BEING A CONFUTATION OF THE ARGUMENTS from REASON, AND PARTICULARLY By Dr. Whitby, in his Difcourfe on the Five Points, Wherein is confider'd, Whether thefe Doctrines bear any likenefs to the WITH A VINDICATION of fuch Arguments as proceed upon To which is added, A DEFENCE of the Objections to the UNIVERSAL PART III. By JOHN GILL. LONDON: Printed for, and Sold by Aaron Ward, at the King's Arms in Little Britain. 1737. THE CAUSE OF GOD and TRUTH. CHA P. I. Of REPROBATION. a HE Decree of Reprobation is faid to be contrary both to the nature and will of God, to his perfections, attributes and glory. It must be allow'd, that the nature and will of God, and not the nature and fitness of things, as fome fay, are the rule and mea a Whitby, p. 27. Remonftr. A&t. Synod. Circ. Art. i. p. 241, &c. Curcellacus, p. 366. Limborch, p. 334. Part III. B fure |