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is not to be found in the creeds nor yet in the Bible, though both are to be used as a part of the material; still less in the egoistic and purely personal experience of the individual. The material for a rational philosophy of the life of faith is to be found in the life itself that life which, having its historic origin in and its actual inspiration from the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, and by its vital efficiency transforming the thought, the experience, and the ethical principles and practices of humanity, we call Christian life. This we understand is what Professor Lobstein means by the Gospel for it is quite clear that he does not mean the four Gospels, that is, the mere historic biography of Jesus, still less any philosophy drawn from and based alone on that biography. The most serious defect in his volume is a certain vagueness, if not contradictoriness, in his definitions, or rather description, of the Gospel which he declares to be the material for Protestant theology. His best definition is contained in the following sentence, which seems, standing by itself, to be entirely clear:

The experience which the dogmatician attempts to analyze and translate is the collective experience of the Christian community, the experience of which the consciousness of Jesus is at once the source, the material, and the norm.


We shall not undertake to indicate the working out of this fundamental principle, the effect of which on Protestant theology Professor Lobstein indicates, but only indicates, in his last chapter. We hope that he may fulfill the intimation of his closing sentence, and hereafter elaborate the programme which here he only traces. It will be clear, however, to the thoughtful reader, even from this mere hint as to the contents of this book, that its teaching involves some important and radical results as to the material for Protestant theology, the nature of Protestant theology, and the authority of Protestant the ology. The material is not a Book; the scientist cannot construct a scientific the ology by proof texts deftly woven together. He must study Christian life, and the whole Christian life, and learn, in the complex phenomena of Christian consciousness as seen in history, to distinguish the Christian from the pagan with which it is intermingled, and which it is gradu

ally supplanting. The nature of a true theology is not metaphysical; it can deal only with vital experiences, not with ideas unverifiable by experience. Thus its doctrine of the Trinity cannot be a metaphysical conception of the tri-personality of God; it can only be a truthful explana tion of the threefold experience of God in Christian consciousness. And the authority of a true theology cannot be ecclesias tical-neither the authority of the living Church, nor of the ancient Church, Apostolic or Hebrew, nor of the records of these churches; it must be the same authority as that of art, science, and philosophy. namely, the actual consciousness of met testifying to the facts of spiritual life as that consciousness testifies to the facts of the aesthetic, the physical, and the inter lectual life. It is not to be supposed that the traditionalist will look upon this book as safe; and yet we should think, if he is but reasonably open-minded, that it might serve to convince him that the men of the school whom Professor Lobstein so admirably represents are not infidels, and that "the programme which he believes is already on the way to progressive realization" is not a programme of unbelief or irreligion.

Dr. King's book, "Theology and the Social Consciousness," we regard as a valuable contribution to current discussion, which because of its value it is diffcult to report to our readers. For that value consists partly in its conciseness. and further condensation is well-nigh impossible. It might almost be said to consist of a series of theses. The author states rather than argues, and leaves his statements to carry conviction by their own reasonableness. He amplifies very little, illustrates practically not at all. His book is therefore one for thinkers; it does not belong to the quasi-periodical and wholly popular literature of which we have so much. And yet it is not scholastic; it is not phrased in the technical language of the schools; the thoughtful layman will readily understand it; its style is unconnected but lucid, as clear and as colorless as spring water; one looks through it to the truth beneath.

Social consciousness the author defines as "a growing sense of the real brotherhood of man ;" but this social conscious ness is capable of analysis; it includes

a deepening sense (1) of the likeness or likemindedness of men, (2) of their mutual influence, (3) of the value and sacredness of the person, (4) of mutual obligation, and (5) of love. Sustained by natural science, psychology, philosophy, and Christianity, the conviction is growing and deepening that "mutual influence is inevitable, isolation impossible." Com mercial, industrial, social, religious organization is compelled, not only by natural forces working from without, but by this growing social consciousness working from within. It is based on and has its ground and reason in the immanence of God in human experience; it is therefore a divine, an irresistible force, not to be resisted, but to be welcomed, accepted, guided, in a true sense obeyed. And its effect is and will be against the falsely mystical which disowns and denies personality, for this social consciousness is a consciousness of individuals united by a common bond and to a common end; toward a true mysticism, namely, a conscious personal relation with God as the basis of our conscious personal relation with one another; toward a greater emphasis on the ethical in religion, because it emphasizes human brotherhood and mutual duties; and, finally, toward the concretely, historically Christian in religion, because it calls for and emphasizes the need of the revelation of a living God in living relation to men, which is exactly what historical Christianity gives. The latter half of the volume is devoted to a consideration of the influence which this social consciousness will have upon theological doctrine.

