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POPULATION CONTROL An Nih six year grant of $337,652 to Kingsley Davis of the U. of California 11 69 - 10 74) When writing for this information, ask for HEW Publication No. NIH 72-133. No Charge. Order from: Center for Population Research, NIH, Dept. of HEW, Bethesda, Md.


Depo-Provera, a proven carcinogen in animals, not approved by the FDA as a contraceptive, is patented by the UpJohn Company.

Country profiles, publication of Rockefeller's Population Council, Feb. 1973 issue on Nigeria by David Lucas and Gabisu Williams states that women attending Family Planning Council clinics who do not want to have any more children are encouraged to try the injectible steroid contraceptive (Depo Provera), which is also now available. (p.9)

Depo-Provera has also been used in Chilian studies at the U. of Chile as well as clinical testing in the McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Women in the rice fields of Sarawak, Malaysia are Depo-Provera guinea pigs under the guidance of Canadian Dr. Robert McClure of Toronto, who also promotes sterilization. (Source: International Planned Parenthood News, Oct. 1972 and Jan. 1973).


AID's War on Hunger features abortifacient research. The research activities of Sultanali Magan Karim of Uganda were featured in the AID publication War on Hunger, Vol. V No. 9, Sept. 1971.

Dr. Karim, a leader is prostaglandin-abortifacient research stated that by 1975 use of such drugs would be very common. "Prostaglandins are now readily synthesized and as such will become available at a low cost a few pennies per use." He described it as an "after-the-fact" approach. Dr. Karim sees abortion as a means of population control as present religious and medical restrictions change.

Dr. Karim's "research" takes place at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. His "research" which includes prostaglandin abortions past 13 weeks gestation is financed by the American tax payer via an AID contract (No. 93117570540) for project period 6/71-6/74.

Ten clinic patients, five Caucasian and five Negro, ages 15 to 27 years, and all in their second trimester of pregnancy were aborted by the administration of IntraAmniotic Prostaglandin F2d with a 40% success rate based on the 24 hour criterion.

The study was conducted by D.C. Leslie, M.D. and Leonard E. Laufe, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. of the Reproductive Counseling Institute, West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh and reported in the Dec. 1972 issue of The Journal of Reproductive Medicine.

Side effects of the prostaglandin “therapy" in this series included nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flushing, pyrexia, headache, bronchospasm. Nausea and vomiting occurred in all patients with an average of 2 to 3 episodes per patient.

If the pregnan termination did not occur within 24 hours, additional methods including uterine evacuation and saline injections were carried out. Curettage was performed on all patients aborted during the first 24 hours.

Of the ten patients "chosen" from the clinic population, three were minors (17 or under). The report brings into focus the problem of using clinic patients in general, and using minors in particular, for abortifacient experimental research. The Coalition has the matter under further investigation at both the state and federal level.


Since May of 1971, the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) has provided over $100,000 to Population Services, Inc. of Chapel Hill, N.C. for the purpose of increasing use of condoms among sexually active, young, unmarried low-income males in urban and rural settings.

Population Services, Inc., directed by Dr. Timothy Black of England, a postgraduate of the UNC Chapel Hill Population Center, and Philip Harvey, former director for CARE in India, has a tax-exempt status to qualify for governmental "research funds", while its twin agency Population Planning Associates-serves as the retail firm doing the buying and selling of birth control devices.

Using OEO "anti-poverty" funds, Population Services directly contacted over 25,500 individuals between the ages of 13 and 20. Local OEO Community Action Agencies and commercial sources provided the mailing lists.

The letters of the unsolicited mailings included such questions as "Has one of your friends made a girl pregnant recently?" and reassures the young male that condoms help prevent babies as well as V.D. Also included in the mailings is provision for obtaining a condom stamp coupon worth $1.00 from a North Carolina outlet.

According to an informed source in Washington, D.C., of the 25,000 young men contacted, 2,260 responded favorably and were sent materials via unmarked envelopes while 86 requested no further materials be sent. At no time was parental consent solicited for minors.

