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tree. The project was greatly aided by the gift of a guinea from Mrs. Digby of Sherborne Castle, and the like sum from W. C. Macready. Esq., of Sherborne House; and some help was received from clergymen of the Church of England.


on a plan for rewarding the scholars honored with a Christmas gift from the who gained tickets for early attendance during the past year, so that they may better appreciate punctuality in coming to school-a point most desirable to be gained in any way, not only at this season of the year, but in these times of idle indulgence. A "Christmas tree" was proposed, and met with a ready response; and through the untiring exertions of Dr. Williams, our respected superintendent, and his lady, aided by a few other friends, a tree was planted in the middle of the spacious schoolroom, and hung with articles of almost every useful description, such as ruffs for the neck, pinafores, dolls, knives, books, scissors, &c., as prizes for the early comers. On the evening of Friday Jan. 14, the tree was illuminated with variegated lamps and tapers; the schooladorned with evergreens and



DEATH and change have been busy amongst us during the past year. Only two months of it had passed, when, after an illness of some weeks, a dear girl, who had formerly been with us, was called away from earth. She was a bright child, full of rosy health, and her smile was like sunshine gladdening all around. We should not certainly have fixed on her as likely to be the flags; and at half-past six the children first to leave us. Life seemed to be assembled, the spare room being quickly opening before her full of bright hope occupied by visitors and parents of the and promise; but fever came, and laid scholars. The proceedings were opened her low! And thus, withdrawn from by the singing of an appropriate hymn, outward scenes, she sought and found "We'll away to the Sabbath school," the Saviour, of whom she had so often after which the superintendent briefly heard, even from earliest childhood. stated the object of the meeting, and at At the beginning of her illness, she once began the distribution. The desired longer life, and was only feeling articles, each ticketed with the name of after Jesus; but, some time before she the youthful recipient, were then cut died, her will was brought into beautiful from the tree; and the superintendent, submission to the Divine, and she could in presenting the prizes to the children, lean upon the arm of the good and made suitable and pleasing remarks. tender Shepherd as she passed down Nothing could give the friends more into the "dark valley of the shadow of pleasure than to see the happy faces of When she thought herself the scholars as they gazed on the dying (and indeed but a little while beautifully illuminated tree, and recei- before her death), she sent for all her ved the rewards from the hands of their family, to bid them adieu, giving words kind superintendent. When the children of warning and earnest love to each, had nearly dismantled the tree, the and charging them all especially that distribution having occupied fully an they should meet her in Heaven; hour, the teachers were unexpectedly then she left a solemn message to be called out to receive each a book, given to the Sunday School children. judiciously chosen as bearing on the subject of instruction of the young. An amusing incident was the spontaneous clapping of hands by the children, when they saw their teachers



Tell them," she said, "to be sure and seek Christ while they are in health; for, if they leave it to a sick or dying bed, it may be difficult to seek and find Him then." This message, from

that dear dying child, was faithfully | tion, and the impression made was delivered to the children in our school sought to be followed up in the week

on the next Sabbath after her death; and it is hoped that its warning of love was not in vain.

Soon after this, another scholar (who had been with us for many years) was removed from us in the midst of life and health, under most mysterious and distressing circumstances. In the case of both families, too, we had soon to bid them a long adieu, as they had arranged to seek another home in New Zealand; and we have now to think of and pray for them as in that distant land. We specially and unitedly commended them to God before they left, and still feel a deep interest in their real welfare.

by a letter of faithful expostulation and entreaty; but ere that letter was delivered, the spirit so addressed had been summoned into the presence of its God! What shall we say to these things? Is there no warning voice to us in them? We have these enquiring, sinful, immortal spirits round us on the Sabbath; we know Him who hath Eternal life, and is ready to bestow it as a free gift on all who seek it at His hands.

Again are we reminded-by the almost sudden death of an earnest teacher in a neighboring school, who often united with us in our meetingsthat our day of labor is fast drawing to a close, and that the end of it may be much nearer than we are sometimes wont to think. "He rests from his labors, and his works do follow him." Happily they were works of love done for Christ and souls.

