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there pursued. The meeting was subsequently addressed by Messrs. Wright, Boreham, Harding, Cox, Hearson, and other gentlemen, who were extremely entertaining in their remarks, keeping up the enthusiasm of the audience to a late hour. These speeches were interspersed with hymns, sung with admirable effect. The occasion was one that will be long remembered, both for the interesting character of the statements made, and the evident pleasure

should be specially brought to notice, vantages accruing both to children and and as he looked over the names of teachers from the studies that were those who had testified their regard, he should continue to offer up earnest prayer for them, and as one after another was removed from this world, he should put the death mark against their names, and continue to pray on for the liv. ing. He thanked them again, but could not find words to express all he felt on receiving these parting tokens. It was painful for him to say farewell to rend those ties which bound them together as pastor and people, but a sense of duty constrained him. Messrs. Chaplin, of the children at being thus feasted. Marvin, Buswell, and Chamberlain addressed the meeting, in short and appropriate speeches.

G. H., Secretary.


A CITY PARISH AS IT IS. You have often expressed a wish to have statistics bearing upon our Sunday school work, and it occurs to me that correct particulars regarding one of our MANCHESTER parishes may be useful in various ways, which I need not specify:

PAVEMENT CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL. -The anniversary of the above Sunday schools Hoxton, took place on Wednesday evening, January 12th. Tea was provided for the children and their friends. The occasion is always looked forward to with great pleasure by the children, Children 3 years old, and under 16...


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at School

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not at School ...

not at School or Work

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Population above 16 ...

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Regular at Public Worship
Irregular do.
Not ascertained
Not at Church or Chapel
Families with a Bible


without a Bible

who, by the kindly attention which the treat allows being bestowed upon them, are encouraged in attention to their studies, and, at the same time, have their attachment increased both to their teachers and to the congregation. The room was over-crowded, and, whilst this circumstance was on some accounts to be regretted, it gave gratifying evidence of the increasing interest attach- There are in the parish two most ing to the above schools. The Rev. L. valuable clergymen, three lay-assistHerschell took the chair on this occa ants, and an evening reader. There sion, and, on the cloth being removed, are on the books of the Sunday schools gave a brief address, commending the 705 teachers and scholars: average atdevotion of the teachers, and the general tendance nearly 500, The Day school assiduity of the scholars, and further has an average attendance of 216, and encouraging the friends of the schools. the congregation, almost wholly com He was followed by Jas. Harman, Esq., posed of the working classes, has in it the excellent superintendent of these above 130 communicants. There are schools, who confirmed what the Rev. on the average 800 persons in receipt Chairman had stated as to their ex- of relief from the poor rates; and the treme efficiency, and dwelt on the ad-proportion of the widows to the widowers


books were 130, which necessitated the erection of a larger room, which was opened at the close of the year; but from this time the attendance begun to decline, till in January, 1824, there was only eight boys present in the morning, and nine in the afternoon. Vigorous efforts were made to remedy this unhap

is as four to one. There is adjoining for beginners, and slates for the more the church a depository for the sale of advanced. In 1818, the numbers on the Bibles and religious tracts and books, which is most valuable. I have omitted all names, but to any person taking special interest in the matter, I shall be glad to prove the correctness of the various particulars; and to any wealthy person wishing to assist such a parish in a pecuniary manner, I shall be glad to be the medium of communication.py state of the school, which were so Yours faithfully, T. S.-Church Sunday far successful, that in 1830, the superSchool Quarterly Magazine.


intendent was able to report forty six as the average attendance for the year. Since then the school has steadily advanced, till there are now 230 names on the books. In 1839, the girls' school was commenced at the suggestion of the

pastor of the church, and by whom the foundation stone of the present school room was laid in 1844.

THE Jubilee of West End Chapel Sunday school was celebrated on Thursday, 18th November. The Rev. John Graham, of Craven Chapel, preached Rev. Daniel Katterns, who was then the Jubilee Sermon in the afternoon, from 22nd Proverbs, 6th verse. After the service, nearly 300 friends of the cause, among whom were a large proportion of old teachers and scholars, sat down to tea in the school room, which was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens, while appropriate mottoes adorned the walls.

During the present year great improvements have been effected in the school room, and large additions made to the library, which now numbers 428 vols. The Juvenile Missionary Association have raised £24. 19s. 5d., being a large increase upon any former year. The church have had the happiness of receiving into fellowship forty-two of the scholars, five of whom have been added during the past year. The report concluded by stating that the condition of the school was most encouraging, and expressing a hope that the Lord would pour a yet more abundant blessing upon the labours of the teachers in years to come.

