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cent mistress of the seas; and instead of lamenting, as do some, to whom life is of more worth than liberty and country, that the Government did not yield up everything, and perStates, I, on the contrary, most earnestly thank God that there was virtue enough in the Government and in the intelligent people of the North to resist the demands and to punish the aggressions of the Slave power. In the light of this philosophy American Liberty has seemed to me

"Never so fair

As now, from east to western main,
Lighting her camp-fires everywhere,
Her ancient glories to regain."

hold the fruits of that policy of which he then I believe as firmly to-day as I did five made his shameless boast. The conflict now years ago that the year 1900 will find us so fiercely raging between the two sections of one people-our population increased to nearour beloved country is really a conflict between ly an hundred millions-many new stars addIntelligence and Virtue and the demon of Ig-ed to the old Flag, thrice glorious and thrice norance. I cannot believe that the whole body loved for the precious blood it will have cost of our brethren of the South are literally dev- and the victories won-our agriculture vastly ils incarnate! Nay, my charity prompts me more productive than now-our workshops to believe that the masses err through blind- comparing in number, as now in the character ness and a fierce prejudice born of ignorance. of their products, with the first nations in the The stars of that glorious old flag of the Un-world-our commerce the peaceful and benefiion, which has for eighty-six years been the pride of Americans and the admiration of the world, as an emblem of unparalleled progress in all material things, and of the intellectual and social advancement of a new and wonder-mit the unimpeded separation of the Southern ful people, have not shed their radiant light upon the dark and prejudiced South as they have shined into the open heart and mind of the free North. This is the explanation of how they have been led on by wicked and traitorous leaders to defy its authority; nay, even to assault and trail it in the dust. And this is the reason why I am sure that the rebellion and the establishment of the so-called "Southern Confederacy" cannot succeed. For if it be true that "no truly enlightened people can But there will come yet other trials of the be enslaved,,' so is it equally true that no gov- Government-trials which may be real tests of ernment originating in ignorance, fraud, and the Republican Principle. Some of these we cruelty, and choosing the "sum of all villa- had already begun to feel, ere the crisis into nies" for its "chief corner stone," may ration- which the madness of the South has plunged ally hope for even temporary prosperity, much our country. I refer to the dangers which less for stability and permanency of existence. grow out of a rapid increase in material prosI cannot believe, therefore, that the sham perity and political power. Private reckless government which these traitorous leaders and extravagance and public corruption are the blinded people propose for themselves could natural fruit of successes such as we have had last fifty years, if once established to their in the past, and there is nothing but the conliking. Its very foundation being in defiance servative influence of a universally-diffused of the sentiment of the whole Christian world, intelligence and genuine morality, that can nay, an attempted constitutional abrogation of possibly save us from the sad wreck, of which a primary law of the Almighty, it is utterly other attempting republics are a solemn warnimpossible that any superstructure which they ing. Let us then cherish with a jealous care might attempt to rear upon that worse than this inestimable, elevating, ennobling, conrotten foundation should have any sort of per-servative power, the free schools of our counpetuity. I say again, it is for these reasons, or, in other words, because I believe in God and in the omnipotence of Right, that I have a strong and abiding faith in the future of the American Republic and of the American Union. There is but one thing which this moment stands in the way of harmony and absolute union, und that, I have already said, is as surely doomed as if God had visibly sealed its


try, and so make the American Republic a sure and blessed beacon to all the struggling nations of the earth for all time to come.


are pleased to learn that the above institution, recently established by Prof. Chas. H. Allen, who for the past two or three years has labor


There is nothing in the Southern Rebellion ed so zealously and efficiently as the Agent of which should be thought to cast a shadow of the Normal School Board, has commenced its doubt upon the soundness of the Republican first term with some seventy-five or eighty Idea; nothing whatever. The monarchists of Europe affect to see something of this sort, and wisely shake their heads at the "failure of the great American experiment;" but they do not themselves believe it, and only seek, by a creation of their own fancy, to frighten the restive, thinking people into quiet submission to the established government of the one or the few.

This is certainly a fine beginning, and we hope that this will prove only an earnest of what the school is to be. Prof. Allen has had much experience as a teacher, and in this new field is likely to be eminently successful.


The Crooked Footpath.


