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sation between Mr. FILLMORE and Mr. HAWES, was laid aside.

[JUNE 16, 1854.

that it is signed by so large and respectable a number of the freemen of my district, and that the statements of the The committee then rose and reported all the bills to memorialists are uncontradicted by counter memorials; this, taken in connexion with the time which elapsed the House. The bill to reappropriate an unexpended balance of a since this memorial was transmitted to this place, had much former appropriation for the payment of the Georgia mi-influence in directing my votes, recently given, upon the litia claims for the years 1792, 1793, and 1794, was order-resolutions of the Senate, which, by the decision of this ed to a third reading, read a third time immediately, House, now sleep upon your table. passed, and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Mr. POLK gave notice that on Monday he would move
that, instead of receiving petitions and memorials, the
House proceed with the appropriation bills.
The House then adjourned.


Mr. POLK asked the unanimous consent of the House to take up, for final disposition, the appropriation bills lying on the Speaker's table to be engrossed.

The memorial is from the most populous, and one of the oldest counties of the State I have the honor, in part, to represent. It is signed by 1841 of my immediate constituents; a majority, I believe, of the legal voters of that county. They are composed of farmers, mechanics, manufacturers, merchants, lawyers, physicians, and of every profession and pursuit incident to that section of the country, and are emigrants from almost every State in the Union. In looking over the names of the memorialists, I find that a large proportion are of that class of citizens who seldom participate in the party conflicts of the day. If Mr. GRENNELL said, as this was probably the only they vote at all, which they do not always do, they apday left for the presentation of petitions, he must object.proach the polls silently, vote, and return to their various Mr. HARDIN inquired if the honorable chairman of occupations, without meddling with others, or obtruding the Committee of Ways and Means did not know that their political sentiments on their neighbors with a view this day was set apart for that purpose? to influence their suffrages. They are of that denominaFriends," whose opinions are tion of citizens called " seldom formed or exercised for party purposes; they procced from due deliberation, intelligent, cool heads, and honest hearts, and are therefore entitled to much weight and consideration.

Mr. POLK replied he knew it very well; but, under the state of the public business, and if objections were made, he must move a suspension of the rule to enable him to take up these bills.

Mr. BURGES. Pray let us not turn a deaf ear to the There is another class of citizens whose names are atpetitions of our constituents, and let us hear the voice of a suffering people. Their petitions have been lying on tached to this memorial, who are entitled to equal reour table, unacted upon, some of them for nearly five spect; and who, in point of intelligence, integrity, and weeks. Is it not of more consequence to them to hear patriotism, would not lose by a comparison with the peotheir voice, than to undertake to dispose of their money? ple of any section of this Union. Many of these men were Mr. POLK modified his proposition, so as to move to the first settlers of that region of country, and among have the rule suspended to take up the appropriation them I recognise distinguished names who were associa bills at half past one o'clock; which motion, after a de-ted, in times of great peril, with that eminent and gallant sultory discussion, in which Mr. SUTHERLAND, Mr. POLK, general (Wayne) from whom the county of their res2They belong to both political Mr. VINTON, Mr. CHILTON, Mr. GRENNELL, Mr. WAYNE, dence takes its name. and Mr. DENNY, participated, prevailed: Ayes 125,

noes 38.