A public meeting was held in the evening, Rev. J. Leechman, A.M., Pastor of the church, took the chair, and after singing and prayer, introduced the business of the evening in a few remarks expressive of his happiness at seeing the school, at this interesting period of its existence, in so prosperous a condition, at the unanimity and good feeling which existed among the teachers, and at the success which had crowned their labors. He then called upon the Secretary, Mr. John Leechman, to read a brief his tory of the school, from which it appears, that the boys' school was founded on 14th February, 1808; and in four years had so far increased in numbers, that a school room was erected for their accommodation. At first, the superintendent received a salary, though the teachers always gave their services gratuitously. Writing was taught on Monday evenings, a tray of sand being provided two instances of an interesting character

Very interesting and appropriate addresses were then delivered by Revs. W. Isaac, D. Katterns, F. Trestrail, and De Kewer Williams. The meeting, which was one of great interest, was brought to a close by singing the Doxology.


OFFORD ROAD SUNDAY SCHOOLS.-IN connection with the above institution,

Domestic Bible," handsomely bound, gilt edged, and bearing inside the following inscription in gold letters, on a blue ground,

have occurred, which deserve to be recorded as an incentive to those who are engaged in the work of Sunday school instruction. The children of the Sunday school lately met in their capacious school-room to present, through their president, the Rev. Paxton Hood, a testimonial to their secretary, Mr. John Bull, on the occasion of his marriage, for the zeal and love displayed whilst connected with them. were then laid on the table, and which This testimonial consisted of a very the chairman, in his usual felicitous handsome timepiece, bearing the follow-manner, presented in the name of the ing inscription :

"A token of affection from the scholars of Offard Road Sunday school to their beloved secretary and teacher, Mr. and Mrs. John Bull, on the occasion of their marriage. November 12th 1858."

"Presented to Mr. Robert Johnson, the Superintendent of Offord Road Chapel Sabbath School, by the Officers and Teachers of the School, as a slight token of affectionate regard and esteem, December 21st, 1858,"

teachers, to their superintendent, Mr. Robert Johnson, who had presided over the school ever since it had a being. The recipient then addressed the meeting, and expressed his surprise, (for it had been kept a secret from him) at such a transaction, not having had the least idea of it, and his sincere gratitude to them for such a costly mark of their affection, and hoped that it would afresh stir him, to make the work

And indeed, it was given by the children, for they first thought of it, set on foot and collected the necessary funds for its purchase. The Rev. Paxton Hood presented it in a suitable more successful in which they were all address, when the secretary in acknow- united. The chairman having vacated ledging such an unexpected and unlooked for reward for services rendered, tendered them his, and that of his wife's best and warmest thanks for such a noble present. Mr. Johnson, the superintendent, then spoke of the pleasure thus received, and trusted that the affection there displayed, would induce them to give their warmest affection to Him, who gave himself for them. Messrs Jenkins, Webber, and J. and G. Williams then severally addressed the meeting in short but appropriate speeches, which then closed, adding another striking instance that the labours of Sunday school teachers and officers are not overlooked by the children.

the chair in order to attend another meeting, it was ably filled by Mr. George Cuthbertson, who having expressed his entire sympathy with the object of the meeting, called upon all the male teachers in succession, to speak; and in terms not of flattery or of envy, each of the teachers spoke their own opinion of their superintendent, whilst more than one, publicly acknowledged that he was the means of bringing them to the school, as well as to the Lord.


On Tuesday evening, December 21st, THE annual meeting of the Rugby a soirée of the teachers and their imme-Wesleyan Sunday School teachers was diate friends was held; when after held in the Wesleyan school room, on partaking heartily and sociably of "the Thursday, the 30th December, 1858, cup that cheers but not inebriates," and after partaking of a very excellent tea, thanks having been sung, the Rev. provided by the ladies connected with Paxton Hood took the chair. Three the school. The Rev. G. O, Bate cccumagnificent volumes, being "Cobbins' pied the chair.

Mr. Cleaver, senior superintendent, forget that their projectors found themcalled the attention of the teachers to selves surrounded with mountains of the importance of self-culture, and care-difficulties. That they were exposed to fully studying the lessons before coming to school to teach them.

Mr. Tombs said, as a proof of the good he derived from these schools, he would say, that he now had the honor of being a superintendent where he was formerly a pupil.

opposition and ridicule from some, and those that were most likely to assent, seemed to stand aloof waiting and wondering what good could result from such a scheme of education. The result has been what Dr. Guthrie stated at Manchester the other day, 'Mendicancy has been reduced from hundreds to a very few in his own native city."