Ah, here it is! the sliding rail

That marks the old remembered spot,
The gap that struck our school-boy trail,
The crooked path across the lot.

It left the road by school and church,
A penciled shadow, nothing more,
That parted from the silver birch,
And ended at the farm-house door.
No line or compass traced its plan;
With frequent bends to left or right,
In aimless wayward curves it ran,

But always kept the door in sight.
The gabled porch, with woodbine green,
The broken millstone at the sill,
Though many a road might stretch between,
The truant child could see them still.

No rocks across the pathway lie,

No fallen trunk is o'er it thrown, And yet it winds, we know not why, And turns as if for tree or stone.

Perhaps some lover trod the way

With shaking knees and leaping heartAnd so it often runs astray

With sinuous sweep or sudden start.
Or one, perchance with clouded brain,
From some unholy banquet reeled,
And since, our devious steps maintain
His track across the trodden field.
Nay, deem not thus, no earthborn will
Could ever trace a faultless line;
Our truest steps are human still,

To walk unswerving were divine!
Truants from love, we dream of wrath;
O, rather let me trust the more!
Through all the wanderings of the path,
We still can see our father's door.

The Good and Brave die not.

The following beautiful and eloquent peroration of a speech recently made by Gov. Andrews of Massachusetts, at a Methodist camp meeting, is a noble utterance of the sentiments, of every patriot, and sufficiently explains the strong hold of their noble author upon the popular heart of that ancient and patriotic com


"I have, during the last few months, over and over again marched, a stricken mourner, by the side of those whose hearts were torn by natural grief as the mortal remains were consigned to their last resting place of many of our brave New England boys. Oh! fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters wives, children, is it possible that you shall be left hereafter this unconsoled sorrow that they fell in vain, and their blood was poured out for nought? No, sirs, such boys as Willie Putnam and Fraser Stearns, such sisters as some of those New England girls with whom I have talked, with whom I have walked to the grave, in whose ears I have tried to address feeble words of

consolation; such girls as have said to me, 'We thanked you when six months ago you gave my brother a commission to go to the war and we thank you now' are too precious to be wasted. They are on the field of Ball's Bluff, by the banks of Bull Run, in the swamps of the Chickahominy, down along our sea-coast line, before Charleston, at Hilton Head, all around to New Orleans, upon the Mississippi, on the field of Shiloh,, wheresoever the sword has been drawn, there have either stood the regiments or the single sons of our Massachusetts-brave and noble boys, men who went out from no love of vulgar glory, inspired by no pursuit of plunder, by no pursuit of a warrior's renown, not fired by any mean ambition, but by a hope that by the valor of their hearts and by the vigor of their own right arms they may do something for their country.

They shall not die! Their memories shall live green and beautiful forever in the hearts of their countrymen, and the spirit which their courage has inspired shall be trausferred to other sons of New England now rising to assume their cause, and 600,000 march from out of the homes of loyal States, from the Atlantic border to the Rocky Mountains, and that grand host shall stand in the ranks of the free, for the cause of their country, for the vindication of their country's power, there shall stand with them an unseen host of glorious spirits of noble, heroic, departed menthey who have crossed the flood, they who have stemmed the torrent of the battle-fieldand as they went down, their fair forms sinking beneath the sod, their spirits rose above disenchanted, like the souls of men when delivered from the castles of giants. They, too, -shall file to the front when the squares of battle form They shall file with the column and charge with the storm As men are marching on.

Ah! foul traitors, do you hear them as they come
With the thunder of the cannon and rolling of the drum
When God is marching on?'"

Things to be Remembered.

the ambition of beings superior to man; for To communicate happiness is worthy it is a first principle of action with the author of all existence. It was God that taught it as a virtue, and it is God that gives the example. -Langhorne.

HOW TRUE THIS IS.-"It is not work that

kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can put more on a man than he can bear. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction, Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices."

THE MISCHIEF MAKER.-When the absent are spoken of, some will speak gold of them, some silver, some iron, some lead, and some will always speak dirt, for they have a natural attraction towards what is evil, and think it shows penetration in them. As a cat watching

for mice does not look up though an elephant
goes by, so they are so busy mousing for de-
fects, that they let great excellencies pass un-
noticed.-Henry Ward Beecher.