Dr. Illingworth's preceding works have brought him recognition as an eminent theologian of the Anglican Church, and the present volume is likely to add to his reputation. It is, as he says, primarily concerned with some permanent principles that underlie the grand argument of Christianity. In many parts it is admirably strong. If at all weak, it is in some fundamental misconceptions. In its carefully reasoned defense of Trinitarian doctrine there are also points which one, however attached to the Trinitarian idea, must in any impartially critical estimate pronounce ill sustained.

It is doubtless true, as stated, that all controversies about the Gospels turn upon

our presuppositions; and these, says Dr. Illingworth, are either Christian or nonChristian. But his sharp parting between the sheep and the goats is not quite accordant with facts. Among the doubters of the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel are some evangelical Christian scholars. To assert that men take sides on this question according to their belief or nonbelief in the Incarnation is more loose than exact.

Dr. Illingworth rightly holds that one who would understand any part of a book must understand its full context. The context of the Gospel story of the Incarnation is the whole of Christian experience in its communion with God and conflict with sin. Christian belief in that "stupendous event" consequently rests, not on tradition only, but on the congruity of the tradition with the innermost conscience of mankind, which needs and seeks just such divine assistance. The logical fallacy here is that of the "undistributed term." Because divine assistance in some way is needed, is therefore divine assistance in this miraculous way likeliest? Dr. Illingworth accepts the doctrine of the divine immanence, and yet does not entertain its implicate of a divine incarnation in the race of which the Christ as son of Abraham" is the flower.


The question, What is Revelation? he thus answers: "Briefly, that God is Love, and that this is possible, because there is a Trinity of persons within the Godhead, between whom the reciprocity of love can exist, a divine society." If this is so, then, unless there is a Trinity, there is no divine love. Against this conclusion Dr. Illingworth's criterion of "the context" in Christian experience protests-many genuine Christians rejoicing in the divine love, while they discard as tritheism the notion of a divine society within the Godhead.

The central doctrine of Christianity, says Dr. Illingworth, is " that Jesus Christ was God incarnate," and "rests on the claim that Jesus Christ made for himself." This uncritical way of identifying certain statements of Jesus with certain interpretations of them ought by this time to be obsolete. It is notorious that Christian scholars variously understand such a saying as, "I and my Father are one." And when Dr. Illingworth declares it "beyond controversy the belief of St. Paul and St.

John ""that God incarnate had Himself revealed the existence of a Trinity in the Godhead," it seems beyond controversy that he has read into the Apostolic writings the ideas of a later age.

What is Revelation? is a question variously answered. Traditional theology, with its overemphasis on the divine transcendence, conceives of Revelation as coming down into the world from an opened heaven. Modern theology, recognizing the transcendent Deity as immanent in his world, conceives of Revelation as a divine unfolding within the world, the welling up of feeling and thought in seekers after God from his life in the roots of their being. The conception of Revelation underlying Dr. Illingworth's argument is the older of these two. It is an element of weakness in a work whose noble purpose, Christian spirit. intellectual power, and literary finish no dissent should leave without full recognition.

Mr. Selleck's survey of present religious life as related to progress has been adequately characterized, though briefly, in our notices of current publications. It is deserving of special mention here as among the books of formative power, contributing to the change of emphasis now going on in the religious world from ancient affirmations to present obligations, and redeeming the social and ethical interests of religion from long neglect. With a generous appraisal of religious forces now organized, and with a generally hopeful outlook, Mr. Selleck affirms a wide deficiency in ethical sensitiveness and vigor that requires an ethical revival in the churches as the way out of serious

perils. Of this the increasing number of such voices, now no longer crying in a wilderness, is a hopeful presage.

