.

give sorrow, 312.

immodest, admit of no defence, 805

last, of Marmion, 510.

move slow, line labors and the, 806.
of all sad, of tongue or pen, 159.
of learned length, 688.

of love then spoken, 318.

quench the fire of love with, 203. same rule in, as fashions, 806.

seldom spent in vain when scarce, 310. so nimble and full of subtle flame, 939. tears so obstruct my, 725.

that burn, 867.

that weep and tears that speak, 804.
unpack my heart with, 725.

wut's, to them whose faith, 539.

Work, God never made, for man to mend,


in close design, 815.

honest man's the noblest, of God, 780. sport as tedious as to, 108.

Workers, men the, 256.

Working out salvation, tools of, 396. Works, nature's, to me expunged, 407. of admiration, 348.

of love or enmity, 868.

sighing through all her, 899.
these are thy glorious, 363.

World, Academes that nourish all the,


a theatre the earth a stage, 792.

amphibious, 632.

anywhere out of the, 335

blows and buffets of the, 347.

brought death into the, 395. contagion to this, 491. daffed the, aside, 793

daze the, sudden visitations, 812

dissolves, when all the, 396

doth but two nations bear, 796.

dreams books are each a, 805.

ere his, be past his heaven commences, 687.

falls when Rome falls, 682.

federation of the, 257.

fever of the, 404.

give the, assurance of a man, 721.

glory jest and riddle of the, 792.

God hath made this, so fair, 399. good-by proud, I'm going home, 744hold the, but as the world, 804.

how the, wags, 791. humanized a, 800.

I have not loved the, nor the world me,


if all the, and love were young, 158.

inhabit this bleak, alone, 465.

's a bubble, 320.

's a stage, 711.

is all a Heeting show, 399.

is too much with us, 403.

kin, makes the whole, 811.

leaves the, to darkness and to me, 305. let the, sink, 398.

light awakes the, 490.

man is one, and hath another, 792. naughty, so shines a good deed in a, 797. name at which the, grew pale, 909. now a bubble burst and now a. 394

of death, knells us back to a, 308.

of sighs for my pains, 145.

of waters, rising, 407.

peace to be found in this, 228.

queen of the, and child of the skies,


rack of this tough, 346.

shot heard round the, 589.

shall be in love with night, 134

spin forever, let the great, 258.

spite the, 347.

steal from the, 225.

stood against the, word of Cæsar, 876.

that new, which is the old, 174.

this bank-note, 677.

World, thus runs the, away, 671.

touch of nature makes the whole, kin,

unintelligible, weight of this, 404.
uses of this, all the, 346.

vain pomp and glory of this, 321.
was all before them, 321.

was sad the garden was a wild, 204.
will disagree in faith and hope, 398.
witch the, with noble horsemanship,


within our arms, our, 206.

without a sun, man a, 795.
work-day, everydayness of this, 215.
World's broad field of battle, 770.

tired denizen, 415.
Worldly, be wisely, 798.

stuff, vanity of, 814.
wise, be not, 798.

Worlds, allured to brighter, 688.

conquer twenty, 308.
crush of, 759.

exhausted, and then imagined new, 905.
not realized, 759-

Worm i' the bud, concealment like a, 251.
is in the bud of youth, 308.
needlessly sets foot upon a, 782.

the canker and the grief are mine alone,


will turn, the smallest, 798.

Worms and epitaphs, let's talk of, 310.

of Nile, outvenoms all the, 811.

Worse, change for, 207.

for wear, a hat not much the, 961.
future views of better or of, 800.
make the, appear the better reason, 724.
Worship, freedom to, God, 587.

give me, and quietness, 541.
of the great of old, 681.

to the garish sun, pay no, 134. Worshippers, dies among his, 534 Worst speak something good, 364. this is the, 347

Worth a thousand men, one blast were,


conscience of her, 209.

departed, sad relic of, 581.
makes the man, 781.

prize not to the, what we have, 801.
promise of celestial, 398.
what is, in anything, 803.
Worthy of their steel, foemen, 655.

of your love, love him ere he seem, 205. Wot not what they are, 804 Wound, earth felt the, 899.

love's, purple with, 836.

never felt a, he jests at scars that, 345-
of Cæsar, put a tongue in every, 877.
shoe has power to, 134-

[blocks in formation]

that endure affliction's shower, 398Wreck, fierce o'er the, 632.

of sober vows, 558.
sunken, and sunless treasuries, 632.
Wrecks of matter, 759
Wren will fight against the owl, 232.
Wrenched with an unlineal hand, 345-
Wretch concentred all in self, 563.

condemned with life to part, 347.
error's, 310.

needy hollow-eyed sharp-looking, 722.
once conscious of the joy, 800.
whom every friend forsakes, 311.
Wretched in his conception, 320.
keenest pangs the, find, 816.
the only, are the wise, 730.
Wretches, feel what, feel, 802.

hang that jurymen may dine, 810.
poor naked, 494

Wring under the load of sorrow, 345.
Wrinkled Care derides, sport that, 785
Wrinkles the d-d democrats won't flatter,

[blocks in formation]

this breathing, sent before my time into, Writing, ease in, from art not chance, 806.


this little, 603.

this pendent, in bigness as a star, 492.

well, nature's chief masterpiece is, 806. Wroghte, first he, afterward he taughte, 697

Wrong, always in the, 909.

brother we are both in the, 121.
can't be, whose life is in the right, 397.
condemn the, and yet pursue, 395-
cradled into poetry by, 806.
no'er pardon who have done the, 798.
once, will need be always so, 798.
reverse of, mistook for right, 808.
rival in the, cannot bear a, 799-
the oppressor's, 297.

treasures up a, him who, 899.
Wrongs of night, light will repay the, 489.
Wroth with one we love, 116.
Wrought in a sad sincerity, 736.
Wut's words to them whose faith, 539
Wyd was his parisshe, 697.

Xanadu, in, did Kubla Khan, 834
Xerxes did die and so must 1, 397.

Yaller-pines, under the, I house, 493.
Yarn, web of our life is of a mingled, 792.
Yawn, heard thy everlasting, confess, 724
Ye mariners of England, 2).
Year, ever-running, 559

heaven's eternal, is tline, 311.
moments make the, 815.
no winter in thy, 472.
rolling, is full of thee, 417.
ruler of the inverted, winter, 492.
saddest of the, melancholy days the


seasons return with the, 407. Year's dull circle seems to run, 793Years, eternal, of God, 534

flight of, unmeasured by the, 399.
flood of, a never ending, 750.
Joys of other, 416.

live in deeds not, we, 742.

love of life increased with, 756.
none would live past, again, 793
that bring the philosophic mind, 759-
thought of our past. 758.

Yellow primrose was to him, a, 495.
Yesterday, call back, bid time return, 792.

the word of Caesar might have stood,

Yesterday's sneer and yesterday's frown,

[blocks in formation]

look backward with a smile, 792.
Yielded with coy submission, 711.
Yoke, how hard thy, 204.

York, this sun of, made summer by, 541.
You meaner beauties of the night, 124
Young and so fair, 335

barbarians all at play, 681.

both were, one was beautifnl, 764
desire, bloom of, 205.

desire, hope thou muse of, 800.
die, whom the gods love, 107.

Fancy's rays the hills adorning, 108,
idea how to shoot, teach the, 214
man's fancy lightly turns to love, 254-
Obadias David Josias, 397.
read nature, the, 494.

spurned by the, hugged by the old

Young-eyed cherubins, quiring to the, 775-
when my bosom was, 529.
Yours, what's mine is, and yours is mine,

very heaven to be, 490.

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