Sir, said Mr. McC., a majority of the memorialists are no political friends of mine; but they are my constituents, WAYNE COUNTY (IND.) MEMORIAL. and, although differing in some degree from me upon The House proceeded to the consideration of the me this subject, I have thought it due to them to say thus morial of 1841 inhabitants of Wayne county, Indiana, for much in reference to the influence and respect which I the restoration of the deposites and recharter of the claim for their opinions in this House. They remonstrate Bank of the United States, which was the unfinished bu-against the course taken by the Executive in the removal of the deposites from the Bank of the United States, Mr. McCARTY rose and addressed the Chair as follows: believing, they say, that it was an assumption of power Sir, said Mr. McC., when I presented this memorial, not authorized by the constitution, and a violation of the and asked its postponement to a certain day-and which, contract between the Government and the bank; produ by the business of the House, has been postponed till now,-cing, they allege, unexampled individual distress, and a it was with a view to await other testimonials and expres- total loss of confidence in the circulating medium of the sions of public opinion on this subject, from other coun- country; and that, consequent upon this state of thing, ties comprising the district I have the honor to represent all the staple commodities of the country have undergone on this floor. I had expected that inasmuch as the sub-a decline in value. Business and improvements are at: ject of the currency, always of the deepest importance to stand; and great sacrifices are made in order to fulfi a well-regulated community, had been agitated there in previous engagements. They ask for a recharter of the such a manner as to call forth an expression of public opin-bank, with such modifications as Congress may thin ion of so large and respectable a portion of my constitu- proper to make; and also that the deposites be restore. It is not, said Mr ents-of the largest county, not only of the district, but to the Bank of the United States. the State-that the surrounding counties would have McC., my purpose to discuss the merits of this question manifested some indication of their sentiments or feel- It has been ably, cloquently, and profoundly examined ings on the subject; but in this anticipation I have been in both branches of Congress, by more experienced head disappointed. I was the more desirous of obtaining an than mine; and, in my opinion, much has been unneces expression of something like the sentiments of the ma-sarily said on both sides; nay, the subject has literall jority of my immediate constituents, because this memo- been exhausted and worn out, until the heart almost sich rial contains sentiments not entirely in accordance with ens at the very recital of the question. But justice my own opinions, and because I stand committed to the myself, from the attitude in which I am placed by th people I represent, to obey their instructions on this very question.

It is true, said Mr. McC., that this memorial does not emanate from a majority of my constituents; but the fact

memorial, and those I represent, seem to require that should say something in explanation of the course I hav felt it my duty to pursue in reference to this subjec I am now, and ever have been, opposed to the Unit

JUNE 16, 1934.]

Wayne county (Ind.) Memorial.

[H. OF R.

States Bank as at present chartered; though I am clearly administration, and that, for two or three months past, of opinion that a national bank is absolutely necessary, there had been much excitement in that section of the both as a safe and convenient fiscal agent of the Govern- country; he had no doubt but that this excitement was, ment, and a salutary regulator of the currency, as also to in some measure, produced by the unexampled exertions afford a sound par circulating medium throughout the of political partisans, who, no doubt, were anxious to country. Sir, I have never entertained any other opinion make the people believe that they were really distressed. upon this subject. Though I always have been and The manner in which he had reason to believe the still am opposed to the present charter, my opposition is names of some of his constituents were obtained, for the not to the system, but to the uncontrollable power it purpose of furnishing them with these political papers possesses, and may improperly exercise, to say nothing of in favor of the bank, he would now state to the House. what has been done, over the politics of the country. By this morning's mail he had received in a letter from a I would, said Mr. McC., greatly prefer a new bank alto- gentleman of the first respectability, and in whose stategether; for there cannot be a doubt that great and salu-ments the most implicit confidence may be placed, a tary improvements may be made upon the system, were printed paper or circular, which he would now read to Congress rightly disposed. But, if it is found to be im- the House. Here Mr. W. read a paper dated in Februapracticable to create a new bank, I would not hesitate to ry last, at the city of New York, and signed by J. N. vote for a recharter of the present, with proper guards Bolles and two others, requesting the names of the minand modifications; without which I could not, unless in-isters of the gospel, exhorters, elders, deacons, and of structed by my immediate constituents, which instructions moral, influential, public-spirited, and benevolent perthis memorial does not contain. In reference to the pub- sons, for the purpose of transmitting to them a paper lic deposites, simple justice to the bank might possibly containing a circular which they wished to send through require their restoration to its custody; but I am unable the State.

to see how such a restoration would restore the complain- Mr. W. read also an extract from the letter which ened of paralyzed industry, broken confidence, and de- closed the circular, stating that, to the persons whose ranged currency, to their wonted health and vigor. If such names had been furnished agreeably to the request cona state of things really exists; if the bank shall not be re-tained in the circular, there were forwarded from time to chartered, which this House has decided it ought not; and time, and franked by members of Congress, the speeches if the removal of the public moneys from the Bank of the of Mr. Clay and Mr. J. Q. Adams, and the report of Mr. United States has produced this unexampled distress Webster in the Senate, February 5, 1834, from the Comthroughout the country, would not the withdrawal of the mittee on Finance. same amount from the local banks, merely to be again From these facts gentlemen can draw their own conplaced in the United States Bank for the short period of clusions. He knew nothing of the matter himself. He little more than twenty months, the limitation of the pres-only stated the facts as received by him. ent charter, when they must again be withdrawn and vouch for the respectability, bigh character, and moral placed somewhere else, have a tendency to augment that worth of the individual who sent him the circular. All distress? It seems to me that this result cannot be doubt- may be right. Doubtless it was, so far as the names of ed. But upon this point, as upon all others not involving members of this House are concerned. constitutional objections, affecting the interest, prosperity, and happiness of my constituents and the country, i shall feel bound to obey their wishes as soon as they shall be fairly made known to me.