President Hyde's little book, "Jesus" Way," both supplements and simplifies its valuable predecessor, "God's Education of Man." While the age of dogmatic theology is not yet past, with the skepticism that its exaggerations provcke, the simplicity of Christianity, as not a degma but a life, needs all the prominence it can obtain. The emphasis given to this by the Revised Version, representing Christianity in its earliest period as simply "the Way," Dr. Hyde sustains in his exhibition of all the cardinal truths of Christianity: the Fatherhood of God is the central principle of the Way; following the Way is imitating Jesus' translation into human life of the Father's character; the kingdom of heaven is the community of these followers of the Way; faith is the grasp of the Way; repentance, the entrance to it; forgiveness, restoration to it; love, its law; loyalty, its witness; sacrifice, the cost of it; etc. The Christian life is simply the Way in successful operation; it is an experience; to it there is no valid intellectual objection. "If a man is not a Christian, he cannot, in these days of the supremacy of the empirical method, throw the blame on anything so respectable as intellectual difficulties, or conscientious scruples, or theological doubts." He either misunderstands Jesus' way, or prefers some other. Those who inquire for books helpful to friends entangled in mental confusion or prejudice on the subject of religion will hardly find one more satisfactory than this.

Books of the Week

This report of current literature is supplemented by fuller reviews of such books as in the judgment of the editors are of special importance to our readers. Any of these books will be sent by the publishers of The Outlook, postpaid, to any address on receipt of the published price, with postage added when the price is marked “net.”

Advent and Ascension. By D. W. Faunce,

D.D. Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati. 5x71⁄2 in. 215 pages. 75c.

The cardinal thought of this latest of the

author's works is the miraculous character of Christianity, viewed as "a series of events belonging to the earthly career of Jesus Christ." The miraculous character of the beginning and the end of that career, "if duly proved," carry in harmony therewith a miraculous life. This is the point, therefore, to the proof of which the volume is devoted. Dr. Faunce

shows vigor and acuteness in his argument for the virgin birth and the corporeal resurrection and ascension, the two latter regarded as con stituting one event. The argument may be criticised as resting too much on a priori considerations, such as what we might expect God to do, etc.

Canterbury Pilgrims (The): A Comedy. By
Percy Mackaye. The Macmillan Company, New
York. 5x8 in. 210 pages.
Reserved for later notice.

Care and Feeding of Children (The): A Cate-
chism for the Use of Mothers and Children's
Nurses. By L. Emmett Holt, M.D., LL.D. (Third
Edition, Revised and Enlarged.) D. Appleton &
Co., New York. 5x7 in. 149 pages. 75c.
Cartells et Trusts. By Martin Saint-Léon,
Librairie Victor Lecoffre, Paris, France. 4×71⁄4 in.
248 pages.

The author's clear account of the European "cartells" through which producers combine to maintain prices makes his work exceptionally valuable to American students of the trust problem. He discusses, of course, our own trust problem, and his work here also is excellent in temper and in execution. As a factor in the production of wealth the author's judgment is in favor of the trusts, but as a factor in the distribution of wealth he condemns them, and urges strict public control. Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains, as Revealed by Original Printed and Manuscript Records. By John Boyd Thacher. In 3 vols. Illustrated. Vol. I. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. 8x11 in. Orders taken for sets only. Per vol., $9.

This work is the result of long-continued study of manuscripts and early printed volumes, and is printed and published in an exterior form worthy of the subject. On the completion of the three volumes we shall review the work as a whole with some care.

David and Bathshua: A Drama in Five Acts. By Charles Whitworth Wynne. The Knickerbocker Press, New York. 5x8 in. 100 pages. Discourses of Keidansky. By Bernard G. Richards. The Scott-Thaw Co., New York. 5×7% in. 228 pages. $1.25, net.

The smart epigrams and paradoxes of a disillusionized radical of the Ghetto-a mere jester, however, without either the wit or the seriousness of a true satirist.

Electric Wiring: A Primer for the Use of Wiremen and Students. By W. C. Clinton, B.Sc. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 42x7 in. 179 pages. 60c., net.

Teaches how to put in lamp and bell circuits. The practical problems involved are worked out for the benefit of the student, and a good index is added.

