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"To fix and determine the conditions upon which the degrees of Master of Arts (Master of Laws by amendment, June 5, 1893) and Doctor of Philosophy shall be conferred, and to recommend candidates for such degrees;

"To secure the correlation of courses offered by the several university faculties, with a view to increasing the efficiency and enlarging the range of university work; to encourage original research; to adjust all questions involving more than one faculty;

"To make such recommendations, both to the trustees and to the several faculties, concerning the educational administration of the university, as may seem to it proper, and to advise the president upon such matters as he may bring before it;

"To prescribe the form of the commencement exercises and to select the speakers;

"To appoint all fellows and to make rules for their government, subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by the statutes or by the terms upon which the several fellowships are established.

"The council may invite a representative of the faculties of the General Protestant Episcopal and of the Union Theological seminaries, respectively, to sit with it, with power to advise only."1


"From the administrative point of view it is almost more convenient to say that Columbia consists of the college, that is, the School of Arts, and of six university faculties-Law, Medicine, Mines, Political Science, Philosophy, and Pure Science-for while it is true that each of these faculties conducts a school, it is also true that they work together in giving instruction to an increasing body of students who seek instruction from more than one faculty. In other words, the Columbia that two years and a half ago consisted of four schools almost wholly unrelated to each other consists now of seven schools that are tied together by all the interests of a common life. The university council, established two years ago as an advisory body only, by the revised statutes has been made a body with ample powers, experience having shown that it was admirably adapted to serve as the principal organ of the faculties in directing the common life of the university. The council also serves as a unifying factor, consisting as it does of two members from every faculty, who constantly meet together to deal with questions of common concern.



In 1891 the College of Physicians and Surgeons surrendered its separate charter and became one of the university faculties of Columbia. An agreement was also entered into with the General and Union

'Columbia College.

April, 1893. p. 16.

Historical sketch and present condition. New York,

2 President's Report, 1892, p. 7.

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c. The degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Laws and Doctor of Philosophy, upon the recommendation of the university counci..



The minimum age on entrance is 15 years. The curriculum covers four years.

The studies of the freshman and sophomore years are for the most part obligatory. In the junior year, rhetoric, philosophy, history, and political economy are required, and eleven hours per week of elective studies are alowed and must be filled. In the senior year the studies are wholly eventive and must occupy not less than fifteen hours per THE Thirst year courses of the school of law, the school of mines Cazy of ne departments, and the college of physicians and surgeons


The 8 a jmissinna, wrbool designed "to prepare students for Pans I am bae o te Talon.” Before Mr. Low became presi Servies 19 u te bands of its founder, Prof Theod. v.

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