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5 In them hath he fet a tabernacle for the fun, which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a giant to run his course.

6 It goeth forth from the uttermost part of the heaven, and runneth about unto the end of it again; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

7 The law of the Lord is an undefiled law, converting the foul: the teftimony of the Lord is fure, and giveth wifdom unto the fimple.

14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be alway acceptable in thy fight,

15 O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer.



HE Lord hear thee in the day of trouble: the Name of the God of Jacob defend thee.

2 Send thee help from the fanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Sion.

3 Remember all thy offer8 The ftatutes of the Lordings, and accept thy burntare right, and rejoice the facrifice. heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, and giveth light unto the eyes.

9 The fear of the Lord is clean, and endureth for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

10 More to be defired are they than gold,yea, than much fine gold: fweeter alfo than hony, and the hony-comb.

11 Moreover, by them is thy fervant taught; and in keeping of them there is great reward.

12 Who can tell how oft he offendeth: O cleanse thou me from my fecret faults.

13 Keep thy fervant alfo from prefumptuous fins, left theyget the dominion over me: fo fhall I be undefiled, and innocent from the great offence.

4 Grant thee thy hearts defire, and fulfil all thy mind.

5 We will rejoice in thy falvation, and triumph in the Name of the Lord our God: the Lord perform all thy petitions.

6 Now know I, that the Lord helpeth his Anointed,and will hear him from his holy heaven; even with the wholfome ftrength of his righthand.

7 Some put their truft in chariots, and fome in horses: but we will remember the Name of the Lord our God.

8 They are brought down, and fallen: but we are rifen, and stand upright.

9 Save, Lord, and hear us, O King of heaven, when we call upon thee. Pfalm


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HE king fhall rejoice in thy ftrength, O Lord; exceeding glad fhall he be of thy falvation.

2 Thou haft given him his hearts defire, and haft not denied him the request of his = lips.

3 For thou fhalt prevent him with the bleffings of goodness, and shall fet a crown of pure gold upon his head,

4 He afked life of thee, and thou gavest him a long life; even for ever and ever.

their feed from among the children of men.

I For they intended mifchief against thee, and ima gined fuch a device as they are not able to perform.

12 Therefore fhalt thou put them to flight, and the strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready against the face of them.

13 Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own ftrength: so will we fing, and praife thy power.


Y God, my God, look

5 His honour is great in upon me, why hast thou Mi

thy falvation: glory, and - great worship fhalt thou lay upon him.

6 For thou shalt give him everlasting felicity, and make him glad with the joy of thy


7 And why? because the king putteth his truft in the Lord, and in the mercy of the most Highest he shall not mifcarry.

8 All thine enemies fhall feel thy hand: thy right hand shall find out them that hate thee.

9 Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in time of thy wrath: the Lord fhall deftroy them in his displeasure, and the fire fhall confume them.

10 Their fruit fhalt thou root out of the earth, and

foríaken me, and art fo far from my health, and from the words of my complaint?

2 O my God, I cry in the day-time, but thou heareft not, and in the night-feafon alfo I take no rest.

3 And thou continueft holy, O thou worship of Ifrael.

4 Our fathers hoped in thee: they trufted in thee, and thou didft deliver them.

5 They called upon thee, and were holpen: they put their trust in thee, and were not confounded.

6 But as for me, I am a worm, and no man; a very fcorn of men, and the out-cast of the people.

7 All they that fee me, laugh me to fcorn: they fhoot out

their lips, and shake their bones: they stand staring and

heads, faying,

8 He trufted in God, that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, if he will have him.

9 But thou art he that took me out of my mother's womb thou waft my hope when I hanged yet upon my

mother's breafts.

10 I have been left unto thee ever fince I was born: thou art my God even from my mother's womb.

11 O go not from me, for trouble is hard at hand there is none to help me.


12 Many oxen are come about me: fat bulls of Bafan close me in on every fide.

13 They gape upon me with their mouths, as it were a ramping, and a roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart alfo in the midst of my body is even like melting wax.

15 My ftrength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaveth to my gums; and thou shalt bring me into the duft of death.

16 For many dogs are come about me; and the council of the wicked layeth fiege against me.

17 They pierced my hands and my feet, I may tell all my

looking upon me.

