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saw what a little boy near us called "a big | reproach and despair; and when opened printers, manufacturers, engineers, artists, fellow," among the crowd in the Menagerie again, only a fearful and appalling void is potters, &c, rewarded and encouraged by scene. Bologna was an active Harlequin; visible, and the curtain drops upon the some mark of honour from their monarch, Miss Tree a so-so Columbine; Mr. Elliott wretched favourite. Another scene, between especially when the throne is filled by a a very good Pantaloon, which, viewing his Mortimer and Leicester, should also be ex-prince possessed of so fine a judgment as tumbles, whirls, and other sufferinges, we empted from the charge of general insipidity; the Regent. would not be for a hundred pounds a night; but all the rest is unimpassioned and dull. Among Canova's recent models at Rome, and Southby a strong, clever, and effective The death of Mortimer, who, we hear, stabs statues of a Magdalene, an Endymion sleepClown, especially in feats of bodily marvels. himself in prison, is huddled over in a sin- ing with a hound by his side, and a Nymph He performed one practical joke of inde-gularly insignificant manner, and the entire reclining on a Tiger's skin, are much spoken cency on the tailor's inexpressibles, which we absence of any feature which could impart of. hope has been retrenched. that dramatic effect to the Scottish Queen, Aremarkable effect of Lightning-About COVENT GARDEN. The Christmas treat which she enjoys even in sober history, is an twenty years ago, during a violent thunder at Covent Garden is founded on the adven-objection fatal to this play. On the contrary, storm, the lightning struck a pane of glass tures of the redoubted Don Quixotte, and the bosom of Elizabeth appears to be most in a house door, so that the mistress of his faithful Squire. These are very ably torn and lacerated by deep emotions; and the house, who was in the hall behind dramatized, or rather pantomimetized, and there is such a diffusion over all the charac-the door, was cast several paces backingeniously adapted to the purposes of this ters, of what ought to be concentrated, wards, and thrown on the floor. species of representation. It is rather a su- whether of pathos, of grandeur, of grief, however received no injury, nor was the perior thing of the kind, and both in con- or of suffering, that we care for all pretty pane of glass broken. The electric fluid duct and ornament rises above the common nearly alike, and very little for any. Eliza had however left upon it a beautiful paintlevel. The incidents selected from Cervantes beth's visit to Kennilworth Castle affords an ing, (if we may so express it,) resemare well chosen, and the transparencies opportunity for one of those gorgeous spec-bling, on the whole, a head, which was (painted by Wright), which illustrate the tacles in which this theatre delights, and is formed of numerous smaller heads. From origin of romance, are beautiful. The gene- so unrivalled. The dresses are appropriate that time, this pane of glass was never wet ral order of pantomime is indeed disturbed, and magnificent, and the acting unimpeach- with the dew, and never froze, though the if not reversed on this occasion. The Knight ably, except perhaps in Mary, now per- other panes were affected by the weather as and Sancho retain their characters through-formed by Miss Foote, whose face and form usual. Great care was taken of this remarkout, and Pantaloon (the housekeeper,) is able pane, till some days since it was broken attached to them. Instead of the lovers by carelessness; when it appeared that the being persecuted, they are the persecutors, for lightning had split it, making two panes out the wand works all the mischief to the Don, of one, and leaving in the middle the traces and all the pummellings and misadventures of the electric fluid. Before it was broken to his faithful follower. By this magical inno one could see that there was a division. strument, the Windmill is turned into a The panes, which are not much broken, real giant, oppressing forlorn sacks of corn were collected as carefully as possible. transformed into damsels, and again into its original form; the flocks of sheep do become soldiers, and revert to mutton; and all the other incidents, even to the tossing of our old friend Panza in the blanket, are dependent, more or less, upon its "charmed Another traveller, the Chevalier Gamba, is touch." The scenery is pre-eminently en- ANECDOTES." Why did Adam bite the on the point of departing for Asia and the titled to admiration. The Spanish Inns, apple?" said a school-master to a country banks of the Caspian Sea, to fulfil a mission Sierra Morena, and Realms of Romance, boy. "Because he had no knife," said the interesting to the arts and sciences; he will (by Grieve), are wonderfully fine; and Whit- boy. be accompanied by his son, an officer of camore and Pugh have also several excellent and One of the Paris opposition papers has re-valry. M. M. Harnt, Plee, and Godefroy, the characteristic scenes. This splendour of de-vived the following anecdote.-"A minister is naturalists, who are on the point of departing coration is well diversified by the humorous sick. His colleague, M. P., to induce him to from Rochefort, are to be accompanied by mishaps of the Governor of Barataria, whose take the medicine presented by the physician, their brothers, who will afford them consiwife and daughter are happily introduced said, "Take it, I intreat you: I'll be hang- derable assistance in their investigations. to augment the fun. The wonderful ape is ed if it does not do you good." "Take it," also a prominent actor in the affair of the added the doctor; "after the assurance that Showman; and the whole piece, including Monsieur has given you, you must be conRosinante, Dapple, &c. &c. a very satisfac- vinced that, one way or other, the remedy tory entertainment for the rising generation. must have a good effect." We therefore especially recommend it to the Managers to perform it after some short and pleasing drama, for three nights in the week, so that children may enjoy it, without enduring the pre-fatigue of a five-act play.

