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and continued, with little intermission, till Thursday night. On Monday, the turrets on the top of Libberton church, in this neighbourhood, were also blown down. On Tuesday, an old man and his wife, going home from Gilmerton to Loanhead, were blown into a ditch, and, unable to extricate themselves, unfortunately perished. Two buildings were blown down in Paisley on Thursday; and in Glasgow, and several other places, similar damage was sustained. Large trees were torn up by the roots in various parts of the country, and some bridges in the north were either broken down, or completely carried off by the flooding of the streams. On the coasts, the violence of the gale was attended with more melancholy effects: the loss of shipping and lives having been very great.

Glasgow Mortality Bill.—It appears by this document that the number of burials in the city and suburbs of Glasgow, in the year 1817, was 2757; being a decrease, compared with the deaths in 1816, of 521. In the year 1816, 212 died in the city of the measles; in 1817, only 32, being a decrease, on that malady alone, of 180; and, if this disease has been equally mild in the suburbs, which we believe to be the case, the whole decrease may be attributed to the mildness in that particular complaint. The number of funerals in the city and suburbs, for 1815, was 2717, being 40 less than in 1817.

16. Twelve mails were this day due at Belfast from Donaghadee, the boisterous west and south-west winds having prevented vessels from getting out of Portpatrick harbour.


22.-Combination.-It appears that a combination had existed among the colliers in the counties of Lanark, Ayr, Renfrew, Dumbarton, Stirling, Clackmannan, and Linlithgow having for its object a rise of wages. As Tollcross was the focus of the conspiracy, a warrant was granted by the Sheriff, and early on Saturday morning it was executed by a party of peace officers, aided by a detachment of dragoons, who seized Gray Dennistoun Edmiston, and secured a vast number of books and papers belonging to the association. Edmiston

has since been admitted to bail.

A bookseller in Paisley having sold a set of the Scots Magazine from its commencement, consisting of 79 volumes, on Monday evening last, placed them on the counter for the purpose of packing them, in order to their being sent to the purchaser, but in a short time he missed the volumes for 1740 and 1741. After due consideration, he was convinced that they had been stolen from the counter, and his chagrin and vexation were extreme, as these volumes could not be replaced for money, the present sale was lost, and the

work greatly reduced in value to a new purchaser. He gave immediate notice to the police and his brother booksellers, but with little hope of seeing them again. In less than half an hour, however, he had the satisfaction to receive them, after they had gone through four different hands, viz. the thief, the resetter, the depositary, and the police.

20.-A Liverpool paper of this date says," We are happy to inform the public, that, by the wise recommendations of some of our principal physicians, and active exertions of our parish officers, no less than 2880 apartments, cellars, &c. the abodes of the poor of Liverpool, have been cleansed and white-washed; and 533 have also been fumigated, after having been vi sited by contagious fevers. Estimating that five persons, on an average, may inhabit each of these abodes, an important service has thus been rendered to 17,065 human beings.

Affecting Incident.-- A fishing-boat of Newhaven, ncar Leith, having been lost in the Frith of Forth on Tuesday the 20th inst. about sixty fishermen were yesterday employed in the melancholy search for the bodies of the sufferers. While one of the boats was dredging within a few yards of the spot where the accident had happened, and a brother of one of the sufferers, of the name of Hume, was anxiously looking over the side, the body in quest of which he had been most earnestly engaged, came to the surface of the water so suddenly, and with such a force, that the faces of the two brothers came almost in contact. This incident so deeply affected the surviving brother, that he fainted away.

M. de Kasadowlew, Minister of the Interior of his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia, has transmitted, through the medium of his Excellency Count Lieven, his Imperial Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of London, a very elegant and massive gold medal, presented by the Imperial Free Economical Society of St Petersburgh, to Mr James Smith, of Deanston Works, near Stirling, as a mark of the esteem with which they regard his invention of the reaping machine, a model of which was some time ago presented to the Minister of the Interior by Mr Smith, through the medium of Dr Hamel, of Russia, and after which model the Society have had a machine made.

Vaccination. Since the great discovery of vaccination, no fewer than 14,535 children have been vaccinated at the Edinburgh Public Dispensary alone, besides a great number at the New Town Dispensary, in all of which the inoculation has taken place with the greatest facility and mildness.

