Introduction to English Literature, Including a Number of Classic Works. With NotesLeach, Shewell & Sanborn, 1894 - 627 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 33 筆
第 9 頁
... grace had been bestowed upon him , she bade him lay aside his secular habit and received him into the monastery as a monk . Here he led a humble , exemplary life in the exercise of his poetic gifts . " He sang the creation of the world ...
... grace had been bestowed upon him , she bade him lay aside his secular habit and received him into the monastery as a monk . Here he led a humble , exemplary life in the exercise of his poetic gifts . " He sang the creation of the world ...
第 34 頁
... grace . Embrowded was he , as it were a mede Al ful of fresshe floures , white and reede . Syngynge he was , or floytynge , al the day ; He was as fressh as is the moneth of May . Schort was his goune , with sleeves longe and wyde . Wel ...
... grace . Embrowded was he , as it were a mede Al ful of fresshe floures , white and reede . Syngynge he was , or floytynge , al the day ; He was as fressh as is the moneth of May . Schort was his goune , with sleeves longe and wyde . Wel ...
第 47 頁
... grace , That such a lewed mannes wit schal pace The wisdom of an heep of lernede men ? Of maystres hadde he moo than thries ten , That were of lawe expert and curious ; Of which ther were a doseyne in that house , Worthi to ben ...
... grace , That such a lewed mannes wit schal pace The wisdom of an heep of lernede men ? Of maystres hadde he moo than thries ten , That were of lawe expert and curious ; Of which ther were a doseyne in that house , Worthi to ben ...
第 59 頁
... grace = lady's grace . Lady for ladye , genitive singular ; the ending was in A. S. an . 89. Embrowded = embroidered , in his dress . 91. Floytynge = fluting , playing the flute . 95. Endite = relate . 96. Purtreye = draw , sketch . 97 ...
... grace = lady's grace . Lady for ladye , genitive singular ; the ending was in A. S. an . 89. Embrowded = embroidered , in his dress . 91. Floytynge = fluting , playing the flute . 95. Endite = relate . 96. Purtreye = draw , sketch . 97 ...
第 85 頁
... grace , and , as one would say , authority to the verse . " Though less finished than some subsequent poems , " The Shepherd's Calendar " showed a master's touch , and announced the presence of a great poet in England . Upon the advice ...
... grace , and , as one would say , authority to the verse . " Though less finished than some subsequent poems , " The Shepherd's Calendar " showed a master's touch , and announced the presence of a great poet in England . Upon the advice ...
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ancient Anglo-Saxon answer'd Antonio Archimago Aristotle Astolat BASSANIO beauty born Cædmon called century character Christian church critics dear death delight doth Dryden ducats England English eyes Faery Queene fair Fair lord faire lady faith father fear genius give Gobbo grace GRATIANO Guinevere hand hath hear heart heaven human JESSICA King knight lady Lancelot Lavaine learning light literary literature live look lord LORENZO maid master Merchant of Venice mind nature NERISSA never noble o'er once pleasure poem poet poetry Pope PORTIA praise pray Queen rich SALANIO SALARINO says SCENE sche sense Shakespeare SHYLOCK Sir Lancelot Sir Roger song soul speak Spenser spirit sweet tell thee ther things thou thought tion truth unto Venice verse virtue Westminster Abbey word Wordsworth writings youth