MENTED FOR W. OTRIDGE AND SON ; LONGMAN, HURST, REES AND ORME; 1808. PREFACE. THE present volume of the Annual Register is some months later in appearing, than, from the arrangements into which the publishers had entered, they had reason to expect. This delay is solely to be attributed to the editor, whose over anxiety to render the historical part of the work as full and accurate as possible, prevented him from completing his labours within the time, in which he had undertaken to bring them to a conclusion. The publishers, however, have the satisfaction of assuring the readers of the Annual Register, that such delays need not be apprehended in future, and that henceforward no consideration shall be allowed to interfere with the regular publication of a work, which has been so long, and they will venture to say, so deservedly esteemed by the public. The editor of the present volume has, in the mean time, the satisfaction to reflect, that in consequence of this delay, he has been enabled, |