ePub 版

In addition to population control, the text covers birth control, sterilization, over-population, and abortion as presented by well-known anti-life personalities and organizations. The incredible anti-life bias of this publication, which is used in both public and parochial high schools across the nation, is best demonstrated in the chapter on abortion by Jane E. Brody followed by a "discussion" of when the unborn child becomes a person having moral value and under what circumstance an abortion may be justified.

The USCL has asked that the U.S. Office of Education publicly disassociate itself from this unit book and that it be removed from the Project Social Studies program. Prolifers therefore, may want to obtain sample copies immediately from Education Center, Columbus, Ohio 43216, 40 each.

Further details to follow. Note: Population Control is copywrited by the Zerox Corporation which sponsored the Rockefeller Population Commission's film on the findings and recommendations of the Commission of Population Growth and the American Future, to be aired by the PBS in November.

ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. While general public acceptance of the hard-sell approach to population control is seen as being about a year away, use of educational television and public television broadcasts which cater to a more sophisticated audience, as an instrument of population indoctrination is a current possibility. This is the conclusion of an article which appeared in the Ob. GYN, News (Vol. 7, No. 12) and illustrated by campaign signs such as "OVERPOPULATION - May be Hazardous to your Health."

The Physicians International Press release outlines the recommendations of a student "Think Tank" with 37 members of the U. of Michigan in co-operation with the Michigan Council on Environmental Quality. The prepared material from the workshop focused on the use of the mass media newspapers, magazines, TV and radio, with special emphasis on public broadcasting. (USCL Reprint #106-0).

And speaking of public broadcasting, the USCL in a letter to the Public Broadcasting Service on July 27, 1972 has requested that the PBS provide a complete public disclosure of the facts surrounding the November airing of John D. Rockefeller 3rd's population masterpiece, on his Commission findings. In addition, the PBS has been asked to provide an opportunity for a similar program on the population issue by Pro-life experts in this area. PBS reaction will be reported in next newsletter.


UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS, N.Y.. The U.N.'s Population Division has been charged with planning and coordinating a World Population Conference in N.Y. on Aug. 19 30, 1974, while World Population Year-1974 responsibilities have been given to the U.N. Fund for Population Activities, a quasi-official group financed largely with AID-tax funds with offices on Lexington Avenue in N.Y.

A pre-liminary report on the year and conference has been issued by the Economic and Social Council and is available from Kathleen Jupp, of the U.N. Population Fund, U.N., N.Y.

It should be noted, that at the 1965 World Population Conference, in Belgrade, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which will be one of the co-ordinating agencies for Year and Conference-1974, rushed into chamber meeting halls during conference half-times to show their colored film of the latest abortion-suction techniques.

The USCL will have additional details on the 1974 population events in its future newsletters. Pro-life reporters may want to write to Mr. Kelly at the U.N. Press Office in N.Y. for details on covering the events at the U.N. during August.

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Other recommendations from the youth conference include universal contraception to all including minors be made available by government; that federal funds for contraceptive research be intensified; that taxpayers foot the bill for an abortion-on-command policy; and that population control education be integrated into the school curriculum . . . . which is to say the exact same thing as JDR 3rd's Commission said only eleven months later.

The Youth Agenda report is available free from the JDR 3rd Fund, Box 1105, Radio City Station, N.Y., N.Y. 10019. BRONX, N.Y. Pro-Life writers and leaders interested in offering reprints of good articles on abortion, euthanasia, population control, etc. to students via school and public libraries should send such material on a REGULAR MONTHLY BASIS to the H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10452 publishers of a Vertical File Index which lists pamphlets by title and subject. The Dec. 1971 issue of the Index under Abortion carried 6 articles submitted by the Assoc. for the Study of Abortion and offered FREE on request. Pamphlets so listed are ordered from the source, i.e., the ASA, and NOT the Wilson Co.

"Conception and Contraception" is a recent article appearing in Natural History, Aug. Sept., 1972 (Vol. LXXXI, No. 7). Wedged in between photos of charging buffalo bulls and ads for wild life societies is a full page picture of IUDs, foam, pills, condoms and assorted contraceptive and abortive devices followed by a detailed description of contraception and abortion techniques. The author is Prof. Gerald Oster who has been experimenting with the Copper IUD. According to Prof. Oster, new birth control paths lie in the way of once-a-month abortifacient oral pills. His conclusions are typically Malthusian Sociologists agree, however, that it is equally important to inculcate in the masses a recognition of the dangers of overimportant to inculcate in the masses a recognition of the dangers of over-population and a strong personal need to restrict the size of the family. Meanwhile, the population time bomb keeps ticking away."