Importation of Port Wine.-The quantity of port wine shipped at Oporto for the United Kingdom in 1817, was as follows:For England, 19,400 pipes-Scotland, 2500

and Ireland, 4500. The quantities shipped for other countries may be also worthy of record in this place, viz. France, 34 pipes -Holland, 45 Sweden, 8-Hamburgh, 147-Denmark, 54-Prussia, 33-Russia, 212-North America, 71-Gibraltar, 58— Netherlands, 1-Genoa, 81- New Orleans, 3.In all, 27,147 pipes. Typhus Fever-The city of Armagh is now pretty free from the typhus fever; but it is still making great ravages in other parts of Ireland. Within a short time, 91 persons have died of it in the townland of Carnoon, county of Donegal, and the disease continues unabated in many parts of that county. The entire inhabitants of several houses in the townland just mentioned have fallen victims to the contagion, and numbers of the poor are, we lament to learn, in want of almost every thing likely to stop its progress. It has likewise made considerable ravages in Findhorn and Burghead, and is pow communicated to Forres, in Scotland. About the year 1798, a fever of a description similar to that now so fatally prevalent in Ireland, raged in Edinburgh, and was peculiarly severe among the young. Without being generally known or adopted, in medical practice, yeast was then in some cases resorted to, and with the happiest ef


30.-Queensberry Legacies.-The important cause between the Duke of Buccleuch and the trustees of the late Duke of Queensberry, respecting the leases granted by the latter, which was remitted by the House of Lords to the Court of Session for revision, has been decided against the Duke of Buccleuch. By this judgment a very large sum of money, now standing in the name of the Accomptant-General of the Court of Chancery, will become the property of the legatees under the will of the Duke of Queensberry, should it be affirmed by the House of Lords. The whole of the funds left by his Grace, with the accumulated interest since his death, now amount to upwards of a million sterling!

31.-State Prisoners.-About the beginning of this month, Lord Sidmouth signed warrants for discharging all the remaining state prisoners, upon giving their own recognizances to appear at the Court of King's Bench on the beginning of the 'term, to answer any charge which might be brought against them. With this condition they all complied except two London prisoners, Mr Evans, senior and junior, and a man from Manchester. The Messrs Evans continuing firm in their refusal to accept of a conditional liberation, Lord Sidmouth ordered them on the 20th to be set at liberty without any stipulation whatever; and in the Court of King's Bench this morning, on the motion of the Attorney-General, the other prisoners were discharged from the recognizances into which they had entered.


2.-Union Canal.-A third of the line of canal between Edinburgh and Glasgow, westward from Edinburgh, is now contracted for; and the operations, which will soon commence, will have a beneficial effeet on labour.

5.-Regalia of Scotland.-The examination of the Crown-room and chest, supposed to contain the regalia of Scotland, by commissioners appointed by the Prince Regent, took place yesterday at one o'clock, and was attended with complete success. Nothing was found in the room but a large oblong oaken chest. The commissioners directed the chest to be forced open, which was effected with much difficulty. It was found to contain the Crown, Sceptre, and Sword of State of Scotland, in a state of perfect and splendid preservation. There was also a silver rod of office, of which the peculiar use is not yet ascertained. So soon as the existence of these venerable and precious reliques was ascertained, the Royal Standard was hoisted, and the soldiers cheered a salute, which was heartily echoed from the Castle-Hill. The regalia were replaced in the chest, which was again properly secured, until a report can be made to the Prince Regent on the subject, when it is expected that his Royal Highness will authorize the public exhibition of these ancient emblems of the national independence of Scotland.*

Buildings on the North Bridge, Edin burgh. In the case which has been for

some time before the Court of Session re

garding these buildings, (see page 486 of last volume,) a majority of the Court on Tuesday agreed to pass the bills of susPension, but without interdicts. The question is thus left open for deliberate inquiry into the right of servitude claimed by the proprietors of Prince's Street over the ground on which the buildings in question


The Fife Cause.-This important case, which has excited great interest in Scotland, as involving property to a large amount, has been decided by the Court of Session, in favour of the Earl of Fife. The late James Earl of Fife, his uncle, had acquired in his life-time by purchase, estates to the value of upwards of L. 20,000 a year, which he conveyed to trustees, the rents of which were to accumulate for an indefinite period, excluding his nephew and heir at law, the present Earl, from any future benefit whatever in those estates. An action was brought before the Supreme Court in Scotland for

As soon as the report of the commissioners can be made public, we hope to be enabled to present it to our readers, along with some curious historical notices of these interesting and splendid reliques.

reducing the deeds, on the ground, that in the year 1808, when they were executed, his Lordship was so blind as not to be able to read any written instrument or printed book; and that they were not read over to him, and signed in the presence of all the subscribing witnesses, as the law of Scotland requires. These allegations were last year found proved by verdicts in the Jury Court; and Lord Pitmilly, the Lord Ordinary on this cause, has now applied the law to those verdicts, (after pleadings at bar and full memorials,) by a judgment, reducing the deeds of entail and of trust challenged, and decerning, in terms of the libel, in favour of the present Noble Lord.

