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singing out sharply, while the great flat clumsy fish wabbles and "flops" this way and that way, nearly hauling his captor over upon his nose among the fish, "Jab the boat-hook into him, quick, will ye?" Chunk! it goes, fairly into the creature's back; four men seize the hook-staff, and walk the big sting-ray bodily out ashore, his first friend steering him behind by the tail. Poor old ray! he lies wounded and bleeding on the dry, hot sand, guggling and choking, helpless and dooined. I run and jump up before him, whereupon he unexpectedly gives a strange loud watery snort, and wallops almost off the ground, as if, like Mr. Briggs' pickerel (see London Punch), he were going to "fly at me, and bark like a dog." It scares me, until I reflect upon his locomotive disadvantages, and so I repeat my irritating gambadoes, until the monster is too dead to notice them. He weighs at least five hundred pounds; and is long enough and broad enough to cover a table for six. His three "stings" are cut off and given me to scrape, wash and preserve, with strict cautions from the friendly fishermen against allowing the sharp points or barbs, or the poisonous black slime adhering to them, to get through my skin. These "stings" are tapering two-edged daggers of hard white bone, set flatwise one over the other upon the upper side of the ray's tail, and so jointed on that they can be erected and made to stand out like three fingers stretched apart. The ends, and the barbs that point backwards along the sides, are as sharp as needles, and will inflict a frightful ragged cut. wound is more dangerous or more dreaded. The slimy black venom which sticks all over the stings lodges in the lesion, and the unlucky recipient of the ray's blow is in imminent danger of lock-jaw. A friend of mine was hit by one of these ugly things in the ancle. The barbed blade caught among the sinews, and drew one of them fairly out from the leg-a red and white string a foot long.


He was laid up long with the consequent inflammation and fever; had lock-jaw; almost died; and halts yet upon the leg which the "stinger" stung. Of the three stings which the fishermen gave me, I send one to the Editor of Putnam's Monthly with these sheets.

The whitefish are all deposited upon the beach, in silvery, sliddering heaps; choking, gasping and jumping; or curling into shuddering, agonized rings for a moment, and then quietly straightening out to die. Last of all, the sneaking shark, who had nosed off to the furthest corner

and wound himself up in the net, hoping to be hidden, is hauled up, and turned, kicking and kicked, out from the twisted meshes, to share the fate of those he had desired to destroy. It is pitiful to see the little whitefish gape and tumble and bounce about in innocent agony. The clumsy ray never troubles any body except in self-defence, and gets some sympathy; but nobody sympathizes with the pig-eyed, shovel-nosed villain who now spats the sand, and winks and nips with his three rows of thorny teeth, as he feels his thievish life slipping away from him. I sarcastically hint that he must be hungry, since he opens his mouth so wide; and I cautiously insert therein a whitefish or two, and set them well down with a stick. He has no appetite, after all, and spits them out; and, as I renew my attentions, he gathers himself up in a rage, and springs at me so strongly that the grinning jaws snap together within an inch of my fist. A little more strength in the old scoundrel's tail, and I should have repented me of catering for the shark. I recommend nobody to feed sharks from his fingers.

The net is empty-all but sundry nondescripts of the sea which stick here and there upon the meshes. A " sea-spider" or two, like a large mouldy acorn with six long legs; red starfish; varieties of seaweed; a stick and a fragment of old rope, are all. Half the hands count the fish, putting them in piles of four or five thousand each, and the rest replace the seine upon the boat, in readiness for another haul.

Dinner is cooked in a great iron pot. It is a chowder, of course-fisherman's food; what should it be?—Not the "old, original" chowder, the codfish aristocrat of chowders, whose idea is consecrated by the masterly manipulations and majestic name of the mighty man of Marshfieldthe Republican King "--but still a chowder, a delicious dish to appetites sharpened by sea air and sea water: It is a many-sided dish; of pork and fish, potatoes and bread, and onions and turnips -"all compact 99 66 chequits" and seabass, blackfish, long clams, "pumpkinseeds," and an accidental eel, all contribute. Pepper and salt, but especially hunger, are the seasoning: and I firmly believe that no such flavorous food ever slid tickling down mortal throat, as plopped out from the canted chowderkettle in the solitary fish-house by the


Late at night we returned home; the gain to the fishers being about a hundred

thousand fish, worth some forty or fifty dollars, and the gain to me being a store of happy memories; not so salable, perhaps, as the fish, but lasting longer and fresher, neither by me willingly to be exchanged for any ordinary tangible commodity.

