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Naval Chronicle. the United States, by

C. W. Goldsborough, referred to, 349.
Naval History, Sketches of a, of the Unit-
ed States, by Thomas Clark, referred
to, 349.

Navy, the, a bill for the gradual improve-
ment of, referred to, 349--have been
its own architect, 353----began with two
small vessels, ib.----Congress resolves
to build thirteen vessels, and subse-
quently establishes a Board of Admi-
ralty, ib.-frigates of the second class.
the largest vessels put into commission
during the Revolution, 354---twenty-
five vessels only employed during the
Revolution, at one time, ib.----the first
maritime expedition undertaken by an
American fleet, 355----suffered to dwin-
dle away towards the conclusion of
the Revolutionary war, 356--- Wash-
ington calls the attention of Congress
to a naval policy, 361----Adams, in his
first message, enforces Washington's
recommendation, 362-an appropria-
tion made for completing three fri
gates on the stocks, ib.-an act passed
for the increase of, 363----hostilities
with France having ceased, it was or-
dered to be reduced, 364----difficulties
with the Barbary Powers again bring
it into active service, ib.----the destruc-
tion of the Philadelphia in the harbour
of Tripoli, 365----on the conclusion of
the Tripolitan war, it was threatened
with entire destruction, 367----only five
vessels in commission, 372-two mil-
lions and a half of dollars appropriated
for the increase of, 373--the Algerine
war of 1815, referred to, in regard to
it, 377----regularly progressed till 1827,
when the eight millions of dollars was
exhausted, ib.----objects of the bill for
the improvement of, 378----extracts
from Hayne's speech on the subject
of, 378--the present condition of, 382.
New Madrid-a colony attempted to be
founded at, 207-experienced dreadful
earthquakes, 208---Little Prairie set-
tlement broken up, ib.

New Russia, its population and revenue,
124-its farm of brandy, ib.----salt-
works of Perecoff, ib.----its productions
almost exclusively agricultural, ib.
Normans, character and literary influence
of, 62-63.

Odessa, its population and revenue, 124
--foreigners own many fine estates in
its vicinity, 125,

Omnipresence of the Deity, the, by Robert
Montgomery, reviewed, 290----extracts
from, 292-302.

Orators, the Roman, of Cicero, 492 -the
history of Roman eloquence begins

with the Gracchi, 494--both the Grac
chi perished at early age, 498---of Hor-
tensius, 499---his style of living and
dress, 500 501---the orators were in
the way of receiving immense sums by
legacies, 503--- of Calvus, 504----Latin
orators, less careful in preparation than
the Greeks, 509--Cicero and Demos-
thenes compared, 519-538.

Ovid, a favourite of the dark ages, 40, n.

Pandects, the, on the discovery of, 87
Phasis, valley of the, the Colchos of an-
tiquity, 117-its geography, ib.
Pitsundu, one of the finest bays on the
coast, 132----remarkable for the ruins
of an ancient monastery in its neigh-
bourhood, ib.

Pleiades, Arabian, 33-38.
Poetry, cultivated by princes and nobles,
50-- Peruvian, passage of, 51, n.
Poetry. Sicilian---earliest, 61-63.
Poets, Turkish, 39--- Persian, ib.----Ara-
bian, ib.----Provençal not taught by the
Spaniards, 48-55, 70.

Pollok, Robert, his Course of Time, re-
viewed, 454-a Scottish clergyman-
died in France at an early age, 459----
extract from his poem descriptive of
himself, 459-462---possessed true poet-
ical talent, 462---his portrait of Lord
Byron, 465----extracts from his poem,
468, 469.

Prayer, the Dreadful, 301.
Provençal Poets, influence of, 56 n. 61.

Rambaldo, Vacheirus, his proposed po-
ems, in five dialects, 60.
Rawle, Mr. his Views of the Constitution
of the United States, referred to, 574.
Raymond, Revenger, his influence, 65.
Recollections, &c. by Timothy Flint, re-
viewed, 192 ---extracts from, 195-197,
200, 201, 204-206, 208, 210-213.
Richelet, 32.

Redoute-kalè, its population, 134---its air
unhealthy, ib.---its commerce 135.
Report of a Committee of the Citizens of
Boston and vicinity, opposed to a fur
ther increase of Duties on Importa.
tions, referred to, 582.

Report of the Naval Committee of the
House of Representatives, referred to,
349-extracts from, 370-372.

Report of the Secretary of the Navy,

covering a plan for a naval peace es-
tablishment, referred to, 349.
Report of the Select Committee of the
House of Representatives, &c. and a
Report of the Resolutions of Georgia,
examined, 541--extracts from, 541-544,
569--- was laid upon the table without
being considered, 571.

