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State banks, a memorial from, on the state of the curren-
cy, 2246.

Steam engine, a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy
to have experiments made on, read third time
and passed, 4798.

Stevenson, Mr. Speaker's, resignation, (See Resignation,)
Stevenson, the Hon. Andrew, thanks of the House return-
ed to him as Speaker of the House, 4798.

Taunton river, a memorial praying for the removal of ob-
structions in it, 2292.

Territorial bills, in relation to Michigan, Florida, and
Arkansas, 4381; passed.

Transylvania University, a petition for land, 2168.
Troy, New York, memorial approving of the course of
the adminstration, 3521.

Union county, Pennsylvania, memorial praying Congress
to devise measures to restore prosperity to the
country, 3642.

United States Treasury Bank, a proposition for authori-.
zing an issue of $15,000,000 in Treasury notes,
4481; motion negatived.

Vermont memorials remonstrating against removal of de-
posites, 3517.

Virginia resolutions against the removal of the deposites,

War, remuneration for lost property, (See Remuneration.)
Warehousing system, a memorial from the merchants of
New York, 2713.

Warren county, Ohio, memorial praying for the restora-
tion of the deposites, 3535.

Washington and Athens counties, Ohio, memorials on the
distressed state of the country, 4249.
Washington, a bill for the benefit of the city of, 4397;
passed, 4793.

Insurance Company, a bill to incorporate it, 4412;

a bill making appropriations for the public build-
ings and grounds, 4413.

Washington's manuscripts, a bill to enable the Secretary

of State to purchase the books and papers of
General Washington, 4781; passed, 4796.

a portrait of, additional payment for it to Mr. Van-
derlyn, 4787.

Wayne county, Indiana, memorial for the restoration of
the deposites, 4499.

West Point Military Institution, a resolution instructing
the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire in-
to the expediency of abolishing it, 2549.
the bill making appropriation for the academy,
passed, 4790.

Wheeling memorial complaining of the pressure of the
times, 2894.

Windham, Vermont, memorial on the embarrassments of
the currency, 3943.

Wirt, Mr., his death announced, 2757.
Woodstock, Vermont, resolutions on the removal of the
deposites, 3021.

Worcester, Massachusetts, memorial in relation to the
distresses of the country, 3017.

Yeas and nays, on laying on the table the memorial of the
Government, 2182.


removal of deposites, 2184, 2206.
case of Noah Fletcher, 2375.
appropriation bill, 2500, 2560.

West Point Military Academy, 2549.

referring the memorial of the New York mer-
chants, 2610.

referring the memorial on pension agency, 2627.
the resolution for extending the pension laws,

a resolution respecting the Creek Indians, in Ala-
bama, 2708.

questions relating to the removal of the deposites,

considering a resolution for the reduction of the
revenue, 2825.

the previous question on the deposite resolutions,

deposite resolutions, 3474 to 3477.
general appropriation bill, S551.

suspending the rules of the House, 3679, 3682,


resolution for equalizing salaries, 3681.
amendment to the general appropriation bill, 4007,
4016, 4021.

Oneida county, New York, memorial, 4036.
question fixing the adjournment of the session,

4079, 4334.
questions on the disputed election between Messrs.
Letcher and Moore, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367,
resolutions in relation to the public treasure, 4430.
resolutions in relation to the public deposites, 4468,
the passage of the deposite bill, 4760.
Pennsylvania, resolutions approving the course of
the administration, 3136.

memorial praying for a restoration of the deposites,
3533, 4186.
proceedings against the removal of the deposites,
&c., 4038.

Yorktown monument, a memorial in favor of erecting one,
in conformity with a resolution of Congress in
1781, 4040.

[blocks in formation]

Adams, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the sums denominated | Ashley, Mr., on harbor bill, 4137, 4140, 4143, 4144, 4544,
"unavailable fund," 2784.

the Massachusetts resolutions, 2970, 2971, 3009.
army appropriation bill, 2989, 2993.
resolution for the purchase of books, 3001.
resolution calling for copies of bank charters, 3271,

general appropriation bill, 3543, 3546, 3574, 3575,
3755, 3757, 3758, 3761, 3762, 3771, 3775, 3777,
3849, 3871, 3882, 3883, 3904, 3913, 3920, 3926,
4021, 4402, 4403, 4406, 4407, 4457, 4459.
deposite bank bill, 3752.

convention with France, 3974.
navy regulations, 4006.

Indian annuity bill, 4070.

resolutions proposed as a substitute for those re-
ported by a majority of the committee of inves-
tigation, 4320.

adjournment, 4331.

[blocks in formation]

Territorial bills, 4386.

lead mines bill, 4388, 4389.

pre-emption rights, 4479.
Indian affairs, 4566, 4763.