Ethics of the Body. By George Dana Boardman. The B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 42X64 in. 154 pages. $1, net.

ary knowledge and taste. Mr. Duffield was for some time instructor of literature at Harvard; and Mr. Fox is a brother of John Fox, Jr., the well-known Kentucky novelist. Felicitas. By Felix Dahn. Translated from the German by Mary J. Safford. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. 5x8 in. 341 pages. $1.50. A tale of a little Roman outpost town at what is now Salzburg. The plot is slight, has little originality, but there is considerable charm in the telling of the story, which is excellently translated.

First Course of Practical Science, with Full Directions for Experiments and Numerous Exercises. By J. H. Leonard, B.Sc. (Home and School Library.) E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 44×7 in. 138 pages. 60c., net.

This manual, prepared for British schools, deals with a few fundamental subjects, such as solids, liquids, the air, heat, filtration, distillation, etc.

French Impressionists (The), 1860-1900. By Camille Mauclair. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 4x6 in. 211 pages. 75c., net. Reserved for later notice.

Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson

(The). By David Miller Dewitt. The Macmillan Co., New York. 6×81⁄2 in. 646 pages. $3, net. Another valuable addition to the now rapidly growing literature of the reconstruction epoch. The author is a warm defender of the impeached President, and finds in his subsequent re-election to the United States Senate, the collapse of the Republican party at the South, and the growing antagonism to negro suffrage, a complete vindication of Mr. Johnson's policy.

In Argolis. By George Horton. Illustrated. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. 52x7% in. 226 pages.

A new, handsomely made edition of a delightful book, upon which The Outlook commented at length a year ago; one of those rare books which deal with modern Greece, with a happy blending of reverence for its past and an intimate knowledge of its present. This book has a delightful quality of humor, and has the interest of a story. In fact, Mr. Horton has interwoven a story element into his description of life, manners, and people in this little Greek town. The volume is furnished with the most

Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady's generous margins, there are a number of

Entrance into the World. By Frances Burney.
In 2 vols. (The Temple Classics.) The Macmillan
Co., New York. 4×6 in.

A very fine edition of one of the earliest English novels of classical quality.

Everyman: A Moral Play. Fox, Duffield & Co., New York. 5x8 in. 43 pages. "Everyman" in book form will be welcomed by the large number of people whose attention has been called to this ancient morality play by its admirable presentation in different cities. This is said to be the fourth reprint since the sixteenth century, and is an admirable piece of work; well printed, on strong paper, from clear type, and with reproductions of old woodcuts. The publication is noteworthy as the initial volume of the new publishing house of Fox, Duffield & Co. The members of this firm are young men, graduates of Harvard University, and men of liter

interesting illustrations, and the book is hand-
somely and substantially bound.
"International" Christian Worker's New

Testament (The): Indexed and Marked by the
Best Methods of Bible Marking on All Subjects
Connected with the Theme of Salvation. The
John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia. 4×5 in. 432

Marked with red lines and letters; an attempt to do for evangelists and mission "workers" what, if they do it at all, they ought to do for themselves. Another crutch.

Keswick Movement (The): In Precept and Practise. The Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York. 3x6% in. 124 pages. 50c., net.

A concise history of this influential religious movement, with an exposition of its characteristic principles and practices. A critique of it, “The Highest Life," was recently published by Armstrong & Son, New York, which

any one desiring to make a thorough study of the subject may find it profitable to consult after reading the present volume.

Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. By William Edward Hartpole Lecky. In 2 vols. (New Edition.) Longmans, Green & Co., New York. 5x72 in. $4.

