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MS. ENGEL. Well, on this, I think it would probably be best if I get you a copy of the article, but basically

Senator BAYH. I am more concerned about the Supreme Court decision, and not what Hugh Hefner has to say, with all respect to Mr. Hefner.

MS. ENGEL. All right. I am too. The article in the Supreme Court decision was footnoted and it used the author's name and the article from which it was drawn. It did not mention the Playboy Foundation. In other words, in reading the decision, if you read it you would not know of this author's association with the Playboy Foundation.

Senator BAYH. What was the author's name?

MS. ENGEL. I have the information in this packet, if you would like to-would you consider holding it a second and getting a drink and I will pull it out for you?

Senator BAYH. Why don't you go ahead and I will look for it while you go ahead. I just want to find out who it is, and pay more careful attention to what the credentials are.

Thank you.

MS. ENGEL. All right. Very good.

Earlier in my testimony, I made reference not only to the Federal antilife programs and policies but also to an antilife philosophy which has in fact, in terms of family planning and population control, become the state religion and by this I mean it is a philosophy which is supported by Federal taxes. It is a philosophy which is supported by Federal personnel. It is a philosophy which uses the offices of the Federal Government and it is a philosophy which Federal publications push.

I have below a selection of quotations. They were taken from two books. One is called Women and the New Race and the other is called The Pivot of Civilization. I have brought them along with me because they are seemingly difficult to get, unless one orders the entire volumes. The quotes that I have, I think are quite alarming, particularly when you mentioned you were quite interested in the Nazi philosophy in the background there.

If you read the article which Mildred Jefferson referred to, which was the "Life Devoid of Value" which was a philosophical basis for much of what happened in Nazi Germany, you will see a very great similarity between the particular approach, the utilitarian approach and the quotes which I have before me.

Chapter 5 of Women and the New Race is titled "The Wickedness. of Creating a Large Family." The quotes read:

The most serious evil of our time is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children * * *

Another quote:

Every jail, hospital for the insane, reformatory and institution for the feeble minded cries out against the evils of too prolific breeding among wage-workers.

Another quote:

*** The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.

**What shall be said of us (society) who permit outworn laws and customs to persist in piling up the appalling sum of public expense, misery and spiritual degration.

In other chapter, entitled "When Should a Woman Avoid Having Children" from again, Women and the New Race, the following quote:

No more children should be born when the parents, though healthy themselves, find that their children are physically or mentally defective. No matter how much they desire children, no man and woman have a right to bring into the world those who are to suffer from mental or physical affliction. It condemns the child to a life of misery and places upon community the burden of caring for it ***

The last quote is taken from the Pivot of Civilization. It is chapter 4 entitled, "The Fertility of the Feeble-Minded."

** we realize that each feeble-minded person is a potential source of endless progeny of defective, we prefer a policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited in the feeble-minded.

And in the last section, having to do with eugenics, the following quote:

*** Eugenics is chiefly valuable in its negative aspects *** it shows us that we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all***

I think you would agree that these are basically vicious, racist opinions which could never formulate the basis for a matter of national policy. The reason I brought the books along is so if the Senator would like to see that these are quotes which were taken within the context, and they were not quotes which I believe as a professional writer, distort the author's intent. Could these quotes be offered as the basis for national policy? Yes, they can; in fact, they have. Within the next 5 years the Federal Government will spend more than $1 billion in taxes to promote these ideas. Monday before last, August 12, the House voted-the bill was H.R. 14214, title 2, $472.5 million, almost $0.5 billion, to promote such opinions through private, quasi-governmental and governmental agencies.

You see, Mr. Chairman, these quotes were taken from the works of Margaret Sanger, founder of the American Birth Control League, which today we know as Planned Parenthood and World Population. Today, some 50 years later, the Sangerite revolution is complete. The Sangerite philosophy or way of life has formed the basis of Federal policy in the area of population control and so-called family planning a pleasant-sounding euphemism for birth control, including contraception, sterilization, and abortion. The Sangerite programs and policies have indeed become Federal programs and policies.

There has been a very concerted effort to overhaul the public image of the Sangerite movement between the years of 1920 to the mid1960's, and I think it is easy to see, if one gages by the Sangerite attitude from these previous quotes, why there was a need to overhaul the public image so as to tone down the original eugenic roots and hedonistic basis of sexual activity of this organization.

It appears, however, that the movement has come full circle following the January 22 Supreme Court decision on abortion.

In the attachments which your aide has just picked up you will find documentation to support the following charges.

It is a matter of public record that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates see abortion as a key to eliminating physically or mentally defective unborn children. They see abortion as a tool to reduce welfare rolls and most importantly they see abortion as a necessary and efficient method of population control, population control defined as a regulation of family size by Government.

Large families are an anathema, and I think that this whole attitude here with regard to families is very well reflected in a brochure which you have before you called So You Finally Had a Boy, which characterizes parents of large families as being immoral and selfish since their example may kill us all in a few generations.

That particular pamphlet, the green and white one, was circulated by Planned Parenthood of Pittsburgh, and its emblem is on the back. It stems from Planned Parenthood, Colorado.

Many of these Planned Parenthood agencies received between 80 to 90 percent of their funds from the Federal Government.

Catholic-baiting, an art form in which Margaret Sanger excelled, continues today unabated, for the Catholic Church remains the sole singular obstacle to the goals of the Sangerites and the Malthusians.

I have attached as the last attachment, Mr. Senator, a selection of cartoons on population control. Two of those cartoons, for those of you in the audience who do not have them before you, one is a picture of the Pope with blindfolds on, covered with cobwebs, walking on two tortoises.

The other is an article-cartoon which shows the Pope appearing before a selection of wall-to-wall people, the quote being "I have called you here today to warn you of the dangers of underpopulation."