Such was my life with the farmers by the sea. The time and space fail me to tell of the rockweeding expeditions; the wanderings after lost cattle in the woods; the wood-cutting in the same; the whortleberry parties; the numberless delightful and adventurous occupations in which my farming summers passed. It was pleasure unspeakable. And not that only, but I gained a store of strength, and hardy habits to keep it good, which subsequent years of study and confinement have not hitherto exhausted. I never can see a thin, white-faced schoolboy of twelve or fifteen, that I do not long to exile him; to expatriate him for a year or two from the pie and cake, the coddling and cookery of home, the weary, brain

baking of his school, out into the healthy world of the workers in the soil. His parents would be glad, however indignant or sorrowful at the parting, when he should return, as brown as a berry, straight, strong and hearty, almost able to eat his former self, if he were forthcoming.

I also gained an invaluable agricultural bias; so that I am ready, when my expected competence shall have been accumulated, to betake myself to the shadow of my trees and vines, and to the sunshine of my tilled land, and there in peace to end my days, living in the world of God, among the trees, the plants, the dumb beasts, the earth, the infinitude of beauty and vigor and youth, designed by him; as much superior to architectural and artistic parrotries of stone and canvas, as the pure, mystic beauty of Mont Blanc, the glories of the sea, of storms, and of the evening clouds, are superior to the gorgeous drapery and gilt gingerbread of a

hotel bridal-chamber.

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T six o'clock on the morning of the 1st of October, we took our last look at the lofty precipices, giant boulders, and crystal fountains which are the ministering spirits of the Hondo. After emerging from the long grass amid which our tents were pitched, we entered upon an open prairie, partaking of the genuine "hogwallow" characteristics, and in wet weather doubtless offering to the traveller the most cogently cohesive arguments against progress. An interval of about seven miles separates the Hondo from the Seco. Apropos of Rio Seco, it is said that these words constitute the original name of that great battle-field, known as Resaca de la Palma, but that the Mexican who first communicated the name was not understood, and that "Resaca" was as near the truth-Mexican truth-as the translator could come. This explanation-whether accurate or not-does not appear improbable, inasmuch as the position taken by General Arista, when driven from Palo Alto, was in the rear of the bed of a defunct rivulet, the banks of which formed a natural semi-circular parapet, with the concavity towards the Americans.

This day we first observed a few specimens of the " soap plant"- -a bulbous root extensively used among the Mexicans as a substitute for soap. The plant, it is said, seldom grows more than a foot high; the stalk and leaves drop off in the spring, though the bulbs, it is said, remain in the ground an entire season without decaying. The mode of using it is to peel off the skin or exterior coating, then immerse the root in water until it is somewhat softened, and apply to clothes in the same manner as soap. Woollen fabrics alone, we are told, are washed with it, the colors of which when but slightly faded, are restored to nearly their original brightness.

We arrived at the Sabinal between twelve and one o'clock, on the banks of which the advance troops were comfortably encamped. The highest and hottest points in the vicinity,

- succeeded

in finding, for pitching the tents of the new arrivals and also the furthest, or as

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A blast from the bugles of the 2d Dragoons, which drew forth a universal tremor of disgust from the whole camp, and which was answered from the lungs of a hundred echoes, rang out clear and shrill the next morning about three o'clock. In a few minutes the entire body was in motion: mules snorting, horses snickering, harness rattling, teamsters cursing, cooks growling, men grunting, and officers grumbling, shivering, and dressing. Venus was the solitary sovereign of the firmament, as we filed into the road at half-past five o'clock. When the sun rose upon the column, as it appeared for the first time after the junction, the spectacle was spirited and attractive. At the head of the army, the bright barrels and bayonets of the regular infantry, under the veteran Bonneville, of Rocky Mountain memory, gave proudly back the glancing rays of the morning sun: then followed the battalion baggage wagons, and to these succeeded the bronzed corsairish visages and heavy armor of the 1st Dragoons. Next came thundering on Washington's artillery, officers and men in full uniform, their red horse-hair plumes waving like crescent flags in the eastern breeze, and their polished pieces reflecting the passing images of the surrounding landscape. Immediately behind, the heavy clattering of horses' hoofs, and the clangor of mounted troops, indicated the approach of the 2d Dragoons, the rear being marked by a long line of white-the covers of the principal train of wagons, amounting to one hundred and fifty, and stretching over an extent of nearly two miles. Last of all came the rear-guard-itself no mean epitome of army variety-rivalling in costumes and appointments the platoons of Falstaff.

