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she will go through with an aion if he so advises. (Times-Delta, 1-20-73, R-A)

A large number of foundation grants have been awarded to researchers at Columbia University, New York City. In his book, Brave New Baby, author David Rorvik quotes Columbia's Dr. Karles Adamsons, a pioneering fetologist, who invariably attempts to get the mother to opt for an abortion where pre-natal testing shows a mother is carrying a seriously defective child.

"If necessary," he says," he says, "we will take the mother to visit groups of incompetents (mongoloids and other retarded or deformed children) to help her realize what will happen if she insists on going through with the pregnancy." (p. 68).

The directory (available from The National Foundation, Box 2000, White plains, N.Y. 10602) also lists Francis H. C. Krick, Ph. D. as a Nonresident fellow of the Salk Institute, supported by foundation funds.

This Nobel Prize physicist and molecular biologist has suggested, among other things, a license for parenthood and germinal choice whereby women are artifically inseminated with prize male stud service semen.

Krick, along with Dr. Linus Pauling, a foundation grant recepient and other eugenic zealots support a national genetic registry. In Brave New Baby Pauling suggests (only half in jest), that people with defective genes have the information tattooed on their foreheads.

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"Fertility Control Through Abortion" Carl Djerassi, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Jan. 1972, pp. 9-12, 41-45.

"Can Man Control His Biological Evolution? A Symposium on Genetic Engineering - Probabilities and Practicalities", Carl Djerassi, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Dec. 1972, pp. 25-28.

Dr. Carl Djerassi is Professor of Chemistry at Stamford University and president of Syntex Research, manufacturer of synthetic hormones for fertility control drugs, and publisher of the now-defunct, vomitous Family Planner newsletter.

Population control involves not only limiting the quantity of human stock but also regulating the quality of human stock, hence the inborn interest of eugenic zealots in the population control field.

Djerassi thus sees abortion, via abortifacient drugs and devices, as not only being "one of the most effective methods of fertility control in countries or in certain population sectors within a given country" be they developing or highly advanced countries, but as also being an intimate link in genetic engineering.


Back issu of this publication may be obtained from Bulletin of the Scientists, 1020-24 E. 58th St., Chicago, Ill. 60637. $1.00 per copy. The Dec. Symposium issue also contains some very fine comments by Dr. Paul Ramsey and Dr. Paul A. Freund.

Role of Planned Parenthood-World Population in Abortion

George Langmyhr, Medical Director, PP-WP, N.Y. in a candid discussion of the history of this anti-life agency in abortion, taken from the book Planned ParenthoodWorld Population and reprinted in Clin. Obstet. Gynec. 14:1190-6, Dec. 71.

Dr. Langmyhr addresses himself first to P.P. as a public service agency which should not be involved in abortion and secondly P.P.'s role in abortion reform legislation.

"I think it is fair to say that most professionals and volunteers associated with Planned Parenthood have accepted, for a long time, the necessity of abortion as an integral part of any complete or total family planning program. The dilemma of a women who has a legitimate method failure, or any type of unwated pregnancy, cannot be avoided by Planned Parenthood personnel..."

With regard to P.P.'s non-profit, tax-exempt agency status, Dr. Langmyhr explains that while P.P. is specifically unable to overtly lobby, "many dedicated volunteers and professionals from Planned Parenthood Affiliates" work with other concerned citizens and reform groups. He mentions Dr. Alan Guttmacher's "outspoken advocacy of abortion law change" and P.P.'s legal staff role in preparing abortion briefs.

In his outline of P.P.'s early role in abortion, activities which were "necessarily unpublicized", Dr. Langmyhr states his agency's involvement in abortion information. counseling, and referral prior to the 1960's, and following the "advent of abortion reform movements" P.P.'s role in pregnancy detection, "clergy counseling", and the opening of P.P.'s own aboritorium units in N.Y.C. and Syracuse. and national abortion hotlines.

Detailed descriptions of P.P.'s activities in California, Colorado, and N.Y.C. including the role played by private foundations, is highlighted in this anti-life expose - must reading for every pro-life advocate. (See also, The Death Peddlers, Paul Marx, O.S.B., Ph.D., St. John's University Press, Collegeville, Minn. pp. 34-37. $.95.)