While there is very little original material in the Oster article, its appearance in a magazine like Natural History is of significance to the Pro-Life Movement. Letters to the editor may be directed to: Natural History, 79th & Central Pky., W., N.Y., N.Y. 10024.

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have hit the Department of HEW in the gut by demanding that a Federal grant of $185,000 to Emory University for a two-year study on abortion and unwanted births to be conducted by wellknown pro-abortion physicians, be rescinded. National pro-life support to our Georgian brothers-in-arms can be directed to HEW head Elliot Richardson, President Nixon, and Congressman.

In addition to showing once again how much more enterprising the children of the darkness are when compared to the children of the light, this incident proves the need for solid pro-life research initiative into the multi-faceted areas of anti-life issues and pro-life alternatives. Information on Federal research grants may be obtained through the Office of Population Affairs (HEW) and/or the Contraceptive Research Branch of the Center for Population Research of the NHI (HEW).

In addition to protesting the EMORY U. grant #130171-01, pro-lifers may also want to include a NIH grant #69-2094 awarded to Robert L. Brent of Jefferson U. in philadelphia, Pa. for a "study in experimental methods of interrupting pregnancy (microwave radiation)" (P. 202, HEW Five Year Plan, #68-178-0, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1971.)

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DAYTON, OHIO The Compass, the journal of MAP (More Agricultural Production) calls for a new world-wide commitment to fight hunger and malnutrition in developing nations. MAP's immediate plans include a public education campaign and youth scholarship program in agricultural for promising young people in areas of L.A., Asia, etc. Long range plans include the establishment of demonstration and research farms utilizing local talent in areas with vast untapped agricultural potential.

The Compass is an excellent pro-life population reference newspaper. Regular MAP membership, $3.00, includes a subscription to Compass. MAP's mailing address: Main Box 1101, Dayton, Ohio 45401.


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The Pro-Life Movement in Japan has made significant headway since Spring. On April 4, 1972, Minister of Welfare, Mr. Nobuo Saito at a debate of the Budget Committee of the Upper House stated that the time has come for the Diet to persuade the people to have more respect for life and that the Eugenic Protection Law (EPL) section permitting abortion for economic reasons should be deleted from the law. He particularly stressed the importance of not aborting the FIRST child.

Similarly, Mr. Tamaki (Sen., Liberal Democratic Party) stated that respect for human life is the very foundation of the principles of good government noted that the Prime Minister himself attended the ceremony for the repose of souls of the departed unborn, performed in the mountain village of Chichibu (Saitama Prefecture) to demonstrate his commitment to life.

Prime Minister Sato said, "I hear that Japan is widely known as an "Abortion Paradise". It is loathesome for me even to hear such a thing with my ears and pronounce it with my lips.... the abuse must stop ... we must never forget that a baby is a gift of nature and its life must be respected.'

"I have been requested to erect a statue of MIZUKO JIZO (deity of unborn children) in memory of the children who were aborted. . . . so that they may rest in peace. I made it my business to show respect for human life by attending the ceremony. (Complete translation of text - USCL Reprint #107-50¢).

On May 24, the Cabinet approved the revision clause of the EPL. Bill now goes to the National Diet for approval. Seicho No Le Religious group with Catholic co-operation is spear-heading the pro-life movement in Japan.

On June 4, 1972, ASAHI, the Japanese daily, ran an article on the efforts of the Japan Family Planning Association (the Inter. Planned Parenthood affiliate) to halt the revision of EPL which would help tighten up the nation's abortion laws. Following an emergency meeting of the JFPA, Chairman Dr. Yoshio Koya sent a protest letter to the Diet attacking the revision on the grounds that (1) if the EPL deletes the economic reason for abortion, both illegal abortions and the fee for legal abortions will increase (2) the number of illegitimate and unwanted children will increase resulting in unhappiness (3) the hardships of life will make psychological burdens increase (4) and the recognition of reasons for abortion will become dependent upon the subjective judgement of a physician, and it therefore becomes easier for a physician to procure an abortion. Dr. Koya's conclusion is that the revision of the EPL would do more harm than good.

Opposition to the revision may also be based on the fact that so many physicians depend on extra profit from Japan's present abortion law and that passage of the revision might signal a government-campaign to increase its anti-abortion pressures. (USCL Reprint #108-20¢).

ENGLAND In its January, 1972 newsletter, the International Planned Parenthood Federation described its educational and training objectives for 1972-1974 ..... "Young people are identified as a special target group."

"While the IPPF will press and assist UNESCO to penetrate the school systems of all countries, a special effort is to be made by the voluntary sector to reach those millions of young people who never get to school or who drop out of school after only a few years of education . . .'

