

Thus then the matter is brought to a SERM. fhort Iffue; --If, in dependance on Divine Grace, we fincerely and conftantly endeavour to form our Tempers and direct our Lives by the Rules and Laws of the Gospel, and with Pleasure contemplate it's Promises; or, in other Words, if we delight in the Word of GOD, practise it's Precepts and feel it's Power, we have certainly a Right to all the Encouragement it fets before us; though we may ftill have fome recurring Doubts, and remaining Fears concerning our spiritual State. But, O Man, whoever thou art, that findeft no delight in the Word of God, and takeft no care to govern thy Temper, or conduct thy Life thereby, but dareft from day to day to perfevere in a courfe of Behaviour plainly contrary thereunto, know for certain that the Promifes thereof belong not to thee: and be thy Diftrefs and Trouble what it will, it is Presumption in thee to apply them for thy

Relief and Comfort.


If we would make a right Use of the Promises, we must be very conver


SERM. fant with them; diligently collect, and VI. frequently recollect them; treasure them up in our memories, as the most useful part of our mental furniture, and as Subjects of future occafional Contemplation.

Laftly, Let us carefully obferve the accomplishment of Go D's Promises in the Tranfactions of his Providence. The Works and Ways of GOD fulfil his Word; and are fometimes the best Comment upon it. For want of a diligent attention hereunto we fuffer many beautiful Providences to efcape unnoticed, and the accomplishment of many an important Promise to pass unregarded.

I have now delivered all I proposed under this Branch of the Subject relating to the Promises of the Gospel Covenant; and have shewn them to be better Promifes than those which were revealed under the legal Dispensation, and with this have now finished the fruitful Subject I have dwelt fo long upon.

And now upon the whole let us reflect.


How great is our Happiness who live SERM. under this better Covenant! Were it left VI. to our Choice in what Age of the World, and under what Dispensation we would live, we could have fixed upon none more happy or advantageous than that, wherein Providence hath caft our Lot.

What infinite Obligations do we owe to the great Redeemer, the Mediator of this better Covenant! in whom all the Promises of it are made and ratified.

What peculiar Obligations do we Chriftians, proteftant Chriftians (who enjoy the Gospel and the purity of it in it's fullest Light and Glory, what peculiar Obligations, I fay, do we) lie under, to be holy in Heart and in all manner of Converfation! For greater Advantages for our Souls we could not wish to enjoy than those we are already favoured with.

And finally, how aggravated will be our Condemnation, if after all we fall fhort of that eternal Life, which the Gospel hath revealed to us, and furnished us with fuch ample and fufficient means to attain! O, how dreadful will it be, to have all the


SERM. Grace and all the Promises of the Gofpel


another day to rife up in Judgment against


These are Reflections, which naturally arife from the Subject I have now fo particularly handled; and which I pray GOD may have their due Weight upon our Minds !



The Humiliation and Exaltation of



ISAI. lii. 13, 14, 15.


Behold my Servant fhall deal prudently, he fhall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. many were aftonied at thee (his Vifage was fo marred more than any man, and his Form more than the Sons of men ;) fo fhall be Sprinkle, &c.


HE three laft Verses of this Chapter are plainly an Introduction to the Subject of the following; which contains the

most remarkable Prophecy, that is to be found in all the Jewish Scriptures. And


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