Report, the annual of the Secretary of
the Navy, referred to, 349.
Resemblance between Arabians and Pro-
vençals, 50-56.

Revolution, what constitutes one, 438.
Reynolds, Sir J. his remarks, in regard to
the two styles of painting, the grand
and the ornamental, quoted, 525
Rhyme, advantage of, 32----opinions as to
its merits, 34-origin of, 35-40--deri-
vation of the word, 35. note-Rhythm
different, 36 ancient Spanish, 26, 27.
Rhyming, tendency of Spanish language,
56-59--- of Greek and Latin, 58--of
Provençal, Italian and Portuguese, 59.
Romance, origin of, 39 n. 69.

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Rome, the Campagna of, a deserted waste,

Rubicon, Cæsar on the Banks of, 299.
Russie, Meridionale, voyage dans la par le
Chevalier Gamba-reviewed, 114--
extracts from, 123, 125-137, 139-146,


Sanscrit Verse, the first, 71.
Schah-namah, 39.

the condition of when they were Bri-
tish colonies, 611-natural advantages
of, 613 extraordinary prosperity of
during the early part of Mr. Jefferson's
administration, 614-different projects
which may be adopted by them to
countervail the tariff system, 617.
Spain, Latin writers of, 44.
Spanish Literature, 44, 45-Romance, na-
tive, not copied, 45, 46--Poetry and
Rhyme, 46.

Sparks, Jared, his Life of John Ledyard,
reviewed, 383-extracts from, 384-387,
390--395, 397-405, 407---remarks on his
style, ib.

States General, the meeting of the at
Versailles, 263.

Stewart, Commodore, extracts from his
statement relative to the navy, 375.
Stewart, Dugald, his Philosophy of the
Human Mind, quoted, 86.

Strabo, quoted, 132, 133, 150, notes.
Supreme Court, the, cases of Johnson and
M'Intosh, and Fletcher and Peck, re-
ferred to, 550, 552- ought to settle the
question between the United States
and Georgia, 577.


Tariff, the, remarks on, 582--additional
taxes imposed by, 590--evils of, 592-
how it operates for the exclusive bene-
fit of the few, 594.

Theories as to origin of Rhyme, 37.
Theory, as to ancient, oriental origin of
Rhyme, 37--as to Moorish origin, 39.
Tenures, fendal, referred to, 77.
Tenures, the Law of, in England, referred
to, 75.

Tophail's Work, not a Romance, 45.
Troubadour Poetry, not of Arabic origin,
64, 65, 70.

Troubadours, often noble, 65-names of
the remarkable, ib.

Scott, Sir Walter, his Fair Maid of Perth,
reviewed, 216---his Life of Napoleon
Bonaparte, reviewed, 263-his powers
as a writer, noticed, ib.----his picture of
the ascendancy of the conqueror of
Italy, quoted, 264--his unfriendly feel-
ing towards the French Revolution
strongly biassed his opinions, 275-
manifests too much the feelings of the
partizan, when he speaks of the victo-
ries of his own country, 290.
Secretary of the Navy, his annual Report,
and the Report, covering a plan for a
naval peace establishment, referred to,
349---the office created, 363.
Secretary of War, letter from the, re-
specting the surveys of roads and ca-
nals--another letter from the, trans-
mitting information of the amount ne-
cessary to complete Internal Improve-
ments, referred to, 470.
Sicilian, not mother of Provençal Lite-
rature, 61-63, but vice versa, ib.
Slavery, its effect on population, 496.
Smith, the Hon. Wm. his speech in the
Senate, on Internal Improvements, re-
ferred to, 470----extracts from, 482--484.
Southern States, neglected by the Gov-
ernment as regards internal improve-
ment, 473-Port Royal in South-Caro
lina, equal to Pensacola for a navy
yard, 474-comparative amount of the
projected military works south of the
Potomac, 477-the same on internal
improvements, 478, 479-burthen im-
posed upon, by the tariff laws, 603-on
their representation in Congress, 607— Xeres, battle of, 47.

United States, on the constitutional juris-
prudence of, 94-97, 111-on the pow
ers granted by the Constitution of the,
598-independent as regards supplies
in case of war, 600----the exports of
the, 601-her commerce with Great-
Britain, 603.

Velley, error in, 62, note.
Versification in Bible, 38-principles of,


Views of Nature, 408-431.
Virginia, the resolutions of, referred to,

Women, influence of, 66, 67, 69-among
the Northern nations, 66, 67.

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