Scottish Burgh Reform. We observe, from the proceedings of Parliament, that Lord A. Hamilton has given notice of a motion on this important subject. Since our last publication, the burgesses of Jedburgh, Sanquhar, Wigton, and Dysart, have expressed their sentiments in unison with the inhabitants of other towns already noticed; and the Magistrates of Jedburgh have agreed to join their fellow citizens in an application to Parliament. Most of the Incorporations in Glasgow have now passed resolutions on the subject, and the Glasgow Chronicle says, that "most of the enlightened mem"bers of the Town Council are decidedly in favour of an amendment in the set of "the burgh." On the 2d instant the Incorporation of Hammermen of Edinburgh voted L. 50 out of their funds in aid of the litigation now in progress to set aside the late election of Magistrates; and on the 6th the inhabitants of Dumfries transmitted a petition to be presented to Parliament, praying for an alteration in the set of that burgh.

High Life below Stairs. A gentleman in Cochrane Street, Glasgow, having received private information that his maidservants were frequently in the practice of acting high life below stairs, got two policeofficers into his house on Wednesday night; and having gone down with them about eleven o'clock, he found his two servants very comfortably seated, with their two lovers, at a table well furnished with eatables, and with four bottles of wine, one of rum, and one of whisky. There were four spare covers and glasses, from which it was supposed that another quartette was expected, more particularly as the silver candlesticks of the family were used on the occasion. The whole of the party were carried off to the police office; and, upon a farther search, duplicates of most of the keys of the house were found in the trunk of one of the girls, whose lover is a smith to trade.

Singular Accident.-A very remarkable accident took place on Tuesday afternoon. As two young lads of Alloa were walking on a very dangerous part on the top of the tower of Clackmannan, the height of which is about ninety feet, a sudden gust of wind came, which suddenly precipitated the two lads down the fore wall; but they both alighted on a cart of hay, which happened to be passing at the time, and fortunately were more afraid than hurt.

Mr William Muir of Kelso has, by a very simple process, constructed an apparatus which produces gas sufficient to supply ten different burners, the flame of each far surpassing that of the largest candle, and which completely illuminates his shop, work-shop, and dwelling-house, with the most pure pellucid brightness, the cost of which is only about threepence per night. Wax-cloth bags have been invented, which, when inflated with gas, are removed at pleasure from place to place, and, when ignited, they answer all the purposes of candles.

10. New Churches.-A respectable meeting (consisting of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops of London, Gloucester, Chester, and Llandaff, and, indeed, nearly the whole bench of Bishops, together with the Duke of Northumberland, Lord Sidmouth, and about 25 lay peers) was held on Friday, at the Free-masons' Tavern, London, for the purpose of forming a Society, and raising a fund in aid of an intended Parliamentary grant for building churches. Several appropriate resolutions were passed.

Savings Banks. These establishments are rapidly increasing throughout the country. It appears from returns lately made to the House of Commons, that, from the 6th of August 1817, to the 5th January 1818, no less a sum than L. 325,054 has been received by the Commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, from the trustees of the Saving Banks in Great Britain, to be applied in the purchase of stock for the subscribers. This sum has purchased L. 376,733 of three per cent. stock.

Royal Marriages.The marriage of the Duke of Cambridge to the Princess of Hesse is said to be fixed for the 24th instant. The Princess Elizabeth is to be united to Prince Frederick Joseph Louis of Hesse Hombourg, who is hereditary Prince, and in his 49th year. The reigning Duke is in his 71st year. The Princess will have a marriage portion of L. 40,000, and her annual income is L. 15,000. Report also says, that a matrimonial negociation is on foot between the Duke of Clarence and a Princess of Denmark; but which of the ladies it does not mention. The King's daughter is 25 years of age; the daughters of his uncle are both older, and are widows.


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue in the Years and Quarters ended 5th January 1817 and 1818.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

Total War Taxes......

11,185,584 1,268,458 1,292,205

16,656,024 4,365,770 2,073,389 1,157,205

Total Net Revenue...] £57,360,694 £47,277,450||£13,831,181 £13,667,012



Acts passed in the 57th Year of the Reign of George III. or in the Fifth Session of the Fifth Parliament of the United Kingdom.

CAP. CXII. To amend an Act of the 25th year of the reign of his present Majesty, for better regulating the office of Treasurer of his Majesty's Navy, as far as respects the Mode of Applications for certain services in the Victualling Department.—July 11, 1817.

CAP. CXIII. To prevent the further Circulation of Dollars and Tokens issued by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England for the Convenience of the Public July 11.

Circulation of Bank dollars and tokens to cease after March 25, 1818, upon penalty for each dollar so uttered, of forfeiting not more than L.5, nor less than 40s. ; but they may be presented at the Bank till March 25, 1820.

CAP. CXIV. To continue until the 1st day of August 1818, two Acts of his present Majesty, allowing the bringing of Coals, Culm, and Cinders to London and Westminster. July 11.

