
Eustache Deschamps

Advice to a Friend on Marriage

OPE! Who? A friend! What wouldst obtain?
Advice! Whereof? Is't well to wed?

I wish to marry. What's your pain?
No wife have I for board and bed,
By whom my house is wisely led.
One meek and fair I wish to gain,
Young, wealthy, too, and nobly bred;
You're crazy-batter out your brain!

Consider! Grief can you sustain?

Women have tempers bold and dread; When for a dish of eggs you're fain,

Broth, cheese, you'll have before you spread: Now free, you'll be a slave instead

When married, you yourself have slain.

Think well. My first resolve is said; You're crazy-batter out your brain!

No wife will be like her you feign;
On angry words you shall be fed,
So shall you bitterly complain,

With woes too hard to bear, bested:
Better a life in forest led

Than of such beast to bear the strain.

No! The sweet fancy fills my head; You're crazy-batter out your brain!


Soon you will long that you were dead When married; seek in street or lane Some love. No! Passion bids me wed; You're crazy-batter out your brain!

François Villon

Ballad of Proverbs

GOATS Scrape so long they spoil their bed;
Pitchers till split to wells are ta'en;

Iron is heated till 'tis red,

And hammered till it bursts in twain; Man's worth, just how the child we train; Who travel far will disappear;

Ill bred will ill through life remain; We call out Christmas till 'tis here.

Men jest till power to laugh has fled;
Who leans on others, hopes in vain;
Waste leads to want is truly said;

One bird in hand beats chance of twain; God's love doth love of Church sustain; Much giving is to borrowing near;

The wind shifts till it brings the rain; We call out Christmas till 'tis here.

Dogs lick the hands by which they're fed;
Songs run till all the tune retain;
Fruit kept too long does mold o'erspread;
Towns long besieged the foes will gain;
Who wait too long no luck obtain;
With overhaste you get not near;

By clutching long you overstrain;

We call out Christmas till 'tis here. ·


Prince, fools live on till wit they gain;

Men voyage till they homeward steer; Those cheated long from rogues refrain; We call out Christmas till 'tis here.

All Things Except Myself I Know

I KNOW when milk does flies contain;
I know men by their bravery;
I know fair days from storm and rain;
And what fruit apple-trees supply;
And from their gums the trees descry;
I know when all things smoothly flow;
I know who toil or idle lie;
All things except myself I know.

I know the doublet by the grain;

The monk beneath the hood can spy;
Master from man can ascertain;

I know the nun's veiled modesty;

I know when sportsmen fables ply; Know fools who creams and dainties stow; Wine from the butt I certify;

All things except myself I know.

Know horse from mule by tail and mane;
I know their worth or high or low;

Bell, Beatrice, I know the twain;

I know each chance of cards and die;

I know what visions prophesy,
Bohemian heresies, I trow;

I know men of each quality;
All things except myself I know.


Prince, I know all things 'neath the sky,
Pale cheeks from those of rosy glow;
I know death whence can no man fly;
'All things except myself I know.

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