are better fitted for the character than her
mental endowments; but we must still come
to our past conclusion, that the tragedy is
not possessed of vigour to promise it any
length of nights. We observed in the de-
clamation, that the language was not very
correct: unspotted blood," for example,
was one of the phrases; and we fear that the
German author, therefore, has not been im-
proved by his translator.

[ocr errors]


An epidemic disorder broke out in
which carried off many inhabitants in a short
time. "Thank God!", said the countess of

when the names of several of the
victims were mentioned in a company, "The
nobility are spared; none die but the vulgar."

The French Journals state that M. Noel de la Morinière, who is about to proceed to Lapland, will be accompanied by his son, a young officer of infantry, who has obtained leave of absence for that purpose.

The ancient Danes were distinguished for their contempt of death; and this is well put by one of their writers, describing the close of a hero's life in few words," Agnar fell, laughed, and died."

A confessor advised a dying 'man to recommend him to his patron saint, as his time was come, and he must soon appear in the presence of his Maker. "As that is the case," replied the invalid, "I will save my friend the trouble, and carry my recommendations myself."

MARY STUART. This tragedy which we hardly expected to see again, was revived on THE REWARD OF MERIT.-On the 17th Wednesday, with many judicious alterations of November, the King of France conferred and curtailments. Though much improved by the decoration of the Legion of Honour on In 1762, a Lieut. Campbell, of the Midthese, it is still deficient in force and inte- sixteen of the persons, whose productions at dlesex militia, condemned for forgery, on the rest. With the exception of the final scene, the late exhibition of French industry seemed eve of his exit, sent invitation cards to many there is really nothing of tragic importance: most to merit the distinction. We should of his brother officers.." Lieut. Campbell's in this, Mary, through a door in the centre like to see something of this kind in Eng-compliments to .. ., he requests the of the stage, ascends the scaffold thrown land; for though in our country public opi- pleasure of his company to-morrow morning impressively into gloom, and covered with nion is the sovereign power to which all to take a cup of chocolate, and do him the dark soldiery: it is shut, and Leicester re-appeal, it would still be gratifying (as on the honour to accompany him to Tyburn, to be mains for a few minutes in an agony of self- present occasion at Paris) were chemists, present at his execution.”


An Inquirer is informed, that there are copies of the MONUMENTUM PACIS, which was described in our Number 151, to be seen at Ackermann's in the Strand.

We have had more than one occasion to express our very favourable opinion of the works of Mr. Jaines, whose naval and military

elucidations of the occurrences of the late American war, possessed all the merit belonging to productions of their class-patient research, diligent comparison, and sound reasoning on well established facts. It is therefore with pleasure that we observe an announcement, from the same pen, of an entire Naval History of Great Britain, commencing in the year 1793, and brought down to the present period. We have no doubt it will do credit to the author, to our brave sailors, and to the country.