Are we doing all we can in

Several parents too have died, some of whom left behind them a clear testimony to the preciousness of Jesus, and His all-sufficiency even in the hour of mortal weakness. Said one, only a few weeks since, to the superintendent when he called, a little while before the same blessed service? Let us soher death: "He is faithful! not one of lemnly remember that the journey of His promises have failed. I have not life cannot be travelled over a second a care for earth, except for my children." time to correct mistakes, and make a Then she added, "God has been a hus- better improvement of precious opporband to me, and I am sure he will be a tunities. We are hasting to its final father to them." She had been a widow close. Why should we be heaping up some few years, and the calm and al- regrets for a death-bed review? Who most joyful trust manifested in these would not earnestly desire the approving few earnest words, in the near approach" well done" at last, given only to the of the King of Terrors, was most cheer- faithful servant? Who but would seek ing to witness. to crowd the precious fleeting moments In these death-bed experiences we of this earthly life with holy deeds of are vividly reminded how solemn and love for Him who poured out His soul momentous a work we have undertaken on the high altar of Calvary, to save us in the training of immortal spirits for all from the second death? Men are the skies! What a light is thrown on eager and earnest enough about the the necessity of being intensely in things that pass away; they need no earnest when the soul is in peril! The appeals when engaging in the strife of teacher of the girl who was suddenly cut off, had, on the previous Sabbath, been urging most strongly the point of religious decision; having a special reference to this girl, who was about leaving for New Zealand. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve," had been the subject of the afternoon's exhorta

commerce and the race for wealth. The hurrying step, the restless eye, the anxious brow, proclaim the story of the ceaseless toil for perishable gain or glory. For things that men must part with for ever at death (if not long before), what will they not do and dare? Yet for the "incorruptible crown," for the honor of

sharing with the Saviour in His glorious priate address, elegantly written:-To reward, and being recognized and Miss Sharpe, (superintendent of the approved by Him as "faithful," before Infant school), an exceedingly handan assembled universe-how little anx-some Blotting case; to Miss Wells, iety is shown! how little effort is made! (superintendent of the girls' school), a "Tis high time the judgment and the similar one; and to Mr, Wheeler, conduct were reversed. "The world (superintendent of the boys' school), a passeth away and the lust thereof; but most beautiful Inkstand, inlaid with The articles were all he that doeth the will of God abideth Mother o' Pearl. for ever."


of great beauty, and must have gost a considerable sum, while at the same time they reflected great credit upon the contributors for the good taste which had been displayed in their selection,

Mr. WHEELER, the Superintendent, (rose in the meeting amidst great applause), begged on behalf of himself and the lady Superintendents, to offer their heartfelt thanks to the parents for the handsome presents which had been made, and also for the very kind man ner in which they had been presented. "They (the superintendents), did not look for any reward in this world; they laboured because they felt it right to do so. He would remind the parents that although his position as superintendent, brought him more prominently forward than others, yet he did not, on that account, do more; but that he was dependent upon the active co-operation of the teachers, which he must say, was

WOODFORD, ESSEX. At an Old Scholars' Tea Meeting, lately held in connection with the Independent Chapel in this suburban village, a handsomely bound copy of the Scriptures, together with a pair of gold spectacles, were presented to Mr. DIXON. The Bible bore the following inscription: "Presented to Mr. S. DIXON, by the teachers and old scholars belonging to Providence Chapel Sunday School, Woodford, Essex, as a token of their esteem and affeetion, and in commemoration of his valuable services during fifty years' connection therewith. November 30th, 1858." The meeting was presided over by the Rev. EDWARD THOMAS EGG, andwas suitably addressed by the Revs. John ever accorded: and he was sure he only Hill, (of Stratford) J. Brown, (Ley-expressed the feelings of the kind donors tonstone) W. H. Hooper, (Waltham- of those presents, when he said, that stow) and Messrs. J. Kaye, Ashdown, Ebenezer Clarke, and Burnett,

CLAPTON CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOLS. A few months ago an idea had been conceived by some of the mothers of children in the school, of presenting to the superintendents certain tokens of the appreciation with which they regarded their self-denying labours. The idea having been matured, was practically carried out at the last annual tea-meeting of parents, over which the Rey, H. J. Gamble presided. The articles then presented were as follows, each being accompanied by an appro


they were intended as marks of regard, not only for the superintendents, but also for the teachers generally. constant aim would be, to make himself worthy of that esteem which these presents were designed to express; and he hoped that his son, and all those who might see that beautiful Inkstand upon his table, would be encouraged to persevere in efforts for the spiritual good of their fellow creatures."

