How to Walk in Manifestation

AuthorHouse, 2007年6月18日

Thereare many things that you may have put up with, endured, allowed, andpermitted that God never ordained. Matthew 16:19 says, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever you bind, that is, declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be already bound in heaven; and whatsoever you loose on earth, declare lawful, must be what is already loosed in heaven. (Amplified)

Wrong relationships can cause these same curses that we have been delivered from to be ushered right back into our lives. Surround yourself with people who will come into agreement with you and celebrate you. We need also to weed out the users and abusers of our finances. Either people who have used you will repent, and try to make it right with you or throw a tantrum, give you a hard-luck

story and go right back to usury. You cannot continue to remain in situations that causes you to compromise your integrity, your calling, and put into jeopardy your divine destiny in life. What is Satan using as a bargaining tool in order to gain entrance into your life? Is he using money to gain entrance? Sex? Is he promising you fame? Don't negotiate with him, because you will always lose playing games with the devil. The people who will celebrate you are those who are ordained to be a part of your life and ministry! No one who is invited to your celebration is sad or jealous because you are being blessed. Everyone at your celebration party has brought you a gift, and no one is empty handed. "How to Walk in Manifestation" is a powerful revelation that will change the course of your life.