4569, 4694, 4695.

Banks, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the disputed election of
Letcher and Moore, 3967.
Mifflin county memorial, 4039.

Kentucky election, 4201, 4202, 4335, 4374, 4379,`
4380, 4431, 4432.
Barringer, Mr., (North Carolina) on the appropriation
bill, 2496.

Bank United States and pension agency, 2616.
the fortification bill, 2755.

resolution for purchasing books, 3003.

general appropriation bill, 3574, 5653, 3654, 4002.
convention with France, 3972.

printing bank reports, 4266.

Kentucky election, 4380.

Barnitz, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the York resolutions and

memorial, 3136, 3533.

York proceedings, 4038.

York memorial, 4186, 4242.

[blocks in formation]


Mr., (Tennessee) on the appropriation bill, 2497,
pension agency, 2627.


adjournment, 4070.

notice of the death of Mr. Bouldin, his colleague,

general appropriation bill, 3563, 3756, 3870, 3875,
3895, 3915, 3920, 3933.

convention with France, 3971, 3974, 3975.

Cumberland road bill, 4506.

harbor bill, 4561, 4563.

gold coin bill, 4673.

pensions to French seamen, 4704.

Western Indian Territory bill, 4775.

bill for purchasing General Washington's manu-
scripts, 4781.

Ashley, Mr., (Missouri) on Berks county memorial, 2782.
the deposite question, 2962.

the military appropriation bill, 2985, 2999, 3000.
general appropriation bill, 3849, 3869.
Indian appropriation bill, 4068, 4070, 4080.

VOL. X.-3

New York and New Jersey boundary line, 4336.

Binney, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the removal of the de-
posites, 2173, 2320.

memorial of the president of the bank, 2207.
memorial of State banks, 2246.

memorial of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, 2299.
United States Bank and pension agency, 2621.
Philadelphia memorials, 2697, 3132, 3528.
Berks county memorial, 2775, 2779.
Pennsylvania memorials, 2832.

appropriation bill, 3566, 3573, 3580, 3767, 3895.
Union county memorial, 3642.
deposite bank bill, 3753.

harbor bill, 4145.


specie tender bill, 3906.

Binney, Mr., on Kentucky disputed election, 4240, 4451, | Cambreleng, Mr., on memorial for relief of Polish exiles
gold coin bill, 4498, 4662, 4673.
Blair, Mr., (South Carolina) on extending the pension

act, 2245.

the army commissariat bill, 2754.

Boon, Mr., (Indiana) on resolution for an adjournment,


general appropriation bill, 3770, 4002.
resolution for adjournment, 4041, 4071, 4074.
adjournment, 4321.

[blocks in formation]

adjournment, 4073, 4076, 4326.
Cumberland road bill, 4526.


Carmichael, Mr., (Maryland) on the Prince George me-

[blocks in formation]

removal of the deposites, 2170, 2735, 2736, 2957.

Bank of the United States, 2208.

extending the pension act, 2244, 2245.

case of Noah Fletcher, 2373.

United States Bank and pension agency, 2620.

bill in favor of Susan Decatur, 2762, 3818.
Sandy and Beaver canal, 2927.

army appropriation bill, 2955.

resolution for purchasing books, 3005.

Rhode Island memorials, 3517.

general appropriation bill, 3547, 3574, 3575, 3599,

3657, 3755, 3801, 3901, 3998.

Brandenburg memorial, 3839.

adjournment, 4075, 4328.

bill for the benefit of Washington, 4412.
Kentucky disputed election, 4455.
Cumberland road bill, 4527.

harbor bill, 4696.

deposite bill, 4759.

Choate, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the public deposites,3272.
Clark, Mr., (New York) on the Seneca Falls memorial,


Clay, Mr., (Alabama) on resolutions on the President's
message, 2168, 2169.

on reducing the price of public lands, 2245.
case of Noah Fletcher, 2370.

Elliot's Debates, 2376.

appropriation bill, 2500.

Bank United States and pension agency, 2618.

the case of Hardeman Owens, 2712, 2713, 2734.
removal of the deposites, 2868, 3138.

Sandy and Beaver canal, 2924.

Territorial bills, 4382.

pre-emption rights, 4470, 4836.

public land bill, 4522.

harbor bill, 4685, 4686.

[blocks in formation]

Ellsworth, Mr., on the public deposites, 2956, 3259.
printing bank reports, 4265, 4270.
adjournment, 4321,

[blocks in formation]

Duncan, Mr., (Illinois) on the army appropriation bill,

compensation for lost property in late war, 3635.
Territorial bills, 4386, 4387.
lead mines bill, 4388, 4389.

pre-emption rights, 4474.
Cumberland road bill, 4528.
deposite bill, 4710, 4745.