The new edition of this work brings it to the level of its distinguished author's later knowledge and into harmony with his matured opinion. Many years out of print, Mr. Lecky's "Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland" now stands enlarged, revised, and in a great measure rewritten. It was first published anonymously forty-odd years ago. In 1871 Mr. Lecky published a revised edition under his own name. This attracted attention, not only because of the author's repute, but also because the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church, and the Land Act of 1870, had been recent events. The great popularity of the book, however, was not evident until after Mr. Gladstone's conversion to Home Rule. The Liberal Premier and several members of his Cabinet appealed to Mr. Lecky's work as justifying their policy. Some use, no doubt, might have been plausibly made of Mr. Lecky's persuasion that a distinct national feeling caused a large amount of the Irish discontent. We are not surprised, however, to read Mr. Lecky's protest against the Gladstonian argument that there was any real analogy between the Parliament of 1800 and the Land League Parliament proposed by the Gladstonians-a Parliament morally sure to begin legislation by the plunder of the very classes of which Grattan's Parliament really consisted. The most striking change from the previous edition is in the omission of the sketch of Swift which once began the work. Mr. Lecky has replaced it by an illuminative essay on phases of Irish life during the first half of the eighteenth century. The introduction to the present edition furnishes, however, the most interesting reading of the entire work. Looking back over the past thirty years, Mr. Lecky admits that his forecast in 1871 has been in some respects lamentably falsified. The aspect of Irish politics has totally changed (1) because of the close alliance between Fenianism and Home Rule, once altogether distinct, and (2) because of the success of Parnell and Davitt in combining with these a great agrarian movement. We trust that Mr. Lecky will publish another volume, to contain appreciations of such men as Isaac Butt, Parnell, McCarthy, Redmond, and Russell. We could well spare some of the entire volume devoted to O'Connell to a consideration of these latter-day leaders; but it must be admitted that the student of history, and especially the student of the accurate history which Mr. Lecky writes, will take great satisfaction in the work in its present shape, reflecting as it does the ripe judgment of a great scholar. Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe. By

James A. Harrison. In 2 vols. Illustrated. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York. 5x7 in. Per set, $2.50, net.

These two attractively made volumes present in a separate form Professor Harrison's biog

raphy of Poe, with the collection of letters which appeared in two volumes in the Virginia Edition of Poe, published last autumn. Major's Niece (The). By Sara Van Buren Brugiere and Adeline Brady. The Abbey Press. New York. 52x82 in. 263 pages. $1.25. Mannerings (The). By Alice Brown. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. 5x8 in. 382 pages $1.50.

An unusually well-written story, dealing with character, but full of insight, of discrimination, some rather morbid types of New England of sensitive feeling of nature, and stamped throughout by a high degree of refinement both of thought and of manner; a story which has little in common with the average novel of the day, so superior is it in point of workmanship.

Maria Stuart. By Friedrich Schiller. Edited by Carl Edgar Eggert, Ph.D. (The Lake German Classics.) Scott, Foresman & Co., Chicago. 4% in. 276 pages.

Mission Methods in Manchuria. By John Ross, D.D. The Fleming H. Revell Co., New York 5x8 in. 251 pages. $1, net.

Reserved for later notice.

Mr. Brodrick's Army. By Winston Spencer Churchill, M.P. Arthur L. Humphreys, London, England. 6x9 in. 102 pages. 25c.

New America (The): A Study of the Imperial Republic. By Beckles Willson. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 5x8 in. 268 pages. $2.50, net. This is not literature, nor philosophy, nor political economy, nor history. It is journalism. There are evident signs that it has been thought out in haste, written in haste, and some indications that it has been printed in haste. The author imputes to the President autocratic powers, saying that he might be called "Emperor Theodore of the Empire of America." He bases this on the assumption that the President's command of the administrative system, including control of the offices, is absolute and unqualified, and gives him control over the distribution of a total fund of eighty millions of dollars during his term of office. Of course this entirely ignores the fact that his appointments to office are subject to the approval of the Senate, and that in point of fact they are to a large extent dictated by the Senate. The author misinterprets the insular decisions of the Supreme Court, erroneously stating that the Court ruled that instantly upon the cession of Porto Rico by Spain to the United States that island be came part of America, whereas what the Court ruled was that Porto Rico became a

possession of America, and not a part of it. He assumes that the Constitution is violated because an Electoral Commission was created in 1887 for the purpose of determining a disputed Presidential election by arbitration, instead of settling it by war; violated by the exclusion from the House of the member elected from Utah, though the Constitution explicitly makes the House sole judge of the qualification of its members; violated by the treaty made by the Senate agreeing to give Spain the sum of twenty million dollars for the Philippine Islands without the consent of the lower house, a treaty which could not have gone into effect until the House appro

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