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Write for the Farmer.

There are, we know, a few men in Wisconsin, who, having narrow minds and but little intelligence, can never be made to see that the least good or desirable credit is derivable to the State from the distribution of industrial books, the circulation of periodicals, the delivery of practical and scientific lectures. or the exchange of useful publications with the industrial organizations of other States; but we were a little surprized (and not much either!) that so many of that unfortunate class of wooden

Write! Write!! -Farmers, Gardeners, Mechanics, Housewives and every body else, why don't you write for the good old FARMER? Just look at this present number-about three or four contributions in over 40 pages! Have you no desire to promote the interests to which your own lives and the lives of seven-eights of your neighbors are devoted? Have you no disposition to contribute somewhat to the industrial growth of the State? and is there no particle of manly pride in you prompting you to help the hard-heads should have been entrusted with the responsible working Editor of the only industrial journal in the duties of guiding the policy of the State. To reason with State to maintain its existence during these most trying them is utterly futile. We, therefore, propose no such times and add to its prosperity and usefulness? waste of time, and only ask the intelligent farmers of Verily we begin to get mad! Since the war fairly | Wisconsin to entrust for the future the great interests of commenced we have sustained the FARMER purely from the State to men who are capable of appreciating the immotives of State and personal pride, and because we be-portance of doing everything that can be done to foster lieved it to be an important instrument of good to the industry of the State. It has not paid us a dollar of clear profit, and when thoroughly convinced that our self-sacrificing labors are in no sense appreciated, we propose to quit working for nothing and to devote our energies to some field of labor that will, at least, yield us the fruit of satisfaction.

Friends shall the FARMER be sustained? Say either yea, or nay, that we may know what to depend on; but if уса, then grasp the old grey goose quill or rusty iron pen and give us, for once, some palpable evidence that you are alive and have some interest in the good work to which we are devoted. Anything under heaven rather than silence and total stagnation!

Our columns are open to the fair and honorable discussion of any subject that looks to the material and social progress of the State. Are there but a half-dozen persons among all the host of our readers who have something to say concerning something?

A new Way to Economize.-The fool who kill ed the goose that lay the golden egg is probably dead, but there is good evidence that some of his descendants still live. Witness the recent act of the late Legislature in cutting off all the supplies of the State Agricultural Society-an institution whose objects are the advancement of those very interests whence the whole revenue of the State is derived, and whose efforts for the promotion of those objects have been unremitting, and hitherto successful to an eminent degree.

and encourage the agricultural and mechanic arts, upon the successful operations of which not only the credit and prosperity of the State depend, but upon which must turn even the issue of the present war and the very existence of the Government.

The Oscillations of War.-When, early last spring, we pushed off from the American shore and gave ourself up to the tender mercies of old Neptune, we at the same time committed our country to the Ruler of Nations, in the strong hope that our return would find the power of the Rebellion broken and order restored, in at least, several of the States.

And was there not good ground for such a hope? In the West, Forts Henry and Donnelson had been captured; Columbus had been abandoned by the Rebels and Island No. 10 was in process of preparation for surrender; the battle of Pea Ridge had been fought, and Missouri pretty well cleared of the enemy; Tennessee and Alabama had been penetrated by the Western Army; colonies had been planted in both South and North Carolina; Banks had captured Winchester and Martinsburgh; and McClellan had moved upon and captured the Quaker guns at Ma


But after a long and bloody campaign the war is found on our return, not nearly finished, but rather just begun. Progression had become retrogression. The enemy had invaded the Union States, and to-day, are panting like fiends at the very gates of the Capital!

But there is another phase of this question: The people The argument of "hard times, straitened finances, and an uncertain war," though specious as against the stand- of the loyal States are at last beginning to be in earnest! ing appropriation to the Society-and, perhaps, valid, Prejudice is yielding to Patriotism, and public sentiment had it been urged for a reasonable reduction of the amount is coming up to the point of allowing the Rebellion to be appropriated in times of peace, and of the holding of crushed by any means in the power of the Government. Fairs-is in itself the strongest argument that could posSo much for a thousand millions of money and a quarter sibly be urged in favor of continuing so much of the anof a million of lives!-lives two-thirds of them thrown nual appropriation as would enable the Society to go for-away-wickedly sacrificed by a stubborn public to the ward in its equally important work of the collection Moloch of the South! and diffusion of information tending to develop the natural and agricultural resources of Wisconsin," as required by the statute of incorporation.

