TO ENGLISH LITERATURE INCLUDING A NUMBER OF CLASSIC WORKS. WITH NOTES. BY F. V. N. PAINTER, A.M. PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE IN ROANOKE COLLEGE. HARVARD LIBRARY 46*226 COPYRIGHT, 1894, BY LEACH, SHEWELL, & SANBORN. ELECTROTYPING BY C. J. PETERS & SON. PRESSWORK BY BERWICK & SMITH. PREFACE. THIS work is an attempt to solve the problem of teaching English literature. The ordinary manuals, it is believed, have ceased to give general satisfaction. This result was inevitable; for the principle upon which they are based is fundamentally at variance with educational science. While containing a great deal about English literature, these works do not teach English literature itself; and it is not unusual for a student to finish them without being acquainted with a single classic work, or having acquired the least fondness for sterling literature. It is the recognition of these facts that has caused many teachers to desire and seek something better. The subject of English literature is of great extent; no other nationality has a richer intellectual heritage. Its history extends through twelve hundred years, and the list of authors and of their productions is almost endless. Some knowledge of this literature is an indispensable part of a liberal education. Simply as information, this knowledge is of far more importance to us than an acquaintance with any other literature, ancient or modern. And as an educating instrumentality, it possesses great value. Its criti |