Introduction to English Literature, Including a Number of Classic Works. With NotesLeach, Shewell & Sanborn, 1894 - 627 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 70 筆
第 5 頁
... fair faces and flaxen hair of a group of Saxon youths exposed for sale in the slave - market • at Rome . " Who are they ? " he asked . " Angles , " was the reply . " It suits them well , " he said , " with faces so angel - like . From ...
... fair faces and flaxen hair of a group of Saxon youths exposed for sale in the slave - market • at Rome . " Who are they ? " he asked . " Angles , " was the reply . " It suits them well , " he said , " with faces so angel - like . From ...
第 26 頁
... fair of face . He seemeth elfish by his countenance , For unto no wight doth he dalliance . " While the outward circumstances of Chaucer's life are so mperfectly known , we have abundant means to judge of his character and attainments ...
... fair of face . He seemeth elfish by his countenance , For unto no wight doth he dalliance . " While the outward circumstances of Chaucer's life are so mperfectly known , we have abundant means to judge of his character and attainments ...
第 36 頁
... fair forheed , It was almost a spanne brood , I trowe ; For hardily sche was not undergrowe . Ful fetys was hire cloke , as I was waar . Of smal coral aboute hire arm sche baar 155 A peire of bedes gauded al with grene ; And theron heng ...
... fair forheed , It was almost a spanne brood , I trowe ; For hardily sche was not undergrowe . Ful fetys was hire cloke , as I was waar . Of smal coral aboute hire arm sche baar 155 A peire of bedes gauded al with grene ; And theron heng ...
第 37 頁
... fair prelate ; He was not pale as a for - pyned goost . A fat swan lovede he best of eny roost . His palfrey was as broun as is a berye . A FRERE ther was , a wantown and a merye , A lymytour , a ful solempne man . In alle the ordres ...
... fair prelate ; He was not pale as a for - pyned goost . A fat swan lovede he best of eny roost . His palfrey was as broun as is a berye . A FRERE ther was , a wantown and a merye , A lymytour , a ful solempne man . In alle the ordres ...
第 41 頁
... fair burgeys , To sitten in a geldehalle on a deys . Everych for the wisdom that he can , Was schaply for to ben an alderman . For catel hadde they inough and rente , And eek here wyfes wolde it wel assente ; And elles certeyn were thei ...
... fair burgeys , To sitten in a geldehalle on a deys . Everych for the wisdom that he can , Was schaply for to ben an alderman . For catel hadde they inough and rente , And eek here wyfes wolde it wel assente ; And elles certeyn were thei ...
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ancient Anglo-Saxon answer'd Antonio Archimago Aristotle Astolat BASSANIO beauty born Cædmon called century character Christian church critics dear death delight doth Dryden ducats England English eyes Faery Queene fair Fair lord faire lady faith father fear genius give Gobbo grace GRATIANO Guinevere hand hath hear heart heaven human JESSICA King knight lady Lancelot Lavaine learning light literary literature live look lord LORENZO maid master Merchant of Venice mind nature NERISSA never noble o'er once pleasure poem poet poetry Pope PORTIA praise pray Queen rich SALANIO SALARINO says SCENE sche sense Shakespeare SHYLOCK Sir Lancelot Sir Roger song soul speak Spenser spirit sweet tell thee ther things thou thought tion truth unto Venice verse virtue Westminster Abbey word Wordsworth writings youth