Excellent Recipe for Graham Bread..

Three tea-cups buttermilk, one half cup mo

A GOOD CHARACTER.-The character is like white paper; if once blotted, it can hardly ev-lasses, one table-spoonful salt, one and one er be made to appear as white as before. One wrong step often stains the charaeter for life. It is much easier to form a good character at first, than it is to do it after we have acquired a bad one ;-to preserve the character pure, than to purify it after it has become defiled.Parents, these are sacred truths, and God will hold you responsible for their application.


Our Teeth.

half tea spoons saleratus, well pulverized. It
should be stirred a very little thicker than a
common cake, put into a bread-tin; let it stand
and rise until it has the appearance of being
light (which every good housewife can tell),
when it is ready for the oven. When first put

in it requires a quick oven; afterward a mod-
Bake half an hour. The flour
should always be sifted.
R. K.

erate one.

[The good lady whose experience is embod

They decay. Hence, unseemly mouths, bad breath, imperfect mastication. Everybody re-ied in the above, gave us to eat of this bread; grets it. Weat is the cause? I reply, want of cleanliness. A clean tooth never decays. The mouth is a warm place-98 degrees. Par- delicious.] and never before had we tasted anything more ticles of meat between the the teeth soon decompose. Gum and teeth must suffer.

Perfect cleanliness will preserve the teeth to old age. How shall it be secured? quill pick, and rinse the mouth after eating.Use a Brush and Castile soap every morning; the brush and simple water on going to bed. Bestow this trifling care upon your precious teeth, and you will keep them and ruin the dentists. Neglect it, and you will be sorry all your lives. Children forget. Watch them. The first teeth determine the character of the second set.Give them equal care.

Sugar, acids, saleratus, and hot things are nothing when compared with food decomposing between the teeth. Mercurialization may loosen the teeth, long use may wear then out, but keep them clean, and they will never de cay. This advice is worth mope than thousands of dollars to every boy and girl.

Books have been written on the subject.This brief article contains all that is essential. -Dr. Lewis.

"IT'S ONLY A COLD."-True, but do you not know that half the diseases and deaths that rob life of much of its enjoyment, and society of many of its most useful members, originated in nothing but colds? A cold is no trifling thing, and voluntary or careless exposure is criminal.

"LAUGH AND GROW FAT."-I live in a con

stant endeavor to fence against the infirmities of ill health, and other evils of life, by mirth; being firmly persuaded that every time a man smiles-but much more when he laughs-it adds something to this fragment of life. Sterne.


All about my Friends.-No. 2. muck, and took up his abode under the platNext after the mouse, came à bobtailed chipform over the well, whence he would make excursions all about the yard, and garden, and into the woodshed, where he would help himself to all that he wanted of the chicken feed; and making occasional forays into the house. Sometimes he would amuse himself and me by climbing up on to the window sill, where he would sit and peer inside. Again he would please himself and vex me, by digging the peas and pop corn, planted in the garden.


A favorite place of Bob's is on the top of the well-house, where, of a sunshiny day, he will cock himself while he nibbled his dinner, holding it with his paws, meanwhile making an occasional chip-chip, and if suddenly frightened, he will scamper cown and hide, and then he will say: chiparee -chiparee - tschicktschick-chip." When cherries were ripe he would come into the house and pilfer away all he could get, and when he could not get cherries, he would contcnt himself with the pits, with which he would stuff his mouth till his cheeks stuck out round as a pumpkin. Next he feasted on raspberries, and then gooseber

ries, then plums, and now he busies himself WAR MISCELLANY.

with lugging buckwheat from a field near by.

Soon, I expect, he will be helping himself to hickory nuts, which are growing on a tree in the yard. Sometimes, after his day's work is done, he will sit by the half-hour, and say "chuck-chuck-chuck," occasionally stopping UNCLE WILLIAM.


to clean his fur. Sept. 15.

Stories about Children and Things in Foreign


Our little readers must not suppose that the Editor of the Farmer has left them entirely out of mind during this long absence in the many strange lands through which he has traveled on the other side of the great sea. No, indeed! he has thought of them many times, and laid up in his memory strange stories-some of them sad, and some beautiful-about wondrous things and the lives of children, in all those countries which lie on the western side of the European continent. Indeed, we would have told them a story this month about Crossing the Sea, only that we have been very busy, since getting home, and thought they would wait until November.