Planned Parenthood and the Educators

Planned Parenthood of Pittsburgh, which recently supplied an executive director for the Women's Services, Inc. abortitorium which swung into action in the city during Holy Week, is conducting a nine-week course in "sexuality" for city public school teachers who receive $150 from P.P. (Scaife Foundation grant) and one increment credit leading to a higher salary from the Pittsburgh Board of Education.

Women Concerned for the Unborn Child' will soon submit a pro-life parallel in-service program to the Pittsburgh Board of Education.


ASA Finances

The Association for the Study of Abortion's President's Report by Robert E. Hall, M.D., January, 1973 featured an assessment of its 1972 program and hailed the U.S. Supreme Court decision of 22 January, 1973 as a decision sought by ASA since its foundation in 1964 - "virtually our organizational raison d'etre."

Original founders of the ASA who contributed $5,000 or more to the agency's annual budget included the Chichester DuPont Foundation, the Hopkins Charitable Fund, Stewart R. Mott, the Population Council, John D. Rockefeller 3rd, the Rockefeller brothers, the Rockefeller Foundation and Mrs. Cordelia Scaife May. ASA current officers include Joseph Fletcher, S.T.D., Alan F. Guttmacher, M.D., Christopher Tietze, M.D. and Allan C. Barnes, M.D.

Activities of the ASA in 1972 included newsletter, film and reprint services as well as:

ASA granted $1,000 to a Pennsylvania group to produce an educational brochure dealing with the position of Roman Catholics who oppose the stand of their church on the abortion question


ASA funded an opinion survey in Pennsylvania, the results of which were used by the Governor's Abortion Study Commission to bolster the Governor's decision to veto a pro-life bill..........

ASA contributed $12,000 toward Wisconsin's abortion law test case, and assisted in the preparation of the Texas and Georgia briefs and in the filing and preparation of amicus briefs in these two cases.........

ASA cooperated with Citizens Committee on Population Growth and the American Future, ASA was responsible for a pro-abortion obstetrical statement in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, signed by 100 professors of obstetrics........

Abortion Techniques and Services, a book based on an abortion conference sponsored in part by the ASA and published by Excerpta Medica, Netherlands, Ed., S. Lewit, contains a number of discussions on various aspects of the abortion business, (pp. 203-5) which will be of interest to pro-life readers.

Lawrence Lader (NARAL, N.Y.) is despondent over the high price of killing, while ASA President Robert Hall, suggests an abortion backlog could be handled if only the 20,000 obstetricians in the United States would perform only two abortions each per week...one million per year. As to the problem of what to do about hostile hospital abortion personnel, Dr. Hall reassures the conference attendees that it need not take long to weed out the "bad" assistants and cultivate the "good" ones.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson of Women's Services, N.Y., the oldest and largest of New York's abortion clinics, states that his agency used a large core of paraprofessional women who are neither nurses nor have they medical training of any kind. The two simple standards for their selection are that they be over 23 years of age and have had an abortion in the past. Dr. Nathanson said the experiment should be copied in every abortion clinic in the Nation.

YWCA on Abortion bandwagon In an Associate Press feature on the "changing image" of the Y, staff writer Lynne Olson notes that the YWCA in recent years has been joining in legal suits based on the principle of the "woman's right to choose."

Hence, the Loop YWCA in Chicago offers counseling on legal matters, abortion and rape..........a student Y in Seattle sponsors a Gay (?) Women's Resource Center.....provides an extensive information service for women on everything from abortions to schools and job hunting........

Dr. Clair Fulcher, of the National YWCA Resource Center on Women in N.Y. concludes the article with comments on the growth of 'Woman Power'. It is tragic that such power will serve Death rather than Life.

PTA and Abortion The N.Y.S., Parent-Teachers Association Congress, meeting in Nov., 1972 passed a resolution supporting "family planning" and "population control" information dissemination on a voluntary basis and supporting "the concept of legal abortion where desired and requested." The resolution according to the Delanson Right to Live Committee was not based on membership vote, but on delegate vote following discussion. (For a glimpse at the large family grand-slam read the statement of the National Education Association in the Senate Subcommittee on Public Health and Welfare hearings on the 1970 Family Planning Act. (USCL reprint No. 125 30c)

Suicide Clinics Proposed The Rev. Warren Briggs, pastor of the Chapel of the Valley Church suggested, at a 3day suicide conference held in San Diego, California under the auspices of the San Diego County mental health service, a proposal for the establishment of suicide clinics.