But the eyes of the nation are now opened and the pendulum of success may be expected to swing southward once more. Let us thank God and take courage.

of promoting the interests of fruit-growing in Wisconsin, and will spare neither pains nor money to make the Rock Terrace Nursery one of the most reliable and successful in the State.

The Publishers to their Friends.-Never, business; while Mr. Robbins is enthusiastic in his work since the foundation of the Government, has there been a period so trying to the industrial publications of the country as this present. The war, as is natural, pretty much engrosses the attention of the whole people and there is comparatively little disposition to read anything but the exciting news of the day. It ought not to be so, but it certainly is, and there is great danger that a flagging of industry will, after a little time, begin to be sorely felt in the diminished revenue of the country.

Is it not the duty, therefore, of every reflecting patriot to use his best influence to correct this dissipation of the energies of the people not actively engaged in the war, and to turn them into the wealth-producing, army-supporting channels of a thorough, practical industry? And if Agricultural Journals are really an important instrumentality for the furtherance of that work, then is it not the duty of all farmers particularly to contribute of their means and active influence towards the support of Fuch journals? Nothing can be clearer, and we are preparing our programme for the next year's campaign in the unfaltering conviction that no friend of the FARMER

will discontinue or relax his efforts on its behalf, during this trying period of its existence.

Several like publications in other States have suspended for lack of support, but we are not willing to believe that the noble young State of Wisconsin, with 70 or 80 thousand farmers, will allow even the temporary suspension of its only agricultural paper.


But in order to sustain the FARMER, three things are requisite:

1. All who are indebted to the paper must PAY UP. 2. All who can add anything to the interest of the paper by contributions of thought must WRITE.

3. Every friend of the FARMER must not only take and pay for it himself, but likewise INDUCE OTHERS TO SUBSCRIBE.


We are making arrangements to offer a number of valuable prizes-including SEEDS, BOOKS, IMPLEMENTS, SEWING MACHINES, &c.—to such as especially labor in behalf of the FARMER, and the Editor hopes to make the

volume for 1863 the most interesting and valuable of all that have ever been published.



The attention of parties interested is called to the new advertisement of Messrs. Robbins & Chandler. Their nursery stock is probably equal to any in the Northwest and we are glad to learn that they are securing a very large patronage.

Mr. Chandler was for several years employed as foreman in the extensive nurseries of that prince of pomolo- | gists, Col. Marshall P. Wilder, of Boston, and after an experience of several years in this State, can hardly fail to give satisfaction in the practical department of the

"A New thing in Agriculture.”—The Rotary Spader, invented by the Hon. Cicero Comstock, of Milwaukee, and of which commendatory notice has heretofore been made in the FARMER, has finally been perfected, and is advertised in this number by Messrs. Comstock & Gliddon, proprietors. We shall take pains to see this ingenious machine in actual operation, and again bring it before the public.

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The Great International Exhibition.

No. II.


draw loom, the pattern designed is formed by the arrangement of the spools which are suspended over the machine to the number of 270. These produce a pattern the whole width of the material and one and a half yards long, and at every throw of the shuttle, a piece of mechanism rises up like so many fingers, catches hold of the threads and weaves them in. A knife then passes swiftly over it and cuts off the tufts to any length required. Any design can be woven in it in parts, which when united will have the appearance of being woven in one piece, and the loom will produce twenty-five yards in one day. This loom has received great attention from scientific Eng

Better and better! As the Exhibition progresses, the eyes of John Bull and 'the rest of mankind' are being gradually opened to the peculiar importance of American Industry as a powerful agency for the advancement of the world's civilization. The London Times is thawing out and now does'nt hesitate to say that, "after the models and gigantic engines in the western annexe, the very ingenious, small hand labor-saving machines in the American Court are the most looked after. * * * This is worthy of a more extended notice than it has lishmen, and Earl Granville, who is well acyet received from the mass of visitors."


quainted with weaving operations, has declared publicly that it is destined to achieve great results."

