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V. Post Office Department-Continued.

Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Post Office Department Building, Eleventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Division of Rural Mails, Post Office Department Building,, Eleventh Street
and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Division of Equipment and Supplies, City Post Office Building, North Capitol
Street and Massachusetts Avenue.

11. Department of the Navy-State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Office of Naval Records and Liberty, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Naval Consulting Board, Seventeenth and G Streets,

Commission on Training Camp Activities, Nineteenth and G Streets NW. Judge Advocate General, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Office of Naval Operations, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Communication Service, Southern Building, Fifteenth and H Streets.

Cable Censor, Southern Building, Fifteenth and H Streets.

Arlington Radio Station, Arlington, Va.

Office of Naval Intelligence, Corcoran Court, New York Avenue.

Office of Gunnery Exercises and Engineering, Navy Annex, 1734 New York

Aviation Section, Navy Annex, 1734 New York Avenue.

Coast Guard (during war), Bond Building, Fourteenth Street and New York

Inspection and Survey, Southern Building, Fifteenth and H Streets.

Bureau of Navigation, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hydrographic Office, Navy Annex, 1734 New York Avenue.

Naval Observatory, Georgetown Heights, Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues.
Division of Naval Militia Affairs, 817 Fourteenth Street.

Division of Naval Reserve (men), Fourteenth and H Streets.

Division of Naval Reserve (officers), Real Estate Trust Building, Fourteenth and H Streets.

Flying Corps, Navy Annex, 1734 New York Avenue.

Bureau of Yards and Docks, American National Bank Building, 1317 F Street. Bureau of Ordnance, Interior Department Building, Nineteenth and F Streets. Bureau of Construction and Repair, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bureau of Steam Engineering, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, State, War, and Navy Building, Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Annex, 1734 New York Avenue.

Naval Hospital, foot of Twenty-fourth Street NW.

Naval Medical School, foot of Twenty-fourth Street NW.

Headquarters of Marine Corps, Navy Annex, 1734 New York Avenue.

Marine Corps Barracks, Eighth and G Streets SE.

1. Department of the Interior, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets. Alaskan Engineering Commission, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets.

District of Columbia Institutions:

St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Nichols Avenue, Anacostia, D. C.

Columbian Institution for the Deaf, Kendall Green, Florida Avenue NE.
Howard University, Howard Place and Georgia Avenue NW.
Freedmen's Hospital, Fourth and College Streets.

General Land Office, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets.
Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets.
Bureau of Pensions, Pension Building, Judiciary Square, Fifth and G Streets.
Patent Office, Patent Office Building, Seventh and F Streets.

Bureau of Education, Pension Building, Judiciary Square, Fifth and G Streets. Geological Survey, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets. Reclamation Service, Eighth and E Streets.

Bureau of Mines, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets. American University Experiment Station, American University Park, Massachusetts and Nebraska Avenues.

National Park Service, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F Streets. Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, Capitol Building.

VIII. Department of Agriculture, the Mall, between Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets SV
Division of Publications, 215 Thirteenth Street SW.

Office of Farm Management, 224 Twelfth Street SW.
Weather Bureau, Twenty-fourth and M Streets NW.

Solar Radiation Research Section, Massachusetts and Nebraska Avenues NV
Bureau of Animal Industry, east wing, Agricultural Department Building.
Animal Husbandry, Bush Building, 710 E Street.

Meat Inspection Division, Bush Building, 710 E Street NW. Local offic
Munsey Building, 1329 E Street NW.

Experiment Farm (600 acres), Beltsville, Md.

Bureau of Plant Industry, west wing, Agricultural Department Building.
Arlington Experiment Farm, Arlington, Va.

Forest Service, Atlantic Building, 928 F Street NW.

Bureau of Chemistry, 216 Thirteenth Street SW.

Bureau of Soils, east wing, Agricultural Department Building.

Bureau of Entomology, Agricultural Department Building.

Bee Culture Division, Drummond, Md.

Bureau of Biological Survey, 1358 B Street SW.

Bureau of Crop Estimates, Agricultural Department Building.

States Relations Service, 220 Fourteenth Street SW.