We arrived at Stony Creek, after a march of seven miles, about eight o'clock. The intervening country presents very little novelty. There is a sort of wild luxuriance abroad over the prairie, which exhausts the energy of the soil by a spe



Icies of prolific unproductiveness. grass is of sickly growth, and almost parched to a cinder; amid which, however, several new varieties of plants made their appearance. The wild sage may be mentioned as found here, and the abolo, or buffalo herb. The latter derives its name from the resemblance of its odor to that of a herd of buffaloes. A variety of the mimosa sensitiva has also been noticed, but, like other occupants of this region, not very sensitive. About a mile east of the stream stood a stately elm, and as the largest tree yet seen in Texas and strikingly conspicuous from its isolation, this passing notice seems to be due to the legitimate monarch of the prairies. Like Napoleon, according to orator Phillips, it stands "grand, gloomy, and peculiar; and as no well-bred man ought to pass under the shadow of a full-grown survivor of a forest that has passed away, without doffing his hat, so few were disposed to withhold proper homage and respect in presence of its venerable and majestic form.

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The approach to the Rio Frio was by a gradual slope, with a natural pavement of snow-white gravel. The water is clear, cool, and delicious, and flows over a bed rivalling the whiteness of Parian marble. The fish sporting in such a medium would have driven old Izaak Walton into ecstacies, and the fine practical and praticable stone which lines the shores so abundantly, would have made Mr. McAdam sigh that nature had here made her own turnpikes.

At this point a portion of the dragoons and infantry were halted, while the General with the remaining detachments and artillery, pushed on to the Leona, where they arrived about noon. Nearly the entire distance between the Rio Frio and the Leona, the road passes over a limestone formation, with a very superficial covering of soil. The growth of timber is scattering and scraggy. The pioneers who, from bringing up the rear, have finally floundered into their appropriate position, reached here in the morning. Owing, however, it is said, to a difference of opinion as to the best method of arranging the approaches so as to be able to ford the stream with the train, nothing had been done on our arrival, and it therefore became necessary for the troops themselves to cut down the banks on either side so as to fit them for the passage of the artillery and baggage-wagons. This operation was conducted under the immediate supervision of Captain Corps of Engineers, whose "functions" (vide the 63d Article

of War) "are confined to the more elevated branches of military science." It must be confessed that our friends of the shovel and pick-axe did, in their first experiment, very forcibly illustrate their familiarity with the "elevated branches," and have acted with becoming regard to all the requirements of "science," particularly in reference to the Cæsarean maxim festina lente. Fording a river is doubtless a serious business, and the resources of science ought, of course, to be made available in its accomplishment. Should any of the streams ahead of us, however, require bridging, the problem was suggested whether it would be necessary to make drawings and specifications, and advertise for "sealed proposals"-as that is the usual method-which, under the circumstances, would be exceedingly inconvenient.

It has been asserted on the authority of "Deaf Smith"-the celebrated Texan spy-that eighteen years since, there was no water in the channel of the Leona, and that he had frequently slept upon it-then dry ground. According to this tradition, it burst forth at once with a depth of three or four feet, which it very nearly preserves throughout the year. Others

affirm that it consisted at that time of a series of basins, subterraneously connected, and that the rotten limestone has since crumbled away from above, and united the whole into a running stream.

The pure water and shaded borders of this little river, seduced many into the luxury of a thorough ablution this evening, and while enjoying a solitary bath just before tattoo, two huge owls perched upon a tree overhanging the water, gave several most unmistakable hints, in the way of unearthly and unmusical sounds, that I was an intruder on forbidden regions.

