Introduction to English Literature, Including a Number of Classic Works. With NotesLeach, Shewell & Sanborn, 1894 - 627 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 81 筆
第 21 頁
... lords , supported by the labors of a great body of dependants , lived in idleness and luxury . These baronial residences became centres of knightly culture . Here noble youths acquired courtly graces , and wandering minstrels enter ...
... lords , supported by the labors of a great body of dependants , lived in idleness and luxury . These baronial residences became centres of knightly culture . Here noble youths acquired courtly graces , and wandering minstrels enter ...
第 33 頁
... lord of Palatye , 65 Ageyn another hethen in Turkye : And everemore he hadde a sovereyn prys . And though that he was worthy , he was wys , And of his port as meke as is a mayde , He nevere yit no vileinye ne sayde 70 In al his lyf ...
... lord of Palatye , 65 Ageyn another hethen in Turkye : And everemore he hadde a sovereyn prys . And though that he was worthy , he was wys , And of his port as meke as is a mayde , He nevere yit no vileinye ne sayde 70 In al his lyf ...
第 36 頁
... lord was kepere of the selle , The reule of seynt Maure or of seint Beneyt , Bycause that it was old and somdel streyt , This ilke monk leet olde thinges pace , And held after the newe world the space . He gaf not of that text a pulled ...
... lord was kepere of the selle , The reule of seynt Maure or of seint Beneyt , Bycause that it was old and somdel streyt , This ilke monk leet olde thinges pace , And held after the newe world the space . He gaf not of that text a pulled ...
第 37 頁
... lord ful fat and in good poynt ; His eyen steepe , and rollyng in his heede , That stemede as a forneys of a leede ; His bootes souple , his hors in gret estate . Now certeinly he was a fair prelate ; He was not pale as a for - pyned ...
... lord ful fat and in good poynt ; His eyen steepe , and rollyng in his heede , That stemede as a forneys of a leede ; His bootes souple , his hors in gret estate . Now certeinly he was a fair prelate ; He was not pale as a for - pyned ...
第 41 頁
... lord and sire . Ful ofte tyme he was knight of the schire . An anlas and a gipser al of silk Heng at his girdel , whit as morne mylk . A schirreve hadde he ben , and a countour ; Was nowher such a worthi vavasour . An HABERDasshere and ...
... lord and sire . Ful ofte tyme he was knight of the schire . An anlas and a gipser al of silk Heng at his girdel , whit as morne mylk . A schirreve hadde he ben , and a countour ; Was nowher such a worthi vavasour . An HABERDasshere and ...
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ancient Anglo-Saxon answer'd Antonio Archimago Aristotle Astolat BASSANIO beauty born Cædmon called century character Christian church critics dear death delight doth Dryden ducats England English eyes Faery Queene fair Fair lord faire lady faith father fear genius give Gobbo grace GRATIANO Guinevere hand hath hear heart heaven human JESSICA King knight lady Lancelot Lavaine learning light literary literature live look lord LORENZO maid master Merchant of Venice mind nature NERISSA never noble o'er once pleasure poem poet poetry Pope PORTIA praise pray Queen rich SALANIO SALARINO says SCENE sche sense Shakespeare SHYLOCK Sir Lancelot Sir Roger song soul speak Spenser spirit sweet tell thee ther things thou thought tion truth unto Venice verse virtue Westminster Abbey word Wordsworth writings youth