He could

As to distress in his district, he would state that he could say nothing of his own knowledge. He had, however, received letters recently, stating that many kinds of property sold by farmers had not brought a better price since the year 1817. He would state further, that,

York, a bank was incorporated and located at Sackett's Harbor, in his district, with a capital of $200,000; and such was the eagerness to obtain stock, that nearly $600,000 were subscribed. This shows, most conclusively, that there is some money left in the district, notwithstanding the removal of the deposites.

Sir, said Mr. McC., I am no advocate of the local banks as a depository of the public revenue, nor of the at the last session of the Legislature of the State of New absolute control of the Secretary of the Treasury over them. I believe the power legitimately belongs to Congress, and that they owe it to their country, their con stituents, and themselves, to dispose of this subject speedily by positive enactment. I will not, said Mr. McC., detain the flouse at this protracted period of the session, to say as much as I had intended to say upon this subject. Mr. P. C. FULLER said that, in the present condition I move you that the memorial, with the names, be print- of the business of the House, (the rules having been just ed and referred to the committee to which the bill regu-suspended two hours only, for the presentation of petilating the deposites is referred.

Mr. WARDWELL observed that he had not, during this protracted session, occupied the time of the House by saying a word upon the subject of the bank and of the distresses of the country; and he would not, at this time, trouble the House with any remarks, were it not for a most singular communication which he had received from a highly respectable constituent.

tions,) he certainly should not occupy much time either in giving or requiring explanations.

In reference to the charge of having forwarded documents and speeches to persons in the district of his colleague, he would only say he had done so; but to an extent by no means commensurate with his own wishes, or, he believed, with the wishes of no inconsiderable portion of the gentleman's constituents. How he had been furThis memorial from the State of Indiana states, in sub-nished with names he would cheerfully, explain to his stance, that there is an unexampled distress throughout colleague; but he felt neither called upon nor at liberty the country, in consequence of the removal of the public to detain the House with details so unimportant and per deposites from the Bank of the United States. If this be sonal. For what purpose, (said Mr. F.,) or on what prethe case, the people which he had the honor to repre- cise evidence, my colleague is inclined to connect letters sent must be subject to the same calamity. But they had and packages I may have sent to Jefferson county with not sent their complaints here-the district gave a majori- the operations of gentlemen in New York whom I know ty of votes against General Jackson at the last presidential not, and of whom I never have before heard, I am unable election; yet he had not received a single petition or me- to determine. It is sufficient for me at this time to dismorial complaining of the removal of the deposites, or in favor of the bank. He had, it is true, received letters stating that the district was liberally supplied with speeches and reports in favor of the bank and against the

avow, as I do, all knowledge of the circular commented upon--its object, its authors, or its connexion with any transaction whatever, of a political or any other character. Mr. GRENNELL said, as the controversy was chang

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Franklin county (Muss.) Memorial-Rhode Island Resolutions--Cumberland Road. [JUNE 16, 1834.

ed from State to church affairs, he would move to lay the church," it was as well to arrest the debate and proceed memorial on the table; but withdrew it at the request of to other business. With this view he moved to lay the Mr. SELDEN, who observed that, as his name had memorial on the table, and thatit should be printed, with been alluded to by the honorable member from New the names; which motion prevailed.


FRANKLIN COUNTY (MASS.) MEMORIAL. The memorial from the inhabitants of Franklin county, Massachusetts, for renewing the charter of the Bank of the United States, and for the restoration of the deposites, having been taken up,

Mr. GRENNELL supported the views of the memorialists at length. His remarks have been given in preceding pages.] The memorial was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.


The resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island on the subject of the Bank of the United States, presented on a former day, being taken up,

York, [Mr. WARDWELL,] he would say a word in answer. It was intended to be insinuated that the circular read by the gentleman (which appeared to be a circular by some religious association) had some connexion with the distribution of documents in the county of Jefferson. S. said that, unfortunately for himself, he had very little to do with the church; less, no doubt, than he ought to have. With the circular, however, he had nothing to do, either directly or indirectly. Now, for the first time, he had heard of it. And the attempt made by the gentleman to form any alliance between him and the authors of this circular is wholly unfounded; there is not a shadow of truth in it; there is no evidence of any description in the possession of the gentleman or any other person, which could justify him in making the suggestion. It is untrue throughout. A bookseller of the county of Jefferson, who visited Washington in February or January last, and with whom, if he recollects, the honorable member is acquainted, requested him to send documents to dif Mr. PEARCE obtained the floor, in reply; but the ferent individuals, contained in a list which he prepared hour appointed for passing to the orders of the day havand handed to Mr. S. He had sent some, and was very ing arrived, his remarks were postponed. sorry that he could not send more. He would, with pleasure, furnish the gentlemen with a list of names of his constituents, if he would undertake to supply them with information; and if the gentleman was unwilling or afraid to trust his own constituents with the truth, he would also furnish them with information, so far as it might be in his power.

Mr. BURGES addressed the House in support of them, and in condemnation of the ruinous course of the administration.


The House then took up the bill from the Senate for the continuance and repair of the Cumberland road, from Cumberland, through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.

Mr. POLK said he felt no hostility to the passage of this bill, but could not consent to the large amount of Mr. S. said he had no fear to trust his constituents with appropriation it contained. It exceeded the appropriaany document or speech. They were able to ascertain tion of last year by six hundred and seventy-seven thouand understand the truth. Was it to be understood that sand dollars; and he was assured by the chief engineer the honorable gentleman was unwilling to do the same? that, whatever sum might be appropriated, not more than Were not his constituents to be trusted with information? three hundred thousand dollars could advantageously be Did he fear that they could not understand it? or, under- applied by the department during the present season. standing it, did he fear the consequences? Is this the The War Department had submitted three plans for the ground upon which the representative under our Gov repair of the road east of the Ohio. The first was the ernment hopes to preserve our institutions? Is it neces- construction of a clay road, which would cost one hundred sary, for this purpose, to keep the people in ignorance? and forty-seven thousand dollars. A second plan propoMr. WARDWELL replied that he had not complained sed to cover the road with stone taken from the immedithat the gentleman had sent documents into his district, ate vicinity, which would cost two hundred thousand but of the manner in which it was done. He had read a dollars. A third plan was to take up the stone foundacircular issued from the city of New York, requesting the tion which had been laid for the road on the old plan, and names of the religious people in his district, and had then to grade and Macadamize the whole in the best stated the fact that the documents were sent to them manner; this would cost six hundred and fifty-two thouunder the frank of "D. Selden" and "P. C. Fuller." sand one hundred and thirty dollars. This was for the The franks might be forgeries, for ought he knew; but one hundred and thirty-two miles between Cumberland the documents were sent in the manner he had men- and Wheeling, and would amount to about five thousand tioned. He was perfectly willing that the gentlemen dollars a mile. Mr. P. deprecated the latter plan, as should send information into his district, but he (Mr. W.) profligate and extravagant. He thought that it would was unable to furnish documents to the gentleman's con- be sufficient to cover the old foundation with a coat of stituents. He would furnish them, with pleasure, if he stone, such as was found on the spot by the road side; could get them without paying for them, as he presumed and, under this persuasion, he moved to amend the bill the gentleman did. by striking from it the appropriation of six hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars, and inserting three hundred thousand dollars.