The IPPF is funded primarily by the U.S. tax-payers via USAID. In February it sent a team of physicians to Decca to abort pregnant Bangladesh women who had been the victims of rape under a program called the "Bangladesh Women's Emancipation Program". The short range purpose of this scheme is to establish abortion centers across the nation to be manned by abortionists trained by the IPPF. The long range plan calls for setting up facilities to train women to become self-sufficient and socially better placed.


As for the Government of Bangladesh, it appears as if they have had enough of the IPPF tactics. Recently, the Minister of Health Abdul Malek Ukil announced "We have had enough of con

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CANADA. . The subject of tax-supported provincial aboritoriums or so called "Pregnancy Centres" to take pressures off over-crowded and/or recalcitrant hospitals appeared in a Globe editorial on Oct. 22, 1971. Such centres would include beds, operating and recovery rooms, medical records department and provide post-operative followup care and counseling. (USCL Reprint #109-104).

Dr. Benjamin Viel, Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (England) stated that it will be difficult to control world population if CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS ARE NOT COMBINED WITH ABORTION. Addressing the annual meeting of the Family Planning Federation of Canada, Dr. Viel said that consideration should be given to the legalization of abortion as a means of reducing the increasing world population but that abortion should be regarded as an emergency measure followed by use of contraceptive methods to prevent risk of further pregnancies. From Hamilton Special, Dec. 15, 1971. (USCL Reprint #110-10¢).

Addressing the College of Family Practice in Canada, Dr. John Lederman of Vancouver stated that the early discovery and relief of unwanted pregnancy may render objections to abortion obsolete.

According to Dr. Lederman's reasoning people who do not disapprove of the Pill, the IUD, or "morning-after" pill do object to abortion because it destroys a living fetus. Therefore, women who have missed a period and suspect they are pregnant can go to their doctors for a routine scraping or suction procedure. If not pregnant, no harm would result. If she were, the newly implanted egg would be removed just like an endometrial biopsy. Thus such a procedure would "reduce it to the point where it is not offensive to anyone's ethics," From Globe and Mail, Sept. 15, 1971. pg. 9. (USCL Reprint #111-10¢).

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Vol. 2 No. 2
January, 1973


Mrs. Randy Engel, Editor


P. O. Box 315 Export, Pa. 15632

BIRTH PATROL ON THE MARCH- "Fewer People for a Better World" is the theme song of the latest population control agency, NPG - NEGATIVE POPULATION GROWTH, 103 Park Ave., Suite 414, New York, New York 10007.

Listed among the Board members are

Edgar Chasteen, President of Compulsory Birth Control for ALL Americans, Liberty (?), Mo.

Richard Bowers, Zero Population Growth

Alfred Forsyth, Sierra Club

Stewart Ogilvy, Population Communication Center, (Population Institute)

Sir Julian Huxley (Patron)

Miss Shirley MacLaine

Miss Joanne Woodward

Shirley Radl, National Organization for Non-Parents

The precise goal of NPG is to reduce world population to ONE-HALF its present level via compulsory population control. In the conflict between individual choice and the needs of society relating to family size, the conflict according to NPG must be resolved in favor of the common good ... "WITHOUT A SINGLE EXCEPTION".

"The forms and extent of the controls (to reduce population) must be decided by Congress. They could vary from minumum and voluntary controls such as government guidelines to family size, at one end of the spectrum, to compulsory birth control at the other end, with compulsory sterilization after one child."

"However, whatever Congress decides as to the form of the necessary controls, it is essential that they be immediately effective in getting the job done, and the population reduced.”

"National programs of population control must be put into effect now!" (Source: Statement of Purpose and Program Negative Population Growth, Inc.)

The Executive Director of NPG is John Rague, who is also the Executive Director of the Association for Voluntary Sterilization.

OEO ISSUES STERILIZATION QUOTAS In 1971, the Office of Economic Opportunity amended its policies to include contraceptive sterilization programs.

A grant of $240,000.00 was awarded to the Planned Parenthood Association of the Southern Mountains and a quota of 150 vasectomies and 150 tubal ligations established for the Anderson County pilot project over a 2 year period. Codedata, derived from interviews with sterilization applicants, who were unaware that they were guinea pigs in a government pilot program, was then fed into computers by the Tennessee Dept. of Public Health.

Implementation of similar “OEQ projects", however, have been temporarily suspended by OEO Director of Health Affairs, Dr. Leon Cooper until the costs, priorities and long range effects of contraceptive sterilization have been more fully evaluated. Source: N.Y. Times, 5 28 72. (Reprint No. 113-20c).