The suicide clinics, an extension of "mercy-killing" centers, would "provide a painless, dignified exit for its clients to persons whose physical life has no meaning or value to himself or society," he said. (USCL Reprint No. 1 127 - 20c)

Euthanasia Linked to Abortion

Euthanasia News, the quarterly publication of the Good Death Fellowship (853 Ogden St. No. 5, Denver, Dolo. 80218), Winter 1973 issue, hailed the Abortion Supreme Court Decision with "new cheer".

"...it becomes more and more clear that in intimate health matters, the right to decide what to do-or not to dorests with the patient and her doctor, not with "society" or some hospital's rules and regulations, the article concludes. (Ed. comment - Medical personnel and facilities seeking CO status for abortion and sterilization may want to add euthanasia as well as infanticide to their growing anti-life listings.)

Just One More Pill - An early issue of the Euthanasia News containing a recipe for a good death states that "Several major industries are poised and ready to make available not merely "another pill”, but a wide and colorful range of products and methods to meet the needs of those

who have already lived their lives

are about ready for a good death." (Comments made by Henry W. Hough, a Unitarian Minister and editor of the Euthanasia News).

Ford Funds Rockefeller

The Ford Foundation has awarded a three year grant of $1.5 million to John D. Rockefeller 3rd's Population Council for the formation of the International Committee for Contraceptive Research designed to identify and explore promising compounds and devices including chemical-releasing vaginal rings and copper-wire-wound intra-uterine devices. US. federal funds are expected to cover a most costly second phase of clinical trials of "new contraceptives". Project director of the ICCR is Sheldon Segal of the Population Council, 245 Park Ave., NY 10017. (exerpts from Ford Foundation Letter, 7-15-71).

Note: In 1969, AID awarded a $3 million dollar contract to Dr. Segal for anti-progestational contraceptive development. Project period 6/69 - 6/73.


Organized Religion and Healthy Sexuality a detailed account of what clergy can do in their localities, is the monthly feature in The Institute for Family Research and Education's publication, Say It So It Makes Sense (Winter 1973), a newsletter for professionals devoted to communicating with youth.

The Institute, (760 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 13210) is directed by Sol Gordon, who distinguished himself as a researcher for the Rockefeller Population Commission by proposing that contraceptive, sterilization, and abortion services be made available to adolescents with or without parental consent, and as the author of comic books on birth control, abortion, masturbation and other sexuality-oriented activities.

Members of the clergy, the Institute report suggests, can take initiatives in several areas including parent-child sex-education, sexual teen rap-sessions, referral services for V.D., birth control, abortion, adoption ect.; a “well-timed, well-planned, campaign for some sex information in the school"; and a thorough study of the Rockefeller Commission Report on Population Growth.

The Institute is part of Syracuse University's College for Human Development programs to "improve the quality of life". The College for Human Development will conduct a workshop on teenage sexuality, July 2-July 13, as part of Syracuse University's summer program. Details may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Alison Deming at the Institute.

Foreign News

Brazil Pro-Life Forces Score Victory for Life

Under the leadership of the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), attempts to alter the Penal Code to legalize permissive abortion were defeated last year.

In a 23 page brief prepared by the TFP Medical Commission for Professor Alfredo Buzaid, Minister of State of Justice, President of the National Council, Plinio Correa Oliveira declared that the fundamental right of the human person to life is valid for "the life yet inside the mother's womb or for the one already born".

The sour If pro-life opposition according to the report comes from the Gynecologic and Obstetric Society of Rio de Janeiro with the open support of the Maternity Institute (sic!) of the Medical and Surgical School of Rio de Janeiro and the Maternity Infirmary of Rio's Charity Hospital, all of which are accused of using the mass media and influential speciality publications to make people believe that this is what the majority of gynecologists and the medical class in general want.


Some of the arguments put forth by the abortion advocates include, the unborn is a mere part of the mother's tissue....... abortion will liberate women .... the theory of retarded animation ....... the unborn is an unjust agressor abortion is a lesser evil ....... science, not the Church, has the last say in matters of operatory intervention and so forth. This list proves, among other things, that pro-life forces throughout the world are fighting a common enemy, and therefore should be seeking international links with each other..... a long range U.S. Coalition goal.