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HAVING taken a general survey of the whole field of labour, it now becomes necessary to regard with particular attention that small portion of it which is to be your special care. For while it is requisite that you should have a comprehensive view of the Sunday school work as a whole, it is on your own class now that your chief attention is to be concentrated. Assuming, therefore, that having after deep and serious consideration devoted yourself to the work, I will suppose you duly appointed to a class, and sitting down in it for the first time. The superintendent perhaps has just said a few words of intro luction to the children in presenting their new teacher, and has left you alone with them. Possibly you may feel some slight, or it may be even a great degree of embarrassment, as you glance at the circle of curious and inquisitive faces gazing upon you. They are trying to find out what sort of a teacher they have got, and depend upon it they will soon succeed. And just as they are studying you, so you must study them. It must be your aim to become thoroughly acquainted with each child. Carefully observe their actions; notice every little trait in their characters; seek to familiarize yourself with their modes of thought. A very short time will suffice to show you how widely diverse are their characters and dispositions, and how very dissimilar the treatment which different children require. Notice that little sturdy fellow, how carefully he is watching you. He is trying to find out whether he can do with you, as he did with his old teacher; whether you or he shall rule. And you must take care how you let the rein fall very slack on his neck. But a totally different course is required for that quiet shy boy, who seems to shrink, like a sensitive plant, from the slightest touch. Gently and tenderly must you deal with him, to win his love, and gain his confidence. And between these extremes, you will find different phases and various gradations of character, each of which it should be your aim thoroughly to comprehend. Just as a physician seeks to acquaint himself with the symptoms of the disease for which he is to prescribe, so must you acquaint yourself with the various characters with which you have to deal.

To assist in this study, it may be useful here briefly to refer to some of the general characteristics of children. For though the oft-quoted line of Wordsworth's is unquestionably true, that

"The child is father to the man,”

yet there are some qualities in the mind of childhood very differently manifested to what they are in the mind of man. These it is important you should notice. Of these characteristics, remark:

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1. Susceptibility. The mind of a child is like a waxen tablet on which you may write almost what you will; or, to use a more modern figure, like the prepared paper of the photographer, receiving on its surface the most delicate lines of the object whose image is projected on it. The difficulty is not to impress it, but to prevent its being wrongly impressed. The effect you produce may be obliterated, or at least partially obliterated by a subsequent impression. Thus, while it is your duty to take advantage of this extreme susceptibility, you have also to guard against its dangers. None, who have watched children with any degree of attention, can have failed to remark how easily, and how powerfully their emotions can be awakened. How soon they may be excited to mirth-how soon that mirth may give place to tears. Tell them some little narrative in which they are interested, and see how thoroughly they identify themselves with the characters introduced. For a time they seem to live in the scenes to which you have led them, and all else is forgotten in the fascination of the story. I have seen a large class of children listening almost breathlessly, and in tears, to the narration of the last few sad hours of the Saviour's life. On an adult congregation how flatly, and how unimpressively would even that pathetic story too often fall. In this respect you possess a great advantage over the preacher. He has to excite feelings hardened and deadened by constant and rude contact with the rough realities of life; you, to excite them, while yet in their greatest sensibility. Of course, among children, there is a great difference in this respect, and you are not to expect that all will be equally impressible. As a general rule, however, the young minds with whom you have to deal will be keenly sensitive to impressions either for good or evil.

They must have something to
Their young affections must
Love them, and the whole

2. Affectionateness is another noticeable characteristic of children. Their love is easily won if it only be sought for. The key to their hearts is not difficult to obtain. love; they cannot live in themselves. have some external object to cling to. wealth of their pure love will be lavished upon you. If you have not the love of children, be sure the fault is with you, not with them. No worldly conventionalities lock up this love in their hearts. They are free to exhibit it, and rarely indeed does a child conceal it. You may go into your class then, assured that it is possible to gain their love; that there are no barriers against it; that they wish to love you if you will only let them. This affectionateness is also demonstrative, and you must be careful not to repress and chill it by a cold unsympathizing manner. Coldness very quickly repels a child, and the freezing manner in which children are sometimes met, inflicts an injury that we cannot fully estimate. Your care must be rather to

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