Volumes, parts, and most of the single Numbers, from January 1817, are now to be had at our office, or by giving the order to any bookseller newsvender in town or country.


Barometer from 29, 46 to 29, 52. Wind W.N.W. 3, and 1. Morning cloudy, the rest of the day generally clear.

with good-will on their side, and sin- | world. As these books are from eminent cerity on ours. authors and booksellers, we venture to The Literary Gazette has continued presume, that few volumes of great atto succeed beyond our anticipations, traction will henceforth appear without and is now seen, not only throughout an immediate contemporary, and often Britain, and in many places on the Con- anticipatory description in the Literary tinent, but in the East and West Indies, Gazette. America, and distant settlements where Having trespassed much longer than we had not hoped to establish ourselves we intended on this subject, we beg to till after years of longer probation. This conclude, with briefly stating, that is the best proof we can offer of its being "Sketches of Society" will very soon generally liked, und of its having faith-be regularly resumed; and that in every fully performed its promise, to afford a other department, our augmented means « complete analysis of the literature of will be superadded to that exertion the age; a comprehensive view of the which has procured success to our past progress of art and science; an enter- course. taining miscellany of light reading ; and an instructive repository of general IMPROVEMENT IN MODERN GREECE.-knowledge." We should indeed be Mr. Theocles Pharmacides, one of the ashamed to repeat these large conditions editors of the Greek Mercury, has published on which we set out, if we could not a very useful work, containing extracts from with honest pride place our hands upon most of the ancient Greek authors, and acour three volumes already published, companied with very excellent new Greek METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL. notes, under the following title: "Elements and boldly ask, whether or not, they of the Greek Language, for the use of Greek have been fulfilled. And this we may, DECEMBER, 1819. Schools," 4 parts, in 12mo. Every volume with the less impeachment of our mo- Thursday, 23-Thermometer from 45 to 52. contains a very convenient vocabulary. desty, do, because we claim no praise, A valuable work has just been com- but that of extreme diligence, and refer pleted at the Madras Commercial Press. the truly valuable of our contents to the It is the New Testament, translated from the contributions which have been poured original Greek into Teloogoo, by Mr. Pritchett, a learned Missionary. It is in two upon us by the most distinguished involumes, comprising 888 pages octavo. The dividuals of the age, who have been Teloogoo types have been principally cast by pleased to think that a work of this Mr. Urquhart, of the Commercial Press, by kind was eminently calculated for the Barometer, from 29, 52 to 29, 61. whom the work has been printed, in a man-promotion of British arts, bibliography, Wind N.N.W., and 2.-Generally clear; ner very creditable to that establishment. and science, and the diffusion general-clouds passing. A halo formed at times in the Mr. Urquhart, with a laudable zeal, is now ly of taste, literature, and instruction. actively employed in casting Canarese types for another edition of the work in that There is only one feature in the Lite- Sunday, 26 - Thermometer from 21 to 32. language. rary Gazette to which we shall particuBarometer from 29, 60 to 29, 70. Wind S.W. and S. 1.- Morning clear; the Maximes et Pensées du Prisonnier de Ste.larly allude, as having undergone conrest of the day foggy and cloudy. Helene, a MS. found among the papers of siderable improvement: we mean the Monday, 27-Thermometer from 22 to 23. Las Cazes, is the title of a forthcoming branch of Reviewing. At a period Barometer from 29, 66, to 29, 67. work, announced a few days ago in Paris. when so many admirable works issue Wind E. b. S. 3.-Generally clear till the evenfrom the press, it can hardly fail to being, when it became rather hazy, and a fine halo was formed from about 6 o'clock. considered a recommendation, that we have extended our facilities in this res- Tuesday, 28 -Thermometer from 26 to 35. Were it not that custom demands pect, and provided to be, almost invasomething from us at this season, we riably, the earliest publication from should be glad to waive our privilege; which an acquaintance with new books for though we are not so ungrateful, as can be obtained. Thus in No. 153, not most heartily to feel the great kind-there was a long review of Ivanhoe, anteness and encouragement which has been rior to its appearance; in No. 152, Tobestowed upon our labours, it is always bin's Life, under similar circumstances; so painful to fall into egotism, (or as in the few preceding Numbers, Southey's editors should say, nosism) that we could Brazil, Macculloch's Western Isles, gladly compromise our expression of Anastasius, &c. &c.; and in this, Burckthanks into the mere wishing of a happy hardt's Nubia; none of which could new year to all our friends, rather have been seen before the favour of than be obliged to tell what we have their publishers, in compliment to the done, and mean to do, in order to service which this sheet by its fair nomerit public favour. Yet we are con- tices, and immediate and wide circulascious of standing on such pleasant tion renders the general cause of letters, terms with our readers, that it is an enabled us to submit their claims, and The Editor wishes to send a letter to I. L. of Man easy matter to perform this annual task, explain their nature, to the literary

