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Cass, a person with two lives.

Close, clothes.

Cockerel, a young cock.

Cocktail, a kind of drink; also, an ornament peculiar to soldiers. Convention, a place where people are imposed on; a juggler's show. Coons, a cant term for a now defunct party; derived, perhaps, from the fact of their being commonly up a tree.

Cornwallis, a sort of muster in masquerade; supposed to have had its origin soon after the Revolution, and to commemorate the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. It took the place of the old Guy Fawkes procession.

Crooked stick, a perverse, froward person. Cunnle, a colonel.

Cus, a curse; also, a pitiful fellow.

Darsn't, used indiscriminately, either in singular or plural number, for dare not, dares not, and dared not. Deacon off, to give the cue to; derived from a custom, once universal, but now extinct, in our New England

Eend, end. Ef, if.

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Jint, joint.

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Junk, a fragment of any solid sub- Shappoes, chapeaux, cocked-hats.

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Sheer, share.

Shet, shut.

Shut, shirt.

Skeered, scared.

Skeeter, mosquito.

Skooting, running, or moving swiftly. Slarterin', slaughtering.

[blocks in formation]

Steddles, stout stakes driven into the salt marshes, on which the hay-ricks are set, and thus raised out of the reach of high tides.

Streaked, uncomfortable, discomfited.
Suckle, circle.

Sutthin', something.
Suttin, certain.

Take on, to sorrow.

Talents, talons.
Taters, potatoes.
Tell, till.

Tetch, touch.

Tetch tu, to be able; used always after a negative in this sense.

Tollable, tolerable.

Toot, used derisively for playing on any wind instrument. Thru, through.

Thundering, a euphemism common in New England for the profane English expression devilish. Perhaps derived from the belief, common formerly, that thunder was caused by the Prince of the Air, for some of whose accomplishments consult Cotton Mather. Tu, to, too; commonly has this sound when used emphatically, or at the end of a sentence. At other times it has the sound of t in tough, as, Ware ye goin' tu? Goin' ta Boston.

Ugly, ill-tempered, intractable. Uncle Sam, United States; the largest boaster of liberty and owner of slaves.

Unrizzest, applied to dough or bread; heavy, most unrisen, or most incapable of rising.

V-spot, a five-dollar bill. Vally, value.

Wake snakes, to get into trouble.
Wal, well; spoken with great delib-
eration, and sometimes with the
a very much flattened, sometimes
(but more seldom) very much broad-

Wannut, walnut (hickory).
Ware, where.
Ware, were.

Whopper, an uncommonly large lie; as, that General Taylor is in favor of the Wilmot Proviso.

Wig, Whig; a party now dissolved.
Wunt, will not.
Wus, worse.
Wut, what.

Wuth, worth; as, Antislavery perfes-
sions 'fore 'lection aint wuth a Bung-
town copper.
Wuz, was, sometimes were.

Yaller, yellow. Yeller, yellow.

Yellers, a disease of peach-trees.

Zack, Ole, a second Washington, an anti-slavery slaveholder; a humane buyer and seller of men and women, a Christian hero generally.

A. wants his axe ground, 295.


A. B., information wanted concern-
ing, 107.

Abraham (Lincoln), his constitutional
scruples, 294.

Abuse, an, its usefulness, 326.

Adam, eldest son of, respected, 50-
his fall, 339-how if he had bitten
a sweet apple ? 347.

Adam, Grandfather, forged will of,

Eneas goes to hell, 129.

Eolus, a seller of money, as is sup-
posed by some, 130.

Eschylus, a saying of, 86, note.

Applause, popular, the summum bo-
num, 318.

Ararat, ignorance of foreign tongues
is an, 88.

Arcadian background, 133.

Ar c'houskezik, an evil spirit, 272.
Ardennes, Wild Boar of, an ancestor
of Rev. Mr. Wilbur, 218.

British, their natural

sympathies, 288.
Aristophanes, 70.

Arms, profession of, once esteemed
especially that of gentlemen, 50.
Arnold, 77.
Ashland, 133.

Alligator, a decent one conjectured to Astor, Jacob, a rich man, 120.

be, in some sort, humane, 146.

Allsmash, the eternal, 306.

Alphonso the Sixth of Portugal, tyran-
nical act of, 149.

Ambrose, Saint, excellent (but ration-
alistic) sentiment of, 71.
"American Citizen," new compost so
called, 132.

American Eagle, a source of inspira-
tion, 79- hitherto wrongly classed,
86-long bill of, ib.
Americans bebrothered, 249.
Amos cited, 71.

Anakim, that they formerly existed,
shown, 150.

Angels providentially speak French,
61, conjectured to be skilled in all
tongues, ib.


Anglo-Saxondom, its idea, what, 59.
Anglo-Saxon mask, 59.
Anglo-Saxon race, 55.

Anglo-Saxon verse, by whom carried
to perfection, 51.

Anthony of Padua, Saint, happy in his
hearers, 273.

Antiquaries, Royal Society of North-
ern, 313.

Antonius, a speech of, 75- by whom
best reported, ib.

Apocalypse, beast in, magnetic to the-
ologians, 113.

Apollo, confessed mortal by his own
oracle, 113.

Apollyon, his tragedies popular, 104.
Appian, an Alexandrian, not equal to
Shakespeare as an orator, 75.

Astræa, nineteenth century forsaken
by, 131.

Athenians, ancient, an institution of,

Atherton, Senator, envies the loon,

"Atlantic," editors of. See Neptune.
Atropos, a lady skilful with the scis-
sors, 345.

Austin, Saint, prayer of, 217.
Austrian eagle split, 326.
Aye-aye, the, an African animal,
America supposed to be settled by,

B., a Congressman, vide A.
Babel, probably the first Congress, 87
-a gabble-mill, ib.
Baby, a low-priced one, 127.
Bacon, his rebellion, 275.
Bacon, Lord, quoted, 274.
Bagowind, Hon. Mr., whether to be
damned, 97.

Balcom, Elder Joash Q., 2d, founds a
Baptist society in Jaalam, A. D.
1830, 363.

Baldwin apples, 150.

Baratarias, real or imaginary, which
most pleasant, 131.

Barnum, a great natural curiosity rec-
ommended to, 84.

Barrels, an inference from seeing, 150.
Bartlett, Mr., mistaken, 243.
Bâton Rouge, 133- strange peculiari-
ties of laborers at, 134.
Baxter, R., a saying of, 71.

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