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through eternity. Hitherto it has brightened upon our hope as often as it has been recalled to remembrance; and this day it is renewed in reality. He who was the master of our assembly yonder, is the master of our assembly here. We are come to his temple; we are surrounding his altar. But are we prepared to meet him? Recollect his own words: "If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." Is there no envy, animosity, or strife among you, my dear brethren and sisters? Are there no jealousies between particular schools in this union? If there be, renounce them immediately; renounce them for ever; you need not leave your gifts before the altar, and go hence to be reconciled: in this moment, in this place, while you are met together, fully and freely forgive one another; even as God, for Christ's sake, would forgive you. It is not at the peril of your own souls only, if you harbour evil thoughts against one another; it is at the hazard, it may be to the ruin, of the souls of the children under your charge. I speak according to human apprehension of the subject; we know, that the work of the Lord shall be done, but he may not choose to employ you to accomplish it; he may withhold his blessings from your labours. He went not up with the hosts of Israel to fight against the Canaanites, while " the accursed thing" was concealed in the camp: the man who retains malice in his heart against his brother, keeps " a thing" there more accursed" than " a wedge of gold," or "a Babylonish garment." Come then, let us all offer our gifts" together, at this altar; let us all make a covenant with the Lord our God, and may it be an everlasting covenant.

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We live in an extraordinary age. Many of us are old enough to recollect the beginning of that dreadful revolution in the political world, which overthrew the establishments of centuries. All of us remember the tyranny that lately stood amidst this wreck of governments; its throne seemed as fixed as "the seat of Satan," and its dominion as extensive throughout Christendom, as the empire of " the prince of the power of the air." That tyranny we have seen instantly and utterly cast down, and ancient authorities are rising again in their places, with a renewal of strength, that promises the prolongation of their existence for centuries to come. Amidst all this uproar and tumult, the Lord has been carrying on a mighty work of his own, by unexampled means. He has created "a new thing in the earth;" the disciples of Christ not only love

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as brethren, but those who from some difference in opinion acted separately before, now unite in one purpose to promote their Master's cause among men. There is danger in running with the multitude to do evil, when amidst the contagion of example, and the tumult of publicity, the sinner seems to lose his personal responsibility in the crowd, and the guilt, divided among thousands, appears to attach to none, though in truth it attaches to each, as if each acted alone. There is danger also in running with the multitude to do good; there is danger in trying to escape from ourselves among the people of God. We may have a name among christians; we may be affected by the external solemnity of divine worship; we may delight in the joy and animation of meetings like this, and yet be devoid of the spirit and power of godliness. This danger is most imminent at a time when religion is in fashion, and there is no cross of persecution to bear; it is most imminent at the present time, when the work of God is so multifarious, and engages the attention, and calls for the exertions of persons in every rank of life, and with every degree of talent, from the highest to the lowest. It would be the abuse of christian charity to presume, that all who appear zealous and active in Bible, Missionary, Tract, or Sunday School Societies, are truly converted in their souls. Remember the fleece that was dry, when the dew of heaven lay on all the ground. What said our Saviour to his apostles? "Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you " Is there not a Judas in this large assembly? Lord! is it I" Let each of us ask this question within himself; it will not be answered in thunder to our confusion, but "a still small voice" in our hearts will whisper the truth. It were better to deny Christ, like Peter, and repent, than to confess him, like Judas, when he said, "Hail, Master!" and betrayed him with the signal of friendship. O my dear brethren! if hitherto we have followed our Saviour in the spirit of Judas, it is not too late; henceforth let us love him with the affection of John.-We may make speeches on occasions like the present; we may subscribe our money to send Bibles and Missionaries to the ends of the earth; we may teach the ignorant, and he that brings knowledge into a mind uninformed, casts out "a devil, both dumb and deaf;" we may imagine that we do many such wonderful works,—and wonderful works may indeed be done through our agency,yet one thing, the main thing, may be wanting. "Not every one that saith, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in heaven."

The swearing FATHER reformed by his CHILD a SUNDAY SCHOLAR.

