Advertisement. TH HE Liturgy now offered to the Public, is the Liturgy of the church of England, with the amendments of Dr. Clarke, and fuch farther alterations as were judged neceffary, to render it un exceptionable with respect to the OBJECT of A 2 re religious worship: and at the fame time, other blemishes and improprieties are removed, which have been taken notice of by fome of the greatest Names in the English church. The Editor has not prefumed to rely intirely on his own judgment in the farther alterations here exhibited; but has profited by the affiftance and judicious remarks of his Friends. And he propofes it as a Liturgy to be made ufe of by a fos ciety of like-minded Chriftians; amongst whom he fhould be happy if his own labours in the miniftry of the gospel might find acceptance. As many worthy Perfons are diffatisfied with the prefent Liturgy, this effay towards an improve ment |