The OEO grant to Population Services Inc. in 1971 totaled $61,905 while the 1972 grant totaled $47,066. The latter OEO funds are intended to expand work among the "target" populations" with emphasis placed on reaching coaches and other supervisory "outreach" personnel. Information gleaned from the "research" will be refined in order to "establish a model which can be used elsewhere." A proposed program ending in 1974 with the OEO carrying the TOTAL costs for Population Services, Inc. -- services which will cost the American tax payer some $152,274!

Letters asking that OEO funds to Population Services, Inc. be immediately impounded and calling for a Congressional investigation of OEO "family planning" programs in general may be directed to: Howard Phillips, Office of Economic Opportunity, Dept. of HEW, Washington, D.C. 20506, with carbons to your Congressman and Senators, and to President Nixon.

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Medical Methods of contraception, male and female sterilization, and the training of para-medical personnel including "counselors for abortion referral and for standard clinics" as well as pregnancy testing and other laboratory procedures.... Communications

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Utilizing mass media for opinion formation and the reinforcement process of the public...... Male Education male sexuality programs geared to youth....

Research - Medical, biological and contraceptive research in U.S. and abroad.....

Education Developing community programs "TRAINING FOR ABORTION COUNSELING AND REFERRAL COUNSELING". AN OVERVIEW OF THE LEGAL AND MORAL ASPECTS OF ABORTION IN THE U.S.: removal of sexual inhibitions and barriers to human sexual communications by "demythologizing" sexual hangups....

(Training and Education Dept., PP-Chicago, 185 North Wabash, Chicago, Ill., 60601)

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Teen Scene is located at 185 N. Wabash Av., home of the Chicago P.P.

The objectives of Teen Scene as outlined in their brochure "Straight Sex Talk for Teens" include:

1. To provide a non-judgmental atmosphere in which teenagers may explore human sexuality through education and dialogue.

2. To eliminate unwanted pregnancies by making effective means of family planning, including contraception and voluntary abortion, available to all.

3-7. Objectives also involve exploring attitudes, establishing ongoing model programs, evaluation of programs and in'service training programs.


Dr. Carl S. Shultz, M.D., Director, Office of Popul Affairs in a letter dated Nov. 1, 1972, HEW funded activities of "Teen Scene" include pregnancy testing and to contraceptive information eligible cnadidates. Pregnant teens are referred to a "Teen Scene" social worker for discussion, but not counseling on abortion. If a "Teen Scene" client wants abortion counseling she is referred to CARES and no followup of such patients is made by "Teen Scene", stated Dr. Shultz.

Now it just so happens that the main CARES office (Cooperative Abortion Referral and Evaluation Service) is located at the exact same address, 185 N. Wabash, as Teen Scene and Chicago P.P.!

Established in July, 1971, CARES operates a fivestate abortion referral service which shuttles (prior to Jan. 22, 1973) women from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin to New York at a package deal rate of about $145-$350, incl. transportation for a legal abortion.

In Teen Scene Handbook under the title, Pregnancy SCENE Testing, individual counseling by TEEN counselors DO IN FACT include making plans, for among other things, "legal safe abortion referrals", Dr. Shultz's comments not withstanding.

Furthermore, a pre-arranged phone call to Teen Scene in the Spring of 1972 verified the fact that Teen Scene is also involved directly in abortion arrangements. The caller. an 18 year old boy contacted Teen Scene to arrange an abortion for his 15 year old girl friend. He was told that the must make his own plane reservation on a flight which would be pin-pointed by Teen Scene and that he must bring in a signed notarized statement of responsibility by a 21 year old (any 21 year old). Teen Scene said they would arrange for a limousine to meet the girl at the airport in N.Y., take her directly to the clinic where the abortion would be performed and she would then be transported back to Chicago the same day.

In the meantime, while tax-payers fund the abortionfornication center of Planned Parenthood, Birthright of Chicago suffers financial hardship and must compete with HEW funding YOUR funding.

Action Line Write your federal legislators and ask them to provide you with specific details on Teen Scene including an audit for the period 1971-1972 outlining how HEW funds were spent. Request that matching funds be made available to Birthright Chicago. Ask if he or she would initiate or support a Congressional investigation of such programs as Teen Scene in which abortion is clearly stated as a means of family planning.