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Mr. Underwood, another superintendent, said, that when he was a teacher, he had seven boys in his class, and We know that we have under innow four of them are members of the struction children, who, were it not for church. This result to his labors gave these schools, would be spending the him great encouragement. He regret-Sabbath roving along the high ways ted to say, that some of the teachers and streets of our towns. Instead of ivere very irregular in their attendance; this, they are congregated together to some were always absent, some very learn to read, sing, and worship God. punctual, others, although always there, And as the result of this, how many of were never in time. those ministers that now adorn our pulpits owe their elevation to these schools? How many of our missionaries in foreign lands received their first training in them. How many of them are now among our most zealous teachers. How many good husbands, wives, sons, and

Mr. Maoral, a teacher, acknowledged that, through a misunderstanding with one he expected to have filled his place, he was absent once during the last twelve months. He was sensible that the difficulties to be encountered were so great, that to overcome them, punc-daughters, have been trained in them. tuality, regularity, earnestness, and perseverance were indispensable. Although the difficulties were such as would require our best effort, that should not deter us from persevering to overcome them. If there were no hin-are retarded from running headlong into

How many have died in youth, bearing the most satisfactory testimony to the benefits they conferred upon them. And how many who have no pleasure in conforming to the instruction received, yet

vice? The fact that all the branches of the Christian church in Britain are unanimous in their adoption of these schools, is one of the best proofs of their importance.

Politically, the good resulting from these schools is considered as of the utmost importance. Mr. BRIGHT says, "I don't believe that all the statesmen

- drance to our success, that would make - our services the less valuable. That the contrary being the case, when our labors succeed, their importance is greater. To all of us who are destined to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow, what good ever comes within our reach without difficulties being in the way of obtaining it. And should it happen that we could obtain it without putting ourselves to much exertion, as we are so used to hard pulling for our fare, we should be inclined to undervalue it. Great schemes are always surrounded with great difficulties. We are all familiar with the good resulting from Ragged Schools, but we must not day school teachers." The success

all those officials who set us down for knowing nothing about public affairs, I don't believe that all the efforts they have ever made, tended so much to the greatness, to the happiness, to the security, and to the true glory of this country, as have the efforts of our Sun

labor may be as far apart as the northern and southern hemispheres.

already attained ought to stimulate us to persevere, and we know that perseverance overcomes great difficulties; and "I trust that the presence and blessif our motto be onwards, the time will ing of God our Saviour will be with come, (we shall not see it.) when the you at all times, and still graciously kingdoms of this world shall become crown your endeavours, and make them the kingdoms of our God and his Christ. effectual, by the power of the Holy Mr. Hogg, Mr. Morly, Mr. Smith, Spirit. May you ever be kept in peace Mr. Faulkener, Mr. Symes, Mr. Palmer, and unity, and be guided by the wisdom Mr. Oldham, Mr. Towers, and Mr. which cometh from above. Satchell, subsequently addressed the 'I remain, meeting in appropriate terms.

NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Letter from the Hon. George Fife Angas, as President of the Institution.

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"With much esteem,

"My dear Brethren, "Yours very affectionately, "GEORGE FIFE ANGAS.

"To the Treasurer and Secretaries,

with the Committee, of the Sunday School Union of Newcastle-upon-Tyne."

This communication did not come unlooked for. It was received with much emotion, and accepted with mingled

It may be interesting to many of the readers of the "Teachers' Magazine" to know, though not unassociated with a feeling of regret, that at a recent meet-feelings of regret and esteem. The ing of the committee of this Union, the following minute was unanimously accompanying letter, from one of its passed, and ordered to be placed on the oldest and best friends, was read by the secretary.

"My dear brethren. The time has now arrived when it seems proper for me to resign my connection with the affairs of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Sunday School Union.

"It is not probable that it will be in my power henceforth to render any further active service to the institution as its president, and I think that some friend should fill the office who resides in the neighbourhood, whose heart is in the work; and who will give his best attention to a faithful discharge of the important duties thereof.

records of the institution:

"The committee of the Newcastle Sunday School Union has received, with much concern, the resignation of their venerable president, the Hon. George Fife Angas, and would record on their minutes a cordial expression of the valuable services he has been enabled to render the institution for a long course of years; associated with their sympathy and fervent prayer to God, for the like prosperity of the Australian Sunday School Union, over which their honored friend presides. A copy hereof they respectfully tender to Mr. Angas, with their best wishes for his happiness, and that of his esteemed partner in life and family, here and hereafter."

Signed by and for the Committee,

J. HARRISON, Secretaries.

"While tendering to the society my resignation, permit me to express to you, as corresponding secretary, and tó the committee, my warmest gratitude for the uniform kindness and co-operation which, for so many years, I have received from you all. I hope there will still continue to exist between us a mutual and earnest desire for the success of each other's efforts, under the divine blessing, although the field of Sunday-school in this town determined


SHERBORNE.—The superintendents and teachers of the Independent Chapel

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