Battle For Hong Kong: Hostage to Fortune

The History Press, 2016年9月14日 - 288 頁
In this remarkable study of the Far Eastern War, Oliver Lindsay and John R Harris have provided the most thorough and searching enquiry into the debacle which led to over 12,000 British, Canadian, Indian and Chinese defenders surrendering Hong Kong on Christmas Day 1941. The authors have made use of a mass of unpublished material - part of it drawn from the original war diaries which have never before been in the public domain.Although it is over 60 years since Hong Kong was liberated from the Japanese, numerous important questions regarding the war in the East and occupation of the Colony from 1941 to 1945 have not been explored until now. To what extent, for example, were Churchill and the successive Chiefs of the Imperial General Staff responsible for abandoning this outpost, which could not be reinforced when attacked or defended adequately? Is it true that fine leadership prolonged the fighting, inflicting serious casualties on the highly experienced Japanese when they struck in 1941? How useful was Britain's spying organization in China, which led to catastrophic repercussions for the POWs and Internees? What form did the Japanese atrocities take upon the helpless captives?This detailed and authoritative account of the campaign will provide a particularly compelling read for those interested in the Second World War or the history of the Far East.



19th20th December 1941
The Japanese Advance West and South 20th24th December 1941
Christmas Day 1941
Truth is the First Casualty in
Hostage to Fortune
Shamshuipo POW Camp and the Escapes
Argyle Street Officers Camp
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru

An Ocean of Change
Visions of Delight
Remember Them with Pride
The Vulnerable Outpost
Battle Stations
The Vital Ground 8th10th December 1941
Nothing but Darkness Ahead 10th13th December 1941
Clay Pigeons in a Shooting Range 13th17th December 1941
The Japanese Landings 18th19th December 1941
Operations Most Secret
The British Army Aid Group and Fresh Disasters
Stanley Internment Camp the Japanese
Returning Home
An Architect At Last
The Confusion of Events

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