Friday, 24 - Thermometer from 28 to 36.

Rain fallen,125 of an inch.

Barometer from 29, 56 to 29, 50. Wind S. W.-Morning clear; the rest of the day generally misty.



Saturday, 25-Thermometer from 25 to 35.


Barometer from 29, 67, to 29, 72.
Wind N.E. 4.-Cloudy; a little snow or sheet
fell in the afternoon about 4.
Wednesday, 29-Thermometer from 25 to 32.

Barometer from 29,74, to 29, 84. Wind N. 1.-Morning cloudy, the rest of the day generally clear.

hours, 53 minutes, 15 seconds (clock time), the On Monday, the 3d of January, 1820, at 4 second Satellite of Jupiter will emerge from an eclipse.

On Friday, the 7th, at 5 hours, 12 minutes, 23 seconds (clock time), the first Satellite of Jupiter will emerge from an eclipse.

Lat. 51. 37. 32. N.
Lon. 0. 3.51. W.

Edmonton, Middlesex. JOHN ADAMS.



[blocks in formation]



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field, Hansworth, Treeton, and Whiston, and of the Cha-

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lebrated Author of the Sylva, &c. Edited by W. BRAY, Esq. Fellow and Treasurer of the Society of

THE Fictures, &c. intended for Exhibition pelry of Bradfield. By JOSEPH HUNTER, an Hono- Antiquaries, Author of the History of Surrey, &c. and sale in the British Gallery, the ensuing season, inust be sent there for the inspection of the Committee, on Friday the 14th, and Saturday the 15th of January next, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoou,

**This Work contains an account of a district of considerable extent hitherto undescribed, and is embel

and five in the afternoon; after which time no picture,lished with several highly finished engravings from
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The Size, Style of Printing, and the Embellishments,
accord with the three Portions of the Work already pub-
lished, forming the First Volume, or Southern Wiltshire;
the present Division of the County will be completed in
two Parts, forming the Second Volume, or Northern

The few remaining Copies of the three preceding Parts
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Publishers, price 41. 4s. each, or large Paper 61. 6s.
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[blocks in formation]

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and maternally to good and ancient families, the following is the author's testimony on this head.