This is certainly highly complimentary, but not any more so than the character of the remarkable invention warranted. Earl Granville really said more than is above reported-that it was "perhaps the most useful invention produced within the past several years—itself an honor to America if she had had nothing else at the Great Exhibition!"

Passing over a large number of machines, such as cork-cutters, rope-makers, washing machines, &c., which the Times very cleverly names as "almost approaching the inspirations of genius in the simple means by which their great results are effected" (!) we come next to speak of the great Loom for weaving tufted or pile fabrics of every description. In our estimation this is one of the most valuable of all the multitude of the wonderful inventions on exhibition. The London Mechanics' Magazine, in its notice of it says:-"Among the many useful inventions from the United States, perhaps the most remarkable is the power loomed patterns was the marvel of thousands whom for weaving tufted fabrics. This is the inven- we saw sundry times crowding about "this tion of Mr. A. Smith, of West Farm's, New new Yankee wonder." York, and intended for weaving the Axminster carpets or any other tufted or pile fabric which In class 12-Naval Architecture-the model requires cutting and is produced from a pat-Life-boat exhibited by Dr. T. Scholl, of Port tern. Unlike either the Jacquard or the old Washington, Wis., attracted much attention.—

The facility with which Mr. Smith's Loom seizes the right threads, works them into their place and then shears them off so as to leave an even tufted surface with beautifully execut



well skilled in music, supposed to be the best judges of musical instruments in the world— declared it to be "not only the best piano on exhibition, but the best they had ever seen!”

Higher praise than this could not have been accorded to the manufacturers, and Messrs. Steinway & Sons may well be proud of their success.


The model itself was very bungling and did not so well illustrate the idea of the inventor as it Was shown by Messrs. Steinway & Sons, of should have done. But the principle appeared New York City. The medal was awarded for to be a good one and received the approbation"powerful, clear and brilliant tone and excelof many competent inspectors. Briefly de-lence of workmanship," and several members scribed, it is a boat within a boat-the inner of the committee-Germans and Frenchmen, one having freedom of lateral motion within the outer, so that however violent the storm, the boat's burden of passengers shall remain "right side up, with care." We learn that it has been patented in England, and has received the favorable attention of the Navy Department. Models of "trucks" for locomotives, of selfcentering railway turn-tables, and of a street tramway carriage were also there-the last There is a natural order in the development named being exhibited by that clownish, imof a nation of which no degree of intellectmensely over-rated, (in this country,) self-appointed representative of American institutions, uality of its people can give it independence. Geo. Francis Train. The horse railway thus This law of progress is such that Art, which far has not succeeded in England; nor will it is a product of the highest culture-a kind of London, until it has first succeeded everywhere blossoming, as of a century plant, after long else. This is partly due to the obstinate un-years of preparatory life-developes late, if not latest. It should not, therefore, be exwillingness of John Bull to borrow of Brother Jonathan, and partly to the injudiciousness of pected that a young nation, charged with the labor of clearing up forests, opening Mr. Train, the originator of the movement there. It is, nevertheless, a great improvement mines, building great thoroughfares of travel, on the universal omnibus, and is bound to and organizing those grand fundamental instimake its way in course of time-that is un-tutions so essential to the life and robust health less something still better and a yet greater of the people and to the conservation of the

invention should be contrived.


Colt's patent fire arms, including samples of guns, pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, &c., made a good display and originated not a few warlike discussions between the Johns and the Jonathans as to which nation was entitled to the palm in the department of war.

Samples of lockets, hermetically sealed jars, invalid reclining chairs, extension sofa bedsteads were there and creditable to the exhibitors; also leather and imitations of leather.

Government itself, should at the same time flourish in those finer arts which belong to the later development, and require time, wealth, and the highest culture.

With this view, it is not surprising that America should have beaten the world in the construction of reapers, sewing machines and other inventions of utilitarian character-this had come to be expected as a matter of course; first because of the remarkable inventive genius of her people, and secondly because of the strong stimulus afforded by the vastness of the country and the immensity of its resources. But who expected her to bear off the palm in the departments of sculpture and painting?