These two articles, there are more on the flip side, appeared in publications of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which receives more than 50 percent of its annual budget directly from the American Federal tax dollar.

How have we come to this rather sorry state of affairs? How is it that in less than 10 years Congress and Federal bureaucrats who once hesitated to even use the word birth control, much less implement and promote birth control, are financing today a multi-billion dollar foreign and domestic antilife program which includes the development of new abortion techniques.

It includes the massive promotion of abortization devices which are today staples of Federal family planning programs. It includes the promotion of red, white, and blue condoms to celebrate this country's upcoming Bicentennial Year in 1976.

Senator BAYH. Pardon me. How do they do that?

MS. ENGEL. Well, if you want details, the gentleman that you would see would be Dr. Ravenholt from AID. It was his suggestion, because the traditional condoms, not that I am very well acquainted with them, but through my work I have seen them, are traditionally gray and drab, and Dr. Ravenholt's feeling is that if we perhaps come out with something like the South Sea colors or colors which are more attractive, that they would be more easilySenator BAYH. Yes. I get the message. [General laughter.]

Senator BAYH. Where does he say that? I mean do we have anything public? I would like to talk to him about that.

MS. ENGEL. Yes. I can easily give you that material.

Senator BAYH. I would sure like to see it. The material, that is. We can talk to Dr. Ravenholt about that.

Ms. ENGEL. Dr. Ravenholt, by the way, was the gentleman who strung his IUD's on a Christmas tree one day outside of his hall and I have other comments about Ravenholt, but we will save that for another hearing.

To go on. The story of the rise of the Sangerite antilife philosophy to that of national policy is basically a complex and lengthy one. However, it would have been said to have come from an idea to an institution via eight plateaus, each somewhat overlapping a time span of more than 50 years.

Sheet No. 6, Mr. Chairman, of my testimony, covers the eight plauteaus. In reviewing this for you, I think it might be helpful if you would perhaps mark down if you have not already, where this chart comes from because it is not one of my own making.

The chart comes from the Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D.C., which is one of the very earliest of the population control groups in the 1920's and 1930's, and so it is a plateau system which has been worked out and which has been publicized through an agency which is well known for its particular biases in the population control field.

The first plateau is in 1920 to the 1940's. This is basically a few individuals "crying in the wilderness." These early people, these were the Sangerites, the Margaret Sangers, they were the Drysdales and they were the Gambles.

I do not know-Mr. Chairman, are you acquainted with the ad which shows on television, it is a deodorant soap and you are encouraged to use it because of the crowded conditions in the schools? Have you ever seen that? It is P-300. Are you acquainted with that particular ad?

Senator BAYH. Very frankly, there are a lot of things that you are saying, which I am not acquainted with. But I will try to get acquainted with them.

MS. ENGEL. OK. The reason I asked, is if you had trouble remembering the Gamble name, they are very well known in the population control field.

Senator BAYH. What does that have to do with deodorant soap, if I may say?

MS. ENGEL. Well, they say that because of more crowded conditions children and adults should be better disinfected.

Senator BAYH. Is that what it says in the ad?

Ms. ENGEL. Yes. And the ironic thing is, it shows a picture of a schoolhouse and children are piling into it and it is bulging at the seams, when in truth, if you are anywhere acquainted with the recent statistics you would know that the children are coming out of the schools because of the lower birth rate.

Senator BAYH. I thought maybe there were other things that happened when you were in crowded elevators or schoolrooms that might make one want to use nondeodorant soap. Now, maybe there is a subtle hidden meaning here.

MS. ENGEL. Yes. Gamble, I believe, well, I will get down to the use of the mass media. Then the link might be a little more clear.

I felt it was a scare pitch. Gamble is the head of an organization called the Pathfinder Fund, which is one of the leading population control agencies receiving Federal funding.

So that is perhaps another name that you might want to add to your list.

The second plateau would go from 1940 to 1960. In this area we have the stage in which small groups, working together informally, and then small organizations, seek this initial capital, generally coming from the foundations. And in this population control and family planning field that I am talking about now, the groups included the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Population Reference Bureau, John Rockefeller III Population Council and the Ford Foundation.

These were the early population control and family planning interests.

The third plateau, 1960 to 1968-this was the time in which the mass media was urged to get into the population debate because there is a certain degree of respectability one gets by having the topic discussed even if it is in a derogatory manner. This was a period in which there was increased foundation interest and also this is the development of the university-based centers during the 1960's. These are presently federally funded.

I would be happy to provide you with the names of each university-based center.

The fourth plateau, between 1965 and 1969, this is something which will be of particular interest, I think, to you, Mr. Senator, this is the period in which bills were introduced in Congress and this activity was carried on by such individuals as the late Senator Gruening and outside of Congress by individuals like William Draper. General Draper was recently appointed and is, I believe, at the time in Bucharest, along with the Pro Life delegation representing the Pro Life views, but he was one of the official U.S. delegates to the World Population Conference now going on.

The fifth plateau is the mid-1960's. Now we are starting to get up to date. There has always been opposition to population control from the Catholic Church, but it was about this time that the opposition began to, I would say for want of a better term, began to take shape, organized against the population control agencies.

The sixth plateau is 1970. This is the stage at which, in order to get across, in order to promote your cause-in this case, population control and family planning-it was necessary for the appointment of one or more high level advisory commissions of distinguished citizens to make policy recommendations and win public support for legislation. I think the Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth and American Future was one of these commissions and I think that was its particular purpose.

The seventh plateau, again in 1970, additional Congressional hearings culminating in legislation, usually of moderate scope and funding. The key bills here were the Tydings bill, the 1970 Family Planning bill and the Environmental Education Act, which was a very key bill for those groups, for example ZPG.

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