THE HEBREW CAPTIVE. "Even to this day, the vail is upon their heart," 2 Cor. iii. 15. She stood and from her flashing eye "Where is the King of Israel's race? "Lo! here as outcasts, still we roam, Jamaica. "And still I weep? shall tedious years Days passed, again she knelt, and prayed,- ADELINE. Launceston. THE CROSS. The cross on which the Saviour hung And trials that our hearts have wrung, Yet did that Cross the Saviour raise So all the sorrows of our days, As in the earth that Cross decayed E. L. C. THE YOUTHS' MAGAZINE; OR Evangelical Miscellany. FEBRUARY, 1843. HOUGHTON HOUSE. HOUGHTON HOUSE, a fine specimen of an old English mansion, was situate at Houghton Conquest, near Ampthill in Bedfordshire. It is now generally known in the neighbourhood as "the ruins"-a term which conveys some idea of its present state. It was built early in the seventeenth century, probably by Inigo Jones. A modern writer speaking of its original appearance, says "the whole may perhaps be termed by some, a medley, but it has a very fine effect; a much more pleasing one to many than the stiff, regular, and petty imitations of German or Venetian architecture with which England is now most plentifully studded." By some it is presumed to have been built after some plan or description in the "Arcadia" of Sir Philip Sidney, but though. this family was certainly connected with the place, the tradition is improbable. VOL. VI. 4th SERIES. E |