Mrs. Hoyt, too, who has written you so many pretty poems and given you such good advice in all the past years, but who has been a long time sick and unable to write, will soon be well again, and delight you with new songs and thrilling stories about war life in the mountains of Virginia, where she has spent a part of the summer, and the wilds of Kansas, where she now is. With such a world of good things in store, we are sure that you will thank "Uncle William" for the pleasing stories he has been telling you, and patiently wait.

We Frame Our Own Characters.

We shape ourselves the joy or fear
Of which the coming life is made,
And fill our future's atmosphere
With sunshine or with shade.

The tissue of the life to be,

We weave with colors all our own,

And in the field of Destiny

We reap as we have sown.

Children, let the truth of these lines never

go out of your minds.

The Battle Autumn of 1862.


The flags of war like storm-birds fly,
The charging trumpets blow;
Yet rolls on thunder in the sky,
No earthquake strives below.

And, calm and patient, Nature keeps
Her ancient promise well

Though o'er her bloom and greenness sweeps
The battle's breath of hell.

And still she walks in golden hours
Through harvest-happy farms,

And still she wears her fruits and flowers.
Like jewels on her arms.

What mean the gladness of the plain,

This joy of eve and morn,

The mirth that shakes the beard of grain And yellow locks of corn?

Ah! eyes may well be full of tears,

And hearts with hate are hot;
But even-paced come round the years,
And Nature changes not.

She meets with smiles our bitter grief,
With songs our groans of pain;
She mocks with tint of flower and leaf
The war-field's crimson stain.

Still, in the cannon's pause, we hear Her sweet thanksgiving psalm; Too near to God for doubt or fear, She shares the eternal calm.

She knows the seed lies safe below The fires that blast and burn; For all the tears of blood we sow She waits the rich return.

She sees with clearer eye than ours
The good of suffering born-
The hearts that blossom like her flowers
And ripen like her corn.

Oh, give to us, in times like these,

The vision of her eyes;

And make her fields and fruited trees

Our golden prophecies!

Oh, give to us her finer ear!

Above this stormy din,

We, too, would hear the bells of cheer
Ring peace and freedom in!

-Atlantic Monthly for October.

[graphic][merged small]

Major-General Nathaniel Prentiss Banks, of whom the above is a correct wood-cut representation, was born in Waltham, Mass., Jan. 30, 1816. Of his early history and subsequent career, the American Cyclopedia gives the following account:


request in the Democratic party as a speaker of their political meetings. He was elected to the House of Representatives of Massachusetts for 1849, and is entered on the roll of merabers as a "machinist." The next year he appears as a lawyer.

was President of the Conveution called to revise the Constitution of the State.

In 1851, he was chosen Speaker of the House, as one of the prominent advocates of the "coalation" between the Democrats and the Freewillers, by which the ancient rule of the Whigs With no other opportunities of early edu- was overthrown in Massachusetts. He was cation than the common schools of New Eng- again elected the following year by the same land, he was placed, as soon as he could be of coalescing vote, and also representative to the service, at work in a cotton factory, in his na-ensuing Congress. In the summer of 1853, he tive village, by his father, who was the overseer, and afterward learned the machinists trade. Literary aspirations came upon him in connection with the representation of a dramatic company formed among his associates, with whom he played the principal parts with such promise as to have had inducements offered him to adopt an actor's career by profession. Choosing, however, another stage, he lectured before political meetings, lyceums and temperance societies, and afterwards became Editor of the village paper of his native place. Entering thus upon the field of politics, he received an office under the Polk administration, in the Boston Custom House, and was in

During his first term, having withdrawn his adhesion to the Democratic party, and voting against the passage of the Kansas Nebraska bill, although he voted for taking it up, he was re-elected to Congress, in 1854, with the support of the "Know-Nothing" or American and Republican parties, and at its meeting in Dec., in consequence of his high reputation as a presiding officer, adopted as the candidate of the latter for the Speakership, and elected by a plurality vote, after a contest of more than two months, and over a hundred ballots for a majority as required by the standing rules of

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