RALEIGH PROJECT. On Nov. 11, 1969 the State
Edition of the Houston Chronicle ran an-article by Chicago
Times correspondent Tom Littlewood entitled, "U.S. Starts
Bold Plan for Pre-Pregnant Teens".

Financed by a two year grant from the Federal Office of Economic Opportunity, the Raleigh Project featured a health department clinic in a public housing neighborhood which catered to black, unmarried teenage girls who had never been pregnant. The program included "sex education meetings" and distribution of contraceptives, as well as physician referrals.

According to Mr. Littlewood, the Innovative OEO program was part of "the frontier of social policy as the government presses toward President Nixon's announced goal of making birth control assistance available within five years for all income women." He also noted that "As in Raleigh, all of the most imaginative and successful programs for 'pre-pregnant' teenagers are in black-urban neighborhoods." (Reprint No.114-20c)

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1. A few individuals crying in the wilderness 2. Formation of nucleus groups aided by foundation capital 3. Mass media coverage which increases as does foundation support and the start of university interest 4. Feeler bills introduced into Congress 5. Opposition crystallization and delay in progress 6. Appointment of high-level governmental commissions to win public support 7. Congressional hearings resulting in federal funding, and 8. "INCREASING acceptance of the legislation, its strengthening in structural and financial terms, and its incorporation into the institutions and mores of society." (p. 23).

In the area of population control, “private individuals, private non-profit organizations and educational institutions will be the key to success or failure in this effort." (p. 24).

For a copy of this population control blueprint write: Population Reference Bureau, (PRB.) 1755 Massachusetts Ave. N. W., Washington, D.C. 20036, $.50 copy.

NOTE ON P.R.B. Founded in 1929, the P.R.B. remained a one-man horse-show until 1954 when millionaire-population controller, Hugh Moore bailed Guy Irving Burch's agency out of bankruptcy. Mr. Moore made himself chairman of the board and pulled in Standard Oil's Frank Abrams who in turn pulled in Ford and Rockefeller money. By 1966, the P.R.B. was operating on an annual budget of $400,000.00.

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In the October, 1971 issue of The New Physician, ZPG leader and Chief Vasectomizer at Chicago's Midwest Population Center, Dr. Lony Myers discusses in depth the role of physicians in the new science of "hyponatology, the art and science of lowering birth rates." Among the ten mandated points for the medical profession listed by Dr. Myers to cope with the "population-environment crisis" are; I. Recognize the need for an immediate plan to stabilize population. II. Assume leadership in carrying out this plan; V. Support the concept that responsible parenthood means a maximum of two natural children per family; VII. Accept the principle that responsible sexual intercourse purely for recreation is more socially responsible than intercourse solely for procreation; IX. Promote alternate life styles for women so that motherhood is not the dominant role of fulfillment. (p. 645).

More recently, Dr. Myers is peddling her Malthusian wares to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, described by the ZPG's National Reporter as "one of the bodies commonly accepted as setting standards of behavior within the medical profession." For a look at Dr. Myers' revised resolution, see the Nov. Dec. 1972 issue of the National Reporter, 4080 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, Ca. 94393.


According to the Association for Voluntary Sterilization's Jan. 19th Progress Report, OPERATION LAWSUIT is a co-ordinated effort of the AVS and its allies, primarily the American Civil Liberties Union and Zero Population Growth, to force "backward" hospitals into permitting contraceptive sterilization on request.

Two well publicized cases in recent months involve St. Vincent's Hospital in Billings, Montana and Holy Rosary Hospital in Miles City. While the former institution received a small Federal grant under the Hill-Burton program, 17 years ago, the latter hospital is not supported in any way by public funds. There is an aspect of these lawsuits which to date has not been examined, however.

Specifically, in the Jan. 19th issue of the AVS Progress Report (pg. 4) there was a partial statement reprinted from a letter to the AVS from ACLU (Eastern Montana) Vice Chairman, Robert Bulkley concerning the contraceptive sterilization issue.

Keeping in mind that the consolidation of St. Vincent's with Deaconess Hospital was not completed until June 5th, 1972, and Mr. Bulkley's comments were made while consolidation processes were as yet not finalized, we read........"As a result (of the centralization of facilities), the mother who wishes to be sterilized shortly after the delivery of a child will be in a difficult position.....their rights will be significantly reduced. WE ARE CONSIDERING TAKING ACTION AGAINST THE CATHOLIC HOSPITAL ΤΟ FORCE IT ΤΟ ALLOW STERILIZATION AT LEAST IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES...." (emphasis added).