CAP. CXV. To extend the Provisions of an Act of the 12th year of his late Majesty King George I. and an Act of the 22d year of his late Majesty King George II. against payment of Labourers in Goods or by Truck, and to secure their Payment in the lawful Money of the Realm, to Labourers employed in the Manufacture of Articles made of Steel, or of Steel and Iron combined, and Plated Articles, or of other Articles of Cutlery.-July 11.

CAP. CXVI. For limiting the Time now allowed by Law for the Production of the

Certificate of due Delivery of Goods removed from one Warehousing Port in Great Britain to another for the Purpose of Exportation; for altering the hours for Shipping Goods in the Port of London; and to empower Officers of the Customs and Excise to permit the Removal of Goods from one Bonding Warehouse to another in the same Port.-July 11.

CAP. CXVII. To regulate the issuing of Extents in Aid.-July 11.

CAP. CXVIII. For authorizing the Executors or Administrators of deceased licensed Navy Agents to receive Prize Money, Bounty Money, and other Allowances of Money upon Orders given to such deceased Agents.--July 11.

CAP. CXIX. To exempt British and Irish Stone Bottles made and used for the sole purpose of containing Liquid Blacking, from the Duties of Excise on Stone Bottles granted by an Act of this Session of Parliament. July 11.

CAP. CXX. To authorize the Court of Directors of the East India Company to make extraordinary Allowance in certain cases to the Owners of certain Ships in the Service of the said Company.-July 11.

CAP. CXXI. For regulating Payments to the Treasurer of the Navy under the Heads of Old Stores and Imprests. July 11,

CAP. CXXII. To extend the Provisions of an Act of the 12th year of his late Majesty King George I. and an Act of the 22d year of his late Majesty King George II. against Payment of Labourers in Goods or by Truck, and to secure their Payment in the lawful Money of this Realm, to Labourers employed in the Collieries or in the working and getting of Coal in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and for extending the Provisions of the said Acts to Scotland and Ireland. July 11.

CAP. CXXIII. For imposing a Duty of Excise on the Excess of Spirits made from Corn in England above the Proportion of Nineteen Gallons of Spirits for every One Hundred Gallons of Wash; and for further securing the Duties on Wort or Wash made for distilling Spirits in Eng land, and for authorizing the Shipment of Rum for Stores in Casks containing Sixty Gallons.-July 11.

CAP. CXXIV. To amend an Act made in the present Session of Parliament, for authorizing the Issue of Exchequer Bills, and the advance of Money for carrying on Public Works and Fisheries, and Employ. ment of the Poor.-July 11.

CAP. CXXV. To authorize the driving and keeping a Hackney Coach or Chariot under the same Licence. July 11.

CAP. CXXVI. To repeal an Act passed in the 54th year of his present Majesty, for the Punishment of Persons destroying Stocking or Lace Frames and Articles in

such Frames; and to make until the 1st day of August 1820, other Provisions in lieu thereof.-July 11.

CAP. CXXVII. To settle the share of Prize Money, Droits of Admiralty and Bounty Money payable to Greenwich Hospital, and for securing to the said Hospital all unclaimed Shares of Vessels found derelict and of Seizures for Breach of Revenue,olonial, Navigation, and Slave Abolition Laws. July 11.

CAP. CXXVIII. For extending the Exemptions from the Duties granted by certain Acts of the 43d and 45th years of his present Majesty's Reign; and for altering the Manner of claiming and ascertaining the Exemptions to be granted.-July 1).

CAP. CXXIX. For vesting in his Majesty a certain Part of the Open Commons and Waste Lands within the Manor or Royalty of Rialton and Retraighe, alias Reterth, in the Parish of St Columb Major, in the County of Cornwall.-July 11.

CAP. CXXX. To encourage the Establishment of Banks for Savings in England. July 12.

The rules of each of these institutions to be entered in a book and a copy deposited with the clerk of the peace. Officers not to have any benefit in the institution. Friendly Societies may subscribe any portion of their funds into the funds of Provident Institutions. Treasurers to give security if required. The effects of the institutions to be vested in trustees for the time being without fresh assignment, who may bring and defend actions. Money not to be placed out on personal security. The Bank of England on receiving L. 50 from any Saving Bank shall open an account in the name of the Commissioners for National Debt, who shall issue debentures in favour of such Saving Bank, bearing interest at 3d. per cent. per day. To obtain the privilege of paying money into the Bank of England, no person shall be allowed to pay into the saying bank more than L. 100 in the first year, and L. 50 every year afterwards.

CAP. CXXXI. For the better regulation of Polls, and for making other Provisions touching the Election of Members to serve in Parliament for Places in Ireland. July 12.

CAP. CXXXII. For applying certain Moneys therein mentioned for the Service of the Year 1817, and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.

The number of public general Acts
passed in this Session is
Local and Personal Acts declared

Private Acts, printed
Private Acts, not printed





Total 200

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