Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading Debates and Incidents of the ... Session of the ... Congress, 第 1-2 卷﹔第 14 卷﹔第 70 卷Gales & Seaton, 1837 |
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25th Congress administration adopted amendment amount authority bank notes Bank of England bonds called CAMBRELENG capital cause cent Chairman charter commerce committee Congress constitution creditors currency debt demand Department deposite banks deposite law disbursing duty election embarrassments England ernment evil exchange Executive existing favor fourth instalment friends funds gentleman from South gold and silver Government honorable House hundred institutions interest issue labor legislation LEVI WOODBURY locofoco means measure ment merchants millions of dollars Mississippi national bank object officers operation opinion political postponement present President proper proposed proposition public money question received regulate remarks resolution revenue Rice Garland Samson Mason Secretary Senate session South Carolina specie circular specie payments Sub-Treasury Bill thing tion trade Treasury notes Union United States Bank vacancy Virginia vote whole writs of election York