CRITICAL REVIEW. For MAY, 1794. Letters, on the Subject of the Concert of Princes, and the Dif memberment of Poland and France. (First published in the Morning Chronicle between July 20, 1792, and June 25, 1793.) With Corrections and Additions. By a Calm ObServer. 8vo. 5s. Boards. Robinsons. 1793. WHILE the press daily teems with political pamphlets, over ! flowing with loose declamation, or dictated by intemperate heat, or fabricated for interested purposes, the friends of liberty and of peace have perused with peculiar pleasure a feries of letters in which found reasoning is joined to brilliancy of expreffion, and accurate information to dispassionate candour. Whoever the Calm Observer may be, he has a right to the appellation he has assumed, and his post of obfervation must be a favourable one, fince it commands a long reach of the politics and prospects of the greater part of European potentates. These Letters are now republished from the Morning Chronicle, in which they appeared between July 1792 and June 1793. During all that eventful period they were founding in our ears like a warning voice, nor have any of the events which have happened since, tended to discredit their sagacity, or to render less desireable the object they recommend. They are somewhat shortened from their original form by the omission of some letters and parts of letters, not so immediately relative to the general subject, and perhaps would have had a better appearance as a whole, if the Appendix, Preface, and Poftcript, had been wrought into the body of the publication. The arguments of the Calm Observer are directed to prove, that there exists between the three powers of Austria, Russia, and Pruffia, a most formidable league for mutual aggrandizement, and that they have pursued this object for fome time with unremitting attention, and with a fuccess which ought to make them an object of fufpicion to the rest of Europe, a league which is equally directed against the internal liberty of each particular state, and the external liberty of their neighbours in general. On this head he observes : C. R. N. ARR. (XI.) May, 1794. B The |