Bureau of Public Roads, Willard Building, 513 Fourteenth Street NW.

Bureau of Markets, 1358 B Street SW.

Insecticide and Fungicide Board, 220 Thirteenth Street SW.

Federal Horticultural Board, Agricultural Department Building.

IX. Department of Commerce, Commerce Building, Nineteenth Street and Pennsylvan!

Bureau of the Census, Commerce Building, Nineteenth Street and Pennsylvani

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Commerce Building, Nineteenth
Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bureau of Standards, Pierce Mill Road, near Connecticut Avenue.

Bureau of Fisheries, Sixth and B Streets SW.

Bureau of Lighthouse, Commerce Building, Nineteenth Street and Pennsylvania

Coast and Geodetic Survey, New Jersey Avenue, near B Street SE.

Bureau of Navigation, Commerce Building, Nineteenth Street and Pennsylvanis

Steamboat-Inspection Service, Commerce Building, Nineteenth Street and Pennsyl
vania Avenue.

X. Department of Labor, Labor Building, 1712 G Street NW.

United States Employment Service, Sixteenth and I Streets. (Local office, 1410
Pennsylvania Avenue.)

Bureau of Immigration, Labor Building, 1712 G Street.
Bureau of Naturalization, Labor Building, 1712 G Street.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Building, 1712 G Street.
Children's Bureau, Labor Building, 1712 G Street.
National War Labor Board, Labor Building, 1712 G Street.
Bureau of Housing, 613 G Street.

XI. Independent Establishments:

Library of Congress, East Capitol and First Streets SE.

Copyright Office, East Capitol and First Streets SE.

Government Printing Office, North Capitol and G Streets.

Superintendent of Documents, H Street, near North Capitol Street NW.
Smithsonian Institution, the Mall, near Seventh Street SW.

National Museum, the Mall, foot of Tenth Street NW.

Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Building.

International Exchange Service, Smithsonian Building.

Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Building.

National Zoological Park, Rock Creek Park, Adams Mill Road.

National Academy of Sciences, Smithsonian Building.

National Research Council, 1022 Sixteenth Street NW.
American Historical Association, Smithsonian Building.

Pan American Union, Seventeenth Street between B and C Streets NW.
Interstate Commerce Commission, Interstate Commerce Building, Eighteenth Street
and Pennsylvania Avenue.

XL Independent Establishments-Continued.

Director General of Railroads, Interstate Commerce Building.

Committee on Inland Waterways, 601 G Street.

The Panama Canal, Mills Building Annex, 1709 G Street.

Federal Reserve Board, Treasury Building, Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Federal Trade Commission, Davidson Building, Fifteenth and K Streets NW. United States Tariff Commission, 1322 New York Avenue.

Civil Service Commission, 1724 F Street.

United States Bureau of Efficiency, Southern Building, Fifteenth and H Streets. United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation, Southern Building, Fifteenth and H Streets.

United States Employees' Compensation Commission, Union Trust Building, Fifteenth and H Streets.

Federal Board for Vocational Education, Ouray Building, Eighth and G Streets.
Council of National Defense, all divisions at Eighteenth and D Streets, except-
Room Registration Bureau, 1321 New York Avenue.

Science and Research Committee, Munsey Building, 1329 E Street.
States Council Section, 1217 Connecticut Avenue.

Women's Committee, 1814 N Street.

War Industries Board, Eighteenth and D Streets SW.
United States Shipping Board, 1319 F Street NW.

Emergency Fleet Corporation, 140 Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (local
office, 1319 F Street NW.).

United States Food Administration, Nineteenth and D Streets.

United States Fuel Administration, Twentieth Street and New York Avenue. War Trade Board, Twentieth and C Streets NW.

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Munsey Building, 1329 E Street. Aircraft Board, Munsey Building, 1329 E Street.

Allen Property Custodian, Sixteenth and P Streets.

War Finance Corporation, Treasury Building, Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

International Joint Commission, Southern Building, Fifteenth and H Streets. International Mexican Boundary Commission, care State Department.

Commission for Equitable Distribution of Waters of Rio Grande, care State Department.

