What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his pride, his skill ; And arts that made fire, flood, and earth, The vassals of his will ; — Yet mourn I not thy parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day... Spirit of the English Magazines - 第 103 頁1824完整檢視 - 關於此書
 | Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1823 - 590 頁
...tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What though beneath thee man put forth His jioinp, his pride, his skill; And arts that made fire, flood,...parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day : For all those trophicd arts And triumphs that beneath thee spraug, H cal M not a passion or a pang Iv.uilM... | |
 | Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1823 - 592 頁
...For thou ten thousand thousand' years Hast seen the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his pride, his skill; And ans that made Are, flood, and earth, The vassals of his will ; — Yet mourn I not thy parted sway,... | |
 | 1823 - 592 頁
...For thou ten thousand thousand years Hast seen the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his pride, his skill ; And in is that made fire, flood, aud earth, The vassals of his will ;— Yet mourn I not thy parted sway,... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1824 - 176 頁
...For thou ten thousand thousand years Hast seen the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his...parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day : For all those trophied arts And triumphs that beneath thee sprang, Heal'd not a passion or a pang Entail'd... | |
 | Martin MacDermot - 1824 - 602 頁
...For thou ten thousand, thousand years Hast seen-the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his...parted sway, Thou dim, discrowned king of day : For all those trophied arts And triumphs that beneath thee sprang, Heal'd not a passion or a pang Entail'd... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1824 - 176 頁
...For thou ten thousand thousand years Hast seen the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his...parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day : For all those trophied arts And triumphs that beneath thee sprang, Heal'd not a passion or a pang Go, let... | |
 | Amédée Pichot - 1825 - 510 頁
...For thou ten thousand thousand years Hast seen the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. " What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his...parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day : For all those trophied arts And triumphs that beneath thee sprang, HeaI'd not a passion or a pang Entail'd... | |
 | 1826 - 488 頁
...For thou ten thousand thousand years Hast seen the tide of human tears That shall no longer flow. ' What though beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his...parted sway, Thou dim discrowned King of Day; For all those trophied arts And triumphs that beneath thee sprang, Healed not a passion or a pang Entailed... | |
 | 1825 - 600 頁
...forth His pomp, his pride, bis skill ; And arts that made fire, flood, and <>..r!h, The vassals of bis will ;— Yet mourn I not thy parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day-: For nil those tropbied arts And triumphs that beneath thee sprang, Heal'd not a passion or a pong Eiitiiil'd on human... | |
 | 1827 - 510 頁
...len thousand thousand years Hast seen the tide of human tears, That shall no longer flow. What tho' beneath thee man put forth His pomp, his pride, his...made fire, flood, and earth, The vassals of his will ; — Yel mourn I not thy parted sway, Thou dim discrowned king of day : For all those trophied arts... | |
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