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ABROAD, going or returning, drink
fine, 181
Abrogation of drinking usages,
circumstances favourable to, 35,
36, 53, 305

Accuser failing to substantiate
charge, drink fine, 122, 203
Affidavit men, 166

Age, coming of, drink fine, 230
Agricultural occupations, drink-
ing usages of, 20, 63-65, 133,
246, 247
Allowances of drink, 131, 182
Anniversary of joining trade,
drink fine, 8
Anti-usage, plan of operations,
310, 314

Apprentice footing, or entry, re-
flections on, 11,12, 15, et passim

of,113, 127, 188, 212
Apron stamping, 203, 225
Arthur Seat mountain, usage,

Artificial connexion of business

sales, and liquor, 310 (see also
Footings, Fines, &c.)
Assistance at work, refusal of, a
drink penalty, 128, 133, 192,

Auctions, agricultural and others,
drink at, 20, 77, 246


Backings of drink money, 116,
130, 179, et passim
Baillie days, 77

Ballast men, their usages, 229
Balls, whisky, of females exclu-
sively, 57

Baptism, drinking at, 67, 158, et

drams, previous to, 30
Bargain and sale, use of liquor at,
21, 25, 133, 218, 247

a good, drink fine, 235

a rue, how adjusted, 22
Beams of lower deck, laying, li-
quor at, 177

Bean feast, 196, 203, 242
Bench, change of, in workshops,
7, 185

Bets, see Wagers, Stakes

Birth day, a man's, 180, &c.
of children, 30, 180,

184, &c.

Black pot, 245

rock, 180

Blacksmiths' usages, 83, 183
Block cutters' usages, 7
Blockmakers' ditto, 199

Bookbinders' ditto, 238

Boots, pair of top, buying, fire,
Brass founders' usages, 214
Breakfast dram, 32, 61

Bricklayers' usages, 224
Bridewell, fine for being sent to,
Brothering, 6, 11

Brothers, case of meeting, 294
Bull shilling, 250

Burns, examination of the poet's
writings, 90-102
Butchers' usages, 20, 67, 137
Buttoning work, fine, 185
Buttymen, among colliers, 238


Cab, stationing, first time, 136
Cabbing, 119

Cabinet-makers' usages, 6, 118
Cabmen's, 136
Calico glazers, 225
printers, 15
Candles, leaving burning, 6, 126,
185, 187

snuffing out, 198
Carders' usages, 224

Cargoes, discharging of, liquor at,

Carpenters' usages, 112, 185
Cart, cast in a, 26
Carvers' usages, 211
Catholic priests' ditto, 152
Cattle, dealers in, usages, 20

operators on, usages, 68
Chain cable manufacturers'
usages, 183
Challenge to fight, drink fine, 201
Chandlers' usages, 137

Chapel among pi inters, 135, 230
Christenings, (see Baptisms)
Christmas boxes, 147, 186, et

Cloth-lappers' usages, 8
Clubs, nightly, 74, 247

trade, drinking fines, 117,
166, et passim

room-rent in liquor,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

usages, 314

power of, in anti-
usage operations, 35, 304
Comparison of Irish and Scots
modes of inebriation, 168

Scots and English

ditto, 174, 256
Conclusion, remarks at, 317
Connexion between joyful occa-
sions and liquor, 69
Consultation dram, 65
Coopers' usages, 11, 134, 190
Coroner's jury, 255

Cotton Spinners' usages, 13, 230
Countenancing drinking in others,

Courtesy, connexion of and strong
drink, 258-283, 307

liquor here only the
symbol of, 262, 283, 307
Courtship, drinking usages of, 27,

Courts of law, mock (see Strong
Beer Act)

Coventry, being sent to, 7,

120, 186, et passim

[ocr errors]

Cow, buyingo e, drink fine, 235
Creeling, 80

Crowing, among colliers, 238
Curriers' usages, 184

[blocks in formation]

Delay in paying drink fines, (see
Persecution, Nonconformity,
Demi-usages, 102

Despotism of drinking usages,
(see Persecution, Nonconfor-
mity, Maltreatment)
Difficulty of introducing anti-
usages, 109-112
Dinner parties, 316

Dock or quay porters' usages, 103,


taking vessel in or out of, 50
Domestic usages, 157, (see Ser-

Donnybrook fair, 139

Duel, case of, contrasted, 298
Durham's opinion of drinking
healths, 267


England, drinking usages of, re-
mark on, 174, 255
Enlisting shilling and allowance,

Estimate, general, of our national
case, 317

Expense of usages(see Statistical)


Fairing in drink, 251
Farmers' usages, 45, 133
Farm servants, hiring, 63, 247
Fault-finding, fine, 205
Fighting, fine for, 214

Fire, letting out, &c. 6, 118, 187
Fishermen's usages, 236 (see
also Herring fisheries)
Flocker, 251

Foreign nations, drinking usages
of, 260

Foreman, one made a, 187

practices of some of
these, 179, 181, 182, 243, &c.
Foundation pint, 61

Founders, (see Iron-founders)
Friendly clubs,usages in,149, 247
Friendship, re-establishing by li-
quor, sophism, 10

[blocks in formation]

Garret match, summoning of,

Garrison, ditto, 204

General assembly of the church of
Scotland usages, 60. (See Pres-

General drinking usages in the
three kingdoms, 258-322
Gentlemen and ladies, considera-

tions for, 162, 284, 290, 313
Gilders' usages, 211
Gill stoup, lid unclosed, 248
Glass-makers' usages, 245
Good luck, any, drink fine, 230
Good of House, 148, 219, 248
Gown sealing, 61

Gradations of British society,

Graving bowl, 50

Gunmakers' usages, 213
Gun-tool makers' usages, 212


Hackney coachman, dram to, 45
Hale, Sir M. as to health drink-
ing, 267

Half-drowned mariner, story of,

Harbour drinking usages, 77, 79
Hatters' usages, 8, 50, 222

buying a father, 223

Hay, weighing of, liquor at, 63,
Health drinking, 263, 265, 307

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