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Frederickton, N. B., Council Chamber,

December 9, 1828.

This being the day appointed for the meeting of the legislature, his excellency the Lieutenant Gover. nor came in state to the Council Chamber, at 2 o'clock, and opened the session with the following speech :

Mr. President, and Gentlemen of
his Majesty's Council;
Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the
House of Assembly:

I have called you together at a season which is not, I fear, the most convenient, in consequence of having received an intimation from his majesty's government, which gave me every reason to apprehend that at a later period I should be deprived of the pleasure of meeting you in session, to bring forward some important business which I wish to recommend, in person, to your consideration.

In furtherance of those objects, and in your deliberations for the public good, I have no doubt that I shall continue to receive that assistance from your zeal, wisdom, and loyalty, which I have hitherto had the high satisfaction to expe.

rience, in my administration of the government of this province.

Although the revenue of the present year, may not be quite equal to that of the past, yet, I am happy to have it in my power to say, that in this contingent fluctuation, which may be easily accounted for, there is nothing to apprehend for the future, and that the financial resources of the country are substantially sound and unimpaired. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the

House of Assembly;

The treasurer's accounts shall be laid before you as soon as they can be prepared: and I rely on your making provision for the ordinary services of the province.

I shall likewise cause to be laid before you statements drawn up by the person whom I have appointed to examine and report upon the expenditures of the public mo

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riod at which it appeared material to commence; and to carry forward by distinct years, a statement showing the amount of appropriations in each, so as to exhibit an ac. curate and comprehensive view of the state of the expenditure at the present time. Referring to those statements, and in due consideration of the advances and heavy expenses which have been incurred on account of a yet recent calamity, I recommend the expediency of making less liberal appropriations than usual, for some of the extraordinary and other services of the country: and a rigid observance of economy, until those floating advances are redeemed.

Mr. President, and Gentlemen of

his Majesty's Council; Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly ;

I am happy to acquaint you that various important operations of internal improvement have made considerable advancement during the present year. Had those retrenchments in the expenditure of the country, which I now recommend, been suddenly introduced, when the late severe depression occurred, many of the public works then under execution must have been suspended, and the country subjected to great additional dis. tress, from the more general stag. nations so thrown upon her internal operations. Being enabled, by a particular arrangement, to keep those works in full activity, I deemed it highly expedient rather to cause them to proceed with increased spirit, than to relax in exertions which I perceived would be highly productive, as well as in other respects beneficial. The effect is apparent and in reviewing the past period of depression in the

commercial affairs of the country, it is highly consolatory to perceive that the liberal grants which you have made, realized and promptly applied as they have been to the more important public works, have effected more than was contem. plated, or could, in other times, have been accomplished with equal


[After recommending the agriculture and the fisheries of the province, as well as the institutions of education and learning, to the con. tinued protection of the legislature; advising the erection of light houses on the coast, &c., his excellency proceeds :]

I have great satisfaction in acquainting you that, in compliance with my representations, a measure has been adopted by his majesty's government, for completing the armament of all the militia forces of this province, without any charge upon its local funds. I shall have occasion to communicate with you by special message, on some ar. rangements, relating to this important subject. Confident, now, in the full efficiency of an excellent militia system, to the formation of which my attention has long been devoted, and which you have enabled me to establish, by law.— Provided with every requisite by which to render that system practically efficient, when necessary; and convinced of the sentiments and spirit which would animate and inspire it for the defence and security of the country, I congra. tulate you on the perfection of a measure upon which so much reliance may justly be placed in the day of need, and which, by a judicious exercise of the powers vested in me, will be lightly felt by the people, when no need is. I re

commend this system to your continued support, in all its essential provisions.

I took an early opportunity of bringing under the consideration of a former assembly, the expediency of ascertaining the practicability, and probable cost, of opening a water communication across the narrow isthmus which separates the gulf of St. Lawrence from the bay of Fundy. The practicability of such an undertaking has been satisfactorily ascertained: but it would not have been prudent for New-Brunswick, to take the execution upon herself; and the circumstances of those times were not altogether propi. tious for bringing it forward on general grounds. But in the present state of the inter-colonial trade, the accomplishment of this great project becomes an object of so much national importance, that I have recommended it in the strongest manner to the paternal consideration of his majesty's government, and to the governments of the adjoining provinces. Copies of my communications on this subject, shall be laid before you. Though not to be undertaken solely on New-Brunswick's account, this is a measure in which she is most nearly concerned, and which could not proceed without your concurrence. In the documents which have been prepared for your information, you will find reason suffi. cient to induce you to give to the measure, the fullest consideration; and, without giving any precise pledge, these will incline you to af. ford whatever conditional contribu tion may appear to correspond with the particular position and circumstances of this province, viewed relatively with the general

object of the measure; and with the extent to which New-Brunswick may participate, with the other North American provinces, and the West India colonies, generally, in a national work which it may fairly be considered will be beneficial to all.