to view the performance in any other REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS. light, than as an acceptable addition to Memoirs of the Protector, Oliver Crom- our stock of literature, both as a speciThe same writer (Mr. Noble), from the well, and of his Sons Richard and Hen-men of eminent biography and of British History. writers of those times, describes Cromry. Illustrated by Original Letters and It is a rather curious circumstance, to well's father as (having a small fortune) other Family Papers. By Oliver Cromnotice the difference between the usur- carrying on a large brewing business, the acwell Esq. a Descendant of the Family. Cromwell and the usurper Buona-counts whereof, he says, were wholly attendWith portraits from original pictures. parte both men wonderfully exalted, ed to by his wife; who, after his decease, London, 1820. 4to, pp. 733. both lauded to the skies, and both paint-enabled to give her daughters sufficient forcontinued to carry it on; whereby she was The season for active publication having ed as fiends. But Cromwell died in tunes to marry them into genteel families. now arrived, new works pour in upon the full possession of the authority Dr. Harris gives the same account from us in such abundance, as to afford but which he attained; and in this displayed Dugdale and other authorities, and very short time for critical deliberation. It greater genius than his follower, who justly adds, that, if true, it could not be is therefore well for our rapidly revolv-arrived at much wider power only to deemed discreditable to the family, the younging periodical, especially at this pro-afford an instance of that madness which est brothers of the best families in this ductive period, that it professes gene-success creates to wreck its minion. country engaging in trade, and thereby raising themselves to fortune and independency. rally, in the language of Bayle," to be In the latter case a new philosophy per- It has been also said that Cromwell himself a reporter, and not a judge." We can formed the service which in the former was engaged in the same business for his state facts, where it would be hazardous was done by a renovated religion: infi- support. All this has been said by Cromto deliver opinions; and it requires delity did the work of fanaticism. When well's enemies, for the purpose of degrading much less time to be enabled to describe we spoke of the difference between these him; but no evidence to be relied on is what a book is, than to tell what we personages, however, we rather con- produced in support of these assertions. templated what was connected with The truth is, nothing certain is likely to be known of his early life, or the pecuniary This volume is of massive size, and literature than with politics. More circumstances of his parents. But it should has some fine plates: so much for ex- than a century and a half has elapsed be observed, that Cromwell, in his speech ternals. It is sensibly written, displays since the death of the famous Oliver, to his parliament, of 12th September 1654, ample research, and furnishes some ori- and it is only now that a historiau of his says, "I was by birth a gentleman, neither ginal documents, from family papers, race comes forward to vindicate his cha-living in any considerable height, nor yet touching the private life of the extraor-racter. Not so with Napoleon; he, in in obscurity;"—and that he had been called dinary man whose biography, insepara-his solitary banishment, is his own annal- to several employments in the nation, and bly linked as it is with one of the most ist, his own vindicator, his own eulo- himself, publicly given in the face of the to serve in parliaments. This account of eventful epochs of English history, it gist. And then, the multitude of his nation, open therefore to contradiction if places in the full light of record. It also other panegyrists, French, Polish, Fle- not true, is surely a sufficient confutation of contains interesting particulars. relative mish, Italian, and even English!... Surely all the stories of his and his family's narrow to his children: so much for internals; this affords a very singular and striking circumstances, and their engagements in trade at least, en masse. in consequence. Lord Clarendon, in his proof of the strength and liberty accor-quired by the press, and of the immense anxious desire to lower Cromwell's conse effects upon the condition of society himself of these circumstances, had he crequence, would not have omitted to avail which must be operated by that prodi-dited them. In Peck's Memoirs of the Life gious engine.

think of it.

The work may, perhaps more rectly than in the title page, be designated a Historical Essay on the era between the accession of Charles I and the death of Cromwell, and a Defence But we will not detain our readers of the latter against all the imputations longer from such examples from this which have been thrown upon his me- volume as our limits permit us to make; mory. In this respect it proves, or only premising, that from its nature it attempts to prove, as far as our hasty is little susceptible of that species of judgment goes, far too much; and, elucidation, and that there is not a sincertainly, nothing can be more loose than gle aspersion upon Cromwell which it many of the arguments, nor more incon- does not endeavour to refute, from that clusive than many of the inferences of having a chief concern in the king's drawn from them. But in other cases, murder to that of being unamiable in the Lord Protector seems to be satisfac-private life. torily exculpated from charges brought against him after the restoration, and as currently credited as repeated, down to the present day. It is thus impossible VÖL IV.

and Actions of Cromwell, are three pane gyrics of Cromwell, supposed by Peck to have been written by Milton, upon different occasions; in the third of which he describes him as grown rich at home. [Does not this look like trade? A inan with a large family and small estate was not likely to become so, without some such means. The time of his birth is ascertained to have been upon the 25th April, 1599, and it appears to have been at Huntingdon. That his father, during his life, and his mother, after his father's death, were careful of his education, is probable; but his being first under Nothing has appeared to be more the tuition of one person and then of another; firmly established, than that Cromwell his proficiency or non-proficiency in learnwas originally brewer; after show-ing; his aspiring, stubborn, obstinate teming that he belonged both paternally per, incurring severe correction; and the

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