USCL will provide all the necessary documentation. Please include $2.50 to cover copying and postage. Ask for Teen Scene Packet.

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processing of individual patient reco

based on the patient - oriented family planning data system developed in Atlanta. In Tennessee, staff from all 95 local county health departments have had to be taught the new data system, via teach-in sessions.

Under this data system, both patient's name and a unique ID number are recorded on the data form in order to "evaluate continuity of care". In Tennessee, the patients number is her Social Security number. When a new patient doesn't have a S.S. number, the clinic staff is instructed to apply for one and to give the patient a temporary number. Data information includes: patient identification, clinic identification, date of visit(s) METHOD OF CONTRACEPTION, and information on subsequent visit.

Under this data system, each patient's record folder is filed at the local clinic. Patients missing appointments can be easily tracked down for formal or "informal" visits by home visiting teams under the computer's direction, and guidance.

Collected data are utilized for a number of purposes including "community education", and generation of life tables as well providing data on "fertility rates and illegitimacy rates, and designation future target groups."

"Since each patient is UNIQUELY identified no matter in which clinic she has received services, and has an up-to-date longitudinal history file of all visits to the family planning clin, it becomes a computer programming task to extract the information in a format appropriate for lifetable calculations." (pp. 50-54).

The second incident involves a National Birth Survey conducted by the Public Health Service of HEW with the approval of local State Health departments.

Information from the survey is being collected on a sample of approximately 7,400 mothers of live births who represent the nearly 3.7 million women having deliveries during 1972.

Each physician and each patient in the survey was sent a questionnaire about the patient's recent pregnancy. The survey cover letter to physicians includes the name, address, date of delivery, name and sex of child and a survey number, and assurance that all the material given to the government will be kept "completely confidential", and used for statistical Doctors failing purposes. to fill out the form receive a followup letter from the Division of Vital Statistics charged with carrying out the survey. Neither the attending physician or the patient require the consent of the other to reply to the survey. National Birth Survey includes:

1. Information about this mother..incl. number of live births, abortions etc.

II. Prenatal and Postpartum Care of mother...incl. number of pre-natal visits, nature of post-partum and mother's CONTRACEPTIVE HISTORY including what method used if any.

III. Name, Address, and phone number and date of survey completion with any notes and comments, by physician or patient.

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Concerned tax-payers who ultimately fund these programs may wish to bring these matters to the attention of their congressman and senators. The Coalition position is

that Congress shoul ke the necessary action to forbid the use of Social Security numbers as a means of patient identification for medical treatment surveys and data taking, and prohibit the federal government from soliciting confidential information which violates the privacy of the physician-patient relationship, and or other relationships including that of parent and child.

Note: Medical World News, 4-13-73 in 'Big Brother' VS 'Dr. Feelgood' notes that the ACLU, AMA, and Pharmaceutical Manufactures Assoc. are protesting the new N.Y. Controlled Substances Act requiring drug prescriptions (containing name of patient, addresses etc.) to be fed into programmed computers manned by the state health department, as an invasion of patient-doctor privacy.



On March 22, 1973, members of the U.S. Coalition for Life and allied pro-life groups were scheduled to meet with Dr. Louis Hellman of the Office of Population Affairs, Mr. John Fuller of the Office of Education and Dr. Walter Bogan of the Office of Environmental Education to review the "population packet" originally designed to accompany the Rockefeller film, which was to be distributed by HEW until pro-life popular pressure forced its withdrawal.

The packets containing student and teacher film guides and other population teaching aides were prepared by the Population Reference Bureau and its associates with tax-funds from the Office of Education.

The meeting with HEW officials was cancelled, however, when Dr. Hellman and John Fuller informed the Coalition that the packets were not yet prepared for evaluation, the final drafts having not as yet been completed. Coalition Director Randy Engel received assurances that she would be contacted as soon as the drafts were ready, prior to their printing for distribution. Casper Weinberger was then informed of the cancellation as well as the OE agreement with the Coalition.