Mr. SELDEN now understood the gentleman, he said, to convey the charge further than he did at first. He

He called for the reading of the report from the Committee of Ways and Means; which having been read,

had insinuated that he sent blank franks to New York or left them there, which he unequivocally denied. So far as the House has any interest in the question, it was right Mr. STEWART called for the reading of the report of to say that all the documents franked under his name the Secretary of War. He said it was now too late to were franked by him and from this city, and not else deliberate on which of the plans should be adopted, as where. His colleague, who had also been charged in the Department had already acted on the last plan. The like manner, had made the same denial. The gentleman old foundation had been taken up, and broken stone ha ought to be cautious in making suggestions, to go out been laid down upon the Macadam plan; it would be to the public, without any reasonable foundation. If the useless to cover the road with sandstone, which, in a gentleman intended to raise this insinuation, it was a short time, would be ground to powder by the immense matter between him and the gentleman. He would ask him travel constantly passing over the road. The reduction to point out any proof of any kind in support of the charge. now proposed had been moved in the Senate, and reject. Mr. GRENNELL said, as he perceived the honorable ed; should the bill now be reduced, it would probably members were passing from "the State" to "the share the same fate. The money appropriaaed last year

JUNE 16, 1834.]

Cumberland Road.

[H. OF R.

had been expended in November, and nothing having lieve it to be nugatory, as was intimated. Those who since been done to the road, all that was then done was, gave it would stand by it; nor had he any doubt that the for the most part, lost by the effect of rains, frost, and States would act honorably, and fulfil, to the letter, what travel. The States were ready to receive the road as they had promised. soon as it should be put in good repair. The sum now. asked would put it in complete repair; the Government would be entirely relieved, and the friends of the road would pledge themselves never to ask for another dollar. Mr. DAVIS, of South Carolina, inquired how often the same pledge had been given?

Mr. STEWART replied never, by himself, or by any one he knew of, because they had never been in a situation to give such a pledge.

Mr. DAVIS scouted the idea of gentlemen thus giving a pledge which they could not enforce. The same promise had been repeated on every new demand for money, He hoped the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means would persevere.

Mr. McKENNAN inquired of Mr. POLK, whether he meant to include in his amendment the striking out of the limitation in the last section of the bill, which provided that no more money should hereafter be appropriated for this object, and that, when this money had been expended, the road should be ceded to the States?

Mr. POLK said that he did not. He thought two hundred thousand dollars was sufficient to put the road in such a state of repair that it should be fit to be ceded. He referred to the large sums of money which had successively been appropriated to this work. He inveighed against the extravagance of the sum proposed in the bill, and went into estimates to show that this road had already cost the Government from eighteen to nineteen thousand dollars a mile.

Mr. McKENNAN signified his willingness to assent to the amendment.

Mr. WHITTLESEY pressed Mr. STEWART to do the


Mr. STEWART said that he could not, until he knew whether the chairman would himself vote for the bill, if reduced as proposed.

Mr. POLK, without directly answering this question, said that, if Mr. STEWART was willing to risk the bill as it now stood, he had no objections; but if the gentleman insisted upon the whole six hundred thousand dollars, he was ready to meet him.

Mr. McKENNAN was willing to accept the bill with the reduction, provided the restriction should be stricken out. The enlargement of the sum in the Senate had been the work, not of the friends, but of the opponents of the road, who had proposed this large sum, as a final grant, to get rid of the subject. The restriction declared that no more money should be appropriated. Supposing, then, that the three hundred thousand dollars should not be quite sufficient to complete the repairs, was the road to be left to go to ruin?

Mr. BEATY proposed, as a compromise, that the sum be divided, one-half to be expended this year, and the resi

due next.

Mr. THOMAS corrected the statement of Mr. POLK, from which he thought an impression had been left on the House that the proposed reduction would be in conformity with the views of the Secretary of War. The bill, as it came from the Senate, had received the approbation of that officer, having, in fact, been founded on estimates furnished by him. Mr. T. quoted the report of the War Department in support of this position; dwelt upon the waste of public money which had been occasioned by partial and insufficient appropriations, and insisted, at large, and with much earnestness, on the propriety of granting the whole sum proposed by the Senate. As to the condition of the treasury, to which the chairman had alluded, there was good grounds to justify the belief that the receipts for the next year would exceed, by three or four millions, the estimate submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Mr. SUTHERLAND pressed for a decision.

Mr. WHITTLESEY believed 300,000 dollars would be enough. He was opposed to taking up the foundation of the old road.

Mr. SUTHERLAND moved to amend Mr. POLK'S amendment, by substituting for the striking out of the 652,000 dollars, a proviso, that no more than 300,000 dollars of the money should be drawn from the treasury, during the present year, for the repair of said road.

Mr. ARCHER supported this amendment, and ridiculed the idea of giving pledges, which should bind their successors. No guaranty of that kind was of any value.