The artillery and dragoons resumed their march at sunrise, but owing to the problem to be solved, to wit, whether or not the principal wagon train could cross the Leona without a bridge, the commanding general remained until the arrival of the troops in rear, which was about eight o'clock. After felling a couple of trees across the stream, the men were all enabled to pass over dryshod, but the wagons were not so easily disposed of. It was found necessary to cut down the banks still more, throwing the gravel into the river, so as to form slopes of easy declivity, before the crossing could be commenced. Very precise instructions touching the mode of locking wheels; the proper method of addressing the mules; the number of "gees," "haws," "ups," "zips," &c., &c., to


be given in a minute; how to hold the reins; when to start and when to stop, and other details, to be thoroughly comprehended only by those vehicular quadrupeds and their drivers, in the service of Uncle Sam, were next given with great energy and effect, after which the whole body moved forward. As soon as the immediate valley of the river is left behind, the country again becomes prairie, and continues to the Nueces, of the same sterile, stony texture, with the exception of a narrow belt of red clay, indicating the probable proximity of iron ore.

At noon we came in sight of the Nueces, its winding course beautifully outlined by the mass of foliage with which its western bank is embroidered. Beyond it, the ground rises, so that the towering elms along the shore are overtopped by the less ambitious growth of the distant prairie. In the foreground of the lovely landscape were the white tents of the troops, the horses and mules grazing lazily around, the men engaged in their appropriate duties, and a solitary sentinel at his post, and just life enough visible in all, to relieve the repose of inanimate nature. Behind us a cloud of dust distinctly marked the sinuous road-way we had just passed over, beneath which the remainder of the troops then "dragged their slow length along," while the distant hilltops before us were shaded with a misty curtain, so clear, and soft, and ethereal, it seemed as if torn from the azure drapery of heaven with which its hues were mingling. The scene might well remind one of Byron's beautiful and inimitable description, in that sad and sombrous picturegallery of the "Dream."

"There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves upon me. Reposing from the noontide sultriness

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Stood camels grazing, and some goodly steeds
Were fastened near a fountain; and a man
Clad in a flowing garb did watch the while,
While many of his tribe slumbered around,
And they were canopied by the blue sky,
So cloudless, clear, and purely beautiful,

That God alone was to be seen in Heaven."

The different corps and detachments were in camp by four o'clock, except the stragglers, who, as usual, kept coming until sunset.

The position of our camp, though highly creditable to the artistic eye of

had little to recommend it practically. The grazing was scanty and burnt up, the fuel not abundant, and the water, though good and plenty of it, when reached, was rather too far from our tents, to please the cooks. Indeed, it appears that

Texas, poor as we have found it thus far, becomes worse as it approaches Mexico. One may travel from Dan to Beersheba, or from the Sabine to the Nucces, and exclaim with a great deal of truth as well as sorrow, All is barren. The country is a great thorn in the side of the body politic, and nearly every vine, or shrub, or bush, or plant, that draws its nourishment from the soil is a subdued image of its mother; and at the same time almost every insect, reptile, or animal, that is found within its borders, is venomous and vindictive.

Another innovation upon the constitution and habits of man, horse and mule, was perpetrated the ensuing morning, by rousing the camp from its slumbers at three o'clock. There is no surety for nocturnal rest in the vicinity of Major

As we marched from camp the fires were still blazing; a smoky vapor from the Nueces, hung like a veil over the plain; many tents were not yet struck; mule drivers were running about, yelling and cursing, in pursuit of lost animals; teams half harnessed and but half made up, on account of the strays, were standing in confusion along the path, and a perfect Babel of sounds and kaleidoscope of sights, assailed us at every point. The scene at the ford was fertile in materials of the grotesque and ridiculous. The regular infantry passed into the water with the counterfeit presentment of a grin, and went over without much hesitation. The volunteers, however, though amiable enough in the abstract, did not take it so kindly. A very few of them seemed to think a cold bath by starlight a most felicitous conception, but the larger portion entered the stream with as much suspicious reluctance as if about to take passage with old Charon across the impalpable Styx.

A German captain, not satisfied with his observations upon the depth of the water, after seeing two or three companies effect a crossing, began his own perilous passage, by probing or sounding with his sword. This idea had probably been suggested by hearing many of those who had preceded him, and who had doubtless been Mississippi "deckers" before they became soldiers. singing with the genuine twang as they strided through the river, "quarter less twain; no bottom; "by the mark three," &c., &c. The captain made the first plunge with admirable coolness and perfect military caution. He had evidently determined to "feel his way," and had resolved not to put himself knowingly in the power of the enemy. His legs were as bare-though perhaps not

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