Early in April, the Coalition was informed by a federal employee in the family planning field that the 80 page teaching guide, and also a student guide, had been on his desk for some time, where upon the Coalition immediately wired Weinberger asking for a meeting with him in the presence of Dr. Hellman and other OE officials involved in the controversy. Letters in support of the meeting with the Secretary of HEW may be sent to directly to Casper Weinberger, Office of the Secretary. Dept. of Hew, Washington. D.C. 1

AMERICA WILL ROCK CHAIRS, NOT CRADLES An HEW-funded grant to the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions for the purpose of analyzing "long range social futures" for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare utilization in planning for health care delivery in the coming decades examines the social implications of an ever-increasing aging population in the United States.

The full report, co-authored by Center Senior Fellow and project director Harvey Wheeler and R. J. Carlson was

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In their February, 1973, Center Report, a number of capsule conclusions are listed under various sub-sitles.

Under the sub-title People: the Center study suggests that in the coming decades few couples will have more than two children and many will have none....that there will be a drive for negative growth .......... that our youth base will shrink....that quality of public services will deteriorate if the talents of growing numbers of elderly are not utilized that family planning will mean planning for the elderly, not children and that a significant portion of the population may, at any given moment, be under the influence of mind-altering drugs.......

Under the sub-title, Medical: the Center study suggests that amniocentesis might facilitate effective treatment of the genetically defective. .... the appearance of cloning and mood-altering drugs on the horizon ....... a rise of general physical and emotional disability due to prolonged life spans of an aging population.

Other information included under Politics and Government, Culture and Ethics, Education and Places highlights the problems of a nation who will be preoccupied with rocking chairs rather than cradles in the 21st century.

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Federal Goverent Mandates Complaince With HR1: Parental And States' Rights Usurped

The Clearinghouse Review is a publication of the National Clearinghouse for Legal Services funded by the Office of Economic Opportunity, and Northwestern University.

The November, 1972 issue of the Review contains an article by attorney Alan Charles entitled "Enforcing Legal Rights to Family Planning and Abortion" followed by a Dec., 1972 article "H.R.1: Changes in Family Planning Requirements. Every pro-lifer should immediately obtain a copy of these publications from the NCLS, Northwestern School of Law, 710 N. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, Ill. 60611. 50c per copy. Also a copy of the Senate Committee Report on the Social Security Amendments of 1972, S. Rep. No. 92-30, 92nd Congress., 2d Sess. (1972).

With the Senate passage of H.R.1, Title IV, Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) and Title XIX, Medicaid programs have undergone significant changes.

As clearly stated in the Senate Amendment Revision Report, ALL states are required to make a particular effort to provide family planning services to minors...."who have never had children but who can be considered to be sexually active". Requirements for parental consent are INVALID. Services must be provided by states without regard to marital status, age or parenthood. Furthermore, the poor should receive Medicaid payments for abortion since to do otherwise would descriminate against them, says attorney Charles.

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Federal C-O Amendment Nullified By Javits

No sooner had Sen. Frank Church (D.Ida.) introduced a conscientious objector amendment to the extension of the Public Health Service Act prohibiting abortion, sterilization, coercion of medical facilities and personnel than Sen. Jacob Javits (R.N.Y.) introduced a second amendment which reads as follows:

"...Such hospitals or other health care institutions (that is, one receiving Federal funds), shall not discriminate in the employment, promotion, extension of staff or other privileges or termination of employment of any physician or other health care personnel on the basis of their personal religious or moral convictions regarding abortion or sterilization or their participation in such procedures." This amendment was approved along with the Church amendment. Result: Nullification of Church amendment. (See detailed debate on amendment in the Congressional Record of March 22nd between Senator Pastore of R.I. and Javits of N.Y.).


Florence Crittenton Aboritorium is pently gearing up for an estimated kill ratio of between 7200-9600 unborn per year.

The new extermination service carried out in conjunction with Pregnancy Counseling Service, Inc. will augment existing services at the Crittenton Hastings House in Brighton, Mass, thanks to a seed grant of $100,000 from the Scaife Foundation of Pittsburgh, (T. Mellon and Sons).

All abortions will be carried out by licensed gynecologists affiliated with six local hospitals, or under their guidance. Clients whose pregnancy is greater than 12 weeks gestation or have medical contraindications prohibiting out-patient precedures will be referred to one of the local teaching hospitals.