Mr. STEWART expressed his surprise that this motion should come from the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, [Mr. POLK,] who, he understood, would interpose no obstacle to the passage of this bill, though from constitutional doubts he would be constrained to vote against it. But as that gentleman had, notwithstanding, thought proper to move the reduction of the sum from 652,000 dollars to 300,000 dollars, he would not object to it, provided the gentleman would modify so as to strike out the provision in the bill which made this appropriation final, and thus make it conform to the bill reported by the Committee of Ways and Means; but if it was the object of the gentleman to reduce the sum more than onehalf, and still retain the restriction which made the appropriation final, he would be obliged to resist it; and he now wished to know distinctly from the honorable chairman whether he would so modify his motion of not?

[Mr. POLK signified his unwillingness so to modify, and said that his purpose was to reduce the sum and make it final, as he thought it sufficient, and the estimate extravagant.]

Mr. STEWART said he would be glad to know upon what ground the gentleman undertook thus to condemn the estimates of the War Department as extravagant. The Mr. McKAY, after quoting the several acts of Virginia, Secretary of War, the Chief Engineer, and the officers of Pennsylvania, and Maryland, assenting (the last two con- the engineer corps, who made this estimate, had no interditionally) to the cession of the road, proposed to amend the est in making it extravagant; besides, it was made after bill by reducing the sum appropriated to 500,000 dollars, two years' operations on the road, when the precise cost with the proviso that no more than 100,000 dollars should of labor and materials was accurately ascertained. This be expended until Pennsylvania and Maryland should estimate was printed, and placed, more than two months change the form of their acts, assenting to the cession, by ago, on the gentleman's table, giving, in detail, the exact dispensing with the condition now therein contained. quantity of work required to be done; every perch of Mr. WILSON was willing to accept the bill, if the re-stone; every drain, culvert, side-wall, and bridge; every striction should be taken out of it. Supposing the sum, thing required to complete the road from one end to the as reduced, should fail to put the road in such a state of other, with the precise cost of each item. Now, let the repair as was contemplated in the act of Pennsylvania and honorable chairman take up this estimate-no doubt he Maryland, how could the General Government require of had examined it-let him point out a single item that is those States, in that case, to take the road off of its hands? unnecessary, or too high; a single thing that is extravaAs to what had been said of the pledge, he did not be- gant; let him put his finger on it, and I will consent to

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Cumberland Road.

[JUNE 16, 1834.

strike it out. This he has not attempted. Why, then, ecutive department, it has been sanctioned by Congress, shall the gentleman, without knowledge or examination, and has been two years in progress; and now, after the rise in his place, and, with his eyes shut, pronounce at whole road (except about forty miles) has been taken up, random this minute and detailed estimate, made after two and is partly completed on the plan adopted, the gentleyears' experience, by practical, disinterested, and scien-man talks about a new system. It is too late, sir. Surely, tific engineers, absurd and extravagant? Why ask this the gentleman would not himself consent to put broken House to adopt his mere dictum in opposition to the en- sandstone on the fine limestone already put down. To lightened opinions of the War Department, communica- do so would, indeed, be a wanton waste of public money; ted to this House by the President himself. To do so it would not last six months; it would all be ground into would be equivalent to a vote of censure, which he sand before the next meeting of Congress, when a furhoped the House was not prepared to give. It is an easy ther appropriation would be required to place the road matter, sir, for gentlemen to talk here about extravagance in a condition to receive gates; the State laws requiring, and prodigality; it is easy to say, as has been said, that as a condition precedent, the "complete and thorough this road has cost 50,000 dollars a mile; and that the peo-repair of the road," preliminary to the erection of gates. ple upon it have made fortunes, by getting contracts at The question, therefore, as to the plan and the amount extravagant rates; this is mere declamation. Look at required, Mr. S. regarded as definitively settled by the the records in the Department, and you will find that the concurrent action of the Department and of Congress; most difficult portion of this road-made during the late and the only question remaining to be decided was, whewar, in the midst of mountains, overcoming difficulties ther the whole, or a part only, of the sum required should considered insurmountable, at a time when the price of now be appropriated. This was a question about which labor and provision was at the highest, passing sixty he felt very little solicitude, and should be perfectly satmiles over mountains-cost less that 10,000 dollars per isfied with any decision the House might think proper to mile; the next portion, from Uniontown to Washington, make. Ile would, however, suggest a few considerations cost only 6,400 dollars per mile, including bridges. A which seemed to him to favor the appropriation of the cheaper road, under similar circumstances, he contended, whole sum.