International Canadian Boundary Commissions, National Savings and Trust Co. Building, 719 Fifteenth Street.

International High Commission, Treasury Building, Fifteenth Street and Penn. sylvania Avenue.

United States Geographic Board, Office of Secretary, Commerce Building, Nineteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Commission of Fine Arts, Lemon Building, 1729 New York Avenue.

Arlington Memorial Amphitheater Commission, 1729 New York Avenue.

National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Dayton, Ohio.

United States Soldiers' Home, Soldiers' Home Grounds, D. C.

Board of Road Commissioners for Alaska, State, War, and Navy Building, or
Juneau, Alaska.

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Commission on Navy Yards and Naval Stations, State, War, and Navy Building,
Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Board of Indian Commissioners, Interior Department Building, Eighteenth and F

American National Red Cross, Seventeenth Street between D and E Streets.
Government of the District of Columbia, District Building, Fourteenth Street and
Pennsylvania Avenue,


[blocks in formation]

Agriculture, classification, 122; colleges,
supervision of funds, 75; documents re-
lating to, 89; immigrants in, 171; im-
plement industry, 119;
Cross, 168; statistics, 100-101; voca-
tional education, 153.

Air, researches, 129.

Junior Red

American Historical Association principal
administrative officials and duties, 132;
publications. 133.

American history, price list of bulletins,

American National Red Cross, principal
administrative officials, 168; publica-
tions, 168-169.

Aircraft Board, principal administrative
officials and duties, 159; stations, 152.
Alaska, Board of Road Commissionere, 166;
Boundary Commission, 161-162; educa.
tion, 76; fisheries and fur industries,
24-25, 109; history and resources, 67;
laws, 40; maps, 112, 122, 166; min-
eral resources, 77; ports, 67; price list
of bulletins, 127; railroad, 68-69; re-
ports, 68; roads and trails, 166; sani-
tary conditions, 21; schools, 75; star-
route postal service, 48.

[ocr errors]

Alaska Railroad Record," 68-69.
Alaskan Engineering Commission, officials
and duties, 68; publications, 68-69.
Alfalfa, price list of bulletins, 127.


contract labor laws, 117.

American Republics, monographs, 134-135;
uniformity of commercial law, 163.
American Revolution, and French alliance,
123; naval records, 123.

Allen Property Custodian, principal ad-
ministrative officials and duties, 159;
publications, 160.

Almanacs, American, check list, 122.

Almshouses, 102.

America, list of maps, 122.

American Ethnology, Bureau of.

reau of American Ethnology.

American Society of Church History, 133.
Americanization, influence of schools, 118.
Ammunition, specification and manufac-
ture, 38-59.

Anchorage rules, 23, 36, 55.
Anglo-Saxon interests, 122.
Animal Industry, Bureau of.
of Animal Industry.

See Bu-

American Federation of Labor, 173.

American export trade, 147.

See Bureau

Animals, classification, 122; inspection and
control of diseases, 93; wild, 127.
Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, publi-
cations, 169–170.

Anthropology, 122, 127, 128.

Antitrust regulations and decisions, 42, 44,

Appraisers, Board of (Treasury), 10, 11,
42, 127.

Apprenticeship, 119.

Appropriations, estimates, 10.

See also

Arbitration, industrial, 119, 122, 127, 151,
169; international, 122, 127.
Mediation and concilation.
Archæology, 128.

Architect's Office, Supervising, 25-26.
Argentina, 134; law, 122; trade, 147.
Arizona, reports, 68; Salt River project, 80.
Arizona-California, Yuma project, 80.
Arlington Memorial Amphitheatre Commis-
sion, principal administrative officials
and duties, 165.

Army, price list of bulletins, 127. See also
Department of War.

Army Medical Museum, 35.
Army Medical School, 35.
"Army Register," 32.

See Fine arts.

Art, National Gallery of, 129.

Artillery, Office of Coast, 30, 38.

Assay offices, reports, 14-15.

Assessment, District of Columbia, 176.

Astronomical expeditions, 56.

Astronomy, bulletins, 111, 127, 128; ob-
servations, 56.

Astrophysical Observatory, 131.

Atlases. See Maps.

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