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The following counties have failed to make the reports, to wit: Berrien, Calhoun, Chippewa, Hillsdale, Ingham, Lapeer, Michilimacinac, Saginaw and St. Clair,

No. 7.


Annual Report of the Adjutant General.


Detroit, December, 1847.

To His Excellency, WM. L. GREENLY,

Governor and Commander in Chief:

SIR-I have the honor herewith to submit my report of the administration and condition of this department during the present year, in accordance with and in obedience to an act approved May 18th, 1846. This act having only taken effect after the 4th of July following its passage, is consequently but some 17 months in operation. Yet, even during this short period, sufficient proof has been given of the good and wholesome provisions introduced by, said act, and of the practicability of keeping an organized militia force in existence, without the burdensome and useless annual musters, or militia trainings, so called, throughout the state.

The only embarrassment under which this department has labored since the adoption of the existing militia laws, has been, as regards the enrolled militia force. The difficulty of obtaining returns from the civil authorities of the different counties and townships, whose duty it is to make annual returns of those persons liable to military duty, with promptitude and exactness, and thereby carrying into effect sections 9 and 10 of chapter 14, which provides that "assessors of each township and ward of a city, shall, at the "time they return their assessment rolls, return also to the township

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or city clerk a copy of the list of names of all persons liable to "military duty in their townships or wards:


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