The listing of the Board of Directors of the Association for Voluntary Sterilization (14 W. 40th St., N.Y.N.Y. 10018) includes numerous abortion-on-command advocates including Lawrence Lader; Rev. Rodney Shaw; Paul Ehrlich; Alan Guttmacher; Christopher Tietze; Emily Mudd; Harriet Pilpel and Joseph Fletcher to name a few.

Pro-Life legal advisors should begin preparing now for a new OPERATION LAWSUIT....this one directed at recalcitrant hospitals which will not permit the killing of the unborn to take place in their facilities.


The new director of the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Family Planning Services, Miss Majorie Costa, in an address at the annual convention of the Planned Parenthood Federation, San Antonio, Oct. 23-26, stated that a national program of sex education and human sexuality "from the pre-school level right on up" was advocated by her department.

According to Miss Costa, the federal government is not funding any programs in which abortion is used as a means of contraception or population control. (Source: American Medical News, Nov. 13, 1972).

Miss Costa, however failed, to explain how millions of dollars of federal funds being funneled into Planned Parenthood units, in the U.S. and abroad, will be prohibited from use in programs where abortion is used as a “back-stop to faulty or ommitted contraception," or as a population control measure as in Singapore or India.

For the record we quote Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher's statement on the role of abortion in Planned Parenthood programs taken from "Planned Parenthood: Profile and Prospectus", F. P. Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 1 Jan. 1971, Pgs. 57-58.

"To achieve this society (i.e. "the perfect contraceptive society") we in Planned Parenthood must establish a multi-faceted program which would include, in addition to contraceptive services, the following elements; contraceptive education for all youth so that at the appropriate time in their lives contraception will be accepted as naturally as breathing; infertility services, including artificial donor insemination where necessary genetic counseling, ABORTION and sterilization; veneral disease diagnosis and treatment. Many of our Affiliates now include some of these services. IN THE FUTURE, ALL OR MOST OF US MUST INCLUDE ALL OF THEM.......(emphasis added.)

Dr. Guttmacher concludes his two-page article with the suggestion that Planned Parenthood will shift its emphasis from legal, religious, and bureaucratic battles to intergrating its programs into the growing "family planning network of hospitals, health departments, and other nonprofit agencies"....

Presently most Planned Parenthood federal funding is conducted through so called, Regional Family Planning "COUNCILS".

For example, in Illinois, HEW funds flow into the Illinois Family Planning Coordinating Council, and out to P.P. of Chicago and its teeny-bopper affiliate TEEN SCENE.

In New York City, HEW funds flow into the N.Y.C. Inter-Agency Council on Family Planning and to PP of NYC which operates two of its own aboritoriums.


The United Nation's Children's Fund according to the Sept. 1972 issue of the International Planned Parenthood News is now destined to play "a more agressive role in family planning activities" as a result of implementing recommendations of the WHO UNICEF Joint Policy Committee approved by the Executive Board.

UNICEF's unholy alliance with the WHO, which sees abortifacient drugs as a key weapon in population control in developing countries, will center primarily in the area of support for "advanced training in human reproduction, population dynamics and family planning" with specific emphasis on providing contraceptive supplies, equipment and transport.

PASTE YOUR UMBRELLA BEFORE THE RAIN is a booklet prepared by the Chinese Center for International Training in Family Planning of Taiwan with some technical aid from Rockefeller's Population Council. UNICEF contributed $10,000.00 worth of paper and ink, thus making possible the initial printing of 440,000 copies, enough for every boy and girl graduating in 1971 from junior and senior high schools and vocational schools.

The thrust of this publication is unabashedly and ruthlessly Malthusian-population control orientated. Couples with large families i.e. more than two or three children are depicted in a constant state of mental and physical anguish. The "Population Explosion" is blamed for

a multitude of sins including refuse disposal, air and water pollution, water shortage, heavy traffic and housing problems.

Much of the section on contraception is truly heartwarming. For example, the booklet cites the case history of a college graduate infected and disabled from TB and finally classified as a grade 1 indigent. They have six children ages 16 to two, and live on relief and the small income earned by the wife. The reporter who originally cited the case in a newspaper article was sympathetic to the sacrificing mother but the authors of Paste Your Umbrella stated, "We however, think that their troubles were caused by this stupid couple themselves." (pg. 44-English version). The theme, "every child a wanted child" and "two is enough!" is repeated in the Family Planning Song at the conclusion of the text;........

"Family Planning has a theme

Two children as each couple's dream;
Three years after marriage, one-
Before 33 childbearing's done.

Let a small family be your goal
Just choose a method of birth control
Methods are safe and simple too
A happy future waits for you."

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