A DECENT, well-behaved woman came with her daughter, who was leaving the Sunday School in Drury-Lane and going to service, to return thanks for her daughter's instruction in that school. On the visitors of the school enquiring of the mother whether her daughter had derived any benefit from the instruction she had received in the School, she replied "O yes, not only my daughter, but I trust all my family will have to bless God for this School to all eternity. Before Mary came to the School," said she, "my husband was a drinking, swearing man, and the whole of my family were very miserable. He spent most of his time and money at the public-house, and 1 and my children were almost famished for want of food and the necessaries of life. He was also so violent in his temper, that I scarcely ever dare ask him for any money, as he would only swear at me, and break out into a violent passion. He generally spent the early part of the week in drinking, and he would seldom give me more money on a Saturday night than would just serve to buy a little food for Sunday. I and my children," continued the mother, with tears in her eyes, “had often nothing to eat and no money left even on a Monday morning but some time after my daughter Mary came to this Sunday School, and had been instructed in the principles of religion, she began to reprove her father for swearing, which he would bear from her, but not from me, or any one else. One Sunday afternoon, he had been swearing very much, Mary said to him, O father! if you did but know what a wicked thing it is to say such bad words, I am sure you would never say them." These words from the child (as he has since told me) cut him to the heart. He could scarcely bear himself. He went out into the yard, and wept very much to think that his child should be his reprover. He seemed to be very sedate afterwards, and said he should go in the evening to the place of worship where the Sunday School children went. This rather surprized me," said the mother, "but I was much more astonished on Monday morning to see him go out before breakfast, and bring home a loaf and butter, with some tea and sugar; we sat down together to a most comfortable breakfast. After which he went to work, and came home regularly to his meals all the week. I did not know what was come to him, his behaviour was so very different-he was quite like another man. He has ever since brought me home all his earnings on the Saturday night, and we soon became very comfortable. I at


length asked him how it was he was so much altered for the better, when he told me, that it was Mary's words that first struck him, and led him to think of his foolish and wicked character. That by going to public worship he was still more deeply convinced of his sins, and that he had determined by the grace of God to forsake his iniquities, and lead a new life.”The good woman added, that her husband being of a good trade, could earn considerable wages, and they now lived most happily together. Her husband was now quite a reformed man, and she had no doubt of the stability of his mind, as the change had taken place more than twelve months. He now reads his bible, and is become a truly religious character.

QUESTIONS proposed by the GENERAL COMMITTEE of the SUNDERLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION to each DisTRICT COMMITTEE on the formation of this Union.

Relative to the General State of the School.

1st. When did your School first begin?

2d. What has been its general state with respect to numbers and attendance?

3d. What is your present number of Scholars, distinguishing males and females?.

4th. What is your present number of teachers, distinguishing males and females?

5th. What is the general attendance of teachers?

6th. Have you any hired teachers ?

7th. Have you a convenient place for teaching in?

8th. Is a regular account kept of the attendance of teachers

and children?

9th. Do you regularly enquire after absentees?

10th. Do you visit the children when sick?

11th. By what means do you raise funds to defray the expence

of books and rent?

12th. What means do you use to obtain suitable teachers?

On Instruction.

1st. Do you class the children of equal attainments as near as you can together?

2d. Do you use only one kind of book in a class at the same


Sd. Do the whole of the classes in the School stand up (to repeat their lessons) and sit down together?

4th. Do they advance above each other in the class according to merit?

5th. How frequently are the children exercised in spelling?

Religious Instruction.

1st. What means do you use for the religious instruction of your children?

2d. Do you teach them by Catechisms?

3d. How frequently are they catechised?

4th. Do you pay any attention to procure their regular attendance under the care of their parents at public worship? 5th. Do you speak seriously to the children on religious subjects, and particularly when they read the scriptures? 6th. Do you afford them any help (by form) for praying in


7th. Have you a library attached to your School to lend the elder children suitable books to read at home?


st. What books are used in your Schools?

2d. Do you use cards, sheets, or spelling books for the lower classes?

3d. What sort of spelling books do

you use?

4th. Are your bibles and testaments divided into small parts, or are they only used entire ?

5th. Do you reward the children, and how frequently? 6th. Are these rewards given in books or otherwise? 7th. Do you reward the children who have continued in the School till going to trade or service with the scriptures? 8th. As it is proposed to form a general depository for books suitable for Schools in the Union, are you willing to purchase from it only?

New Schools,

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Provided any places within your district have not a School, will your committee, at a convenient time, make the following enquiries.

1st. Can a suitable place be obtained to teach in?

2d. Can proper persons be obtained as teachers?

3d. Are there a sufficient number of children likely to attend? 4th. Can the expence be defrayed on the spot?

If not,

5th. What assistance is wanted?

6th. Could you personally assist at the opening of these Schools in instructing the teachers, &c.

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