18 They part my gar ments among them, and caft lots upon my vesture.

19 But be not thou far from me, O Lord: thou art my fuc cour, hafte thee to help me.

20 Deliver my foul from the fword; my darling from the power of the dog.

21 Save me from the lion's mouth: thou haft heard me alfo from among the horns of the unicorns.

22 I will declare thy Name unto my brethren: in the midft of the congregation will I praise thee.

23 O praise the Lord, ye that fear him: magnify him, all ye of the feed of Jacob, and fear him, all ye feed of Ifrael.

24 For he hath not defpifed nor abhorred the low eftate of the poor: he hath not hid his face from him, but when he called unto him, he heard him,

25 My praise is of thee in the great congregation: my vows will I perform in the fight of them that fear him.

26 The poor fhall eat, and be fatisfied: they that feek after the Lord fhall praise him; your heart fhall live for ever.

27 All the ends of the world fhall remember themselves, and be turned unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the


my head, and my heart hath failed me.

in number than the hairs of 3 The Lord comfort him when he lieth fick upon his bed; make thou all his bed in his fick nefs.

16 O Lord, let it be thy pleasure to deliver me; make hafte, O Lord, to help


17 Let them be ashamed, and confounded together, that feek after my foul to deftroy it; let them be driven backward, and put to rebuke, that wish me evil.

18 Let them be defolate, and rewarded with fhame, that fay unto me, Fie upon thee, fie upon thee.

19 Let all thofe that feek thee be joyful, and glad in thee; and let fuch as love thy falvation say alway, The Lord be praised.

20 As for me, I am poor and needy; but the Lord careth for me.

21 Thou art my helper, and redeemer; make no long tarrying, O my God.



4 I faid, Lord, be merciful unto me; heal my foul, for I have finned against thee.

5 Mine enemies fpeak evil of me; When fhall he die, and his name perish?

6 And if he come to fee me, he fpeaketh vanity, and his heart conceiveth falfhood within himself, and when he cometh forth he telleth it.

7 All mine enemies whisper together against me; even against me do they imagine this evil.

8 Let the fentence of guiltinefs proceed against him, and now that he lieth, let him rife up no more.

9 Yea, even mine own familiar friend, whom I trusted, who did alfo eat of my bread, hath laid great wait for me.

10 But be thou merciful unto me, O Lord; raise thou me up again, and I fhall reward them. 11 By this I know thou fa

Leffed is he that confider-voureft me, that mine enemy eth the poor and needy; | doth not triumph against me. the Lord fhall deliver him in 12 And when I am in my the time of trouble. health, thou upholdest me, and fhalt fet me before thy face for ever.

2 The Lord preferve him, and keep him alive, that he may be bleffed upon earth, and deliver not thou him into the will of his enemies.

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PSALM 42. Ike as the hart defireth the water brooks, fo longeth my foul after thee, O God.

2 My foul is athirft for God, yea, even for the living God; when thall I come to appear before the prefence of God?

3 My tears have been my meat day and night; while they daily fay unto me, Where is now thy God?

4 Now when I think thereupon, I pour out my heart by myfelf; for I went with the multitude, and brought them forth into the houfe of God;

5 In the voice of praise and thanksgiving; among fuch as keep holy-day.

6 Why art thou fo full of heaviness, O my foul, and why art thou fo difquieted within me?

7 Put thy trust in God; for I will yet give him thanks for the help of his countenance.

8 My God, my foul is vexed within me; therefore will I remember thee concerning the land of Jordan, and the little hill of Hermon.

9 One deep calleth another, because of the noife of the water-pipes; all thy waves and ftorms are gone over me.

10 The Lord hath granted his loving-kindnefs in the daytime, and in the night-feafon did I fing of him, and made

my prayer unto the God of my life.

III will fay unto the God of my strength, Why haft thou forgotten me; why go I thus heavily, while the enemy oppreffeth me?

12 My bones are fmitten afunder as with a fword; while mine enemies that trouble me caft me in the teeth;

13 Namely, while they say daily unto me, Where is now thy God?

14 Why art thou so vexed, O my foul, and why art thou fo difquieted within me?

15 O put thy trust in God; for I will yet thank him, which is the help of my countenance, and my God.


Ive fentence with me, O

GGod, and defend my

caufe against the ungodly people; O deliver me from the deceitful and wicked man.

2 For thou art the God of my ftrength, why haft thou put me from thee, and why go I fo heavily, while the enemy oppreffeth me?

3 Ofend out thy light and thy truth, that they may lead me, and bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy dwelling.

4 And that I may go unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my joy and glad nefs; and upon the harp will I

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