Of special interest is the Brazilian medical attack on the IUD, described as "crypto-abortive” device.

The TFP brief is available at a cost of $3.00. A summary of the contents of the brief is also available from the USCL for $.80. The TFP representative in the U.S. is the Crusade for a Christian Civilization, 303 West 42nd St.. N.Y. 10036.

India Eyes New FIVE YEAR Plan for Population Control

According to a Nov. 1972 New Delhi wire service release, India's future population control schemes may include the "right" of an Indian woman to have an abortion or be sterilized without a husband's consent and compulsory sterilization of the mentally, physically, or emotionally unfit.

Tara Ali Baig, an Indian Sangerite who has been chosen by India's government to serve on the Task Force on Family Planning for the Fifth Plan which begins in 1974 claims that such action would insure the right of children not to be born of irresponsible parents.

Since the American tax-payer is one of the prime sources of funds for India's "family planning" package deals which promote everything from colored condoms to abortifacient IUDs to operating units for "family planning" procedures (incl. sterilization and abortions), the question arises as to whether or not the U.S. Government will permit tax funds to be used in programs of a compulsory nature.

Thus far, the Agency for International Development has refused to answer this query for the Coalition as well as other questions relating to CO-abortion status in foreign nations whose population control programs are financed by the U.S. or the United Nations Fund for Population Activities in which AID is the biggest "stockholder”.

Action: Please contact your federal legislators and ask their opinions on the use of tax-dollars abroad to fund abortions, abortifacient research, mass sterilization campaigns, and programs of COMPULSORY POPULATION CONTROL as envisioned by India. (For information on India's abortion program see Jan. 1973 issue of USCL Newsletter)

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Medical World News Ad featuring a LIFE photo of an unborn child, just over 51⁄2 weeks old was run by the Syntex Laboratories, manufactures of NORINYL, low dosage birth control pills. Mode of action stated as "The primary mechanism of action of the oral contraceptive is gonadotrophin suppression. It is pointed out however that the high efficacy of oral contraceptives may not be entirely due to suppression of ovulation but may result from other mechanisms such as change in cervical mucus and endometrium." This statement supports Dr. Alan Guttmacher's claim that the combined-therapy endometrium undergoes such drastic changes from a normal premenstrual endometrium that it is doubtful it could support implantation of a fertilized egg.

Another Syntex ad for NOR-Q.D. states as mode of action: "NOR-Q.D. has a progestational effect on the endometrium. The exact mechanism. of how it prevents conception is not known at the present time.....'

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Ingenue magazine - A pre-teen publication for young girls, featured in its April 1973 issue, an article on sexual perversion, specifically a do-it-yourself step-by-step description of achieving oral sex orgasm. The Coalition has notified the publishers (The News Ingenue, 635 Madison Ave., N.Y.) 10022 of the magazine that we will conduct a national boycott of their publication in libraries, schools and other pre-teen facilities across the nation. We ask your cooperation in contacting local schools, etc. asking that the April issue be removed from the shelf and that the subscription be withdrawn immediately.

Population Control Ad

Early this year, the Wall Street Journal ran an ad designed to attract a corporation sponsor for a film titled "Sorry No Vacancy".

This "completed one hour television documentary", narrated by Rod Serling features Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Rev. Rodney Shaw, Sen. R. Packwood, and other advocates of population control.

According to the Wilhite Productions ad, "Sponsorship of this film will INSURE national prime time television release.

An resume of the film may be obtained from Wilhite Productions, 3742 Seahorn Drive, Malibu, Ca. 90265.

Planned Parenthood and the Pause that Refreshes The Family Planning Federation of Canada (IPPI) has just completed a $400,000 bid for a pregnancy pause. The campaign includes massive circulation of newspaper ads, radio spots and transit cards. Said Brian Strehler, FPFC director, "When we begin to use abortion as a means of birth control we're in trouble." One of the slogans aimed at the young is..."If you're old enough to get pregnant, you're old enough to know how not to".