had never been constructed; and, so far form making In the first place, the Department, having the certainty fortunes, the fact was notorious that there were more of funds, could regulate their operations accordingly. honest and industrious men ruined on this road, by taking The whole road would at once be put under contract, and contracts too low, than had made fortunes by getting the work continued throughout the year, without the inthem too high.

jurious delays which occur here in the passage of approBut how, it is asked, is the repair of this road now so priation bills, by which the work has now been suspendexpensive? By attending to a very brief statement of the ed for nearly eight months. And a considerable portion facts, this would be readily understood. This road was of the work done last summer had, during the winter and originally constructed by laying down a substratum or spring, been entirely destroyed by the combined action pavement of loose stone, one foot in thickness, and super- of the frost, rain, and travel, and must again be repaired adding six inches of fine stone, to give it a smooth surat additional expense. face; and thus it was left, without any system for its Again: Congress, by making a final appropriation, preservation, exposed to the uncontrolled action of the would be relieved from all further trouble with this most travel and the elements, for more than fifteen years, du-troublesome subject; and those interested in the road ring all which time only three appropriations were made would find it their interest to hasten the erection of gates, for its repair, amounting, together, to one hundred and and promote an economical and profitable expenditure of seventy-eight thousand dollars. The road was, therefore, of the money, it being the last appropriation. But while in a most ruinous condition; the whole of the six inches Congress appropriate partially, from time to time, they of fine stone gone, and much of the rough pavement cut have no such interest. Hence, he thought, every considerthrough and destroyed. ation of economy and sound policy favored the appropriIn this condition, the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Jation of the entire sum at once. and Virginia, took it up, and passed the laws referred to sooner up, it would cost less, and be in every way better The gates would be in the bill, providing for the erection of gates and collec-than to continue to encounter the delays and embarasstion of tolls, whenever Congress should appropriate a ments which attended partial appropriations. sum sufficient to put the road in "a complete state of repair." To these acts Congress has assented; and two sum by the chairman of the Committee of Ways and The objection urged against appropriating the whole appropriations, one in 1832 and the other in 1833, have Means, on the ground that it would lock up this large sum been made to carry these acts into effect, and thereby in the treasury till the road was finished, was altogether throw the burden of repairs, from the national treasury, unfounded. Surely, that gentleman knows that the money on those who have the use and benefit of the road. The would be drawn from the treasury only as wanted, ancl condition of the road was inspected personally by the that, till required, it would remain blended with the othSecretary of War, and also by General Gratiot, the chief er funds, and applicable to the other wants of the Gorengineer, who were satisfied, from its dilapidated and ru-ernment. But the gentleman has also endeavored to inous condition, that a complete and thorough repair, alarm the House with the idea of a deficiency of revenue; such as was expressly required by the State laws, could and standing as he did, in the attitude of chancellor of the only be effected by taking up the road from its founda- exchequer, his opinions were entitled, on that account tions, and reconstructing it on Macadam's plan, for which to some weight. But here the gentleman again comes limestone (very scarce and expensive in the mountains) in direct collision with the Secretary of the Treasury, was the only suitable material; and it is mainly attributa- who says, in his annual report, communicated early in the ble to this fact that the expense of the repairs has been so session, that, after satisfying all the estimates for the sergreat. In pursuance of this plan, more than two-thirds vice of the year, and discharging the last dollar of the of the whole road has been taken up, and the first stra-public debt, there would still remain, exclusive of untum of four and a half inches of fine broken limestone put available funds, in the treasury on the 31st December down, and on much of it the second stratum, making nine next, $2,981,796 05, nearly three millions of dollars. inches of metal. It is, therefore, too late for the gentle-And a few days since, in answer to a call from the Senman from Tennessee [Mr. POLK] to talk about a different ate, the Secretary says the revenue has so far overrun plan; it is too late to rake up estimates made seven or this estimate, that the actual surplus, at the end of the eight years ago. The plan has been adopted by the Ex-year, after satisfying all demands, will exceed four mail

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