In a position one of the least remote from the parent state; and remarkably favoured, in produc. tions as well as in localities, for constant and mutually advantageous intercourse with her, and with other of her colonies-Protected by her power, and free to partici. pate in the benefits of her extend. ed commerce, which she adapts with special regard to the interests of these possessions-With a rich and fertile soil, over which cultivation and its attendant benefits are gradually extending their comforts. and their blessings; or, where still in a virgin state, abounding with valuable productions which will long enable this province to contribute to the commercial and maritime greatness of the empire, and at the same, if properly managed, to improve her own condition and enrich herself-Intersected with rivers, and other water communications, extending from near the centre where this capital is fast rising in consideration and importance, to every part of the seaboard, where, at the estuaries of noble rivers, a flourishing and populous city, thriving towns, and dense communities, about to become such, have a ready arisenSurrounded by seas, teeming with sources of future wealth and power; and not deficient, in the more unexplored recesses of her soil, of other inherent resources, which at a suitable season, it will become prudent and productive to develope

Enjoying all the rights and privileges of British subjects, under the paternal government of our most gracious sovereign, and a wise system of laws, framed by yourselves, administered at the charge of your generous and affectionate parentWith capabilities of high statistical value, and such as these, in possession of a hardy, loyal, industrious and well disposed population:I hold not too high the advantages which you may secure to your.

selves, and transmit to your descen dants; nor indulge too freely in the hope and expectation, that New-Brunswick shall flourish in no common degree, if her inhabitants continue to show that they know how to estimate the blessings, and improve the advantages they possess; and if proper measures be taken by all on whom it may depend to promote and secure them.


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On Thursday, at two o'clock, his excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland, attended by his suite, went to the Council Chamber, and having taken his seat, a message was sent to the Assembly, commanding their attendance; on their entrance, his excellency opened the session with the following speech:

Mr. President, and Gentlemen of his Majesty's Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly,

I have called you together at the time which best accords with the ordinary course of public business, with the desire I have felt to obtain early, for my administra. tion, the advantage of your council and support.

It is a great satisfaction to me, that I can rely with confidence for this constitutional aid, on that temper and public spirit which have ever been so honourable to this legislature, and so productive of successful consequence to its la


Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly,

I am happy to acquaint you that your address respecting the dispo sal of the duties collected under the statutes of the Imperial Parlia. ment, for regulating the colonial trade, has received the consideration of his majesty's government; and I doubt not you will discern in the communication I am instructed to make to you, a fresh proof of that liberal policy towards the colonies, which prevails in his Majesty's councils.

The usual accounts and esti. mates shall be laid before you, and I trust you will make the necessary provision for the public service. Mr. President, and Gentlemen of

his Majesty's Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly,

Fully sensible that it is my duty, as it is my inclination, to execute the trust committed to me by my sovereign with the utmost advantage to the province, it has natu, rally been my endeavour to make myself acquainted with the general

interests, and to ascertain how far the measures, recently adopted by the legislature, were on trial likely to produce the results for which they were contemplated.

The fisheries have, under the encouragement you have afforded them, been engaged in with spirit, and it is hoped, with advantage to the persons most interested in their success; and although I am not yet enabled to give you all the information desirable, in regard to the operation of your act for promoting the establishment of schools, it appears to have been


extensively beneficial. port on this interesting subject shall be submitted to you, so soon as the commissioners in the several coun. ties shall supply the necessary details.

I shall freely communicate with you by message on all subjects touching the public interests, as occasions may arise; in the fullest assurance, that any suggestion which, by our labours, can be rendered subservient to the increase of the general welfare, will not be recommended by me to your consideration in vain.


Quebec, November 21, 1828. A little before two o'clock his excellency the administrator of the government came down in state from the castle of St. Louis. Being seated on the throne, his excellency opened the session in the following speech:

Gentlemen of the Legislative Council,

Gentlemen of the House of Assembly,

His majesty having been most graciously pleased, to confide to me the government of this important colony, it affords me great satisfaction to meet you in provin. cial parliament.


Placed in a situation of so much importance, at a period of peculiar difficulty, I cannot but feel that very arduous duties are imposed upon me duties, indeed, which should despair of being able to discharge, to the satisfaction of his majesty, and his faithful and loyal subjects the inhabitants of this

province, if I did not look forward, with a sanguine hope, to the enjoy. ment of your confidence, and your cordial co-operation in my administration of the government.

Without a good understanding between the different branches of the legislature, the public affairs of the colony cannot prosper; the evils which are now experienced, cannot be effectually cured, the prosperity and welfare of his majesty's Canadian subjects cannot be promoted; and you may there. fore believe that no exertions will be spared on my part, to promote conciliation, by measures in which the undoubted prerogatives of the crown, and your constitutional privileges, will be equally respected.

His majesty's government has, however, relieved me from the responsibility attendant upon any measures to be adopted for the adjustment of the financial difficul. ties that have unfortunately occurred; and I shall take an early op.

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