| John Bunyan - 1757 - 496 页
...Years pity of Mi there were piig r i ms walking to the Cceleftial City, as thefe two honeft Perfons are; and Beelzebub, Apollyon^ and Legion, •with...through this Town of Vanity, they contrived here to fet up a Fair 5 a Fair, wherein fliould be fold all Sorts of Vanity, and that it fhould laft all the... | |
| John Bunyan - 1766 - 496 页
...it. *F% r ° ftb " tnere were Pi'g" 018 walking to the Cceleftial City, as thefe two honeft Perfons are -, and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion* with their...through this Town of Vanity, they contrived here to fet up a Fair; a Fair, wherein Ihould be fold all Sorts of Vanity^ and that it fliould laft all the... | |
| John Bunyan - 1775 - 526 页
...two honeft Perfom are ; and Beelzebub, ^pollyoti, and L^'w, with their Companions, perceiving by th« Path that the Pilgrims -made, that their Way to the...through this Town of Vanity, they contrived here to fct up a Fair; a Fair, wherein mould be fold all Sorts of Vanity, and that it fliould laft all the... | |
| John Bunyan - 1779 - 568 页
...walking to Lontit ptrfous are-, awl " : "f> f Apollyon, and Legion, w' °*>s, perceiving by the patVv made, that their way to the city lay through this town of Vanity, they contrived here to fet up a fair; a fair, wherein fiiould be fold all forts of vanity, and that it fhould laft all the... | |
| John Bunyan - 1792 - 504 页
...thoufand years ago, there were pilgrims walking to the celeftial city, as thefe two honeft perfons are; and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion, with their...their way to the city lay through this town of Vanity, contrived to fet up a fair here; a fair, wherein mould be fold all forts of vanity, and that it fhould... | |
| John Bunyan - 1806 - 454 页
...walking to the Celestial City, as these two honest persons are ; and Beelzebub, Apullyon, and Ijfgian, with their companions, perceiving, by the path that...all sorts of vanity; and that it should last all the year long : therefore at this fair are all such merchandize sold, as houses, lands, trades, places,... | |
| John Bunyan - 1814 - 568 页
...Almost five thousand years agone, there were pilgrims walking to the Celestial City, as these two hpnest persons are; and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion,...all sorts of vanity; and that it should last all the year long; therefore at this fair are all such merchandise sold, as houses, lands, trades, places,... | |
| John Bunyan, Robert Hawker - 1822 - 620 页
...standing : I will shew the original of it. frims walking to the Celestial City, as these two onest persons are; and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion,...all sorts of vanity, and that it should last all the year long; therefore at this fair are such merchandizes sold, as houses, lands, trades, places, honours,... | |
| Thom Scott - 1823 - 582 页
...it.—Almost five thousand years agone there were pilgrims walking to the celestial City, as these two honest persons are: and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion,...sorts of vanity ; and that it should last all the year long: therefore at this fair are all such merchandize sold as houses, lands, trades, places, honours,... | |
| John Bunyan, Robert Southey - 1830 - 562 页
...it : Almost five thousand years ago, there were pilgrims walking to the CelestialCity, as these two honest persons are ; and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and...sold all sorts of vanity, and that it should last THE MERCHANDIZE all the year long. Therefore, at this OF THIS FAIR. fair, are all such merchandize... | |
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