The Wisconsin Farmer, 第 14 卷D.J. Powers & Company, 1862 |
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acre Agricultural ALBERT WOOD Am't American amount animals barley beautiful bees better breed bushels cattle cent cold corn covered cows crop cultivation culture Dane County DAVID ATWOOD dollars early Editor eggs England Exhibition experience fair farm farmers feed feet flowers fowls friends fruit garden give grain grass ground growing half hand hardy hive honey horse hundred important inches insects interest Italian bee keep Kenosha County kind La Crosse County labor land Langstroth Hive larvæ less light machine Madison manufacture manure miles milk month mulch never pear plants plow potatoes pounds practical premiums produce profit quantity roots season seed sheep Society soil Sorghum spring straw sugar thing TIMOTHY BROWN tion trees varieties Walworth County weather wheat whole winter Wisconsin wool
第 388 頁 - State which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts...
第 389 頁 - Any State which may take and claim the benefit of the provisions of this act shall provide, within five years, at least not less than one college, as described in the fourth section of this act, or the grant to such State shall cease...
第 388 頁 - Provided, That in no case shall any State to which land scrip may thus be issued be allowed to locate the same within the limits of any other State or of any Territory of the United States, but their assignees may thus locate said land scrip upon any of the unappropriated lands of the United States subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents, or less per acre: And provided further.
第 388 頁 - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be granted to the several States, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, an amount of public land, to be apportioned to each State a quantity equal to thirty thousand acres for each Senator and Representative in Congress to which the States are respectively entitled by the apportionment under the census of eighteen hundred and sixty ; Provided, That no mineral lands shall be...
第 193 頁 - Except now and then a stray picket Is shot, as he walks on his beat, to and fro, By a rifleman hid in the thicket. 'Tis nothing: a private or two, now and then, Will not count in the news of the battle; Not an officer lost, — only one of the men, Moaning out, all alone, the death-rattle." All quiet along the Potomac...
第 388 頁 - If any portion of the fund invested, as provided by the foregoing section, or any portion of the interest thereon, shall, by any action or contingency, be diminished or lost, it shall be replaced by the State to whicl> it belongs, so that the capital of the fund shall remain forever undiminished...
第 25 頁 - Here woman reigns; the mother, daughter, wife, Strews with fresh flowers the narrow way of life! In the clear heaven of her delightful eye, An angel-guard of loves and graces lie! Around her knees domestic .duties meet, And fireside pleasures gambol at her feet.
第 388 頁 - That all moneys derived from the sale of the lands aforesaid by the States to which the lands are apportioned, and from the sales of land scrip hereinbefore provided for, shall be invested in stocks of the United States, or of the States, or some other safe stocks...
第 388 頁 - ... such State, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to issue to each of the States in which there is not the quantity of public lands subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, to which said State may be entitled under the provisions of this act, land scrip to the amount in acres for the deficiency of its distributive share...
第 388 頁 - ... without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life.