Textile fabrics shown by but one firm-the Manchester Print Works, Manchester, N. H. This large and enterprising establishment was PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND ENGRAVINGS ably represented by Hon. Frederick Smyth of Were not shown by the United States in large Manchester, and won several prizes for supe- numbers, but the quality is unsurpassed, if rior cotton prints, de laines, woolen hose, &c. | indeed equaled, by those of any other nation.

Cole's "Voyage of Life," and Schusele's "Men of Progress," handsomely engraved, were exhibited by Messrs. J. Smiley and J. Sartain.

there being nothing of that class of work in the Exhibition superior to his several beautiful landscapes. "Autumn on the Hudson," which may be styled his master piece, is a glorious picture, doing admirable justice to the splendid scenery of that noble river. The gorgeous

The specimens of bank note engraving by the American Bank Note Co., New York, were fine; furnishing convincing proof that in thisness of our American autumn foliage is so well branch of the engraver's art, at least, we have

but little to borrow.

The only exhibitor of photographs is Mr. Brady of New York, and he, for some reason, failed to get his specimens to London until the exhibition period had half passed and the Jurors had completed their work. But finer works were probably never executed. Certainly there was nothing in the Great Exhibition that excelled the beautiful portraits of the Prince of Wales, Mr. Seward, President Lincoln and others. The first one named, for the fine effect produced by light and shade and the perfect blending of these, surpassed anything we remember to have ever seen. The only works that rivalled it were certain magnificent specimens in the Austrian court; which, up to the arrival of Brady's collection were clearly entitled to the palm.

represented in the picture as to greatly delight and astonish the European spectator.

Mr. Cropsey has been a resident of London some seven or eight years, and has succeeded not only in securing a very fine and lucrative patronage, but, likewise that which is very much more gratifying to his patriotic pride-a high reputation for American Landscape Painting.

We had hoped to see Church at the Exhibition, with his noble "Heart of the Andes" and his matchless "Niagara," but in this were disappointed.


Sculpture has so far degenerated in modern times that we hardly expect any more to see those glorious, faultless realizations which gave immortality to the old masters. This decline, although deplorable, was a necessary conseUnder the head of paintings, there were 19 quence of the almost universal corruption of exhibitons, of which two were by G. Harvey-sentiment of the 'Dark Ages' coupled with the portraits of Daniel Webster and of the Mother peculiar nature of the Art itself, which is subof Washington; one,-"The Night March"-ject to so much narrower restrictions than the by J. W. Glass; one-portrait of Mrs. Cropsey -by D. Huntington; "Head Waters of the Susquehannah," by L. R. Mignot; "A Herd of Bisons crossing the river bottom on the Upper Mississippi," and a "Prairie Dog Village on the Upper Missouri," by W. J. Hays; "Bath Scene," "The Flower of the Seraglio," Portraits of John Thomas, Esq., and of Mrs. John Thomas, by M. K. Kellogg; "Italian Peasants," "Venus," Portraits of W. Page, Esq., and of Mrs. Page, by W. Page; "A Cane Brake," "Autumn on the Hudson River," "Scene in the Catskill Mountains," "Spring," and "Sea Coast, Isle of Wight," by J. F. Cropsey.

Most, perhaps we should say all, of the works above named were creditable to American Art. But those of Mr. Cropsey were particularly so

more plastic arts of Poetry and Painting.What the Artist would call earnestness'—a term expressive of grandeur, delicacy, vitality is scarcely found in the sculptures of the present, and the remedy is difficult. The artist, though blessed with the gift of inspiration, can get no recognition from the public, whose false taste blinds it to the merit of works of the highest art; and public taste is likely, in turn, to continue in self-ruining indulgence, for want of models of excellence, suppressing the higher aspirations and original leadings of the sculptor. But the Genius of Sculpture still lives and ever strives to bring back her disciples to a renewal of the earlier, severer style.

There are men of genius in the Old World who religiously hold on to the true Ideal, but

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