For the Record - Subject: Abortion prohibition amendment to S.2108, the Family Planning Act of 1970. Memo from American Law Division:

The question of abortion never came to a vote as an amendment on either floor of Congress. The house version of the bill (H.R.19318), however, did contain a provision forbidding the use of funds appropriated under the act for programs using abortion as a means of family planning. This provision eventually became part of the law (P.L.91572) which was approved by the House on Dec. 8, 1970 voice vote, and by the Senate on Dec. 10, 1970 by voice


Subject: The Hugh Moore Fund. In November, 1972, the grand-daddy of the population control movement,

Foreign News continued

Hugh Moore, died. The Morning Call 3-10-73 of Allentown, Pa. noted that Moore helped fund both the Population Institute and its offshoot, the Population Communication Center. In 1971 he liquidated the Hugh Moore Fund in order to aid organizations which he helped establish. For an indepth look at these agencies read Breeding Ourselves to Death by Lawrence Lader, available from ZPG, Palo Alto, California. $4.95.

For the Record

Subject: Medical treatment of minors without parental consent. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Youth have proposed a model law giving physicians the right to treat minors without parental consent in such areas as treatment for pregnancy, v.d., and drug abuse and without fear of legal liability. (Medical World News 3-23-73.)

Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists currently in formation will meet in Miami Beach, Fla. Monday, May 21st during the annual American College of Ob.Gyns. For further details contact: Matthew Bulfin, M.D., 4701 North Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33342.

Marriage and Family Life Education Workshop, Director, Paul Marx, O.S.B., Ph.D., June 3-June 16, 1973 St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn. 56321. Write for information on accomodations, credits etc. Special note: Wednesday-June 6 Topics Abortion and Euthanasia

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Thursday June 7 Topics Youth Pro-
Life Movement and

Monday June 11 Natural Family

"The Population Question-Limited Government or Limited People?" James A. Weber, The Freeman, Oct. 72. A fine resource article available from Jim Weber, 6314 N. Drake, Chicago, Ill. 60659 25c each.

Citizens For Constructive Education, Box 25704, Seattle, Washington 98125. Citizens United for Responsible Education, Box 9864, Chevy Chase, Md. 20015 The above parents' rights groups in the field of education are among the finest of their kind. 1 documented and a valuable source of pro-life. information. For details and sample CCEX AND CURE packets send $1.00 to cover printing and postage. Areas covered include sex education, secular. humanism, child development etc..


American Psychiatric Association. May 7-11, Honolulu, Topics to be covered include studies of pregnancy, abortion, suicide, and homosexuality.

The Human Amendment, Charles E. Rice. Available from Professor Rice, Box 104, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556;4 for $1 and special bulk rate. This pamphlet gives an excellent summary of the Human Life Amendment. For further details also write HLA Committee, 15 E. St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20001.

"Abortion-The Role of Private Foundations", Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, No. 4, December, 1971, Pgs. 1181-1189. Article by Donald H. Minkler, MD. MPH.

Animals and their Legal Rights, Emily Stewart Leavitt available from the Animal Welfare Institute, Box 3492, Grand Central Station, N.Y. NY. 10017 $1.00 per copy.


"Licensed to Kill" and other assorted articles and clippings on euthanasia are available from England's Human Rights Society, 27 Walpole Street, London SW3, England. Director of HRS is Mr. Bill Cooper. $1.00 per packet to cover printing and postal charges.

"Abortion for the Asking", Helen Dudar, Saturday Review, SOCIETY issue, April, 1973. (An arithmetical and practical application article with a selection of interviews by abortion clients. Of special note is Miss Dunbar's comments on Catholics undergoing abortions. She states "In this ear of radicalized and politicized clergy, it is no longer even surprising when a woman shows up at a clinic with the blessing of her priest." She then refers to a Catholic patient at Parkmed aboritorium, in N.Y. who brought in holy water from her priest, was aborted by suction aspirator, and then had 'the tissue' blessed by a Jewish social worker since she was unconscious during the operation. (p. 32)

When Should Abortion Be Legal, Hariet F. Pilpel and Kenneth P. Norwick, A Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 429. May be ordered from PAP, 381 Park Ave. South, New York 10016, 25c each. (PAP publications are frequently used in schools to supplement text book educational materials. The conclusions reached oy Pilpel of P.P. and Norwick sum up the bias of the presentation.. "Eventually, all proponents of reform (abortion) are confident, the presently restrictive abortion laws will be either revised or repealed entirely. The only question, they say, is how long it will take before it happens." Oct. 1970

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