Dunlap, Mr., (Tennessee) on the fortification bill, 4586.
Ellsworth, Mr., (Connecticut) on the contested Kentuc-
ky elections, 2147.

Elliot's Debates, 2376.

slavery in the District, 2539.

public land bill, 4522.

Cumberland road bill, 4535, 4536.
fortification bill, 4706, 4707.

Evans, Mr., of Maine, on the Maine resolutions, 2573.
Bangor memorial, 2767.

Gardiner ditto, 3640, 3715.

general appropriation bill, 3757, 3796, 3892, 3920.
harbor bill, 4137, 4576, 4602.

Hallowell memorial, 4256.

bill for the benefit of Washington, 4412.

Everett, Mr., of Massachusetts, on the appropriation bill,
2494, 2495, 2544, 2559.
fortification bill, 2757, 4583, 4705, 4709.
army appropriation bill, 2954, 2955, 2991.
general appropriation bill, 3545.

compensation for lost property in the late war,

Salem memorial, 3645.

printing bank reports, 4268.

public buildings and grounds, 4413.


Everett, Mr., of Vermont, on extending the pension act,

appropriation bill, 2496, 2560.
Berks county memorial, 2781.
Indian appropriations, 2786.

Woodstock resolutions, 3021.


army appropriation bill, 2981, 2983, 2983, 2998.
the deposite question, 2963.

general appropriation bill, 5550, 3660, 3775, 3796,

3894, 4017.

Indian annuity bill, 4070.

adjournment, 4073, 4324, 4325.

report on Indian affairs, 4200.
Territorial bills, 4386.

pre-emption rights, 4473.

harbor bill, 4567, 4683.

fortification bill, 4705.

Western Indian Territory, 4764, 4777.
Creek treaty bill, 4779.

Ewing, Mr., of Indiana, on the expediency of a national

currency, 2220.

public lands on the Wabash, 2542.

Berks county memorial, 2781.

removal of the deposites, 2870, 4405.
national currency, 3538.

appropriation bill, 3550, 3994, 4017.
District banks, 3750.

adjournment, 4075.

harbor bill, 4148, 4531, 4532, 4569, 4701.

Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4395.

public buildings and grounds, 4413.

Military Academy, 4483, 4498.

Cumberland road bill, 4512, 4527, 4536, 4561.

on the gold coin bill, 4667.

[blocks in formation]

Foot, Mr., of Connecticut, on the removal of the depos- Grennell, Mr., on Wayne county (Indiana) memorial,
ites, 2189, 2202.

appropriation bill, 2461, 2494, 2557, 2560.

memorial from Connecticut, 2724.

fortification bill, 4584.

4502, 4503-

proceedings at New Haven in favor of recharter- Hall, Mr., of Vermont, on the Windham memorial, 3943-
ing Bank United States, 2773.
Hall, Mr., of North Carolina, on reducing the revenue,
Washington bridge bill, 2814.

general appropriation bill, 3572, 3757, 3767, 3776,
3777, 3869, 3870, 3871.
Foster, Mr., of Georgia, on the appropriation bill, 2497,
4016, 4020.
furnishing new members with certain books of ref-
erence, 2569.

pension agency, 2625.

resolution for purchasing books, 3001, 3002.
Territorial bills, 4384.

Kentucky disputed election, 4434.

deposite bank bill, 4622.

[blocks in formation]

the army appropriation bill, 2990.
general appropriation bill, 3544.
North Carolina memorials, 3821.


Hamer, Mr., of Ohio, on the Kentucky election, 4223,
Hannegan, Mr., of Indiana, on the extension of the pen-
sion laws, 2551.

[blocks in formation]

a call for charters of the deposite banks, 3303.
general appropriation bill, 3549, 3573, 3664, 4005.
harbor bill, 4142.

Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4394.

Harper, Mr., of New Hampshire, on the Portsmouth me-
morial, 2715.

memorial from the city and county of Philadelphia,

general appropriation bill, 4005.


Hawes, Mr., of Kentucky, on the contested election of

[blocks in formation]

Heath, Mr., of Maryland, memorial from merchants of
Baltimore, 2729.

on public deposites, 3676.

Henderson, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the proceedings of
a meeting at Bellefonte, 3537.

Hiester, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the Pennsylvania memo-
rials, 2831, 3129.

Hubbard, Mr., of New Hampshire, on the contested Vir-
ginia election, 2151, 2159.

West Point Academy, 2550.
appropriation bill, 2557, 2560, 3766.
the extension of the pension laws, 2561.
memorial of the New York merchants, 2603.

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