According to the Pregnancy Counseling Service, two operating rooms can handle a MINIMUM of 20 abortions a day, five days a week. At a charge of $200 per procedure, the gross annual income will be about $1,000,000 per year (based on 5000 abortions).

"The development of this program could establish a precedent in meeting the needs of the people, and serve as a PROTOTYPE for other Florence Crittenton Leagues around the nation for broadening their horizons." (emphasis added).


A policy letter currently circulated by the National Foundation-MARCH OF DIMES states that legal abortions are outside the purview of the Foundation and that "the decision to terminate or not terminate a pregnancy is solely a parental decision."

"The National Foundation is not authorized to direct that decision and further, we believe it should not be directed by any individual scientist, physician, or counselor.....the foundation shall not indulge in lobbying with governmental bodies.......neither the foundation nor its component chapters finances abortions or abortion research.'

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On October 13-14, 1970, the Committee on Social Issues of the American Society of Human Genetics sponsored a Symposium, "Intrauterine Diagnosis and Selective Abortion" at Indianapolis, Indiana. The proceedings of the meeting were published in the March of Dimes Foundation's Original Article Series, Vol. 7, No. 5. April 1971.

The use of fetal flesh and normal amniotic fluid samples obtained from the products of pregnanoy ters mination to develop expertise in the cultivation of amniotic fluid cells and for accurate assessment of human fetal data was discussed by Michael M. Kaback, M.D. Researchers involved in the X project include staff of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and the U.S. Public Health Service. The United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation. Inc. of New York City has already supported similar research using live babies-- byproducts of abortion -- in an attempt to isolate attenuated rubella-vaccine virus from human products of conception and uterine


According ton abstract which appeared in the May 18, 1972 New England Journal of Medicine, 35 women, certified for legal abortion, were vaccinated with the live rubella virus and subsequently aborted by hysterotomy (3) and curettage (5).

. “After repeated washings with balanced salt solution these SURGICAL. SPECIMENS (emphasis added) were homogenized in a ten-broeck tissue grinder...tissue suspensions were similarly prepared from placental and fetal specimens and from segments of extra-embryonic membrane. Most of the samples, obtained by hysterotomy, were delivered to the laboratory still surrounded by intact membranes. Repeated washings with balanced salt solutions were performed before and after dissection," the report stated.

Dr. Henry Nadler, in Indications for Amniocentesis, stated that the physician undertaking amniocentesis to detect a genetic disorder prenatally must be committed to providing “therapy" if the results indicate an abnormality and the parents wish termination of the pregnancy. This committment would include abortion referral if the obstetrician was not performing the abortion.

Similarly, Dr. Orlando J. Miller, in Discussion of Symposium Papers. greets with excitement the possibility of detecting and diagnosing serious untreatable, genetic disorders, aborting these fetuses, and thus preventing the birth of many individuals who would have been doomed to severe mental retardation or other mental or physical disorders.

Another article listed in the Original Article Series is the Psychosocial Aspects of Selective Abortion by Dr. E. Lieberman, who insists that abortion be a matter between a woman and her physician. Dr. Lieberman is author of "Informed Consent for Parenthood", in which he states that until our society does a good deal more to aid the handicapped children "it is too much to ask women to carry their pregnancies to term unmindful of possible or probable fetal damage."

"In the meantime, the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, including abortion when necessary, is more than mere prevention. It is an enhancement of life, and it supports the right of every child to be reared by someone who cares.

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Additional articles in the Series make reference to the identification of genetically defective children and "their selective abortion", the difficulties of aborting women in the second trimester of pregnancy and public health implications if intrauterine diagnosis and selective abortion.

The U.S. Coalition is not only concerned about the anti-life company the National Foundation is keeping, but also the awarding of grants to pro-abortion physicians.

For example, the 1973 directory of the foundation includes a $25,474.00 research grant to Charles J. Epstein, M.D. of the U. of California, San Francisco.

According to Mary Livacich, Chairman, Right to Life of Tulare County, Dr. Epstein has stated for publication that he will not go through with an amniocentesis test unless he has a verbal commitment from the mother that

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