

Words by the REV. C. W. MOULE, M.A., Fellow of
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.

1 Libros chartas! aufer talia!
Vos salvete Saturnalia !
Sortes hodie permutentur :
Qui docebant jam docentur !
Adeste qui vocales!
Eamus O sodales!
Sequamur frater fratrem,
Canentes Almam Matrem.

2 Liberi sed îdem sani


Sacrum Carmen instauramus :
Este procul O profani,
Claram, caram, dum laudamus :
Adeste, etc.

3 Urbem lautam nil morämur;
Rus apertum noster amor;
Hoc nos firmat-sic Etruria
Fortis crevit-sic Marlburia!
Adeste, etc.

4 Nec juventas est pudori;
Novi simus, dum decori.
Non, ut arbor, senescendo
Diu vivas sed merendo !
Adeste, etc.

5 Latericii num sint muri
Sumus unicè securi:
Dum virtute poliatur,
Marmor est qui fuit later!
Adeste, etc.

6 Quem virum (sed ipse scio)
Sumis celebrare, Clio?
Illud tantum dubitatur,
Praeses an sit iste PATER.
Adeste, etc.

7 Suam laudem da Togatis:
Gens magistra floreatis
Per tot dura nostras mentes
Feras esse non sinentes!
Adeste, etc.

8 Vivat vis Pedariorum!
Vivat Undecimvirorum!
Folle, pilâ, seu tormento,
Civitati propugnanto!
Adeste, etc.

9 Prisca Nova! Domus clarae Scitis et vos decertare;

Sin quaeratur "praestet utra,"
Echo respondebit "Neutra."
Adeste, etc.

Music by W. Schulthes.

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5 Though brick is plain and marble rich,
Our walls may shew we care not which;
If we are bricks and do our duty,
The red will whiten into beauty.
Rise, &c.

6 Say, Clio, whom (but none can doubt)
Thy herald-harp first singles out:
Our Master he-or bears he rather
The homelier, greater name of Father?
Rise, &c.

7 With him the masters' conclave bless;
Their gownéd shadow ne'er be less!
We vex them, but they scorn despair,
And graft our wild grown wits to bear.
Rise, &c.

8 Be strong, Elevens, to bowl and shoot:
Be strong, O Regiment of the Foot.
With ball of skin, or lead, or leather,
Stand for the Commonwealth together
Rise, &c.

9 Nor, famous Houses, Old and New,
Are battles all unknown to you;
Yet clamoured either "I'm the greater,"
Echo would rate her for a prater.

Rise, &c.

10 Quantus sudor! quantus clamor! 10 The fight grows hot! the shouts ascend!
Tantum potest laudis amor!
Nec victus invidet victori;
Pulchrum est pro Domo mori !
Adeste, etc.

11 Sic nectantur studia lado;

Musae socium sumant Martem :
Sic virtute, ludo, studio,
Nostram exornemus Spartam !
Adeste, etc.

12 Nunc et antequam silemus,
Vino cordis propinemus :-
Da memoriae priorum!
Da splendoris venturorum !
Valete jam vocales;
Nil dividat sodales:
Si juvet fratrem frater,
Florebit Alma Mater.

And simple honour is the end, Losers ne'er grudge the victor's bays; E'en falling for the House is praise. Rise, &c.

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God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen;
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.

O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign;
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,

God save the Queen.


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When I come, when I come to my ain hame again, would be hard to depict. It was truly marvellons. We have dwelt on the scene within-without it a succeeding College Concert! the May it occupy such a position at many and many of Marlburia's prowess



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on.thee, my dear.

And so, with those laudable sentiments parting ovation on leaving for another appointmer

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ously denies.

bit Alma Mater,'


last year. A case of cruel and heartiess decepti
Richardson, who came out with the Ramsey pec
But I have a clear case against
won vales-it he did so,-which he stre
Save the Queer

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alstan at a masquerade * & dress porrowed' irði he wardrobe of Covent Garden Theatre, through the kindness of Fawcett, the comedian." Some of the ompany present, "with much ill will, procured a ope, and held it across the room (at the Pantheon, 1 Oxford-street), and White was obliged to take a eap over the rope to escape being thrown down. he exertion he underwent by bis interruption, ided to the weight of his dress, injured his health r some days afterwards. We were at this time in e habit of meeting at The Feathers,' in Hand. urt, Holborn, to drink nips of Burton ale, as they lled it. One of our friends, who was particularly nd of the beverage, was called "Nipperkin.”” the "Letters," Mr. Gutch says they

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ay-aw in ner dreamiul eye. cur (who was quietly looking on the scene from his basket of mother-of-pearl), and had descended from her room in search of him.

"So! go!" she exclaimed again, "these are the terms on which you are; and such are the hopes in which you dare to indulge ?"


How long she had been there, or how much she
had heard or seen, they knew not. They had but
one common thought-that they had been discovered, u
and all was over! This denouement, occuring im-
mediately after the proposal of the Baron, was too u
much for the patience or equanimity of the irate
Even Charlie's friendship for her son
duel he had


Heinrich, and


fought in defence of


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